After Obamacare Fails...

What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

I guess you should be sued for being stupid ... can we sue stupid people ????
John Hood on what comes after Obamacare fails

John Hood/The John Locke Foundation

RALEIGH — Obamacare is going to collapse. North Carolina officials and citizens need to start thinking about what comes next.

While technical glitches on the health-insurance exchanges are getting a lot of attention, that’s not the real problem the so-called Affordable Care Act faces. It is fundamentally, conceptually flawed. Even if it “works,” in the sense that people navigate their way to signing up, it won’t work as originally intended: to expand access to health-care services without sacrificing quality or affordability.

When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Obamacare’s individual mandate last year, the decision made a critical distinction. It actually agreed with the plaintiffs that the federal government lacks the power to compel Americans to buy health insurance. The reason the Court upheld the individual mandate, anyway, is that Chief Justice John Roberts redefined it as a tax instead of a regulation. But, Roberts argued, the mandate only constitutes a tax if it is not large enough actually to compel Americans to buy overly expensive, federally regulated health plans they don’t want.


John Hood on what comes after Obamacare fails - Winston-Salem Journal: Columnists


:thup:...thanks.. great post

you two would know a great post if you saw one the post if filled with nothing but inaccuracies ... that's all John hood know how to do...
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


Yawl might be a third world country, but that's what progressive/liberals strive for anyway...:eusa_shhh:

what do you mean ... were a third world country now .... thanks to the republican party fucking up everything the touch ....
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


What a cute, "glass half full attitude"....... you must be a super leftist liberal and proud of it. Over 634 million spent on a web site that doesn't work and you the democrat party wants to lecture us on economic issues. How exactly does one spend 634 million on a lousy web site? Maybe with your leftist brain you can entertain all of us with an explanation, or will you just blame Bush or throw out a question to answer mine?

What an asinine post. You somehow got a few facts in there, but then you fizzled by being stupid. Oh well...
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


What a cute, "glass half full attitude"....... you must be a super leftist liberal and proud of it. Over 634 million spent on a web site that doesn't work and you the democrat party wants to lecture us on economic issues. How exactly does one spend 634 million on a lousy web site? Maybe with your leftist brain you can entertain all of us with an explanation, or will you just blame Bush or throw out a question to answer mine?

the web site works ... the problem you don't get is it can't handle the amount of people trying to sign up ... right now we don't have any server that can handle the volume moron ... it doesn't exist ...
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


What a cute, "glass half full attitude"....... you must be a super leftist liberal and proud of it. Over 634 million spent on a web site that doesn't work and you the democrat party wants to lecture us on economic issues. How exactly does one spend 634 million on a lousy web site? Maybe with your leftist brain you can entertain all of us with an explanation, or will you just blame Bush or throw out a question to answer mine?

What an asinine post. You somehow got a few facts in there, but then you fizzled by being stupid. Oh well...

he's just trying to make it look like its a failure ...when what we have found out is the server can't handle the volume of people applying ... so this clown tries to make it out as a failure ... if I had my site causing their computers to crash because of the volume of people trying to buy my product, I would be happy as hell ... fully knowing they will come back when its less busy ... like you said he fizzled by being stupid ...
Well actually, it's in free fall as it is, every Obama promise was a lie and covering pre-existing care costs a 3 times as much (at least on my policy).

It's funny how I keep hearing every conservative tell me how their rates have doubled or tripled. I have been paying for private health insurance for myself and my kids for years, and the policies that are comparable to what I currently have are going to cost me just about the same amount as what I had. I will have a slightly higher deductible, but I will also have all preventative care covered 100%. In the end, my total healthcare spending will not change. Based on that, I have to say that anyone who is seeing their rates triple is full of crap.

for my health care I've been paying 450 dollars a month with a 5000 dollar deductible and 80% coverage ... when I look it up on the web to get health care it was a 99 dollars a month with a 250 dollar deductible and 100% coverage ...can't beat that with a ugly stick
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Well actually, it's in free fall as it is, every Obama promise was a lie and covering pre-existing care costs a 3 times as much (at least on my policy).

It's funny how I keep hearing every conservative tell me how their rates have doubled or tripled. I have been paying for private health insurance for myself and my kids for years, and the policies that are comparable to what I currently have are going to cost me just about the same amount as what I had. I will have a slightly higher deductible, but I will also have all preventative care covered 100%. In the end, my total healthcare spending will not change. Based on that, I have to say that anyone who is seeing their rates triple is full of crap.

Would you like to take the healthcare challenge? Mind you so far everyone has refused.
Well actually, it's in free fall as it is, every Obama promise was a lie and covering pre-existing care costs a 3 times as much (at least on my policy).

then I suggest you change your policy because mine was 350 dollars cheaper ... seems you have a crook health care provider ...

You consider your verbal incontinence a pre-existing condition...:lol:
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What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

It won't fail. Mitt's plan had problems in Mass. when it was first implemented, and they worked through them. And we'll just demand single payer anyway, so you'd better hope it doesn't fail.

Liberals want healthcare services to be provided at taxpayers expense, and we want Americans to have this as a birthright..and we'll get it.
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

It won't fail. Mitt's plan had problems in Mass. when it was first implemented, and they worked through them. And we'll just demand single payer anyway, so you'd better hope it doesn't fail.

Liberals want healthcare services to be provided at taxpayers expense, and we want Americans to have this as a birthright..and we'll get it.

Last time I checked America was much much bigger than Massachusetts and then there's the problem of Democrats implementing the Dem-care plan.

Hows it going so far?

Thanks for the laugh though..:lol:
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What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

It won't fail. Mitt's plan had problems in Mass. when it was first implemented, and they worked through them. And we'll just demand single payer anyway, so you'd better hope it doesn't fail.

Liberals want healthcare services to be provided at taxpayers expense, and we want Americans to have this as a birthright..and we'll get it.

Last time I checked America was much much bigger than Massachusetts and then there's the problem of Democrats implementing the Dem-care plan.

Hows it going so far?

Thanks for the laugh though..:lol:

It's going to get better. There are always gltiches, and they will be worked out.

There's just a lot more demand for Obamacare than anticipated. We liberals knew that there were a lot of people out there needing health insurance, we just didn't realize how many people needed, despite America having "the best health care in the world" :lol:
It won't fail. Mitt's plan had problems in Mass. when it was first implemented, and they worked through them. And we'll just demand single payer anyway, so you'd better hope it doesn't fail.

Liberals want healthcare services to be provided at taxpayers expense, and we want Americans to have this as a birthright..and we'll get it.

Last time I checked America was much much bigger than Massachusetts and then there's the problem of Democrats implementing the Dem-care plan.

Hows it going so far?

Thanks for the laugh though..:lol:

It's going to get better. There are always gltiches, and they will be worked out.

There's just a lot more demand for Obamacare than anticipated. We liberals knew that there were a lot of people out there needing health insurance, we just didn't realize how many people needed, despite America having "the best health care in the world" :lol:

You might start with this link..

Casino odds better than success of Obamacare | Letters to the Editor
Last time I checked America was much much bigger than Massachusetts and then there's the problem of Democrats implementing the Dem-care plan.

Hows it going so far?

Thanks for the laugh though..:lol:

It's going to get better. There are always gltiches, and they will be worked out.

There's just a lot more demand for Obamacare than anticipated. We liberals knew that there were a lot of people out there needing health insurance, we just didn't realize how many people needed, despite America having "the best health care in the world" :lol:

You might start with this link..

Casino odds better than success of Obamacare | Letters to the Editor

Some letter to an editor? Really?

Listen, the GOP held power from 2001-2007 and could have reformed healthcare the way they think it should be then. Why didn't they ? Instead, you invaded Iraq. Nice priorities. No wonder McCain lost. No wonder Mitt lost. Conservative policies are unpopular, and whining about temporary glitches of websites isn't going to sweep the GOP back into power. Deal with it.
It's going to get better. There are always gltiches, and they will be worked out.

There's just a lot more demand for Obamacare than anticipated. We liberals knew that there were a lot of people out there needing health insurance, we just didn't realize how many people needed, despite America having "the best health care in the world" :lol:

You might start with this link..

Casino odds better than success of Obamacare | Letters to the Editor

Some letter to an editor? Really?

Listen, the GOP held power from 2001-2007 and could have reformed healthcare the way they think it should be then. Why didn't they ? Instead, you invaded Iraq. Nice priorities. No wonder McCain lost. No wonder Mitt lost. Conservative policies are unpopular, and whining about temporary glitches of websites isn't going to sweep the GOP back into power. Deal with it.

You think "glitches of websites" is the only present and possible problem with Dem-care..:lol:
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

Oh yea lump,. Obamacare will go to the great scrap heap of history where all Democrat programs go when they die.

Obamacare will be down there with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, UE insurance.
All those despicable programs went the way of the dodo bird. Failures all according to you.

WAIT A MINUTE. It was Republicans who declared these programs would fail. They didn't.
Can Republicans ever figure anything out?

So when will the Repubs unveil their most excellent programs to replace all these failures.
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

Oh yea lump,. Obamacare will go to the great scrap heap of history where all Democrat programs go when they die.

Obamacare will be down there with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, UE insurance.
All those despicable programs went the way of the dodo bird. Failures all according to you.

WAIT A MINUTE. It was Republicans who declared these programs would fail. They didn't.
Can Republicans ever figure anything out?

So when will the Repubs unveil their most excellent programs to replace all these failures.

I'd have to spend some time proving this link but I'm tired..

Casino odds better than success of Obamacare | Letters to the Editor
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

Oh yea lump,. Obamacare will go to the great scrap heap of history where all Democrat programs go when they die.

Obamacare will be down there with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, UE insurance.
All those despicable programs went the way of the dodo bird. Failures all according to you.

WAIT A MINUTE. It was Republicans who declared these programs would fail. They didn't.
Can Republicans ever figure anything out?

So when will the Repubs unveil their most excellent programs to replace all these failures.

They are trying. It's called "The Rich & The Rest of Us."

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