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After watching explain how you can support abortion

Have fun you heartless bastard,time to get back to the human race,you people are some creepy ass folks,Dr.Mengala would have loved ya.
cancer cells are not human life but do continue to support murder even the federal government created a law protecting unborn children shocking ain't it
Cancer cells are just a human as an embryo, or early stage fetus. But feel free to keep using the term murder incorrectly, and talking about thins that do not exist.
Bwahahahah are you really going to try this really??wow gotta say its a new one,
Cancer cells and humans well I can say for sure my cancer would have never become a walking talking person.
What an idiot!!
I never said that it would. The only idiot here is the one that doesn't recognize that human cancer cells carry the exact same human genetic markers as embryos. Thus, one must wonder by what criteria you are calling it a "human life"? It certainly is not a human being, as I have already demonstrated that, by definition, it isn't. So, if you are not talking genetics, then by what standard are you calling this mass of cells "human life"?

Simple question is said embryo is left to develop,what would it be at 1 day old or 1 second after birth,do you think it just by chance became human or it just might have been a cocker spaniel instead?

A simple question, but not really pertinent at this point of the conversation. If you are actually concerned about human life, but don't care about cancer cells, then you aren't , by definition, concerned about all human life. Why won't you be more specific about what your concern is? When do you think a zygote becomes a separate human?
At conception the zygot has unique individual DNA its sex is set all it treats,thats when humanity starts,this is not hard stuff. Why when do you think humanity starts 3rd grade,second grade,an hour after birth or 1/4 second 1/8 second? what is it?

You projectionist are a hoot,where did I state that I had no concern about cancer cells? Did you miss the part about me having cancer??

“I don't support abortion, not even in cases of incest and rape.”

No one 'supports' abortion in any case – that's not the issue; everyone should support a woman's right to make the choice to have a child or not absent unwarranted interference from the state, that's the issue.

It's the "not" part we have trouble with because the "not" part kills an unborn human being and killing an unborn human being is wrong. Don't you think so?
By definition, there is no such thing as an "unborn human being". by definition an "unborn" human being is an impossibility.

Wrong. It is human, of that there is no doubt, it cannot be anything else. It is a being, as it exists. It is an unborn human being.

Sorry to burst your bubble but we all start out in the exact same way, sperm, egg and all, and the minute those cells divide, a brand new, never before made, totally individual human being has been created. THAT's the starting point in the journey. It's how you started out, how I started out, how we all start. There has to be a starting point and that is it. At any given point along the way, it is a human being. Just because it has not completed all of the developmental stages does not make it unhuman nor less human.
It's human life. What is that shown in the video?
Cancer cells are a "human life" - a living organism with human DNA markers. Your definition is still imprecise. It is not an independent, individual human being, and is, therefore, not afforded any "rights".
cancer cells are not human life but do continue to support murder even the federal government created a law protecting unborn children shocking ain't it
Cancer cells are just a human as an embryo, or early stage fetus. But feel free to keep using the term murder incorrectly, and talking about thins that do not exist.
Bwahahahah are you really going to try this really??wow gotta say its a new one,
Cancer cells and humans well I can say for sure my cancer would have never become a walking talking person.
What an idiot!!

But is it human?
It's an abnormal cell growth, like faggots are abnormal humans.
Libtards have three basic response to why they support abortion.

First is that a mother should have the freedom to kill her children for the sake of convenience. Of course besides this being a very immoral stance it totally denies the freedom of the child to live. A very disgusting postilion.

Second, society is better off withoput the children since the mother the mother wants to kill them. Equally as disgusting.

Third is the Nazi defense by saying that the children are not human so therefore we can kill them and not worry about it. The same defense the Nazi used to dehumanize the Jews when they sent them to extermination camps.

And embryo/fetus is not a child.
It's human life. What is that shown in the video?
Cancer cells are a "human life" - a living organism with human DNA markers. Your definition is still imprecise. It is not an independent, individual human being, and is, therefore, not afforded any "rights".
cancer cells are not human life but do continue to support murder even the federal government created a law protecting unborn children shocking ain't it

So cancer cells aren't human life? Are they alive? Are they human? When you make arguments with adults, you need to be consistent. Teabaggers will accept your silly points, but adults, not so much.
They are abnormal cells
Maybe they'd be rarer if they were illegal cause they sure aren't rarer now.

Great...The right wing answer for abortion problems is more coat hangers. I should have known.

So you agree that abortion isn't rare. That's a starting point.

Doesn't matter how many there are.

Its none of your business.

You RWs want more and more laws, bigger and bigger government, an end to the middle class and you're not going to get it without a fight.


Killing unborn human beings is everyone's business. That you think otherwise is very sad.

I've asked on this thread before.....When do you think life begins? Also, are there any situations where you don't think the government should be able to override a woman's choice of what she does with her own body?

Moment of fertilization.

I have a huge problem with a government that makes legal the killing of unborn human beings. The government is suppose to protect its population. They failed when they legalized abortion.

Unsurprisingly, you don't understand.

No one 'supports' abortion – the conflict manifests with regard to how to end the practice, where there are those who seek to 'ban' abortion thus violating the protected right to privacy, expanding the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
You are a lying sack of pig shit.

You just roll after the first volley and piss all over yourself like a puppy.

Unsurprisingly, you don't understand.

No one 'supports' abortion – the conflict manifests with regard to how to end the practice, where there are those who seek to 'ban' abortion thus violating the protected right to privacy, expanding the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
You are a lying sack of pig shit.

You just roll after the first volley and piss all over yourself like a puppy.
No I call it like I see it.
Great...The right wing answer for abortion problems is more coat hangers. I should have known.

So you agree that abortion isn't rare. That's a starting point.

Doesn't matter how many there are.

Its none of your business.

You RWs want more and more laws, bigger and bigger government, an end to the middle class and you're not going to get it without a fight.


Killing unborn human beings is everyone's business. That you think otherwise is very sad.

I've asked on this thread before.....When do you think life begins? Also, are there any situations where you don't think the government should be able to override a woman's choice of what she does with her own body?

Moment of fertilization.

I have a huge problem with a government that makes legal the killing of unborn human beings. The government is suppose to protect its population. They failed when they legalized abortion.

They fail when it comes to post-womb life, too. But that's OK, right? Like George Carlin used to say, when it's a chicken egg it's called an omelette. When it's a human fetus it's called murder. Hypocrites.
You are a lying sack of pig shit.

You just roll after the first volley and piss all over yourself like a puppy.
No I call it like I see it.

Which ain't saying much.

Get your GED and high school diploma, then come back and play with the adults.
I have to keep it simple for you Gruber stupid people.
oh fuck me! you had no clue who Gruber was till someone translated it from English to trailer trash.
damn you guys are funny when failing to be witty.
that line must have killed at the klan rally.
obama mention Gruber several times while he was getting obamacare passed Pelosi also reference what information he gave for obamacare.
Food insecure.... lmao

Food insecurity for children is funny? I rest my case.

That you believe in 'food insecurity' in America is what is funny, not only that, try to promote it.
That might not be the stupidest comment I ever heard, but certainly in the top ten.

All you have is insults apparently, they often come when there is no counter to make. Keep up the good work!

Again I ask, where are the starving children in America?

Funny that we can show 50 million abortions in America, but you can't show one starving child.

They aren't starving because they receive SNAP, you moron.....the program RWers bitch about all the time. Did you want to wait until they have bloated stomachs before you give two shits? You've got one hell of a nerve calling yourself Christian.

It is a fact that many RWers are against raising the minimum wage, and at the same time, against providing low income families with SNAP benefits. Seems they are only interested in the fetus. Fuck em after they're born.

You've still never shown where any conservative wants children to starve, just ridiculous assinine comments that are pure lies. That's all you idiots ever have. You'd rather fuck them before they're born, so even if your comments regarding conservatives were remotely true, that would make you no better.
We humans instictly are blood thirsty savages and the ones that support this are just letting them self be what they're at heart.
You are a lying sack of pig shit.

You just roll after the first volley and piss all over yourself like a puppy.
No I call it like I see it.

Which ain't saying much.

Get your GED and high school diploma, then come back and play with the adults.
I have to keep it simple for you Gruber stupid people.
oh fuck me! you had no clue who Gruber was till someone translated it from English to trailer trash.
damn you guys are funny when failing to be witty.
that line must have killed at the klan rally.

That is kind of funny since blacks abort a large percentage of their babies...Not only that, but when they're born, they're still killed at an extremely high rate: of the 50% of all murders committed by blacks, 93% are other blacks. Talk about self hating, blood letting idiots. People like you are happy to see it happen!
Cancer cells are just a human as an embryo, or early stage fetus. But feel free to keep using the term murder incorrectly, and talking about thins that do not exist.
Bwahahahah are you really going to try this really??wow gotta say its a new one,
Cancer cells and humans well I can say for sure my cancer would have never become a walking talking person.
What an idiot!!
I never said that it would. The only idiot here is the one that doesn't recognize that human cancer cells carry the exact same human genetic markers as embryos. Thus, one must wonder by what criteria you are calling it a "human life"? It certainly is not a human being, as I have already demonstrated that, by definition, it isn't. So, if you are not talking genetics, then by what standard are you calling this mass of cells "human life"?

Simple question is said embryo is left to develop,what would it be at 1 day old or 1 second after birth,do you think it just by chance became human or it just might have been a cocker spaniel instead?
Any of a number of things, including dead. Irrelevant. When it is something more than an embryo, more than a dependent fetus, then it deserves rights. Until then it is, at best, property of the pregnant person. Not a person. Not a human being. Not an individual. I already demonstrated the definition of all of those terms. Words have meaning, and those meanings matter. Conflating an embryo with something that it is not in order to make an emotional appeal only works on those as irrational, illogical, and emotional as yourself.

Denying humanity its a tried an tested method of disposal.It should warm your little heart your in company with the world most despicable people.
No one is denying humanity - only your twisted, unscientific, misuse of the concept.
Cancer cells are just a human as an embryo, or early stage fetus. But feel free to keep using the term murder incorrectly, and talking about thins that do not exist.
Bwahahahah are you really going to try this really??wow gotta say its a new one,
Cancer cells and humans well I can say for sure my cancer would have never become a walking talking person.
What an idiot!!
I never said that it would. The only idiot here is the one that doesn't recognize that human cancer cells carry the exact same human genetic markers as embryos. Thus, one must wonder by what criteria you are calling it a "human life"? It certainly is not a human being, as I have already demonstrated that, by definition, it isn't. So, if you are not talking genetics, then by what standard are you calling this mass of cells "human life"?

Simple question is said embryo is left to develop,what would it be at 1 day old or 1 second after birth,do you think it just by chance became human or it just might have been a cocker spaniel instead?

A simple question, but not really pertinent at this point of the conversation. If you are actually concerned about human life, but don't care about cancer cells, then you aren't , by definition, concerned about all human life. Why won't you be more specific about what your concern is? When do you think a zygote becomes a separate human?
At conception the zygot has unique individual DNA...
So does a cancer cluster. So, again, what makes a zygote special at conception?

“I don't support abortion, not even in cases of incest and rape.”

No one 'supports' abortion in any case – that's not the issue; everyone should support a woman's right to make the choice to have a child or not absent unwarranted interference from the state, that's the issue.

It's the "not" part we have trouble with because the "not" part kills an unborn human being and killing an unborn human being is wrong. Don't you think so?
By definition, there is no such thing as an "unborn human being". by definition an "unborn" human being is an impossibility.

Wrong. It is human...
Oh! It is genetically human; that doesn't make it a human being (refer back to the definition of human being in my earlier post). Cancer cells are also genetically human. Would you conflate them to persons, as well? Words have meaning, and those meanings matter.
Cancer cells are a "human life" - a living organism with human DNA markers. Your definition is still imprecise. It is not an independent, individual human being, and is, therefore, not afforded any "rights".
cancer cells are not human life but do continue to support murder even the federal government created a law protecting unborn children shocking ain't it
Cancer cells are just a human as an embryo, or early stage fetus. But feel free to keep using the term murder incorrectly, and talking about thins that do not exist.
Bwahahahah are you really going to try this really??wow gotta say its a new one,
Cancer cells and humans well I can say for sure my cancer would have never become a walking talking person.
What an idiot!!

But is it human?
It's an abnormal cell growth, like faggots are abnormal humans.

The answer is either yes or no. Make up your little mind.
Great...The right wing answer for abortion problems is more coat hangers. I should have known.

So you agree that abortion isn't rare. That's a starting point.

Doesn't matter how many there are.

Its none of your business.

You RWs want more and more laws, bigger and bigger government, an end to the middle class and you're not going to get it without a fight.


Killing unborn human beings is everyone's business. That you think otherwise is very sad.

I've asked on this thread before.....When do you think life begins? Also, are there any situations where you don't think the government should be able to override a woman's choice of what she does with her own body?

Moment of fertilization.

I have a huge problem with a government that makes legal the killing of unborn human beings. The government is suppose to protect its population. They failed when they legalized abortion.

So you think a couple of cells that have no chance of independent survival constitute a separate human life? On what do you base that? Religion, medical evidence, or something your cat told you?
Food insecurity for children is funny? I rest my case.

That you believe in 'food insecurity' in America is what is funny, not only that, try to promote it.
That might not be the stupidest comment I ever heard, but certainly in the top ten.

All you have is insults apparently, they often come when there is no counter to make. Keep up the good work!

Again I ask, where are the starving children in America?

Funny that we can show 50 million abortions in America, but you can't show one starving child.

They aren't starving because they receive SNAP, you moron.....the program RWers bitch about all the time. Did you want to wait until they have bloated stomachs before you give two shits? You've got one hell of a nerve calling yourself Christian.

It is a fact that many RWers are against raising the minimum wage, and at the same time, against providing low income families with SNAP benefits. Seems they are only interested in the fetus. Fuck em after they're born.

You've still never shown where any conservative wants children to starve, just ridiculous assinine comments that are pure lies. That's all you idiots ever have. You'd rather fuck them before they're born, so even if your comments regarding conservatives were remotely true, that would make you no better.

So you're going to fall back on the old "sure I'm bad but you are too" line? Typical. If you don't realize that cutting funding for low income people will take food out of the mouths of children, then you are an idiot. If, on the other hand, you acknowledge that it's taking food away, then you really don't care about them anyway. Right?

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