AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child

Thanks for posting this thread! I feel so much better having read it just a week before Christmas.

Is your point that homosexuality is bad? Stuff like this happens with heterosexuals ALL THE FLIPPING TIME.

Not posting about it though, because that's not my thing; I prefer to see the good in my fellow man.

Seriously, Steve ... what's the point?
So pretending this did not happen helps children you selfish prick?

Your point is to help children? How is that?

I got NOTHING against you, Steve, but your war on gays seems a tad bit mean-spirited and hopelessly idealistic - are you trying to outlaw homosexuality?
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That's unfortunate. But given your other hate posts I wonder if you think gays are more likely to do this sort of thing? In fact, heterosexuals are more likely to be child sex abusers than homosexuals. How many straight men and women have been arrested for child pornography, statutory rape, and other sex crimes directed towards children? Compare that figure to how many were gay or lesbian and the truth of it is a flashing neon billboard at night.

Find it curious a 'straight' person writes this much about LGBT issues. You know I'm sure that homophobic men when tested for penile arrousal being shown straight and gay pornography, reacted more to the gay pornograhy right? It's true, and not actually surprising: homophobic men are more arroused by gay erotica than self-identified gay men.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today
Yet on here you have more issue with me posting the story than with the contents of the story. Why? Why do you want this swept under the carpet?
Yet on here you have more issue with me posting the story than with the contents of the story. Why? Why do you want this swept under the carpet?

That's a good point, Steve. If you constantly view the world through a prism of its most unfortunate elements, it does nothing to change it's outcome; in fact, the more we dwell on the abysmal depths of mans inhumanity to man, the less room room there is for daylight to eventually enter.

Again, what's YOUR point? Outlaw homosexuality and have it move underground like drugs? That didn’t work out so well, did it?
Where did I suggest such a thing? Will your sweeping child abide under the carpet address the issue?
I focus a lot on liberals too. Am I a closeted liberal too?

I don't think so, but that's a real problem if it's ALL you can talk about.

Eventually, Republicans/conservatives need to focus on the issues and not "libs."

Otherwise, they are just playing the blame-game and not even trying to fix things.
That's unfortunate. But given your other hate posts I wonder if you think gays are more likely to do this sort of thing? In fact, heterosexuals are more likely to be child sex abusers than homosexuals. How many straight men and women have been arrested for child pornography, statutory rape, and other sex crimes directed towards children? Compare that figure to how many were gay or lesbian and the truth of it is a flashing neon billboard at night.

Find it curious a 'straight' person writes this much about LGBT issues. You know I'm sure that homophobic men when tested for penile arrousal being shown straight and gay pornography, reacted more to the gay pornograhy right? It's true, and not actually surprising: homophobic men are more arroused by gay erotica than self-identified gay men.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today

I already posted that link for him. He knows he is aroused by this stuff because he is in the closet.
This is one of those stories where I genuinely pray that this father was stoned out on drugs 24/7 to explain this level of depravity.

Because there can be no other explanation except being possessed by demons. Cripes.

Torture, sodomy, child porn, giving his son STDs I mean what kind of monster is this father?

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