All that work to defeat Trump...and they've only...

So hypothetically if trump isnt elected, what will you do on election day?

DAMMMITTT... That was you guys too!
Which is wondering why things never work out for you. So you'll just keep coming up with a never ending array of conspiracies for your cognitive dissonance?
Are you high?

I told you the Collusion Delusion was complete bunk from day one.

And you told me 'no way ... we're convinced! Trump colluded!'s Mueller Time!!!"

Who was right?

Who understood it was political bullshit shenanigans and who didn't?

So... Taking that fact to it's logical conclusion... Who's judgement should we put more weigh on when it comes to these indictments.

The guys who correctly identified it as complete bullshit from the start?

Or the dipshits that fell for it hook, line and sinker.

A little piece of advice.

If they fool you once... Shame on them.

When they fool you twice... It's because you're a fool.
Are you high?

I told you the Collusion Delusion was complete bunk from day one.

And you told me 'no way ... we're convinced! Trump colluded!'s Mueller Time!!!"

Who was right?

Who understood it was political bullshit shenanigans and who didn't?

So... Taking that fact to it's logical conclusion... Who's judgement should we put more weigh on when it comes to these indictments.

The guys who correctly identified it as complete bullshit from the start?

Or the dipshits that fell for it hook, line and sinker.

A little piece of advice.

If they fool you once... Shame on them.

When they fool you twice... It's because you're a fool.
10 possible instances of obstruction isnt exactly nothing.
This is all pointless though. The first trial wont be until 2024. Trump, though, will go down as the worst President in American history.
Trumps base isnt going anywhere. Because they are filth. Now how trump expects to attract others to get over the hump and beat Biden (or whoever) is a valid question. There arent enough dumb people left in America. Then they actually think non stop testimony being released from all these trials, incriminating trump is going to attract more trump voters? That's how delusional these traitors are.
Yes. Trump tells them what they want to hear, and promises them what they want, so they're willing to look the other way.
And you can no longer win on your own... you lack the numbers... you need Independents and Swing-Voters... January 6, 2021, ensure that he will not get them.
I'm an Independent and will be giving my vote to Trump. The current pool of candidates is corrupt with career politicians that long forgot they serve the citizens of the Unites States.
I'm an Independent and will be giving my vote to Trump.
That's ONE... :auiqs.jpg:
The current pool of candidates is corrupt with career politicians that long forgot they serve the citizens of the Unites States.

And they'll still win-out over someone who summoned, incited and aimed a riotous mob in an attack upon the Congress of the United States in order to retain power.

Corruption is a secular political "venial sin".

Insurrection is a secular political "mortal sin".

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