All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Rule #103 • Prohibition on Collective Punishments (Customary and IHL), has noting to do with the demolishment of homes or sanctuaries used by Arab Palestinian Terrorists, perpetrating "criminal acts directed against a Israel
Demolishing the homes of so called terrorists is very rare. The vast majority of home demolitions are to ethnically cleanse Palestinians and steal their land.
PM announces regulation of thousands of homes in Judea and Samaria in response to spate of terror attacks

(full article online)

PM: Destroy terrorist's homes within 48 hours

Collective punishment.

Did they destroy the homes of any Jewish terrorists?

There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Collective punishment.

Did they destroy the homes of any Jewish terrorists?

There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Seems simple if you just open your eyes. Thank you for your post.
Collective punishment.

Did they destroy the homes of any Jewish terrorists?

There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?
Yeah, it is everyone we don't like.

It is interesting to note that none of the so called Palestinian terrorists are a threat to the US.
The reality is, that the UN plays no real part in the settlement of the conflict.
Indeed, it merely passes resolution after resolution after resolution just to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Indeed they do.

Indeed, it is comically tragic to see the laughable joke that has come to define the UN.

The U.N. and Israel: Key Statistics from UN Watch - UN Watch

Most of Israel's resolutions are reruns because Israel has thumbed its nose at all the previous ones.
There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?
Yeah, it is everyone we don't like.

It is interesting to note that none of the so called Palestinian terrorists are a threat to the US.

Indeed, no.

Indeed, the mere fact that the Great Satan supports Israel as the only true representative democracy in the Islamist Middle East makes the US a target for Arabs-Moslems.

Indeed, until recently, the Arab-Moslem "Pal'istanian" terrorists were throttled by their need for Great Satan welfare payments. That has changed.

Indeed, why would the Great Satan need extraordinary security measures at its consulate in Jerusalem?
There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?
Yeah, it is everyone we don't like.

It is interesting to note that none of the so called Palestinian terrorists are a threat to the US.

Indeed, no. It's not a matter of not "liking" Islamist terrorist franchises, it's a matter of confronting a belligerent, fascist politico-religious ideology.

Indeed, you are entitled to the beliefs of your politico-religious ideology but when a belligerent group has the ability to cause death and destruction on a massive scale (and in fact has announced that goal), you should not expect others to forfeit their right to protect themselves from you and your ideology. When people are inspired by, and view the life and times of a 7th century Arab warlord as the model for all humanity, we are at risk from mad men dictating policy.

Indeed, that is precisely what we see across the Islamist Middle East.
The AP helpfully adds that "The U.N. agency forbids its staff from holding political office." [emphasis added]

Considering the connection between the UN and Hamas, is it any wonder the lengths the UN will go in order to protect the terrorist organization from any kind of criticism in the UN, most recently in the sudden requirement for a two-thirds instead of majority vote to condemn Hamas for terrorist attacks on civilians?

And what about UNIFIL, which operates in Hezbollah's back yard?

(full article online)

The UN Is An Equal Opportunity Employer, Hiring Both Hamas and Hezbollah Terrorists (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Rule #103 • Prohibition on Collective Punishments (Customary and IHL), has noting to do with the demolishment of homes or sanctuaries used by Arab Palestinian Terrorists, perpetrating "criminal acts directed against a Israel (the Occupying Power and citizens of the Occupying Power) and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of particular persons or a group of persons (Jews) or the general public."

The counter-terrorism actions are also considering:

❖ The open admission of guilt by the Palestinians Authority.
❖ The payment and honors rendered for the perpetration of the criminal acts.
❖ The past history of blatant criminal behaviors.​

PM announces regulation of thousands of homes in Judea and Samaria in response to spate of terror attacks

(full article online)

PM: Destroy terrorist's homes within 48 hours

Collective punishment.

Did they destroy the homes of any Jewish terrorists?

An important aspect of Counter-Terrorism (CT) can be seen as an obligation (both crime prevention and Human Rights protection) in that Israel has an obligation to safeguard the "Right to Life."

Article 6 • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)
Every human being has the inherent right to life.
This right shall be protected by law.
No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
While Rule #50 • (Customary and IHL) • The destruction or seizure of the property of an adversary is prohibited, unless required by imperative military necessity • protects the Homes of the Arab Palestinians to a degree, it does not protect the Homes from "Measures to prevent and combat terrorism;" specifically:

The Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the form of a resolution and
an annexed Plan of Action (A/RES/60/288)
To cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism,
in accordance with our obligations under international law,
in order to find, deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of the principle of extradite or prosecute,
any person who supports facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the financing, planning,
preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or provides safe havens.

It must be understood that the UN does not have the will and capability to prevent a safe haven from forming, and does not have the will and capability to eradicate that safe havens and terrorist sanctuaries. It is no effort at all to sit in New York and ignore the realities of Arab Palestinians providing material supporting to known terrorist organizations. It is just a blind eye and the ignorant understanding of the difference between a heroic freedom fighter that actually engages the enemy --- and --- the terrorist that selects soft targets only, target that are unarmed and not engaged in the conflict, and the terrorist that hides behind its own population, using them as a shield.

The reality is, that the UN plays no real part in the settlement of the conflict. It is merely a juice box for a bunch of cowardly criminals that are trying to bilk the donor community for ever dime it can get.

Most Respectfully,

How would that apply to Jewish terrorist actors? For example the extremists among the settlers who commited so called "price tag" attacks on the resident Arab population, acts that have included arson, firebombing, assault, and murder. Acts designed to instill fear in a certain population and are a threat tocivil order. They are protected within their communitees and authorities have sometimes been subject to stoning from them.

Have their family homes been bulldozed?

Are they and their children prosecuted under military law or civilian law?
Collective punishment.

Did they destroy the homes of any Jewish terrorists?

There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Two things stand out. They are not states. They are weak in comparison to the conventional and legal forces a state can marshal. That is why it is so effective for individuals and non state actors. You have states funding terrorist non state actors...but keep in mind states fund a lot of covert, destabilizing and even terrorist groups (renamed freedom fighters) to further their own state interests. The US has done this.
There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Two things stand out. They are not states. They are weak in comparison to the conventional and legal forces a state can marshal. That is why it is so effective for individuals and non state actors. You have states funding terrorist non state actors...but keep in mind states fund a lot of covert, destabilizing and even terrorist groups (renamed freedom fighters) to further their own state interests. The US has done this.

Really? You have proof that US sponsored Terror groups to commit terror acts overseas? Please share.
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?
Yeah, it is everyone we don't like.

It is interesting to note that none of the so called Palestinian terrorists are a threat to the US.

Indeed, no. It's not a matter of not "liking" Islamist terrorist franchises, it's a matter of confronting a belligerent, fascist politico-religious ideology.

Indeed, you are entitled to the beliefs of your politico-religious ideology but when a belligerent group has the ability to cause death and destruction on a massive scale (and in fact has announced that goal), you should not expect others to forfeit their right to protect themselves from you and your ideology. When people are inspired by, and view the life and times of a 7th century Arab warlord as the model for all humanity, we are at risk from mad men dictating policy.

Indeed, that is precisely what we see across the Islamist Middle East.
Nice rant!
We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?
Yeah, it is everyone we don't like.

It is interesting to note that none of the so called Palestinian terrorists are a threat to the US.

Indeed, no. It's not a matter of not "liking" Islamist terrorist franchises, it's a matter of confronting a belligerent, fascist politico-religious ideology.

Indeed, you are entitled to the beliefs of your politico-religious ideology but when a belligerent group has the ability to cause death and destruction on a massive scale (and in fact has announced that goal), you should not expect others to forfeit their right to protect themselves from you and your ideology. When people are inspired by, and view the life and times of a 7th century Arab warlord as the model for all humanity, we are at risk from mad men dictating policy.

Indeed, that is precisely what we see across the Islamist Middle East.
Nice rant!

Indeed, Thanks.

Indeed, thanks for another bit of pointless piffle.
There are Jewish terrorists? LOL

Do tell. Are there American Terrorists?
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Two things stand out. They are not states. They are weak in comparison to the conventional and legal forces a state can marshal. That is why it is so effective for individuals and non state actors. You have states funding terrorist non state actors...but keep in mind states fund a lot of covert, destabilizing and even terrorist groups (renamed freedom fighters) to further their own state interests. The US has done this.

While I agree that neither Hezbollah nor Hamas are “states”, that dismisses the fact that both receive funding and weapons from Iran, a state sponsor of Islamic terrorism.

Let’s also understand that statehood is not necessarily a requirement to measure the level of death and destruction that a non-state Islamic terrorist franchise might deliver.

Report: Hezbollah has more firepower than 95 percent of world's conventional militaries

Its important to remember that Iran has a nascent “nukular” program and the planet becomes a vastly more dangerous place with Islamic loons in control of weapons grade material.

A central theme on the part of the Iranian mullocracy, (and Hamas), is world-class whining about the mere existence of Jews and Israel.

Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots is just simply an inherently dangerous exercise. The Middle East is already a highly unstable area. The vicious Iran vs. Iraq war in the not too distant past tells us about the motivations of the Iranian Mullocrats. Just imagine if Iran and Iraq had access to nukes. The prospect is absolutely chilling. Iran and Iraq during their 8 year long slugfest managed to do substantial damage and cause phenomenal loss of life. It’s likely that only the lack of “better” technology stopped them from obliterating entire cities and populations in the course of a single afternoon. Does anyone really believe the Iran vs. Iraq war would not have rivaled the death tally of Stalin or Mao if they had the ability to slaughter on a grander scale? Remember, Holocausts and mass murder work best if you can complete them quickly.

Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction

“The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region . Palestine is Islamic land that was conquered by an anti-Islamic enemy, and according to Islam, one must oppose the Zionist regime. The support for the Palestinians is a religious decree.”...
There sure are. Who do you think shot up the temple in Pittsburgh and music festival in Las Vegas and.....

We are discussing international terrorists not domestic ones. IDC if Iraqui terrorists blow up cafes is Iraq. Americans don't blow up stuff overseas do they? Every country has domestic criminals the difference is, Islamists take their trade overseas. But you already knew what I meant, you just decided to give me your coy standard Coyote Leftist response. Thank you for that.
Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors. States have other ways of asserting their wills. You wont fond American terrorists per se but I am sure you will find covert activities and of vourse wars like Iraq.

Your comment that “Terrorosm is usually the tactic of weak non state actors.” is just nonsense.

We can counter that argument with references to Hezbollah and Hamas; both being Iranian funded Islamic terrorist organizations.

The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

Hamas second-richest terror group in world, Forbes says

Fortunately, those with their eyes open realized in the 21st century that state support for terrorism is the core of continuing Islamic terrorism. Arresting or killing terrorists? Sure, it is effective in that it slows them down. It gives us a sense of vengeance. It makes us feel good. But if anyone thinks that killing off some of the gee-had superstars and doing nothing else will solve our global Islamic terrorism problems, they’re missing the point.

Cutting off the sources of financing, materials, safe haven, and intelligence is the ONLY way to stop the tide of Islamic terrorism.

Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded ( and receive their virulently antisemitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us as they hope to chip another flake off the bedrock of democracy. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.

Below is the link to the US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations. I think you will find that there is a common theme that binds the vast majority of the listed terrorist syndicates. Can you describe for us what that theme is?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Two things stand out. They are not states. They are weak in comparison to the conventional and legal forces a state can marshal. That is why it is so effective for individuals and non state actors. You have states funding terrorist non state actors...but keep in mind states fund a lot of covert, destabilizing and even terrorist groups (renamed freedom fighters) to further their own state interests. The US has done this.

While I agree that neither Hezbollah nor Hamas are “states”, that dismisses the fact that both receive funding and weapons from Iran, a state sponsor of Islamic terrorism.

Let’s also understand that statehood is not necessarily a requirement to measure the level of death and destruction that a non-state Islamic terrorist franchise might deliver.

Report: Hezbollah has more firepower than 95 percent of world's conventional militaries

Its important to remember that Iran has a nascent “nukular” program and the planet becomes a vastly more dangerous place with Islamic loons in control of weapons grade material.

A central theme on the part of the Iranian mullocracy, (and Hamas), is world-class whining about the mere existence of Jews and Israel.

Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of religious zealots is just simply an inherently dangerous exercise. The Middle East is already a highly unstable area. The vicious Iran vs. Iraq war in the not too distant past tells us about the motivations of the Iranian Mullocrats. Just imagine if Iran and Iraq had access to nukes. The prospect is absolutely chilling. Iran and Iraq during their 8 year long slugfest managed to do substantial damage and cause phenomenal loss of life. It’s likely that only the lack of “better” technology stopped them from obliterating entire cities and populations in the course of a single afternoon. Does anyone really believe the Iran vs. Iraq war would not have rivaled the death tally of Stalin or Mao if they had the ability to slaughter on a grander scale? Remember, Holocausts and mass murder work best if you can complete them quickly.

Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction

“The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region . Palestine is Islamic land that was conquered by an anti-Islamic enemy, and according to Islam, one must oppose the Zionist regime. The support for the Palestinians is a religious decree.”...

It doesn’t matter if they receive funding. They are not state actors but independent militias.
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