After Obamacare Fails...

You people obsess on the mandate when the mandate only affects a tiny percentage of Americans.

Obamacare won't fail. What's to fail? What, exactly, is going to fail?

The insurance exchanges? Obamacare is going to fail because insurance can't be sold in a competitive market?

lol, hearing conservatives say that is priceless.
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

I think it depends on how you define "fail".

Frankly, it really doesn't make much of a difference for the 150 million of us who have private plans or the 100 million on government plans.

We just got the word on how our program changes under ObamaCare... and it doesn't.

Not one Iota.

Of course, we'd all be better off with a single payer, universal coverage program, get the insurance companies and the employers out of it, and eliminate the redundant programs.

But we're Americans, dammit!!! Just because the rest of the world has ALREADY figured this out, doesn't mean we're going to!
Well actually, it's in free fall as it is, every Obama promise was a lie and covering pre-existing care costs a 3 times as much (at least on my policy).

It's funny how I keep hearing every conservative tell me how their rates have doubled or tripled. I have been paying for private health insurance for myself and my kids for years, and the policies that are comparable to what I currently have are going to cost me just about the same amount as what I had. I will have a slightly higher deductible, but I will also have all preventative care covered 100%. In the end, my total healthcare spending will not change. Based on that, I have to say that anyone who is seeing their rates triple is full of crap.

What was your rate? Was it $328 a month or more?

Some letter to an editor? Really?

Listen, the GOP held power from 2001-2007 and could have reformed healthcare the way they think it should be then. Why didn't they ? Instead, you invaded Iraq. Nice priorities. No wonder McCain lost. No wonder Mitt lost. Conservative policies are unpopular, and whining about temporary glitches of websites isn't going to sweep the GOP back into power. Deal with it.

You think "glitches of websites" is the only present and possible problem with Dem-care..:lol:

The lack of a public option is another problem. Single payer's non-existence is another problem. They'll be solved eventually too. Get over it.
It won't fail. Mitt's plan had problems in Mass. when it was first implemented, and they worked through them. And we'll just demand single payer anyway, so you'd better hope it doesn't fail.

Liberals want healthcare services to be provided at taxpayers expense, and we want Americans to have this as a birthright..and we'll get it.

Thanks to Romneycare, today in Massachusetts people have to wait over a month to see a doctor. :evil:

Study: Massachusetts Residents Wait Up To 2 Months For Doctors
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In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


Yep. And the ACA will more than likely been replaced by a Universal Single Payer System similiar to what all the other Western Democracies have. In the meantime, we get to witness the self immolation of the GOP.
Mitchell Reveals Extent of Media’s Healthcare Bias

10.12.2013 |Bradford Thomas

On MSNBC earlier this week, Andrea Mitchell accidentally revealed the reason she and her mainstream media mates refuse to hold the president accountable on Obamacare inequity: no single-payer plan.

Irked by guest Rep. Sean Duffy’s (R-WI) ridicule of the “pathetic” media, Mitchell came to mainstream media’s defense:

“Duffy: One issue we have is the media won't ask the question about why are you treating families differently than big business? You need Jon Stewart on Comedy Central to ask Secretary Sebelius, “Hey, why won't you treat these two equally?” And she won't answer it. That's how pathetic news reporting has become when they won't ask tough questions to the administration.

Mitchell: We've asked questions of both sides. That's not fair.

Duffy: Do you ask that question, Andrea? Ask the question ... I haven’t seen anyone ask it on MSNBC. ... Why do you want your own healthcare, and you won't join us in Obamacare?

Mitchell’s reply is fascinating, as it reveals just how fundamentally skewed the media bias is on healthcare.

“Mitchell: The response Kathleen Sebelius gave to Jon Stewart: If we got what we wanted, a single-payer plan, this wouldn't be the problem.

According to Mitchell (supposedly channeling Sebelius), the source of Obamacare's inequity issues is that “we” did not get what “we wanted”: a single-payer system. As Breitbart’s Brian Cates points out in his reaction piece,

“Mitchell is claiming the media's bias in not pressing Democrats on this incredibly hypocritical ObamaCare exemption for themselves is *justified* because Republicans kept Democrats from having the wonderful single payer plan they originally had their hearts set upon.

It is hard to see how we could get a more blatant admission from a supposedly 'neutral' and 'objective' news reporter that many in the mainstream media are biased mouthpieces for the DNC.


Mitchell Reveals Extent of Media?s Healthcare Bias | Truth Revolt
What then Democrats?

Should Democrats that supported it be held personally responsible and sued to pay reparations to the common sense Americans?

"After Obamacare Fails"...

Even his earlier supporters will be against him. They believed the hopey, changey thing and now if they aren't already being nurtured by the government, they will welcome in a new president who will be a leader and even though I wish he or she could be a libertarian, I feel the next president will be a moderate. :( Which means we will still be down the toilet for many years to come, economically...
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


What a cute, "glass half full attitude"....... you must be a super leftist liberal and proud of it. Over 634 million spent on a web site that doesn't work and you the democrat party wants to lecture us on economic issues. How exactly does one spend 634 million on a lousy web site? Maybe with your leftist brain you can entertain all of us with an explanation, or will you just blame Bush or throw out a question to answer mine?

the web site works ... the problem you don't get is it can't handle the amount of people trying to sign up ... right now we don't have any server that can handle the volume moron ... it doesn't exist ...

So which is it ace? The web site works but it really doesn't because there is no server big enough to handle it...... How about if you spend a couple billion on servers? A Trillion on servers? You are a fucking moron....... you're last sentence says it all.......what a putz.
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


Good luck with that

Seen any of these lately?


It's going to get better. There are always gltiches, and they will be worked out.

There's just a lot more demand for Obamacare than anticipated. We liberals knew that there were a lot of people out there needing health insurance, we just didn't realize how many people needed, despite America having "the best health care in the world" :lol:

You might start with this link..

Casino odds better than success of Obamacare | Letters to the Editor

Some letter to an editor? Really?

Listen, the GOP held power from 2001-2007 and could have reformed healthcare the way they think it should be then. Why didn't they ? Instead, you invaded Iraq. Nice priorities. No wonder McCain lost. No wonder Mitt lost. Conservative policies are unpopular, and whining about temporary glitches of websites isn't going to sweep the GOP back into power. Deal with it.

What a naive fuck...... this isn't about health care you blithering imbecile, it's about insurance.... more like destroying the insurance industry. After that is done you fucks will need to import "doctors" from India to fill the places of all the decent Doctors that will quit. You are really stupid enough to think this is a little game that you and other dipshits like you can win, there are no winners asshole!
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


Wow. Hey Nostradamus, how can Obamacare be effective when it's a heap of nuts and bolts on the ground?

I'll still be here, but I fear my country won't.
In 10 years we'll all be arguing about how effective Obamacare was... half of us will think it was terrible and the other half will think it was great.

We'll all still be here. And the country will be doing fine.


Good luck with that

Seen any of these lately?



Actually, it would be wiser to ask if he's seen these!

You people obsess on the mandate when the mandate only affects a tiny percentage of Americans.

Obamacare won't fail. What's to fail? What, exactly, is going to fail?

The insurance exchanges? Obamacare is going to fail because insurance can't be sold in a competitive market?

lol, hearing conservatives say that is priceless.

Lol. Your post is a crock too.

Obama claimed the ACA would "cover" close to 50 million uninsured people. One thing though, did it account for the fact that large amount of these people would still be unable to afford it?

Logic. Common sense. Two things that liberals like you desperately lack.
Obamacare is here to stay, it's in a whole different category than big insurance. Republicans have tried 50 times to repeal it but none of that is working for them anymore. This last stunt has crippled the party to the point of permanent damage.

I want a viable second party but they have made it impossible by turning their power over to the extreme right. This thread seems like a last whimper, a cry for help. :lol:
It’s remarkable the extent to which conservatives just don’t get it.

The issue isn’t the merits or efficacy of the ACA, but the right’s refusal to either improve the Act or replace it with something better of their own, if they can indeed do a better job of giving all Americans access to healthcare they can afford.

Instead they do neither, content with ever rising healthcare costs and millions of Americans suffering accordingly.
It’s remarkable the extent to which conservatives just don’t get it.

The issue isn’t the merits or efficacy of the ACA, but the right’s refusal to either improve the Act or replace it with something better of their own, if they can indeed do a better job of giving all Americans access to healthcare they can afford.

Instead they do neither, content with ever rising healthcare costs and millions of Americans suffering accordingly.

You can't replace something that has no data to define it. The majority of Americans had insurance. There was no reason to modify or change anything. The driver was the Government wanting more control of your life. Plain and simple


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