'Afghan Withdrawl 2.0' - Biden Administration Has No Intention Of Helping Americans In Sudan Get Out

They got US Embassy personnel out and a few others as well. The US is never in a position to get every single American expat or dual citizen who chooses to live in an unstable country. If you move or work abroad, you do so knowing the potential risks. If you can't accept those risks, then stay here.
View attachment 779405
'See ya - Wouldn't want to be ya!'

'The Biden administration has announced it has no plans to assist U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan, currently engulfed in civil war.'

Since when did Pedo Joe give two hoots about America or Americans? His entire career has reflected disdain for his "fellow" citizens. He didn't help our friends and allies in Afghanistan, so why help anyone in Sudan? Somewhere ... there's a hemp rope waiting for the traitor. I'm not sure if it's on earth or in hell.
View attachment 779405
'See ya - Wouldn't want to be ya!'

'The Biden administration has announced it has no plans to assist U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan, currently engulfed in civil war.'

He can't leave billions of dollars of military equipment in Sudan, so he ain't interested. The poor Americans over there will foolishly be thinking, "We can count on our President". Sadly, look at the idiot in the White House, he couldn't count to 5.
undeniably proven criminal and compromised head of the Biden crime family.

Damn, I know I have not been paying attention to the news lately, but how did I miss that trial.

Do you have a link to the guilty verdict?
Damn, I know I have not been paying attention to the news lately, but how did I miss that trial.

Do you have a link to the guilty verdict?
We all know all politicians are crooks, the ones not caught are just better at hiding their tracks and not leave a trail of evidence. If you think Biden is squeaky clean, then you're thicker than the desk in the oval office.
Damn, I know I have not been paying attention to the news lately, but how did I miss that trial.

Trolls like you have been saying Trump is 'guilty' for 7 years without a trial ... or without a crime / evidence / witnesses.

When actual, undeniable evidence of crimes committed by Democrats are exposed tou tuck your genitals between your legs, hike up your skirts, and start screaming like little bitches about 'not guilty' because of no conviction, proving you are a bunch of indoctrinated Democrat cucks.
Trolls like you have been saying Trump is 'guilty' for 7 years wothout a trial ... or without a crime / evidrnce / witnesses.

I am sure you can find a link to a post of me doing so.....I will be happy to wait while you look.
I think Biden is dirty as hell, but I also know that nothing has been proven, as was the claim that I responded to.
They all are, which makes me wonder why people love and defend certain politicians/president's. They never have anyone's best interests at heart, other than theirs.

The biggest of them all which was cringe worthy, Obama, watching him milk the sheep for 8 years was embarrassing.
The biggest of them all which was cringe worthy, Obama, watching him milk the sheep for 8 years was embarrassing.

Was it really any more embarrassing than what Trump has done since 2016?

Hell, at least once he left the White House Obama was able to move on and enjoy the good life.
I am sure you can find a link to a post of me doing so.....I will be happy to wait while you look.
No need - everyone knows you do it all the time. Demanding a link showing you do something all the time, that you KNOW you do, just makes you an ignorant cuck. I don't play your games, cuck.
No need - everyone knows you do it all the time. Demanding a link showing you do something all the time, that you KNOW you do, just makes you an ignorant cuck. I don't play your games, cuck.

Yep, just like all the others you make a claim and lack the balls to back it up.

How boring.
Was it really any more embarrassing than what Trump has done since 2016?

Hell, at least once he left the White House Obama was able to move on and enjoy the good life.

There's the liberal extremist declaration again about how all of the partisan persecution against Trump is HIS fault simply because he won't go away like Democrats want him to.

Nothing is more pathetic ... and criminal ... than spending 7yeatrs violating the Constitltution, breaking laws, violating tbe Patriot Act, defrauding the FISA Courts, illegally spying on Americans, interfering in elections, attempting failed coups and criminal Impeachments, illegally manufacturing fake evidence and non-exiistent whistleblowers, etc... trying to 'Get Trump' ... AND REPEATEDLY FAILING ... while protecting a proven, exposed, criminal, compromised, treasonous, dementia-ravaged old fart and his criminalfamyily .

You have been such a devoted, loyal, Biden-apologist, 'Get Trump' cuck. :itsok:
There are 16,000 Americans in currently Sudan. They got in themselves, they can get out themselves.
Embassy staff are the president's direct reports, he is responsible to keep them safe on the job.

Ukraine was invaded by Russia. NATO should just make Ukraine a member and then the war is over.
I don't think that's what would happen..
Was it really any more embarrassing than what Trump has done since 2016?

Hell, at least once he left the White House Obama was able to move on and enjoy the good life.
And why is that so when Obama went into The White House not having much money at all?
Just for your motivation most of the 16,000 US Citizens in Sudan are dual citizens... This would make them black with a African accent in a lot of cases.. So do you still want to send troops?

You do realize DUAL CITIZENS means they are STILL American, right dumbass?

So how long have you known you are a racist...or hasn't it dawned on you yet?

What do you have against blacks who have accents?

Does the fact that there are WHITE dual citizens with accents make a difference, or is it just the blacks you have a problem sending in the military to rescue?

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