Adam Schiff Censured

The Mueller report absolutely proved that the Russians did help Trump and did NOT say there was no collusion


WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election but reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. That brought a hearty claim of vindication from Trump but set the stage for new rounds of political and legal fighting.

The battle began Monday as White House aides and allies blanketed television news broadcasts to trumpet the findings and claim that Trump has been the victim in a probe that never should have started.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump will let Attorney General William Barr decide whether the special counsel’s Russia report should be publicly released, though she adds that “he’s more than happy for any of this stuff to come out.”

:auiqs.jpg: Big deal. With censure, he loses any committee chair, but he lost that in January with the new Congress. He loses no pay, no benefit, still votes and retains his seat in Congress. Today he even got to take Durham apart, making him admit the Russian helped Trump in the 2016 election.
We're bad because Schiff was so pitied he was merely censured for his dervish lies? O.K. next time he tries to pull another fast one, we may have to remove him from Congress.

Thank you for noticing that a slap on the wrist is ineffective for dealing with people who lie to destroy others. Bearing false witness is breaking a Commandment so heinous it can divide a country. And Schiff had a little help from his party's billionaire boys. By the way, dividing America will cause starvation in third world countries that were damaged by Adam Schiff dishonest role models in the least democratic dictatorships in the world.

You shouldn't be so quick to celebrate the mercy Adam Schiff received last night. It's bad for the nation that used to celebrate people's honesty like young George Washington confessing to his father that yes, he chopped down the cherry tree that produce some of the best antioxidants that heal numerous human illnesses, and the kitchen medicinal magicians knew it more than 300 years ago. The cherry tree can save the lives of people who don't even know it.
It's fun to watch Trumpers pretend that Putin didn't say he directed his officials to help Trump win -- and he admitted it on NATIONAL TELEVISION.....but Trumpers gonna gaslight......


You may not like The Daily Beast, but the link has the video of the exchange between Congressman Schiff and Durham.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, Democrats claimed there was Trump/Russia collusion to influence the election. Not only was that not true but Democrats themselves were caught with their hands in the cookie jar feeding that narrative in order to influence the election.
Pretty funny right after Schiff got Durham to admit that there WAS Russian interference in the 2016 election. :heehee:
when did he or anyone else say there wasn't? I love how the dembot narrative has shifted from Russian and Trump conspired to simply, well Russia interfered...nobody ever claimed they didn't...they have for's just in 2016 we had the Dem party and their nominee paying Putin for disinformation, and then in true puppet fashion spend two years pushing that disinformation.
It's funny to watch Trumpers pretend that Trump didn't want to form a cyber-security partnership with Putin....AFTER SAYING HE TRUSTS PUTIN OVER HIS OWN SECURITY STAFF....THAT HE HIMSELF APPOINTED...

"President Trump’s announcement Sunday that he wants to form a cyber security partnership with Russia met immediate — and bipartisan — backlash.Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida said Vladimir Putin can never be a reliable partner or trusted ally – and especially not after he brazenly interfered in the 2016 presidential election. “Partnering with Putin on a ‘Cyber Security Unit’ is akin to partnering with Assad on a ‘Chemical Weapons Unit,’” Rubio said of the brutal Syrian leader who gassed his own people."

I am just going to post this again because its fun watching Trumpers ignore it...

View attachment 797523
I'm just going to tell you one more time, although it is not fun to me that you will ignore it that the Mueller Report with its 20 weaponized Democrat attorneys did not find any collusion (nor any contact whatsoever with the Soviets for that matter) of Trump receiving any aid from Russia, regardless of who on the leftist lockstep press said otherwise.

Trying to humor yourself with more false narratives is likely to fall on deaf ears, O holey knifer whose blades are brightly shining. :rolleyes-41:
when did he or anyone else say there wasn't? I love how the dembot narrative has shifted from Russian and Trump conspired to simply, well Russia interfered...nobody ever claimed they didn't...they have for's just in 2016 we had the Dem party and their nominee paying Putin for disinformation, and then in true puppet fashion spend two years pushing that disinformation.
Why do you folks keep ignoring this??

This email wasn't found in Hillary's inbox.....


because if it was, weirdos like you wouldn't be trying to so hard to ignore it...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election but reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. That brought a hearty claim of vindication from Trump but set the stage for new rounds of political and legal fighting.

The battle began Monday as White House aides and allies blanketed television news broadcasts to trumpet the findings and claim that Trump has been the victim in a probe that never should have started.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump will let Attorney General William Barr decide whether the special counsel’s Russia report should be publicly released, though she adds that “he’s more than happy for any of this stuff to come out.”

Written PRIOR TO the release of the Mueller Report
I'm just going to tell you one more time, although it is not fun to me that you will ignore it that the Mueller Report with its 20 weaponized Democrat attorneys did not find any collusion (nor any contact whatsoever with the Soviets for that matter) of Trump receiving any aid from Russia, regardless of who on the leftist lockstep press said otherwise.

Trying to humor yourself with more false narratives is likely to fall on deaf ears, O holey knifer whose blades are brightly shining. :rolleyes-41:
MAGAts are such gullible fools.........
I'm just going to tell you one more time, although it is not fun to me that you will ignore it that the Mueller Report with its 20 weaponized Democrat attorneys did not find any collusion (nor any contact whatsoever with the Soviets for that matter) of Trump receiving any aid from Russia, regardless of who on the leftist lockstep press said otherwise.

Trying to humor yourself with more false narratives is likely to fall on deaf ears, O holey knifer whose blades are brightly shining. :rolleyes-41:
That’s totally untrue. They detailed all sorts of contacts with Russians INCLUDING Manafort giving polling data to a Russian agent and Stone dealing with Guccifer 2.0 (Russian military Intel) through Wikileaks
It's funny to watch Trumpers pretend that Trump didn't want to form a cyber-security partnership with Putin....AFTER SAYING HE TRUSTS PUTIN OVER HIS OWN SECURITY STAFF....THAT HE HIMSELF APPOINTED...

"President Trump’s announcement Sunday that he wants to form a cyber security partnership with Russia met immediate — and bipartisan — backlash.Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida said Vladimir Putin can never be a reliable partner or trusted ally – and especially not after he brazenly interfered in the 2016 presidential election. “Partnering with Putin on a ‘Cyber Secuy Unit’ is akin to partnering with Assad on a ‘Chemical Weapons Unit,’” Rubio said of the brutal Syrian leader who gassed his own people."

yeah, silly idea...Rubio was right....and Rubio backhanded dig at Obama and Xiden admin, that did partner with Putin on a Chemical weapons unit to deal with Assad...hahaha brilliant comment on so many levels
I'm just going to tell you one more time, although it is not fun to me that you will ignore it that the Mueller Report with its 20 weaponized Democrat attorneys did not find any collusion (nor any contact whatsoever with the Soviets for that matter) of Trump receiving any aid from Russia, regardless of who on the leftist lockstep press said otherwise.

Trying to humor yourself with more false narratives is likely to fall on deaf ears, O holey knifer whose blades are brightly shining. :rolleyes-41:
Soviets don't exist anymore moron..

But yes, they had contacts with Russians.....more than once.....

"The report notes how Manafort shared internal Trump campaign polling data with Kilimnik and says there is “some evidence” Kilimnik may have been connected to Russia’s effort to hack and leak Democratic emails, though that information is redacted."

Kiliminik is LITERALLY a Russian intelligence officer...if this was him doing this on behalf of Hillary, you would swear its smoking evidence and call for her shut the fuck up...but wait, there's more..

They also met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Rinat Akhmetshin -- that was the meeting that Trump Jr lied about....more than once....imagine if the Biden campaign lied about meetings with Russians....but like I said, Trumpers must lie...

And finally...this is what Durham backed up "UNDER OATH" ......

"Mueller concluded in his report issued last year that Russia interfered in the election through hacking and a covert social media campaign and that the Trump campaign embraced the help and expected to benefit from it"
Why didn't Durham say under oath that this is not true? Oh I know why...because those lies hit different under oath...which is why you folks are so scared to death of Trump ever being under oath...
Why do you folks keep ignoring this??

This email wasn't found in Hillary's inbox.....

View attachment 797524

because if it was, weirdos like you wouldn't be trying to so hard to ignore it...
who's ignoring it? what about it? It's hardly uncommon for people to offer dirt to a campaign, and a campaign be willing to hear about it. It's not uncommon at all.

you all are trying to make it one, because your hoax was exposed. Now you are left with nothing but a disgraced censored Congressman and his parody
yeah, silly idea...Rubio was right....and Rubio backhanded dig at Obama and Xiden admin, that did partner with Putin on a Chemical weapons unit to deal with Assad...hahaha brilliant comment on so many levels

Yea, forming a cyber security team is bad......

but you area saying partnering with Syria and Putin is also bad?

Or is it only good when your cult leader does it?

If the Republicans acted exactly like the Democrats, you would be howling. Progs put on Hollywood Productions for the masses. Republicans put on archaic low wattage old style UHF shows which is how Democrats should be also.
Trust me. The behavior by so-called republicans is hardly "old style". Been there, done that.
who's ignoring it? what about it? It's hardly uncommon for people to offer dirt to a campaign, and a campaign be willing to hear about it. It's not uncommon at all.

you all are trying to make it one, because your hoax was exposed. Now you are left with nothing but a disgraced censored Congressman and his parody
Actually....hostile governments offering dirt to you in a campaign is very is ILLEGAL IN FACT....

"when it comes to foreign influence, the law is clear: As Weintraub wrote, it is “illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.”

The utter level of ignorance that comes from you Trumpers is mind boggling..

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