Alabama supreme court tells SC to take a hike on marriage opinion

Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?

you not understand how our government works, nutter?

or should every blue/purple state ban guns despite heller?

get it now?

I not understand? Of course I understand. It's you not understand how our government works.

Gun ban are illegal, because there is a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms. There not a constitutional amendment guaranteeing The right to gay marriage, or any marriage. You not understand difference?

Gay marriage is a right because it's marriage sufficiently similar to hetero marriage and if a state is going to have legal marriage it has to have legal marriage for same sex and opposite sex,

in compliance with the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

If a change of gender can be "sufficiently similar" the number of participants can be as well.

I feel that Alabama should suffer a loss of their their federal funding by not promoting rights for EVERY American.

Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.


And then the federal government should pull every military installation out of Alabama and cut off all Social Security payments.
Equal protection under the law is protected, so as long as states have marriage LAWs, they are obligated to keep those laws constitutional.

btw, I didn't miss that you are totally oblivious to what the Supremacy Clause says.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

It is now.
Gonna answer the question or not? 2nd amendment is a RIGHT so everyone should be allowed to own a gun? Right? Or as you libtards LOVE pointing out a right CAN BE restricted.

Rights can be restricted. Everyone with a brain knows that. You just can't restrict rights in violation of the equal protection clause.

Cut off social security payments? Black folks would be up in arms. Personally, I would LOVE to see the fallout from that
Retired working people everywhere look at your post in puzzlement.
I feel that Alabama should suffer a loss of their their federal funding by not promoting rights for EVERY American.

Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.


And then the federal government should pull every military installation out of Alabama and cut off all Social Security payments.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

It is now.
Gonna answer the question or not? 2nd amendment is a RIGHT so everyone should be allowed to own a gun? Right? Or as you libtards LOVE pointing out a right CAN BE restricted.

Rights can be restricted. Everyone with a brain knows that. You just can't restrict rights in violation of the equal protection clause.

Cut off social security payments? Black folks would be up in arms. Personally, I would LOVE to see the fallout from that
Retired working people everywhere look at your post in puzzlement.

I'm wondering why you think no black people are receiving social security.
I feel that Alabama should suffer a loss of their their federal funding by not promoting rights for EVERY American.

Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.


And then the federal government should pull every military installation out of Alabama and cut off all Social Security payments.
Equal protection under the law is protected, so as long as states have marriage LAWs, they are obligated to keep those laws constitutional.

btw, I didn't miss that you are totally oblivious to what the Supremacy Clause says.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

It is now.
Gonna answer the question or not? 2nd amendment is a RIGHT so everyone should be allowed to own a gun? Right? Or as you libtards LOVE pointing out a right CAN BE restricted.

Rights can be restricted. Everyone with a brain knows that. You just can't restrict rights in violation of the equal protection clause.
So your argument is that the 2nd amendment rights CAN be restricted by rights under the 14th CAN'T be restricted...ever heard of HYPOCRITE? Your Anti American Cultural Marxism is showing.

So your argument is that the 2nd amendment rights CAN be restricted by rights under the 14th CAN'T be restricted...ever heard of HYPOCRITE? Your Anti American Cultural Marxism is showing.

I'm a gun owner, and my rights haven't been infringed. But then again, I'm NOT a racist/bigot/homophobe that gets my name on watch lists.
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said, “The ruling last year by the Alabama Supreme Court was historic, and is one of the most researched and well-reasoned opinions on marriage to be issued by any court in the country. Today’s opinion by the Alabama Supreme Court calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage opinion ‘illegitimate’ will be remembered in history like the ‘shot heard around the world.”

That really made :lmao:
Yeah...that is about as effective as George Wallace standing at the college door.....:lol:
Alabama and Mississippi are vying for the most backward inbreed cracka run state in the union

Mississippi is the blackest state in the country.

Mississippi is the blackest state in the country.

Yet South Carolina is the biggest taker, 7.8:1.
I feel that Alabama should suffer a loss of their their federal funding by not promoting rights for EVERY American.

Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.


And then the federal government should pull every military installation out of Alabama and cut off all Social Security payments.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

It is now.
Gonna answer the question or not? 2nd amendment is a RIGHT so everyone should be allowed to own a gun? Right? Or as you libtards LOVE pointing out a right CAN BE restricted.

Rights can be restricted. Everyone with a brain knows that. You just can't restrict rights in violation of the equal protection clause.
So your argument is that the 2nd amendment rights CAN be restricted by rights under the 14th CAN'T be restricted...ever heard of HYPOCRITE? Your Anti American Cultural Marxism is showing.

So your argument is that the 2nd amendment rights CAN be restricted by rights under the 14th CAN'T be restricted...ever heard of HYPOCRITE? Your Anti American Cultural Marxism is showing.

I'm a gun owner, and my rights haven't been infringed. But then again, I'm NOT a racist/bigot/homophobe that gets my name on watch lists.
But then again, I'm NOT a racist/bigot/homophobe that gets my name on watch lists.

And the idiots don't understand that
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said, “The ruling last year by the Alabama Supreme Court was historic, and is one of the most researched and well-reasoned opinions on marriage to be issued by any court in the country. Today’s opinion by the Alabama Supreme Court calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage opinion ‘illegitimate’ will be remembered in history like the ‘shot heard around the world.”

That really made :lmao:
Yeah...that is about as effective as George Wallace standing at the college door.....:lol:
Alabama and Mississippi are vying for the most backward inbreed cracka run state in the union

Mississippi is the blackest state in the country.

Mississippi is the blackest state in the country.

Yet South Carolina is the biggest taker, 7.8:1.

SC is another state with a large black community.

What's the rate of return on Vermont?
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said, “The ruling last year by the Alabama Supreme Court was historic, and is one of the most researched and well-reasoned opinions on marriage to be issued by any court in the country. Today’s opinion by the Alabama Supreme Court calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage opinion ‘illegitimate’ will be remembered in history like the ‘shot heard around the world.”

That really made :lmao:
Yeah...that is about as effective as George Wallace standing at the college door.....:lol:
Alabama and Mississippi are vying for the most backward inbreed cracka run state in the union

Mississippi is the blackest state in the country.

Mississippi is the blackest state in the country.

Yet South Carolina is the biggest taker, 7.8:1.

SC is another state with a large black community.

What's the rate of return on Vermont?

SC is another state with a large black community.

What's the rate of return on Vermont?

Here's the list

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Seems RED States are the biggest takers.
Not according to the authority of Alabama :) That's all that matters. The more states fight back the bigger the divide becomes and the closer we get to revolution and the country falling apart.
The authority of Alabama does not override the rule of law that a US Supreme Court decision brings with it, no matter how hard your tiny racist brain trues to make it so.

Anyway, what are you waiting on? Start your revolution. Or are you just all talk? Pussy
Someone should explain to those crackers that the US Supreme Court is superior to the Alabama Supreme Court.
Lol...someone should explain to the zionist elitist scum NO ONE cares about their opinions especially when they are COMPLETELY illegal and wrong. :)

Try reading the Constitution:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land;

and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby,

anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
Fag "marriage" is not covered under the constitution. Thanks for playing.

Equal protection under the law is protected, so as long as states have marriage LAWs, they are obligated to keep those laws constitutional.

btw, I didn't miss that you are totally oblivious to what the Supremacy Clause says.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

Marriage is a right.
they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?
You have it backwards. They can't stop gay people from marrying, no matter how much they stamp their club feet or how long they hold their stinking breath.

Actually, a state can stop gays from marrying. 1) the Supreme Court can't make law, certainly not state law and 2) the Fed's don't have the authority to stop a state prohibition against gay marriage.

If you hadn't elected Democrats that are stupid and weak, you could have a constitutional convention that made marriage a constitutional right, instead of doing it illegally.

you don't know what you're talking about. the supreme court did not MAKE law. the supreme court held that it violated the equal protection clause of the constitution to deny marriage equality.

no one cares if you like it. but the legitimacy of the government and the courts are what they are. some bigot can try to deny that, but he's going to get tossed from the bench...and could go to jail for contempt.


Making law is exactly what the Supreme Court did.

What law did they make?
I feel that Alabama should suffer a loss of their their federal funding by not promoting rights for EVERY American.

Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.


And then the federal government should pull every military installation out of Alabama and cut off all Social Security payments.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

It is now.
Gonna answer the question or not? 2nd amendment is a RIGHT so everyone should be allowed to own a gun? Right? Or as you libtards LOVE pointing out a right CAN BE restricted.

Rights can be restricted. Everyone with a brain knows that. You just can't restrict rights in violation of the equal protection clause.
So your argument is that the 2nd amendment rights CAN be restricted by rights under the 14th CAN'T be restricted...ever heard of HYPOCRITE? Your Anti American Cultural Marxism is showing.

So your argument is that the 2nd amendment rights CAN be restricted by rights under the 14th CAN'T be restricted...ever heard of HYPOCRITE? Your Anti American Cultural Marxism is showing.

I'm a gun owner, and my rights haven't been infringed. But then again, I'm NOT a racist/bigot/homophobe that gets my name on watch lists.
Your 2nd amendment IS restricted if you ever bought a weapon or ammo and had to have a background check,register the weapon,wait 3 days to get the weapon etc. Since NONE of that is included in the 2nd amendment to the constitution. Thanks for playing. Oh and I am PROUD of my name being in the FBI files. It means I have done something WORTHY of pissing the feds and the SPLC and ADL off.
Maybe Alabama should stop sending federal tax money to Washington.

:lol: they take more than they give fyi

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

state constitutions can not violate The Constitution and state courts are legally bound to the supremacy of the supreme court.

State courts are only bound to ruling by SCOTUS that are legal.

Every ruling by the Supreme Court is by definition legal.

Even bad ones.
Lol...someone should explain to the zionist elitist scum NO ONE cares about their opinions especially when they are COMPLETELY illegal and wrong. :)

Try reading the Constitution:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land;

and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby,

anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
Fag "marriage" is not covered under the constitution. Thanks for playing.

Equal protection under the law is protected, so as long as states have marriage LAWs, they are obligated to keep those laws constitutional.

btw, I didn't miss that you are totally oblivious to what the Supremacy Clause says.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

Marriage is a right.
But gun ownership isn't? Come on follow along now child. Either ALL rights can be restricted or NO rights can be restricted so which is it for ya lefty?
Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?
You have it backwards. They can't stop gay people from marrying, no matter how much they stamp their club feet or how long they hold their stinking breath.

Actually, a state can stop gays from marrying.
They haven't. Not even in Alabama.

Sucks for you.
Alabama Supreme Court tells Supreme Court to Take a Hike on Marriage Opinion

Awesome! You tell them Alabama! Keep fighting the good fight!

they can't do that, moron.

Who's going to stop them?
You have it backwards. They can't stop gay people from marrying, no matter how much they stamp their club feet or how long they hold their stinking breath.

Actually, a state can stop gays from marrying..

No more than a state can stop a mixed race couple from marrying

Which is why in all 50 states it is legal for mixed race couples- and gay couples to marry- despite State's objections.
Try reading the Constitution:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land;

and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby,

anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
Fag "marriage" is not covered under the constitution. Thanks for playing.

Equal protection under the law is protected, so as long as states have marriage LAWs, they are obligated to keep those laws constitutional.

btw, I didn't miss that you are totally oblivious to what the Supremacy Clause says.
Marriage is not a right. So. By YOUR own words EVERYONE should be allowed to own a gun since that IS a right.

Marriage is a right.
But gun ownership isn't?

Where did I say gun ownership isn't a right?- please provide the quote.

Meanwhile- marriage is a right. Repeatedly confirmed by the Supreme Court.

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