Adam Schiff Censured

You spend too much time reading supermarket tabloids.
Nope, I actually read the Mueller report in full, as tedious it was.... It's y'all that refused to read it, not even parts of it.... (I'm uncertain if you have read it or not, so I am speaking in generalities!)

so I do have a better understanding of the whole situation, what happened and what did not, and what could be shown to have happened along with what they could not show happened, at the time the investigation was ended....

There is no law of collusion to break.....Trump and campaign could use all the Russian hacked and stolen emails that they wanted, or forward any Russian fake news against hillary that they wanted etc which is highly unethical for a candidate to do, but it is not breaking any law on the books.

If the trump team had conspired with the Russians, (coordinated ahead of time) to create the fake ads or to hack and steal the DNC emails for their own benefit, it would have broken the law... A conspiracy to defraud or commit theft.

the special counsel could not prove the Trump team conspired with the Russians to do that, beyond a reasonable doubt, at the time the investigation ended.
I like how all the Dimwinger Cultists gathered around on the floor of the House and chanted approval of this proven serial liar who was just disgraced in front of the world.

Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open​


Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open​

So in other words, Mueller wasn't part of the Deep State cabal hell-bent on putting Trump in prison and destroying America?


Now can you show me why Donnie Jr would have lied about meeting with Russians in order to get dirt on Hillary from Russians??

Soviets don't exist anymore moron..

But yes, they had contacts with Russians.....more than once.....

"The report notes how Manafort shared internal Trump campaign polling data with Kilimnik and says there is “some evidence” Kilimnik may have been connected to Russia’s effort to hack and leak Democratic emails, though that information is redacted."

Kiliminik is LITERALLY a Russian intelligence officer...if this was him doing this on behalf of Hillary, you would swear its smoking evidence and call for her shut the fuck up...but wait, there's more..

They also met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Rinat Akhmetshin -- that was the meeting that Trump Jr lied about....more than once....imagine if the Biden campaign lied about meetings with Russians....but like I said, Trumpers must lie...

And finally...this is what Durham backed up "UNDER OATH" ......

"Mueller concluded in his report issued last year that Russia interfered in the election through hacking and a covert social media campaign and that the Trump campaign embraced the help and expected to benefit from it"
Why didn't Durham say under oath that this is not true? Oh I know why...because those lies hit different under oath...which is why you folks are so scared to death of Trump ever being under oath...
hahha no he is not "literally a Russian intelligence officer" - that's more Adam Shifty parody...he's not even Russian. He worked for the US backed International Republican Institute in Moscow, which is a NGO, that supports the development of democracies, and then worked for Manafort as a Ukrainian translator
Yea, forming a cyber security team is bad......

but you area saying partnering with Syria and Putin is also bad?

Or is it only good when your cult leader does it?

hahaha Trump handed Syria to Putin? hahahahha Putin was already in Syria thanks to Obama and Xiden! Trump bombed their asses after they crossed Obama's red line.

more propaganda and parody
hahaha Trump handed Syria to Putin? hahahahha Putin was already in Syria thanks to Obama and Xiden! Trump bombed their asses after they crossed Obama's red line.

more propaganda and parody
Um, his own admission he fact, he left the Kurds hanging after vowing to not turn his back on them..remember that?

If not, I can remind you of what the Kurds themselves said....

"After the Americans abandoned the region and gave the green light for the Turkish attack, we were forced to explore another option, which is talks with Damascus and Moscow to find a way out and thwart these Turkish attacks," senior Kurdish official Badran Jia Kurd said. To put it another way, Trump has essentially gifted one of America's strongest partnerships in the Middle East to Russian President Vladimir Putin."

Trump is applauding Russia's victory in Syria after handing it to them on a platter

You Trumpers really should read more....getting all of your information from memes makes you look stupid when you try to debate someone like me.
Durham didn't prove it, we knew that long before that.
So after 5 years, he couldn't prove something that you morons claim there were mountains of evidence on?

Why didn't you give him the evidence you guys had? Or does evidence read off of memes not count?
But Hillary definitely colluded with Russia tho right?

Durham proved it, didn't he?

“The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research, such as the Steele dossier. The FBI relied on the dossier and [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] applications, knowing there was likely material originating from a political campaign or political opponent.”

The report also revealed that evidence of Trump-Russia collusion never materialized and that Steele’s dossier was linked to Russian sources.

While Durham's yearslong investigation provided substantial evidence that many of the biggest Trump-Russia collusion claims could be traced back to the Clinton campaign and Democratic operatives, his new report also repeatedly raised the possibility that the dossier at the heart of the collusion claims contained Russian disinformation.

Says the biggest liar on this board Mr 129 ASVAB score on a test that goes to 99
THats actually not true. I scored a 136 on the ASVAB, which tenically qualified me for "nuclear engineering school" (you need a minimum of 135 to be a "nuke tech"), but those guys are usually in the high 140's. I was sent to Ejection Seat school instead.
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So after 5 years, he couldn't prove something that you morons claim there were mountains of evidence on?

Why didn't you give him the evidence you guys had? Or does evidence read off of memes not count?
He proved it thoroughly. Thats why a bunch of people were removed from their positions and the FBI made a bunch of policy changes to ensure that it never happens again.

If you have to lie in order to win your side of the debate, why did you take that position in the first place? Why not take the CORRECT position instead? This shit is weird as fuck. :dunno:
He proved it thoroughly. Thats why a bunch of people were removed from their positions and the FBI made a bunch of policy changes to ensure that it never happens again.

If you have to lie in order to win your side of the debate, why did you take that position in the first place? Why not take the CORRECT position instead? This shit is weird as fuck. :dunno:
So Struth was incorrect when she said Durham didn't prove it -- and you are saying he did prove it?

Did he prove it in your heart and feels but just not in a court? Because in court, he didn't prove shit....

But hey, as long as you have your feels......but why are you so upset at us who feel the Mueller report proved Russians offered dirt to the Trump campaign, meddled in the election, all to help Trump??

The investigation even came with convictions...lots of them.....and before you say "but but but, they were not for collusion" -- how many of the cases Durham brought was for "the Russia hoax" -- but like I said....feelings are important to hypersensitive cucks like yourself...
Schiff promised he had direct evidence implicating Trump in Russian collusion. He was Lying and bluffing, simply hoping something would be found or made to stick. Yes, he needs to be thrown out. Sensure completely warranted.
Klingons abhor traitors. We saw who they are with the Ukraine war. They went over there to genuflect. And we have spent 130 billion dollars in only two years.
I get it. You are pro-Russia and our support is interfering in what you see as the optimum benefit to Vlad and you. Most (especially us retired "Cold Warriors" do not see it that way and see the benefit of non-Russian dominated countries in Europe and have no intention of letting it fall, as we all know, how hard, expensive and costly in terms of lives it was to get it free again.

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