Adam Schiff Censured

Being censured by a republican controlled congress is a badge of honor of a democrat.
  • Yuppers.
  • Being caught lying and deceiving Americans is a badge of honor to a democrat.
  • Costing the taxpayers millions in a fake investigation is a badge of honor to a democrat.
  • Getting away with one hoax after another is a badge of honor to a democrat.
  • Making yourself into a millionaire by stealing from the treasury is a badge of honor to a democrat.
THats actually not true. I scored a 136 on the ASVAB, which tenically qualified me for "nuclear engineering school" (you need a minimum of 135 to be a "nuke tech"), but those guys are usually in the high 140's. I was sent to Ejection Seat school instead.

The ASVAB score goes to 99

Your 136 would have been in a subset portion of the test score (example below is GT) but the score of the test is 0-99

I was a recruiter I took plenty of recruits to the ASVAB

Golfing Gator looks like we got another one lol
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… which produced nothing but Republican propaganda, while the investigations of the Trump Administration and its relation to Russia at least produced … a few convictions in the courts.

Of course those legal convictions of Trump loyalists were all pardoned by the man who puts personal loyalty above loyalty to our Constitution and the rule of law.
not one trump aide was convicted of conspiring with Russia or collusion so your lie is not going to work retard.
Yeah, we know you lefties think lying to the American people isn't any big deal, wasting millions of dollars on a proven witch hunt is fine by you, as long as the target is on the 'right'. It's piece of shit 'Americans' like you that enable, promote, and support the corruption that should face the consequences, along with your corrupt piece of shit pols. Someday.
I am more worried about you anarchist, anti-American, anti-free voting, anti-Constitutional assholes, that want to go big government control, as long as you get to control the big government. While not thrilled with either or the two parties, with the leadership you trumpers are leaning toward and what it means for the country, you are the biggest threat and are indeed and the real anti-American piece of shit. :spank: :9:
Actually....hostile governments offering dirt to you in a campaign is very is ILLEGAL IN FACT....

"when it comes to foreign influence, the law is clear: As Weintraub wrote, it is “illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.”

The utter level of ignorance that comes from you Trumpers is mind boggling..
And yet NO ONE ACTUALLY found any evidence that Trump or his campaign violated the law, go figure.
I am more worried about you anarchist, anti-American, anti-free voting, anti-Constitutional assholes, that want to go big government control, as long as you get to control the big government. While not thrilled with either or the two parties, with the leadership you trumpers are leaning toward and what it means for the country, you are the biggest threat and are indeed and the real anti-American piece of shit. :spank: :9:
It not Republicans trying to groom the populace into an anti white, gay agenda pal
Russia didn't help Trump in the 2016 election. Where were you during the long, knock-down dragged out the $25,000,000.00 Mueller Report that found President Trump did not collude with the Russians?
I have the copy here. I read every page. Yes there was interference and yes Team Trump benefited after asking. You should read it, not just listen to right wing talking heads talk about it.
I am more worried about you anarchist, anti-American, anti-free voting, anti-Constitutional assholes, that want to go big government control, as long as you get to control the big government. While not thrilled with either or the two parties, with the leadership you trumpers are leaning toward and what it means for the country, you are the biggest threat and are indeed and the real anti-American piece of shit. :spank: :9:

You're truly a dupe of mainstream 'media'. :cuckoo:
Schiff lied more than Trump. He actively worked against the duly elected president, and wasted 40 million taxpayer dollars on a bullshit witch hunt. Those actions weakened the USA and aided our enemies.

Schiff is an unethical piece of shit who should spend the rest of his life in prison for fraud.
If the FBI and Congress wanted to help the Chinese by destroying the trust of average Americans, they did a pretty good job.

This is why Biden was selected to run with Barack Obama.
He had so many skeletons in his closet that the FBI and the MSM would have to spend most of their time covering it up, which led to an almost total lack of trust in any form of government in the United States.
It's a communist's wetdream.
I have the copy here. I read every page. Yes there was interference and yes Team Trump benefited after asking. You should read it, not just listen to right wing talking heads talk about it.
Course you have to ignore a lot of it to draw that conclusion.
I've been focused on this story for over 6 years.
The Durham report is eye-opening, but not much in it is surprising to me.
Some of the methods the Obama Adm used are frightening, but looking into his background, little is surprising to me.

Fact is Durham wasn't allowed to do a full investigation because the DOJ refused to cooperate with him.
He wasn't allowed to interview many of the bad-actors in Operation Crossfire-Hurricane.
He couldn't even talk to Andrew McCabe.
He couldn't talk to Peter Strzok.

He was given a lane to follow by 'somebody' that didn't allow him to look for actual crimes.
He lost in court in two trials and convicted only a lower level underling.
However, there is a ton of evidence he wasn't allowed to act on because the DOJ claims it has to do with national security.
Course you have to ignore a lot of it to draw that conclusion.
I've been focused on this story for over 6 years.
The Durham report is eye-opening, but not much in it is surprising to me.
Some of the methods the Obama Adm used are frightening, but looking into his background, little is surprising to me.

Fact is Durham wasn't allowed to do a full investigation because the DOJ refused to cooperate with him.
He wasn't allowed to interview many of the bad-actors in Operation Crossfire-Hurricane.
He couldn't even talk to Andrew McCabe.
He couldn't talk to Peter Strzok.

He was given a lane to follow by 'somebody' that didn't allow him to look for actual crimes.
He lost in court in two trials and convicted only a lower level underling.
However, there is a ton of evidence he wasn't allowed to act on because the DOJ claims it has to do with national security.
Eric Swalwell asked Durham about how Trump “tried and concealed from the public a real-estate deal he was seeking in Moscow.” This was a deal, described in the Mueller report, in which the Russian government promised Trump several hundreds of millions of dollars in profit at no risk to himself to license a tower in Moscow. The proposed payoff, and Trump’s public lies at the time about it, gave Russia enormous leverage over his campaign. Durham replied, “I don’t know anything about that.”

When Adam Schiff asked Durham if the Russians released stolen information through cutouts, he replied, “I’m not sure.” Schiff responded, “The answer is yes,” to which Durham reported, “In your mind, it’s yes.”

When Schiff asked Durham if he knew that, hours after Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails and release them, Russian hackers made an attempt to hack Clinton emails, Durham replied, “If that happened, I’m not aware of that.”

When asked if Trump referred to those stolen emails more than 100 times on the campaign trail, Durham answered, “I don’t really read the newspapers and listen to the news.”

And when Schiff asked Durham if he was aware that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, passed on polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence agent, at the time Russia was conducting both a social-media campaign and the release of stolen documents to help Trump, Durham replied, “You may be getting beyond the depth of my knowledge.”

David Corn reacted incredulously to the last profession of ignorance. “The Manafort-Kilimnik connection — which the Senate Intelligence Committee report characterized as a ‘grave counterintelligence threat’ — is one of the most serious and still not fully explained components of the Trump-Russia scandal,” he writes. “It is inconceivable that Durham is unaware of this troubling link.”

John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal

No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt.
We're bad because Schiff was so pitied he was merely censured for his dervish lies? O.K. next time he tries to pull another fast one, we may have to remove him from Congress.

Thank you for noticing that a slap on the wrist is ineffective for dealing with people who lie to destroy others. Bearing false witness is breaking a Commandment so heinous it can divide a country. And Schiff had a little help from his party's billionaire boys. By the way, dividing America will cause starvation in third world countries that were damaged by Adam Schiff dishonest role models in the least democratic dictatorships in the world.

You shouldn't be so quick to celebrate the mercy Adam Schiff received last night. It's bad for the nation that used to celebrate people's honesty like young George Washington confessing to his father that yes, he chopped down the cherry tree that produce some of the best antioxidants that heal numerous human illnesses, and the kitchen medicinal magicians knew it more than 300 years ago. The cherry tree can save the lives of people who don't even know it.
Go for it. He is from some California district, I don't visit, much less live or vote in.
Last night's partisan vote along party lines to censure was pointless and meaningless.
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The American people know this is purely partisan, done in bad faith, and is completely devoid of merit.

Both the impeachment of Trump and subsequent investigation were perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted.
The first impeachment of Trump was unethical, and Schiff swore on a stack of Bibles that he had evidence of Trump that was mind-blowing, but in fact was just a bunch of doctored evidence and nasty comments by Democrats.
It was total hogwash. How dare Trump talk on the phone to the Democrat Party's best money-launderer (Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy)

The second impeachment was intended to keep Trump from declassifying evidence that they were covering up with respect to Russian Collusion. They used Jan 6th for this purpose.
Course you have to ignore a lot of it to draw that conclusion.
I've been focused on this story for over 6 years.
The Durham report is eye-opening, but not much in it is surprising to me.
Some of the methods the Obama Adm used are frightening, but looking into his background, little is surprising to me.

Fact is Durham wasn't allowed to do a full investigation because the DOJ refused to cooperate with him.
He wasn't allowed to interview many of the bad-actors in Operation Crossfire-Hurricane.
He couldn't even talk to Andrew McCabe.
He couldn't talk to Peter Strzok.

He was given a lane to follow by 'somebody' that didn't allow him to look for actual crimes.
He lost in court in two trials and convicted only a lower level underling.
However, there is a ton of evidence he wasn't allowed to act on because the DOJ claims it has to do with national security.
He was appointed by Trump DOJ and we did not hear he was impeded while the investigation was ongoing, even under the Trump administration. Hell, we hear little or nothing while the Trump administration was in office. The man's a dunsel.
Eric Swalwell asked Durham about how Trump “tried and concealed from the public a real-estate deal he was seeking in Moscow.” This was a deal, described in the Mueller report, in which the Russian government promised Trump several hundreds of millions of dollars in profit at no risk to himself to license a tower in Moscow. The proposed payoff, and Trump’s public lies at the time about it, gave Russia enormous leverage over his campaign. Durham replied, “I don’t know anything about that.”

When Adam Schiff asked Durham if the Russians released stolen information through cutouts, he replied, “I’m not sure.” Schiff responded, “The answer is yes,” to which Durham reported, “In your mind, it’s yes.”

When Schiff asked Durham if he knew that, hours after Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails and release them, Russian hackers made an attempt to hack Clinton emails, Durham replied, “If that happened, I’m not aware of that.”

When asked if Trump referred to those stolen emails more than 100 times on the campaign trail, Durham answered, “I don’t really read the newspapers and listen to the news.”

And when Schiff asked Durham if he was aware that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, passed on polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence agent, at the time Russia was conducting both a social-media campaign and the release of stolen documents to help Trump, Durham replied, “You may be getting beyond the depth of my knowledge.”

David Corn reacted incredulously to the last profession of ignorance. “The Manafort-Kilimnik connection — which the Senate Intelligence Committee report characterized as a ‘grave counterintelligence threat’ — is one of the most serious and still not fully explained components of the Trump-Russia scandal,” he writes. “It is inconceivable that Durham is unaware of this troubling link.”

John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal

No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt.

Swallowswell the Chinese asset?

Fuck that traitor.
Oh the joy of a denying mindset.
trump can do no wrong.
trump is pure and a true American Patriot sacrificing his personal gain for the advancement of all trump bootlickers supporters who say nice things.
Did I say that, jackass? All I said is that unlike others, Trump is the one candidate for president who needs no career boost or income from whatever politicians do in Washington to get rich because he already has all that. So all that is left besides the ego boost of being president is the satisfaction of knowing you did good for the people of the country.

81 million > 74 million
That would be great and true if only you could show that those 81 million all had legal chain of custody back to legit voters but you know you don't. If Joe asked today who wanted him for president, I bet he wouldn't even get a quarter of that.
Eric Swalwell asked Durham about how Trump “tried and concealed from the public a real-estate deal he was seeking in Moscow.” This was a deal, described in the Mueller report, in which the Russian government promised Trump several hundreds of millions of dollars in profit at no risk to himself to license a tower in Moscow. The proposed payoff, and Trump’s public lies at the time about it, gave Russia enormous leverage over his campaign. Durham replied, “I don’t know anything about that.”

When Adam Schiff asked Durham if the Russians released stolen information through cutouts, he replied, “I’m not sure.” Schiff responded, “The answer is yes,” to which Durham reported, “In your mind, it’s yes.”

When Schiff asked Durham if he knew that, hours after Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails and release them, Russian hackers made an attempt to hack Clinton emails, Durham replied, “If that happened, I’m not aware of that.”

When asked if Trump referred to those stolen emails more than 100 times on the campaign trail, Durham answered, “I don’t really read the newspapers and listen to the news.”

And when Schiff asked Durham if he was aware that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, passed on polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence agent, at the time Russia was conducting both a social-media campaign and the release of stolen documents to help Trump, Durham replied, “You may be getting beyond the depth of my knowledge.”

David Corn reacted incredulously to the last profession of ignorance. “The Manafort-Kilimnik connection — which the Senate Intelligence Committee report characterized as a ‘grave counterintelligence threat’ — is one of the most serious and still not fully explained components of the Trump-Russia scandal,” he writes. “It is inconceivable that Durham is unaware of this troubling link.”

John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal

No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt.

Part of the reason that Durham couldn't answer some of those questions is because the answer is still classified.

Durham's focus was on the Steele Dossier. He wasn't allowed to dig into all of the stuff that Adam Schiff and other's were questioning him on. They knew about it because they had seen it all. Durham wasn't allowed to see it or could not comment on it.

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