African Christians...

You posted "Christians"...Muhammad was neither a Christian nor God...
Thanks for raising the stupid hand again...

LOL No. YOU said that only stupid people believe that a White guy was walking around the Middle East, but as everyone can see YOU are the stupid one LOLOL.
You posted "Christians"...Muhammad was neither a Christian nor God...
Thanks for raising the stupid hand again...

LOL No. YOU said that only stupid people believe that a White guy was walking around the Middle East, but as everyone can see YOU are the stupid one LOLOL.
And you still have posted nothing that proves a white guy was...
So you decided to raise the student hand for a

Yeah please post your evidence of a white jesus,white christian or white Mohammad walking around africa and the middle east 2000 years ago.
God you new people get dumber with every post.
Can anyone explain why God's race would matter?...
Because nobody's going to worship a black god. :lol:
Sorry white boy. Marco Polo says bullshit.

Long before whites advanced the concept of god being white and recessive, everyone worshipped Black gods. Think about it? Who would want a pale genetically recessive god that reflects nothing in nature?

3quarksdaily: Marco Polo's India

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker.. No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow.’
-Marco Polo
Blacks complain a lot about crackers, but they sure love worshipping the white God.
God if he exists is obviously Black. Man was created in his image and the first men on the planet were Black.

This whole discussion is neither here nor there, to be created in gods image simply means that man has a spirit, or soul inside him, and in this way
man creates. He can either create for good or for evil this is his free will, but we are all in the image of god no matter what color we are, and this unites us all.
Of course this is only my opinion and the way I see things, to each his own.
Can anyone explain why God's race would matter?...

Yeah, well agree there. I always thought God, if it is really all true, Is a spirit, or of spirit form more like a powerful entity without body. Race and ethnicity is of the physical world, religion, belief in God and a higher power is of the spiritual world.
Blacks complain a lot about crackers, but they sure love worshipping the white God.
God if he exists is obviously Black. Man was created in his image and the first men on the planet were Black.

This whole discussion is neither here nor there, to be created in gods image simply means that man has a spirit, or soul inside him, and in this way
man creates. He can either create for good or for evil this is his free will, but we are all in the image of god no matter what color we are, and this unites us all.
Of course this is only my opinion and the way I see things, to each his own.
I'm glad you said it was just your opinion. Every description of god or jesus is of a Black person. No other race has hair like wool.

Here is a description of god.

Dan 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

Here is a description of Jesus

Revelation 1:14-15

14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

I suspect the one regarding Jesus was intentionally changed since wool is not as white as snow.
Then you have to look at the really obvious lies or cover ups using common sense. How did Moses as a white baby survive in the very household of Nubian Pharaohs in Egypt that wanted him dead? He had to have been Black just like the ancient Egyptians.
Blacks complain a lot about crackers, but they sure love worshipping the white God.
God if he exists is obviously Black. Man was created in his image and the first men on the planet were Black.

This whole discussion is neither here nor there, to be created in gods image simply means that man has a spirit, or soul inside him, and in this way
man creates. He can either create for good or for evil this is his free will, but we are all in the image of god no matter what color we are, and this unites us all.
Of course this is only my opinion and the way I see things, to each his own.
I'm glad you said it was just your opinion. Every description of god or jesus is of a Black person. No other race has hair like wool.

Here is a description of god.

Dan 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

Here is a description of Jesus

Revelation 1:14-15

14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

I suspect the one regarding Jesus was intentionally changed since wool is not as white as snow.

sure, I've read those before, but those were visions, or dreams. so much of this could be symbolic and we are reading the English translation, If you go to the original greek or Hebrew you can sometimes words can have multiple meanings in the english language. If you want to believe God is a Black man thats fine. I believe that god is not a man. could he have been embodied in a man's form? so that it would be easy for humans to understand? sure. But the form is just that. It could be any form of choice and the form does not make the being.

Again, just my contribution to the thread, only my opinion
Blacks complain a lot about crackers, but they sure love worshipping the white God.
God if he exists is obviously Black. Man was created in his image and the first men on the planet were Black.

This whole discussion is neither here nor there, to be created in gods image simply means that man has a spirit, or soul inside him, and in this way
man creates. He can either create for good or for evil this is his free will, but we are all in the image of god no matter what color we are, and this unites us all.
Of course this is only my opinion and the way I see things, to each his own.
I'm glad you said it was just your opinion. Every description of god or jesus is of a Black person. No other race has hair like wool.

Here is a description of god.

Dan 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

Here is a description of Jesus

Revelation 1:14-15

14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

I suspect the one regarding Jesus was intentionally changed since wool is not as white as snow.

sure, I've read those before, but those were visions, or dreams. so much of this could be symbolic and we are reading the English translation, If you go to the original greek or Hebrew you can sometimes words can have multiple meanings in the english language. If you want to believe God is a Black man thats fine. I believe that god is not a man. could he have been embodied in a man's form? so that it would be easy for humans to understand? sure. But the form is just that. It could be any form of choice and the form does not make the being.

Again, just my contribution to the thread, only my opinion
That doesnt make sense. Why would different people all envision a Black guy with wooly hair if you were having a dream and you werent Black? :laugh:

The lengths people go through trying to explain away the evidence is a really just a form of cognitive dissonance. What really needs to be explained is the notion that some blonde pale skinned guy was hanging out in Africa and the ME without suntan lotion.
Blacks complain a lot about crackers, but they sure love worshipping the white God.
God if he exists is obviously Black. Man was created in his image and the first men on the planet were Black.

This whole discussion is neither here nor there, to be created in gods image simply means that man has a spirit, or soul inside him, and in this way
man creates. He can either create for good or for evil this is his free will, but we are all in the image of god no matter what color we are, and this unites us all.
Of course this is only my opinion and the way I see things, to each his own.
I'm glad you said it was just your opinion. Every description of god or jesus is of a Black person. No other race has hair like wool.

Here is a description of god.

Dan 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

Here is a description of Jesus

Revelation 1:14-15

14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

I suspect the one regarding Jesus was intentionally changed since wool is not as white as snow.

sure, I've read those before, but those were visions, or dreams. so much of this could be symbolic and we are reading the English translation, If you go to the original greek or Hebrew you can sometimes words can have multiple meanings in the english language. If you want to believe God is a Black man thats fine. I believe that god is not a man. could he have been embodied in a man's form? so that it would be easy for humans to understand? sure. But the form is just that. It could be any form of choice and the form does not make the being.

Again, just my contribution to the thread, only my opinion
That doesnt make sense. Why would different people all envision a Black guy with wooly hair if you were having a dream and you werent Black? :laugh:

The lengths people go through trying to explain away the evidence is a really just a form of cognitive dissonance.

Jesus Christ could have been Black, I don't really care. Does the spirit of god have a color? really? the lengths people go to in order to promote one races superiority over others. Now that doesn't make sense to me. especially when discussing the concept of God. Maybe I'm blinded by my foolish up bringing where I had this strange concept of all people sort of being ONE in god. If jesus christ was black? what does that really prove? and why is it even important?

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