All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH! For heavens sake.

Again, all the Arab "Habitual Residents" claiming the "right of some measure" are at least 70 years old. As I look at most confrontations photo's, I don't see many in that age group.
So? Citizenship is hereditary even if born out of the country. Ted Cruz and John McCain, for example.

Citizenship is a "Domestic Law." No International Law can set the criteria for citizenship of any sovereign nation.

Article 2(7) • UN Charter said:
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll.
No state has the right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of another.

No matter WHAT code that you cite as giving the Arab Palestinian some privilege with Israel, it cannot hold any authority over another country (including Israel; unless Israel approves).

Most Respectfully,
It is the obligation of one state to another.

That's just silly.
Not really. One state is obliged not to push its unwanted people onto another state.

And that is relevant, how?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I think that is a generally accepted description.

So? All the Palestinian citizens who lived in the territory that became Israel are to be Israeli citizens.
Look it up.

So, if you were an infant in 1948 and living in Israeli sovereign territory, how old would you be today? (ANS: 70 years old.) These are the only people that have a cause of action.

What percent of the population would that be?

In the Gaza Strip (Population ≈ 1,836,713)

Age structure: 65 years of age and over: 2.58% (male 24,863 /female 22,607) (2018 est.)​
Life expectancy at birth:
Total population: 74.4 years
Male: 72.7 years
Female: 76.2 years (2018 est.)​

In 2021, there will be no Arab Palestinian males that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 73 years)
In 2024, there will be no Arab Palestinian females that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 76 years)​

A similar set of calculation can be done for the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (Population ≈ 2,798,494).

Age Structure: 65 years and over: 3.52% (male 44,662 /female 53,943) (2018 est.)
Life expectancy at birth:
Total population: 75.4 years
Male: 73.4 years
Female: 77.6 years (2018 est.)​

In 2022, there will be no Arab Palestinian males that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 74 years)
In 2026, there will be no Arab Palestinian females that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 78 years)​

SO! In less than a decade, there will probably be no Arab Palestinian that could have once lived and had a legitimate claim (not that it is valid now) to the "right to return" to destinations within the sovereignty of Israel.

Most Respectfully,
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I think that is a generally accepted description.

So? All the Palestinian citizens who lived in the territory that became Israel are to be Israeli citizens.
Look it up.

So, if you were an infant in 1948 and living in Israeli sovereign territory, how old would you be today? (ANS: 70 years old.) These are the only people that have a cause of action.

What percent of the population would that be?

In the Gaza Strip (Population ≈ 1,836,713)

Age structure: 65 years of age and over: 2.58% (male 24,863 /female 22,607) (2018 est.)​
Life expectancy at birth:
Total population: 74.4 years
Male: 72.7 years
Female: 76.2 years (2018 est.)​

In 2021, there will be no Arab Palestinian males that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 73 years)
In 2024, there will be no Arab Palestinian females that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 76 years)​

A similar set of calculation can be done for the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (Population ≈ 2,798,494).

Age Structure: 65 years and over: 3.52% (male 44,662 /female 53,943) (2018 est.)
Life expectancy at birth:
Total population: 75.4 years
Male: 73.4 years
Female: 77.6 years (2018 est.)​

In 2022, there will be no Arab Palestinian males that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 74 years)
In 2026, there will be no Arab Palestinian females that will not be beyond their life expectancy; if there are any at all. (1948 + 78 years)​

SO! In less than a decade, there will probably be no Arab Palestinian that could have once lived and had a legitimate claim (not that it is valid now) to the "right to return" to destinations within the sovereignty of Israel.

Most Respectfully,

Completely relevant. The Arab-Moslem fraud of generational “refugees” is a laughable joke.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are "foreign nationals" with respect to Israeli Sovereignty. There are a few Arab Palestinians (age 70 years or better) that were residents in the territory prior to 15 May 1948.

The Palestinians are foreign national to the surrounding countries. They do not have to accept Palestinians. The Palestinians, however, do have the right to return to their homeland.

This is another case of the Arab Palestinians crying about the outcome of the 1948-49 War of Independence.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are "foreign nationals" with respect to Israeli Sovereignty.
Not true. Habitual residents become citizens of successor states.

Even if they were just squatters on stolen land with no titles or deeds to the land like the Palestinians?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are "foreign nationals" with respect to Israeli Sovereignty. There are a few Arab Palestinians (age 70 years or better) that were residents in the territory prior to 15 May 1948.

The Palestinians are foreign national to the surrounding countries. They do not have to accept Palestinians. The Palestinians, however, do have the right to return to their homeland.

This is another case of the Arab Palestinians crying about the outcome of the 1948-49 War of Independence.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are "foreign nationals" with respect to Israeli Sovereignty.
Not true. Habitual residents become citizens of successor states.

Even if they were just squatters on stolen land with no titles or deeds to the land like the Palestinians?

Our friend P F Tinmore doesn’t seem to be able to grasp the fact that the Israelis are simply not going to allow their country to be invaded by hordes of Arab-Moslem psychopaths whose sole purpose for existence is Jew hatred.
He & his ilk are so laughable. My favorite is "Israel is stealing, or occupying 'Palestinian' land" when indigenous Palestinians were Jews, not Muslims. Very cleaver them Zionists stealing their own land.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is no foreign cage. If a cage exists, it is a cage of their own making.

How hard are the Palestinians allowed to rattle their cage?

The denial to allow the entry of the Arab Palestinians into the Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt was a decision made by the Lebanese Republic (AKA Lebanon) Government, the Government of the United Arab Republic (AKA Egypt) and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (AKA Jordan). And these decisions, although similar to the decision made by the State of Israel, were not the exact same nor coordinated with each other to entrap and encapsulate the Arab Palestinians.

What the denial of entry decisions have in common → that they were made in the best interest of each country. There is no international requirement that any country must act in contravention to there own best interest on matter pertaining to Arab Palestinians. Israel is only one of several nations that deny entry to Arab Palestinians. If there is a cage to rattle → The State of Israel is only one bar of the cage.

Most Respectfully,
What the denial of entry decisions have in common → that they were made in the best interest of each country. There is no international requirement that any country must act in contravention to there own best interest on matter pertaining to Arab Palestinians.
The Palestinians are foreign national to the surrounding countries. They do not have to accept Palestinians. The Palestinians, however do have the right to return to their homeland.
Their homelands of Syria, Lebanon and Egypt don’t want them back.
Stupid post of the day!


he's the deflectorman.......................................
For the first time, the end of Ramadan will be determined in the Galilee and not in Saudi Arabia

The end of the fast is determined by the new moon (immediately after its "birth"). The Muslim must try to observe the moon even if the chances are negligible. In Israel, the new moon sank just 4 minutes after the sun, so there was no chance of watching it. In order to fulfill the commandment of viewing experience, a telescope was placed in Ar'abeh and at the end of the observation it was announced, as expected, that the new moon had not yet been seen.

On the other hand, after about two hours, although the new moon is still close to the sun, the Minister of Justice of the United Arab Emirates announced that the Ramadan fast is over and Eid al-Fitr begins tomorrow. In Israel, Jordan, PA and others, the fast continues tomorrow and the holiday begins the day after tomorrow.

Today is the 29th day of the Ramadan fast and in any case, Ramadan can not last more than 30 days, so in anyway there is no problem seeing the moon.

This is not the first time there is disagreement and the simple reason - the Muslim world begins, in fact from Morocco and West Africa in the west to Indonesia in the east, almost 10 hours in terms of time. Therefore, if at one end of the Muslim world the sun sets and the new moon is adjacent to it, after 9 hours, when the sun sets at the other end, you can already see the moon.

Therefore, the declaration of the Emirates is strange, because part of the Muslim world will have to fast while the other part celebrates a feast.

UAE declares June 4 as first day of Eid Al Fitr

P.S.: The irony is that all they needed to do was ask Jews, Hillel II has already calculated the calendar around both sun and moon cycles - for 2000 years ahead, with astonishing precision, that till this day fits modern calculations and technology. In fact we have commemorated the new moon last night and today in the morning - no telescopes used yet matching satellite data.

The PA government Muqata compound, Ramallah, March 10, 2019

EXPOSED: Senior PA Ministers Caught Laundering Money for Hamas in Malaysia

An intricate affair of fraud, corruption, and money laundering by senior Palestinian Authority (PA) officials who transferred the funds to Hamas terrorists training in Malaysia has been exposed, TPS has learned.

Official PA documents obtained by TPS show that Mahmoud Al-Habash, Supreme Shari’ah Judge in the PA and PA head Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari’ah Justice, is in the center of the corruption case, which is already sending shock waves through the PA.

Shocking. Shocking, I tell ya’

I couldn’t help but notice the “State of Pal’istan” slogan on Mahmoud’s rather lavish shrine to himself.

I wonder if he has a matching color scheme for his presidential jet.

That Mahmoud, he’s such a fashion maven.
Gaza Emergency by Penny Appeal USA

1.7 million are suffering from unsafe water, sever food insecurity, and weak medical help.

Oh, the suffering.

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

While PM Abbas does make unkind remarks against the US by innuendo, what I like most, was the Bahrain Meeting complaint that the donors did not give any money to the State of Palestine (Fatah).

Angry Mahmoud alert!

Is there any "absolute obligation" for the Arab League membership to provide money? And is it not just hilarious, that PM Abbas uses that lack of donor funding as a means of smearing America?

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

While PM Abbas does make unkind remarks against the US by innuendo, what I like most, was the Bahrain Meeting complaint that the donors did not give any money to the State of Palestine (Fatah).

Angry Mahmoud alert!

Is there any "absolute obligation" for the Arab League membership to provide money? And is it not just hilarious, that PM Abbas uses that lack of donor funding as a means of smearing America?

Most Respectfully,

In appears to me that so much of the ranting coming out of Fatah literally screams out with indignation and rage that their perceived entitlement is not being met. Many decades of that entitlement going unquestioned has left Abbas, Fatah and Hamas with few means to support an entitlement network that includes a population functionally incapable of providing for themselves.

I’m not surprised that the Great Satan™️ is a primary focus of Mahmoud’s rage. We spent far too many decades financing Islamic terrorism while never demanding accountability.
Gee, whiz. A boycott of sorts that Hamas is waging against Fatah.

These angry, competing caliphate’ists just can’t seem to get along.

What’s really funny is that the Hamas caliphate’ists claim to have an “attorney general”. The stuff that welfare will buy, eh?

Hamas attorney general calls for Gaza ban of pro-Fatah weekly

June 5, 2019 3:01 PM ET

Beirut, June 5, 2019--The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on the attorney general in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip to drop his recommendation that a court ban distribution of the pro-Fatah daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida.

In a May 26 letter to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the Gaza attorney general, Dia' al-Din al-Madhoun, said that he had recommended that a court ban distribution of the daily newspaper following a complaint filed by the Hamas-run Interior and Information Ministries in Gaza, according to news reports, the local press freedom group Palestinian Center for Development and Media freedoms MADA, and the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate. The complaint alleged that the paper incited violence and stirred violence and sectarian strife, according to reports.

Red Sea countries to launch coral reef joint research center
Red Sea Transnational Research Center will include partners from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Israel, and Djibouti.

Under the leadership of a neutral third-party, Israel is about to embark on a joint project with neighboring Red Sea countries to establish a research center whose mission will be to study, monitor and protect the unique Red Sea coral reef ecosystems.

The new Red Sea Transnational Research Center was initiated by Prof. Maoz Fine, a marine biologist from the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University, and will include partners from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Israel, and Djibouti. The Center will be led and organized by Switzerland's Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Read full article: Arutz Sheva

A good read in the WSJ that makes the obvious point:

Shed No Tears for Violent, Unchanged Hamas

Are we supposed to feel sorry for Hamas because it focuses on attacking Israel rather than investing in the people by building housing and schools and hospitals?

Opinion | Shed No Tears for Violent, Unchanged Hamas

Note: the full article is behind a pay wall. However, this article, like many others asks the obvious question: “why is the international community continuing to provide Islamic terrorist franchises with welfare money”?

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are such "The Kidder."

Israel was not the "successor state" in the sense of that meaning. Israel was a "new state" established by self-determination. Israel has the autonomy to determine the domestic laws under which citizenship is granted.

The Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are "foreign nationals" with respect to Israeli Sovereignty.
Not true. Habitual residents become citizens of successor states.

Again, all the Arab "Habitual Residents" claiming the "right of some measure" are at least 70 years old. As I look at most confrontations photo's, I don't see many in that age group.

Successful states generally accept applications from potential citizens that show some sort of promise for the future. That is anything by the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There is a world of difference between the success demonstrated by the Jewish People that built Israel and the lack of success demonstrated by the Arab Palestinians that rejected the invitation to participate in the establishment of self-governing institutions and the Steps Preparatory to Independence.

Crying about the establishment of Israel and the adverse consequences that the Arab Palestinians brought upon themselves, in attempting to suppress Jewish self-determination.

Most Respectfully,
Israel was not the "successor state" in the sense of that meaning. Israel was a "new state" established by self-determination.
So? All the Palestinian citizens who lived in the territory that became Israel are to be Israeli citizens.

Look it up.

"So? All the Palestinian citizens who lived in the territory that became Israel are to be Israeli citizens."

aren't you tired..........over, and over, and over.

you know what the real problem is, the ROOT of it:




...and this SYMBOLISTIC lifestyle and their stupid friends..............

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