All that stands between us and "total disaster" is President Obama



Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

Let's hope so, 2016 will be even a bigger BLOOD BATH for you subversive pond scum!
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

Thanks for the post....
I was feeling some post election blues but I saw that we put alaska in the win column and this from you....

I'm feeling so much better about things now....

Your people should have shown up to vote if you didn't want republicans in control.
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.

Your love of dictatorial powers by Obama shows the true nature of the current progressive, that of a Statist Twat-waddle.

Yea let's get some more republicans in there and get some new patriot acts passed and create a couple new departments to defend the homeland. :rolleyes:

Btw Obama still has a looooong way to go before he catches Bush's number of executive orders.
I wish there were more people to choose from rather than just "Republicans" or "Democrats." Both parties suck.

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