All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Indeed, the natives and foreign colonial settlers inside Palestine.

Sure. Let's go with that. The trick is to determine which peoples are the natives and which are the foreign settlers.

You play a lovely double standard around that.
Zionism emerged as a national movement in Eastern Europe in the 1880’s. Its founder, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), a Hungarian Jew, dreamt of establishing a Jewish State in the land of Palestine, a dream which was to be realised through colonisation and land acquisition. According to Zionist archives, the leadership of early Zionism believed that the native population of Palestine, as a result of this colonisation, would simply “fold their tents and slip away” or, if they resisted, they would be spirited across the borders”.

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all. We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

The Zionists called the "Arabs" the natives and called themselves colonialists.

You can't argue historical facts and events, which you seem hell bent on distorting, come what may.

Sold down the line.

The Morality of Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel - Part Two - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Every argument he uses states the Jewish State should not exist. He refers to the Armistice lines which were never respected or recognized by the Arabs in the first place.

I don't get the extent of his zealotry. And others like him.

One of my main motives for participating in such forums, was to really understand what drives antisemitism. This was during a time period when I was zealously critical of Israel as a result of a personal experience during war, which also lead to real life threats during work travel abroad. If You read my 1st post here, You'll see the long way I did - interacting with P F Tinmore and the likes actually made me into an unapologetically proud Zionist!
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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

IF we look back a century to 1917, there were segments within the worldwide Jewish community that proposed to pack up and move to the Middle East. IF you look back another decade to 1907, you will see much the same thing. To be a colonial project, you have to be the settle that is sponsored by a colonial power. This is not the case. Yes, they were colonizers, by not a colonial puppet.

Just because the outcome was similar to the definition of a Colonial Expedition does not mean it was a true colonial project sponsored (a key ingredient) by a major colonial power.

You are confusing political platforms and positions with official state doctrine.

And for heaven's sake, don't bring up those old newspaper cuttings and essays by the original members of the World Zionist Organization.
Only Zionist shills will argue with source documents. :cuckoo::cuckoo::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Source documents and political stances of the various political parties change over time. There is nothing static in politics, which may actually take a view differently.

Most Respectfully,
Nonsense, Israel was a settler colonial project then and is a settler colonial project now. Nothing has changed.

Israel is no a puppet of a colonial - nor is it a colonial power. Settlers does not automatically equal colonial sponsorship. Settlers are a group of like-minded family and friends that move as a group → to live in a new territory. And that is really what we have hear.

To use inspirational and motivational articles and political think pieces as some sort of conspiratorial plan is simply an incorrect investigatory process.

Most Respectfully,
Sure. Let's go with that. The trick is to determine which peoples are the natives and which are the foreign settlers.

You play a lovely double standard around that.
Zionism emerged as a national movement in Eastern Europe in the 1880’s. Its founder, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), a Hungarian Jew, dreamt of establishing a Jewish State in the land of Palestine, a dream which was to be realised through colonisation and land acquisition. According to Zionist archives, the leadership of early Zionism believed that the native population of Palestine, as a result of this colonisation, would simply “fold their tents and slip away” or, if they resisted, they would be spirited across the borders”.

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all. We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

The Zionists called the "Arabs" the natives and called themselves colonialists.

You can't argue historical facts and events, which you seem hell bent on distorting, come what may.

Sold down the line.

The Morality of Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel - Part Two - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Every argument he uses states the Jewish State should not exist. He refers to the Armistice lines which were never respected or recognized by the Arabs in the first place.

I don't get the extent of his zealotry. And others like him.

One of my main motives for participating in such forums, was to really understand what drives antisemitism. This was during a time period when I was zealously critical of Israel as a result of a personal experience during war, which also lead to real life threats during work travel abroad. If You read my 1st post here, You'll see the long way I did - interacting with P F Tinmore and the likes actually made me into an unapologetically proud Zionist!
Sorry I moved you onto the dark side.
Sure. Let's go with that. The trick is to determine which peoples are the natives and which are the foreign settlers.

You play a lovely double standard around that.
Zionism emerged as a national movement in Eastern Europe in the 1880’s. Its founder, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), a Hungarian Jew, dreamt of establishing a Jewish State in the land of Palestine, a dream which was to be realised through colonisation and land acquisition. According to Zionist archives, the leadership of early Zionism believed that the native population of Palestine, as a result of this colonisation, would simply “fold their tents and slip away” or, if they resisted, they would be spirited across the borders”.

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all. We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

The Zionists called the "Arabs" the natives and called themselves colonialists.

You can't argue historical facts and events, which you seem hell bent on distorting, come what may.

Sold down the line.

The Morality of Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel - Part Two - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Every argument he uses states the Jewish State should not exist. He refers to the Armistice lines which were never respected or recognized by the Arabs in the first place.

I don't get the extent of his zealotry. And others like him.

One of my main motives for participating in such forums, was to really understand what drives antisemitism. This was during a time period when I was zealously critical of Israel as a result of a personal experience during war, which also lead to real life threats during work travel abroad. If You read my 1st post here, You'll see the long way I did - interacting with P F Tinmore and the likes actually made me into an unapologetically proud Zionist!

Much of what he and others write is based on sheer ignorance, and a pathological hatred of Jews and Israel. That last sentence drives the narrative.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

To my knowledge, no Armistice Agreement in the century ever established national boundaries. That is because Armistice Agreements are a matter of establishing static lines of defense between military rivals. An Armistice Agreement is not a political instrument,but it may (with the intention) become a reference or starting point for the representative of heads of state to formally recognize international boundaries. The tool for that recognition is a "treaty."

I use the international boundaries that were referenced in the Armistice Agreements. Those are the same international boundaries that were defined by post war treaties.

I'm not sure which post=War Treaties to which you refer. But as far as the West Bank and Gaza Stript (the Oslo Accord Territories) are concerned the two post-War treaties were:

The Treaty Between the Hasemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Israel (1994).
Article 3
√ The international boundary between Jordan and Israel is delimited with reference to the boundary definition under the Mandate as is shown in Annex I (a), on the mapping materials attached thereto and coordinates specified therein.
√ The boundary, as set out in Annex I (a), is the permanent, secure and recognized international boundary between Jordan and Israel, without prejudice to the status of any territories that came under Israeli military government control in 1967.​

Treaty of Peace between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel (1979)
Article II
√ The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial integrity of the other, including their territorial waters and airspace.​

No matter what you say, these Treaties were concluded with the heads of state for all three nations. These two treaties establish the International Boundaries that the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (without prejudice to the Arab Palestinians). Both treaties were concluded well before the A/RES/67/19 Status of Palestine in the United Nations (4/12/2012) decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status (without prejudice to the acquired rights, privileges and role of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the United Nations).

Another complication was the Annexation and then Abandonment of the West Bank.

Most Respectfully,
Ursan eventually gets to his real point:

" And "Bibi", located in the center of the celebration, participating in the anniversary of the end of the Great World War. For this occasion he celebrated the Nakba of innocent Palestinian Arab blood, to drink there...The Zionist racists are celebrating their religious feasts, where they make their unleavened bread on the high holidays, thoroughly soaked in the blood of the Goyim. The terrible incident that took place in the "Bab Touma" neighborhood of Damascus, is still in memory. On February 6, 1840, Eid al-Fitr, two innocent human members of the "Goyim = the Gentiles" Padre Tomasso, a Christian cleric and pharmacist, followed by Ibrahim Amara, were massacred by the people of the Bibi Netanyahu...On the evening of the festive day, on Sunday 11/11/2018 (Bibi celebrated) with the blood of "Goyim = Gentiles" of Muslims in the Gaza Strip, Mohammed Baraka, and the Mujahideen al-Qassam Brigades: Muhammad Majid al-Qara, Alaa al-Din Fawzi Vseifis, Mahmoud Attallah Musbah, Mustafa Hassan Abu Odeh, Omar Naji Abu Khater and Khaled Muhammad Qweider from the Salah al-Din Brigades. In a column last month Ursan describes "Zionists" (obviously meaning Jews) by saying "they have chosen to lie down in the ladder of human decay by disguising themselves as a common human being......They are racist killers, spoilers in the land through history..."

Just some everyday antisemitism in Arab media.

(full article online)

Award-winning Syrian writer says Jews bake matzoh with blood of "goyim" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ursan eventually gets to his real point:

" And "Bibi", located in the center of the celebration, participating in the anniversary of the end of the Great World War. For this occasion he celebrated the Nakba of innocent Palestinian Arab blood, to drink there...The Zionist racists are celebrating their religious feasts, where they make their unleavened bread on the high holidays, thoroughly soaked in the blood of the Goyim. The terrible incident that took place in the "Bab Touma" neighborhood of Damascus, is still in memory. On February 6, 1840, Eid al-Fitr, two innocent human members of the "Goyim = the Gentiles" Padre Tomasso, a Christian cleric and pharmacist, followed by Ibrahim Amara, were massacred by the people of the Bibi Netanyahu...On the evening of the festive day, on Sunday 11/11/2018 (Bibi celebrated) with the blood of "Goyim = Gentiles" of Muslims in the Gaza Strip, Mohammed Baraka, and the Mujahideen al-Qassam Brigades: Muhammad Majid al-Qara, Alaa al-Din Fawzi Vseifis, Mahmoud Attallah Musbah, Mustafa Hassan Abu Odeh, Omar Naji Abu Khater and Khaled Muhammad Qweider from the Salah al-Din Brigades. In a column last month Ursan describes "Zionists" (obviously meaning Jews) by saying "they have chosen to lie down in the ladder of human decay by disguising themselves as a common human being......They are racist killers, spoilers in the land through history..."

Just some everyday antisemitism in Arab media.

(full article online)

Award-winning Syrian writer says Jews bake matzoh with blood of "goyim" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

This isn’t new
Then the idea of an Arab state in Palestine is irrelevant.
The Jewish nation was specifically mentioned as rightful sovereign.
As long as it didn't disenfranchise the inalienable rights of the existing, non-Jewish population of that area. There is no getting around the fact the indigenous Arab population in Palestine has rights. Land rights. Land rights Zionists took away with their terrorist groups like Irgun.

That is something Israeli posters will not read or discuss.
Then the idea of an Arab state in Palestine is irrelevant.
The Jewish nation was specifically mentioned as rightful sovereign.
As long as it didn't disenfranchise the inalienable rights of the existing, non-Jewish population of that area. There is no getting around the fact the indigenous Arab population in Palestine has rights. Land rights. Land rights Zionists took away with their terrorist groups like Irgun.

That is something Israeli posters will not read or discuss.
Well that's just Your opinion.

You've made lots of assumptions and made it clear that You won't respect anyone's response.
When You manage to present something relevant of substance I might respond.

Until then enjoy Your own company and keep proving the premise of the thread.
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Who said I was leaving you moron?
You did. Post #5990.

The Palestinians broke Oslo with the second intifada.
Wrong. It was Netanfuckyou who broke the Accords.

You fuckers can't bear to read or discuss the things you've done wrong.

Still no comment about Egypt blocking International Waters or the U. N. “ peacekeepers “ leaving :ahole-1:
Already did. Post #5954.

Israel doesn’t have “ any rights?”
Already commented on this. Several times.

Neither do the Palestinians
Palestinians do have rights. Their rights were stated in the Balfour Declaration, UN Resolution 242 and over 200 subsequent resolutions.

Are you on crack? Or just a psychopathic liar? Why do you keep repeating the same shit over and over and over?
Still can’t tell me why Egypt’s actions were not considered to be justification for Israel’s actions, why they were not condemned and why the U. N. Left. There will be no response
I already have. Now comment on the points I raised or admit you're nothing but an internet troll.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

NO! You are absolutely - 100% wrong.

Article 51 of the UN Charter is more specific by stating there is only 2 legal ways a country can attack another country and Israel didn't satisfy either one.

Article 51 outlines an exception (self-defense). It does not establish the legal criteria for war.

On the other hand, Article to recognizes two other types of conflicts: 1) taking "preventive" action - or - 2) pursuing "enforcement" action.

The use of force is not limited to that mentioned. There are the 19 universal legal instruments and additional amendments dealing with terrorism. Each has resulted in enforcement measures.

Most Respectfully,
The Bush Doctrine has been ruled illegal according to international law.

Before I go, I must thank you for responding in 400 words or less.
Q, Can anyone show me a document where Palestine is designated as an Arab state?
You might give a thought to the question: When did the Hostile Arab Palestinians not target innocent civilians? They still target civilians using cars against pedestrians, or surprise knifings of shoppers.
Tell that to the innocent civilians at Deir Yassin.

The Hague Regulations and the Geneva Convention were around for a long time before the conflict. You cannot claim today that the Customary and International Humanitarian Laws (IHL) have been moving the goal posts.
I said the Israelis are. They don't follow IHL anyway.

It is just that the Arab Palestinians think they are a special case and exempt from the Customary and IHL because they call themselves freedom fighters; rather than the sociopaths that they are.
A population under foreign occupation has a right to resist.

Anyone that argues they have the right to intentionally target unarmed civilians as a policy is simply missing a wrung in the evolutional chain of humanity.
I agree.
The goalpost is to stop using violence against the citizens of Israel. But they can't seem to manage that.
Stopping violence against Palestinians is another subject you will not read or discuss.

"Violence against Palestinians"? Well you see, here is how it goes. Palestinians attack israel, Israel retaliaters, & then you guys bitch about how many more dead Palestinian's there are than Israeli's. Golly gee, do you think maybe the Palestinians should stop attacking Israel?
Well that's just Your opinion.
How can it be "...just my opinion..." if it was in the Balfour Declaration?

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
Que pasa, mutha?

You've made lots of assumptions and made it clear that You won't respect anyone's response.
Moi? I'll have you know I am Mr. Respect.

When You manage to present something relevant of substance I might respond.
How convenient.

Until then enjoy Your own company and keep proving the premise of the thread.
I've read and discussed all the posts I have been responding to. I have to say, you fuckers lead the league in saying things that are ridiculously not true.
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