Adam Schiff Censured

Trump has nothing to gain by being president, it only costs him money, time and trouble.
Oh the joy of a denying mindset.
trump can do no wrong.
trump is pure and a true American Patriot sacrificing his personal gain for the advancement of all trump bootlickers supporters who say nice things.

I didn't know empty forged paper ballots could talk!
81 million > 74 million

So you think that the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee should be able to state that he has (nonexistent) evidence of criminal conduct by the President of US and not be held responsible for it? How MODerate of you.
We aren't talking about McCarthy......Kevin or even Joe....
Oh the joy of a denying mindset.
trump can do no wrong.
trump is pure and a true American Patriot sacrificing his personal gain for the advancement of all trump bootlickers supporters who say nice things.

81 million > 74 million

Globalists from Europe so ordered.
He should be brought up on sedition charges and go to jail.

Censure is nothing. Meaningless. Written off as a partisan tantrum.
He knew he was lying, and he was using the word "sedition" on President Trump to prove he can out-project anyone who was amused by the lies that destroyed Trump's bringing peace to the Middle East, his stopping illegal crossing on the southern border of the USA
Schiff should have been impeached except for the fact that Rino Congresspeople refused the ultimate embarrass meant for Schiff.
Maybe Schiff's obvious lying ways will be more clear even to RINOs following his shaming due to the facts presented in Congress yesterday about Schiff's blatant and serial lie-fest. America may wake up to smell the coffee that communism is a sorry state of affairs when people have to lie to stay alive or be severely dealt with. The Democrat Party is already punishing people who tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The people whose ancestors gave their lives to bring about a free country may have to rethink the Pelosi years through this very day of wild-eyed powermongers like Adam Schiff taking the whip to their grandchildren who dare to challenge the deep state mob. If Democracy survives, there will be deep state former congresscritters setting sail back to Europe since the big lie they proffer has been shaken down by a majority of Congress who may suffer for letting the truth win over the Communist Alinsky Plan Hillary Clinton was pushing. I pray for those who voted the chief bully be censured yesterday evening.
I have no idea what you think you proved there genius
Me either. That post should never have been made.

I think I posted the previous link about something else for another thread and then closed the relevant thing I was looking at, so screw it for now.
One was very well deserved: the second impeachment of Trump.

It occurred after he stood by and did nothing for hours while his cult followers battled cops and then occupied the Capitol in support of his despicable treasonous efforts to find a way to remain in power after losing the 2020 election. That 2nd impeachment was more than fully justified and should have led to his conviction in the Senate.

Conviction by the Senate would have ended Trump’s political career and the open threat he represents to “the rule of law” in our country, and it also could have allowed the GOP to quickly rebuild itself as a relatively healthy Conservative Party.

Senate conviction got a great majority but failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote only due to cowardly Republicans who knew better but feared losing votes from the base of MAGA morons who believed the “Big Lies” of Trump, a cunning propagandist, entertainer, demagogue and conman.

Our nation is now much the worse off as a result, deeply divided and potentially heading toward a disastrous crisis — all over a rich fat unprincipled lunatic, whose once relatively minor criminal and authoritarian tendencies have now festered, grown out of control, and merged with his long-standing megalomania.


Adam Schiff’s “censure” is utterly meaningless. Today’s Congressional Republican Party acts mostly out of pettiness, and sees itself as an actor in its own “theatre of the ridiculous.” The once-great GOP has become ever more petty and irrelevant, but will remain a mortal threat to democracy until it rids itself of its Trump-cultist MAGA crazies.
The details of Jan. 6 were distorted out of the great lie the Alinsky Method of destroying a free country and turning it into a Communist hellhole. There are none so blind as those that will not see the light of truth in misery. :dunno:
He should be thrown out of Congress, but he joins just two dozen other House members in history to get this punishment.

"As chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff launched an all-out political campaign built on baseless distortions against a sitting U.S. president, at the expense of every single citizen in this country and the honor of the House of Representatives," Luna said before the vote. "With access to sensitive information unavailable to most members of Congress and certainly not accessible to the American people, Schiff abused his privileges, claiming to know the truth while leaving Americans in the dark about his web of lies… lies so severe that they altered the course of the country forever."
No, I like it when people like you are so blatantly supportive of your own scum that you think everyone should be as well. And if they aren’t? Censure them…or throw them out of the legislature. But, it makes you feel good and it is all about feelings.

Except that's not why it happened? You need to get out more apparently. :dunno:
He should be thrown out of Congress, but he joins just two dozen other House members in history to get this punishment.

"As chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff launched an all-out political campaign built on baseless distortions against a sitting U.S. president, at the expense of every single citizen in this country and the honor of the House of Representatives," Luna said before the vote. "With access to sensitive information unavailable to most members of Congress and certainly not accessible to the American people, Schiff abused his privileges, claiming to know the truth while leaving Americans in the dark about his web of lies… lies so severe that they altered the course of the country forever."
Even though the Russian Hoax thing has been proven to be a hoax many times over and orchestrated by those abusing their power, this vote was on party lines, with just about every democrat backing Schiff's Russian collusion hoax to this day, as if it were true.

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