Affordable horror story

Once again, Stewart provides us with a token "argument" against the President, but then immediately go into "oh but the other side is worse because some Fox News guy said this:..."
FoxNews is not the President of the United States and they are not presenting a bill that controls 1/5th of the U.S. Economy and effects the lives of every single American.
It is like comparing a broken finger to having Stage 4 cancer.
The Administration purposefully and repeatedly told a lie that ultimately is why the bill became law.
Comparing this to commentators and pundits talking about it is absurd and disingenuous.
And anyone with an I.Q. above 85, that is not hamstrung by his/her starry love of this President knows the fucking difference.
This administration deliberately, knowingly and specifically mislead the public as well as other branches of government in order to get one of the largest and most important bills passed in over 70 years.

This is the only thing that matters. And besides Fox, most of the media is either ignoring this or glazing right over it.
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