After Obamacare Fails...

If you had a child with cancer at that time, you'd have known big insurance was the worst possible option for any chance that kid may have had. Don't be too stupid here.

My insurance was just fine. Max out of pocket $4500. No caps. Now, for the same coverage since Obamacare became law, my insurance has climbed 76% to the tune of an additional $168.00 month

Wonder what that extra $168.00 a month is paying for????

I digress


LOL. NO, not digress, lie is the proper term.

Thanks for the neg rep. Keep the negs coming..

I love that I'm hitting a nerve


What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

As a nurse, and in keeping with what I have seen as a clinician and the stand my professional organization has taken, I have supported national health care. But this is abominable. It would have cost very little to extend Medicaid to the working poor and charge them a small premium. What Obama has done is to wreck what was left of our economy, steal from the poor, diminish the middle class, and leave many in a terrible financial bind. So I have to ask what you could possibly mean 'AFTER' Obamacare fails. It has already failed. Miserably.
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

"After Obamacare Fails"...

Even his earlier supporters will be against him. They believed the hopey, changey thing and now if they aren't already being nurtured by the government, they will welcome in a new president who will be a leader and even though I wish he or she could be a libertarian, I feel the next president will be a moderate. :( Which means we will still be down the toilet for many years to come, economically...

a lot of people really believe it is free healthcare. they run around saying the government is finally giving us healthcare. they won't be happy when they realize their out of pocket expenses for this free healthcare

Indeed- The re-education camps otherwise known as our University and college systems, have turned the tide at the polling place. The fact that the the slim majority re-elected Obama speaks volumes. And I think as more people just say f--k it, and quit pulling the cart, and instead jump in it because the pulling has become so hard, such actions will lead to our demise.

As more and more Americans quit pulling the cart, just like they are quitting many things these days (like walking away from homes etc) there will be less and less of us paying the revenue needed to increase the size of the cart. So, as long as we keep paying the tariffs they will be forever increasing it to offset those who decided to quit paying, and start taking.

It's happening right now before our eyes and will only get worse. Pretty soon for us who will still pull the cart because that is the way we were raised, taxing us 75 cents on the dollar will not pay the bills

We will be done

Smoke em' if you got em'


Guy, the Koch Brothers have you pretty well brainwashed, don't they?

Here's the real problem- there's more than enough wealth to pay off the debt and run the government.

The problem is the top 20% control 83% of the wealth, and the people "riding in the wagon" as you say, are being paid, "Please don't riot for something better money", which is exactly what they did in the 1960s.

The country worked far better when the rich paid their fair share and working people got a fair shake.

But sadly, the only reason we don't go back to that is the rich have figured out how to get dumb people like you to vote against your own interests by talking about guns and abortions and gay marriage.

So a Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a Welfare person are in a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. The Koch Brother wolfs down 9 of the cookies and says to the Teabagger, "That welfare guy wants half your cookie!"

You know what I would do at that point?

Get off my a$$ and work harder for more cookies resulting in me sharing less

Motivates me


And when other Koch Brother takes those cookies?

You are kind of missing the point, aren't you?

The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They are too damned greedy.
Hollywood’s Obamacare Zombies

October 15, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


If you’re sick and tired of TV news broadcasts spewing pro-Obamacare propaganda, get ready to be inundated with even more progressive health care proselytizing in the dramas and comedies that follow those news shows.

For this you have the left-wing California Endowment to thank. The radical philanthropy is in the news because it is funding Obamacare public outreach efforts.

As Newsmax reports, the Obama administration is “turning its focus on prime time television series, using the influential platform and the power of celebrity to spread the word about its healthcare initiative.”

With the White House’s blessing, the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Norman Lear Center, which has something called a “Hollywood, Health & Society program,” has accepted a $500,000 grant from the left-wing California Endowment to help TV producers condition the masses into supporting Obama’s Soviet-style health care program.

USC will aim to keep producers, writers, and directors up to speed so they can incorporate the latest information into their storylines. It will also generate public service announcements to match the TV shows’ storylines.


Hollywood?s Obamacare Zombies | FrontPage Magazine

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