Alabama supreme court tells SC to take a hike on marriage opinion

And the left wonders why a convention of states meeting is gaining ground.

Fag "marriage" is not covered under the constitution. Thanks for playing

I wonder which opinion carries more weight? A majority of Supreme Court Justices? Or some weepy Nazi wannabe? Yeah, I got with the Justices on this one. lol.

Don't like it? Tough shit.

I've never seen anything as stupid as these hate-filled loons who don't understand that some state court bigot can't overrule the supreme court.

they're pathetic.

Not nearly as loonish as the morons who think the Supreme Court can't make laws.
Who's going to stop them?

There isn't any need. The vast and overwhelming majority of probate judges ignored Moore's weepy order weeks ago. I bet they'll ignore this one as well.

Moore is simply hoping to use this case and the press that comes with it to climb into the Governor's chair.
Who's going to stop them?

There isn't any need. The vast and overwhelming majority of probate judges ignored Moore's weepy order weeks ago. I bet they'll ignore this one as well.

Moore is simply hoping to use this case and the press that comes with it to climb into the Governor's chair.

So, the answer is, no one is going to stop them. Got it.

No, I don't believe you 'got it' as queers continue to marry in Alabama despite Moore's sharply worded and toothless tirade. Probate judges across the state are ignoring his order.
Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?
You have it backwards. They can't stop gay people from marrying, no matter how much they stamp their club feet or how long they hold their stinking breath.

Actually, a state can stop gays from marrying. 1) the Supreme Court can't make law, certainly not state law and 2) the Fed's don't have the authority to stop a state prohibition against gay marriage.

If you hadn't elected Democrats that are stupid and weak, you could have a constitutional convention that made marriage a constitutional right, instead of doing it illegally.
Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?
You have it backwards. They can't stop gay people from marrying, no matter how much they stamp their club feet or how long they hold their stinking breath.

Actually, a state can stop gays from marrying. 1) the Supreme Court can't make law, certainly not state law and 2) the Fed's don't have the authority to stop a state prohibition against gay marriage.

If you hadn't elected Democrats that are stupid and weak, you could have a constitutional convention that made marriage a constitutional right, instead of doing it illegally.

you don't know what you're talking about. the supreme court did not MAKE law. the supreme court held that it violated the equal protection clause of the constitution to deny marriage equality.

no one cares if you like it. but the legitimacy of the government and the courts are what they are. some bigot can try to deny that, but he's going to get tossed from the bench...and could go to jail for contempt.

Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?

you not understand how our government works, nutter?

or should every blue/purple state ban guns despite heller?

get it now?

I not understand? Of course I understand. It's you not understand how our government works.

Gun ban are illegal, because there is a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms. There not a constitutional amendment guaranteeing The right to gay marriage, or any marriage. You not understand difference?
Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?
You have it backwards. They can't stop gay people from marrying, no matter how much they stamp their club feet or how long they hold their stinking breath.

Actually, a state can stop gays from marrying. 1) the Supreme Court can't make law, certainly not state law and 2) the Fed's don't have the authority to stop a state prohibition against gay marriage.

If you hadn't elected Democrats that are stupid and weak, you could have a constitutional convention that made marriage a constitutional right, instead of doing it illegally.

you don't know what you're talking about. the supreme court did not MAKE law. the supreme court held that it violated the equal protection clause of the constitution to deny marriage equality.

no one cares if you like it. but the legitimacy of the government and the courts are what they are. some bigot can try to deny that, but he's going to get tossed from the bench...and could go to jail for contempt.


Making law is exactly what the Supreme Court did.
I feel that Alabama should suffer a loss of their their federal funding by not promoting rights for EVERY American.

Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.


And then the federal government should pull every military installation out of Alabama and cut off all Social Security payments.
Try reading the Constitution:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land;

and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby,

anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
Fag "marriage" is not covered under the constitution. Thanks for playing.

Equal protection under the law is protected, so as long as states have marriage LAWs, they are obligated to keep those laws constitutional.

btw, I didn't miss that you are totally oblivious to what the Supremacy Clause says.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

It is now.
Gonna answer the question or not? 2nd amendment is a RIGHT so everyone should be allowed to own a gun? Right? Or as you libtards LOVE pointing out a right CAN BE restricted.

Rights can be restricted. Everyone with a brain knows that. You just can't restrict rights in violation of the equal protection clause.

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