Afro-American Cannot Be Taken Down By Afro-Mexican-American Cop Using Taser!

So, anyway, must one show ID, on foot, when requested by the police in the US?

You know, 'Papiere Bitte'.

It is not the case here.
Had a crime been committed?

BTW, cnm, ain't no cracker cops in that video. Oh man, yuck.

What happened to professional police?

A real cracker would probably tackle him and take him down.

He got off way lighter than he would in my hood.
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So, anyway, must one show ID, on foot, when requested by the police in the US?

You know, 'Papiere Bitte'.

It is not the case here.

See, Antifa, obviously the Cops were called to the shop. Must have been a reason that 3 of them showed up there.
It is for any decent human beeing not explainable why this dumb shit did not simply hand over his ID when he was asked for it. At least he could have questioned the reason for this demand in a polite manner and not act like a chipmunk on speed.
It is a simple matter of self defence to get someone like that to the ground, one way or the other. Actually, even in Germany (You know, 'Papiere Bitte') I am pretty sure the police would have shot him because the risk of a sudden knife attack or else is too high with respect to a batshit crazy behaviour like that.
Especially because they see a dozen collegues die every year because the did not shoot.
This guys and girls in uniform experience this nearly every day, they can be blamed only by hobby stonethrowers like you.
This video also demonstrates the unreliability of tasers. Thick clothing, bad shot placement, and a myriad of of other factors make them innapropriate for law enforcement use in my opinion.
Also, the mental state of the subject.

Back in the day when cops carried .38 revolvers, two NYPD patrolmen entered a premises during a burglary. They separated to search two areas. One cop confronted the subject who rushed the cop while holding a linoleum knife. As the subject closed the 20 foot distance the cop emptied his revolver into him, all six shots into center mass, but the subject managed to reach the cop and slash his forearm. The second cop stopped the subject with one shot to his temple.

The report I read emphasized the fact that mentally deranged persons do not experience pain-inducing trauma as readily as do normal persons. The fellow in the video obviously is not mentally stable.

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