Alabama Takes Down Its Confederate (Loser) Flags

Removing the confederate flag is no different than what Isis is doing in Palmyra. They are the same.
I'm Black not white. Baboons look more like you.

Be proud shit flinger, your grade school picture looks good...

Sorry white monkey. This is a baboon and a white guy as his twin.


Nah, Tyler has bigger lips.

Black people look at Steve Tyler and say "man, he gots some big assed lips.."
No "American ruined" in sight at all, unless it is for the southern right.
The radical left will be after the AMERICAN FLAG NEXT!

How long ago was it we saw this?



They won't be happy until America is RUINED!
America ruined? Maybe the america you want will be ruined but not the one I want. Tough tits homie. Suck it up and stop pouting.
Aren't you the blackie that was telling me the other day that white boys never fight back? That you jigaboos could go around stealing our white women and stomping our asses, and we'd never do anything about it?

Well what happened at that church, knap head? Looks like some whitey fought back.

Wow another southern plowboy christer cracker who is an internet tough guy :itsok::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Now I fully understand why your board name is "BAT SHIT."

I live in Wisconsin, you ignorant fucking zipper head.
Poor Wisconsin.
This is something else. Alabama, a state known for breeding some of the most vile racists known to mankind have made it official.

So you were bred in Alabama then, Asslips?
No. I was bred in Cali you monkey. :laugh:

Couldn't have been San Diego, as there's next to no blacks there.
:rofl: I see you've never been here.

OOPS! I forgot about the Naval Station.
:eusa_doh:And it only took nine innocent people to get it done!

I believe that opening statement by the former Governor of Alabama summed up the situation quite well. Add that into the South Carolina's Governor Haley deciding to petition the legislature to remove the flag from state grounds, despite the fact it flies over a Confederate dead memorial, and was part of an agreement between the Black community in SC and the State Legislature there to end a tourism boycott, and things have moved along rapidly.

Every time there is a police shooting of a Black in America, it seems to make national news, and be confrontational and pervasive sensationalism. The dawgs come out, the liberals come out, the government comes out, and everyone is down on the cops. The conservatives point out that Black on Black crime is as common as donuts in major American cities, like Detroit, Chicago, Miami, NYC, Philadelphia (Camden, N.J. right over the bridge), even Columbia, SC, which has a major Black population and drug-crime issues, but that type of crime doesn't sell on television.

Now we have nine innocent Black citizens worshiping peacefully in their church in one of America's most beautiful cities, Charleston, SC, murdered by a self-proclaimed wing-nut, white racist, yet, unlike Ferguson, Missouri or Baltimore, Maryland, the Black community in Charleston and Columbia, doesn't break out into massive rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods, rioting to the cheers of the national media - it is a great story for them.

What we do have is a fast moving story, that last month wouldn't even have been much more than an intelligent give and take argument between Liberals and Conservatives, as to what the Confederate Flag represent's and why it should or shouldn't fly - that argument taking place on the internet's social media, which is to say, whatever is posted is of no importance really.

However, the backlash to this story, now has numerous states of our Southern region, deciding that the time has arrived, finally, to honor the wishes of the minority community, mostly Blacks, whose ancestor's were murdered, and mistreated by white terrorist's and entrenched politicians and sheriff's during the segregation era of America, who used that flag as their emblem.

Most people who actually fly that flag do so simply for historical or regional pride reasons, not to deliberately antagonize the Black community of America, we all know that. But, it is time to end the "official" use of that flag in a government capacity by flying it in public over government buildings, and state sponsored monuments or national cemeteries. If you want, as an American, to fly the Confederate flag from your porch, yard, display it on the back window of a pick-up truck; from a flagpole at a racetrack that is privately owned, no problem with it. Your right as an American.

I would hope the Black community that has been so strident regarding the removal of that flag, would continue on, and if that flag flies over the football stadium's at LSU; Alabama; USC; Clemson; Virginia; Miami; Florida State; Florida; Georgia; Georgia Tech; North Carolina; North Carolina State; Wake Forrest; Duke; William & Mary - any sports arena where college football is played, than the Black community should urge and / or insist, that their talented football playing star athletes refuses to attend those state universities, even the private ones.

You won't see that flag flying over the stadium at Syracuse; Ohio State; Southern Cal; Notre Dame; Michigan; Michigan State; Penn State, Pitt, etc. They want the display of that flag limited, or eliminated - make the sacrifice and deny us the enjoyment of watching your youth's electrify us on the gridiron, as a protest to any stadium of the Old South, flying that flag.

Removing that flag symbol from official consideration by state and local government's, in order to maintain or ease racial tensions and order, happens to be a idea whose time, I believe, has come. It represent's honor to those who fought valiantly under its banner from 1861-1865, however mistakenly their ideals were, and removing it from official recognition by states that attempted to destroy the Federal Union back then, flying it now, just is unnecessary. We all know the history and bravery of those dead.

You can buy the flag just about anyplace south of the Mason-Dixon line, although retailers are now lining up and refusing to sell it, good for them. You can buy replicas of that flag on coffee mugs in the gift shop of the Cracker Barrel Restaurant and the gift shop at Gettysburg National battlefield. So removing it from official recognition, is paying honor to nine people, whose deaths will pay tribute to thousands of people from 1865-1961, who were murdered, tortured, and deprived of their civil rights, throughout the reconstruction and segregation era in American history, an ugly chapter.

Some of you are probably not old enough to remember the Birmingham, Alabama church bombing in the early 1960's that killed three little Black females, and took the FBI well into the 1970's, to finally bring the local politicians and a police officer, responsible for it, to justice. Or the three murdered, White, Freedom Riders who disappeared in the South and were later found dead, buried in an earth dam, who rode Greyhound buses into the South from Northern college campuses to aid in enrollment of Southern Blacks to vote. Such was the horror of "official" Southern politics and thinking in those days.

You want a Confederate flag, you can buy one. You want to fly it as a symbol of your state or local government, you can't do it without offending an entire portion of America if it is on an official government structure. Time that flag was put to rest officially in our historical annals, and left for individuals to display it privately as they wish.

I just hope people like Sharpton and Obama don't go into Charleston and attempt to inflame the passions of racial hatred as they have done in the past (it happens to be Sharpton's speciality) and view and acknowledge, on behalf of those poor murdered victims in the church, how this fast moving story, of removing the Confederate flag from official recognition, is a good thing for America, and particularly the old former Southern states of the Confederacy.

The American Civil War didn't end symbolically with the election of Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter to the Presidency, but eliminating the Confederate Flag from official government buildings, monuments and state supported activities, certainly finally puts the Civil War to rest, and that is a very very good and progressive healing potion for America............
America ruined? Maybe the america you want will be ruined but not the one I want. Tough tits homie. Suck it up and stop pouting.
Go back to Africa, yard ape.
Go back to europe first cave monkey then I might think about it.
Nobody forced us to come here from Europe. We came freely, because we were intelligent, curious, explorative people. You were forced to come here, so you should want to go back to your ancestral country, where you can still run around with a hollow carrot on your dick and raid the neighboring village for their women, living in those wonderful mud huts. You should love that, living like a cave man again, you can be as violent as you want and nobody will care. Hell they'll even make you chief of the village.

See ya, that's where you belong.
Sorry cave chimp. You white boys were the first indentured servants. Matter of fact the term slave is european. It comes from the Slavic people. I know you are desperate to deflect to something to salvage some of your white pride but thats what makes these exchanges all the more amusing to me. Go back to the caves of europe where you mutated and I'll think about going back to the mother land where civilization begin.
You're losing steam, jambo. You're posts are getting more stupid with every post.

Go fuck yourself.

Trailer park dwelling bible thumper
Go back to Africa, yard ape.
Go back to europe first cave monkey then I might think about it.
Nobody forced us to come here from Europe. We came freely, because we were intelligent, curious, explorative people. You were forced to come here, so you should want to go back to your ancestral country, where you can still run around with a hollow carrot on your dick and raid the neighboring village for their women, living in those wonderful mud huts. You should love that, living like a cave man again, you can be as violent as you want and nobody will care. Hell they'll even make you chief of the village.

See ya, that's where you belong.
Sorry cave chimp. You white boys were the first indentured servants. Matter of fact the term slave is european. It comes from the Slavic people. I know you are desperate to deflect to something to salvage some of your white pride but thats what makes these exchanges all the more amusing to me. Go back to the caves of europe where you mutated and I'll think about going back to the mother land where civilization begin.
You're losing steam, jambo. You're posts are getting more stupid with every post.

Go fuck yourself.

Trailer park dwelling bible thumper
Blah, blah... gurgle, derp, blurp... slurp...

... that's what I see when you post, you fucking worthless pile of steaming dog shit.

Get a life.
The radical left will be after the AMERICAN FLAG NEXT!

How long ago was it we saw this?



They won't be happy until America is RUINED!
America ruined? Maybe the america you want will be ruined but not the one I want. Tough tits homie. Suck it up and stop pouting.
Aren't you the blackie that was telling me the other day that white boys never fight back? That you jigaboos could go around stealing our white women and stomping our asses, and we'd never do anything about it?

Well what happened at that church, knap head? Looks like some whitey fought back.

Wow another southern plowboy christer cracker who is an internet tough guy :itsok::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Now I fully understand why your board name is "BAT SHIT."

I live in Wisconsin, you ignorant fucking zipper head.
Poor Wisconsin.
Poor USMB that you're here, you nasty bull dyke.

Go lick some pussing gash, homo.
America ruined? Maybe the america you want will be ruined but not the one I want. Tough tits homie. Suck it up and stop pouting.
Aren't you the blackie that was telling me the other day that white boys never fight back? That you jigaboos could go around stealing our white women and stomping our asses, and we'd never do anything about it?

Well what happened at that church, knap head? Looks like some whitey fought back.

Wow another southern plowboy christer cracker who is an internet tough guy :itsok::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Now I fully understand why your board name is "BAT SHIT."

I live in Wisconsin, you ignorant fucking zipper head.
Poor Wisconsin.
Poor USMB that you're here, you nasty bull dyke.

Go lick some pussing gash, homo.
You really are just a feral little monkey arent you?
Once all the Confederate flags are gone then we will have no more racism.

Fucking morons!!!
America ruined? Maybe the america you want will be ruined but not the one I want. Tough tits homie. Suck it up and stop pouting.
Aren't you the blackie that was telling me the other day that white boys never fight back? That you jigaboos could go around stealing our white women and stomping our asses, and we'd never do anything about it?

Well what happened at that church, knap head? Looks like some whitey fought back.
Knap head...jigaboo..blackie..

Yea, pretty sure you lost whatever the fuck youn thought "your" America was you pussy assed sheet head.
Why do you IGNORE what that RACIST BLACK calls us whites on here? Doesn't fit your narative?

STFU and go fuck yourself, piss for brains.
Arent you white boy? I could see if you got mad about me calling you a white monkey that attracts hair lice.
You don't make me mad, porch monkey. I'm playing you like a cheap piano, but you're too stupid to know it.

Dont mind him,thats just asslips being nignorant again.
Once all the Confederate flags are gone then we will have no more racism.

Fucking morons!!!

who claimed there would be no more racism as a result of the confederate flag being taken down from public buildings?

You ignorant libs must think that. You idiots believe that its a symbol of racism and must think that it's removal will somehow heal the country.

Bunch of ignorant fucks is all y'all are.

Don't bother researching the history, just stay stuck on stupid.

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