ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona!

"Name the felonies."
Reportage this morning:
"The charges are as follows: conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and forgery. All are felonies, with the most serious being fraudulent schemes and artifices, which carries a standard sentence of five years in prison."

"Hey Trumpsters: Indictments.
Official, legal CHARGES. That means there is actual evidence."
Of all of these Republican operatives who have been charged in the fraudulent elector scheme...(about 43).....we can wonder if Don Trump's PAC's or other funding sources will step in and pay attorney fees to defend these folks, who....per all of the states doing the charging ....were working at the direction of people who reported directly to Trump.

Reported yesterday:

"Every four years, presidential electors in every state meet on the same day in December to submit electoral ballots to federal authorities so Congress can finalize the results. On that day in 2020, Republicans in seven states signed ballots for Trump even though Joe Biden had won in their states. In five of the states, they claimed to be legitimate electors even though they were not. In the other two, they signed paperwork saying their states’ electoral votes for Trump should be counted only if Biden’s victory was overturned."


Notably there have already been a number of guilty pleas by key operatives, e.g., Kenneth Cheseboro of the White House; Jenna Ellis, of the Rudy Elite Strike Force. Others...most especially in Georgia....have taken plea deals in exchange for turning State's evidence and testifying against co-conspirators.

Will money Trump controls or directs be used to help these supporters out?
Did he use any of his money for bail with the Trump supporting J6 attackers?
Dems will stop at nothing to destroy the Republic and turn America into a one-party state, aka a hell-hole like Venezuela.
That would be your dear leader.

Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth ...​

CNN › 2022/12/03 › politics › trump-c...

Dec 4, 2022 — Former President Donald Trump called for the termination of the Constitution to overturn the 2020 election and reinstate him to power ...

That's all Trump and his cult have............Is projection.
Of all of these Republican operatives who have been charged in the fraudulent elector scheme...(about 43).....we can wonder if Don Trump's PAC's or other funding sources will step in and pay attorney fees to defend these folks, who....per all of the states doing the charging ....were working at the direction of people who reported directly to Trump.
My guess is that Trump will continue to hoard every last penny for himself and his own direct legal issues. So in this context, the Arizona phonies are on their own, as long as he remains nothing more than an "unindicted co-conspirator". That's merely an indirect threat to him.

The "Party of Law & Order" has made a mockery of Law & Order, not to mention our Constitution.
Yes, they have...........For decades.

Even before the orange, corrupt grifter was installed.


These phony patriots deserve whatever they get.
The MAGA herd is soiling themselves from coast to coast with these new indictments.

Individual I.Q. 1 (Trump) can still be indicted which will really launch the herd into orbit.
I think y’all should pull out all the stops with this ‘Lawfare’ to effect the election…Nothing does more to say, ‘We can’t win fairly’, than this crap…
So many MAGA have gone to prison or been charged because they believed or were complicit in The Big Lie.

It’s time to put the boss of the Trump Crime Syndicate into prison.
GAWD, you people are stupid…
Reportage this morning:
"The charges are as follows: conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and forgery. All are felonies, with the most serious being fraudulent schemes and artifices, which carries a standard sentence of five years in prison."

Of all of these Republican operatives who have been charged in the fraudulent elector scheme...(about 43).....we can wonder if Don Trump's PAC's or other funding sources will step in and pay attorney fees to defend these folks, who....per all of the states doing the charging ....were working at the direction of people who reported directly to Trump.

Reported yesterday:

"Every four years, presidential electors in every state meet on the same day in December to submit electoral ballots to federal authorities so Congress can finalize the results. On that day in 2020, Republicans in seven states signed ballots for Trump even though Joe Biden had won in their states. In five of the states, they claimed to be legitimate electors even though they were not. In the other two, they signed paperwork saying their states’ electoral votes for Trump should be counted only if Biden’s victory was overturned."


Notably there have already been a number of guilty pleas by key operatives, e.g., Kenneth Cheseboro of the White House; Jenna Ellis, of the Rudy Elite Strike Force. Others...most especially in Georgia....have taken plea deals in exchange for turning State's evidence and testifying against co-conspirators.

Will money Trump controls or directs be used to help these supporters out?
Did he use any of his money for bail with the Trump supporting J6 attackers?
Imagine being an old man like Meadows or Giuliani and facing consecutive prison sentences in Georgia in Arizona. That would pretty much be their entire retirement.

These guys are going to give up the booty to the prosecutors.
My guess is that Trump will continue to hoard every last penny for himself and his own direct legal issues. So in this context, the Arizona phonies are on their own, as long as he remains nothing more than an "unindicted co-conspirator". That's merely an indirect threat to him.
The 2020 election was obviously stolen. The lawfare is backfiring like it has done in GA. By the time this trial is over everyone will know AZ. was stolen also.
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#173. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona! 240425 {Post•.173}
They were following DEMOCRAT derived procedures.

#180. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona! 240425 {Post•.180}

Actually they were following Trump campaign lawyer John Eastman’s coup memo. From last January you can see my prediction along with the truth:

#81 Democrats have gone full Stalin 240104 {post•81}. Freedomisneverfree in #81 dhgfs: Liberals could give a RATS ASS about "Democracy" it is a play to get black voters to vote for them. But it Ain't Werkin! Blacks are coming home to Trump! frdmsnvrfr 240104 Sdhgfs00081

#166. Democrats have gone full Stalin 240105 {post•166} NotfooledbyW Jan’24 dhgfs: The Eastman Memo will become a well worn phrase over the next 10 months of courtroom drama Saint Freedomisneverfree as were the “missing 18 minutes” of the Nixon WH tapes. It will bring Trump down because in court there is no defense for the racist plot to throw out big city votes with large minority populations on DJT’s word and without cause. •¥•. The Eastman Memo defines in writing an attempt by DJT his damned self in the commission of election fraud to deny the will of the coalition of multi/racial law abiding Americans who live in big cities and surrounding urban areas to elect Joe Biden. •¥¥¥•. The following insert describes precisely what racial minorities will be learning about Trump even if he ends up beating all 91 counts against him before Election Day,

#166 Democrats have gone full Stalin 240105 {post•166} NotfooledbyW Jan’24 dhgfs inserted Gibson•Alternet•240205: The infamous "Eastman Memo" laid out how the fake electors plot would work: If Pence received an alternate slate of electors from a certain state, he could refrain from including those states' electoral votes in the official count, giving Trump a slight advantage. Following Democrats' objections, Pence would have then sent the matter to the House of Representatives, where each state's delegation would have exactly one vote. Because Republicans controlled slightly more state delegations than Democrats, this would have also resulted in a Trump victory. Bombshell report reveals evidence Trump campaign 'directly orchestrated' fake elector plot Pblshd.24.01.05 c.Gibson•Alternet

nfbw 240105 Vdhgfs00166. to frdmsnvrfr 240104 Sdhgfs00081

nfbw 240425 Vanafe00180 to wstwll 240425 Sanafe00173
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