All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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US Jewish community looks to defend itself as attacks rise
As the number of anti-Semitic incidents rises, twin efforts aim to prevent and recognize shootings, and arm worshipers.

Armed guards, safety assessments and now even a "Tactical Rabbi" to train volunteers on the use of weapons -- such is the reality today at synagogues in the United States facing mounting
anti-Semitic attacks.

It is at a shooting range in the hills overlooking Los Angeles that a team of AFP reporters met recently with Raziel Cohen, dubbed the "Tactical Rabbi," who was sporting a 9mm pistol on his hip and carrying a semi-automatic rifle over his shoulder.

Cohen was trying to determine how well books can stop bullets. The idea is to transform a library at a synagogue or Jewish school into a shelter in the event of an active shooter situation.

"We're trying to bridge the gap between the time that the shooting begins and law enforcement arrives," he told AFP.

Full article: Arutz Sheva


Was Rabbi Kahane HY"D wrong about the US,
or was he just seeing 40-50 years ahead of his time?

A friend wants to know...
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German Jews are Moving to Israel Due to Rising Antisemitism

"We have to deal with the ghosts of the past," Merkel said. Days after a warning to Jews who wear skullcaps that they may not be safe when donning them publicly, Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested stationing police officers at every Jewish building or institution in Germany.

"Unfortunately there is to this day not a single synagogue, not a single day care center for Jewish children, not a single school for Jewish children that does not need to be guarded by German policemen," Merkel said in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

"Unfortunately, there has always been a certain number of anti-Semites among us," she added.

"We have to deal with the ghosts of the past," Merkel said. "We have to tell our young people what history has brought over us and others," she added.

On Saturday, the German government's commissioner combating anti-Semitism warned that he cannot guarantee safety for Jews wearing traditional religious skullcaps in public 'anywhere' in the country.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin lamented the recommendation, saying that it marked the government’s "capitulation to anti-Semitism" and was evidence that Jews are not safe in the country.

Also over the weekend, a photo exhibition of Holocaust survivors in Vienna was vandalized with a knife.

Prominently displayed near the Security Council is this large wall display on the "Question of Palestine and the United Nations."

As one would expect, there are a lot of omissions and falsehoods.

Starting with:

Muslims did not consider Palestine a holy land. They considered Jerusalem to be holy (which is what Al Quds means,) and venerated a specific site in Hebron, but I have never heard anyone say that the entire land was considered holy. After all, the boundaries of that land had never been set by Muslims when they controlled it.

(full article online)

The UN's false Palestinian history (part 1) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are such "The Kidder."

Israel was not the "successor state" in the sense of that meaning. Israel was a "new state" established by self-determination. Israel has the autonomy to determine the domestic laws under which citizenship is granted.

The Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are "foreign nationals" with respect to Israeli Sovereignty.
Not true. Habitual residents become citizens of successor states.

Again, all the Arab "Habitual Residents" claiming the "right of some measure" are at least 70 years old. As I look at most confrontations photo's, I don't see many in that age group.

Successful states generally accept applications from potential citizens that show some sort of promise for the future. That is anything by the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There is a world of difference between the success demonstrated by the Jewish People that built Israel and the lack of success demonstrated by the Arab Palestinians that rejected the invitation to participate in the establishment of self-governing institutions and the Steps Preparatory to Independence.

Crying about the establishment of Israel and the adverse consequences that the Arab Palestinians brought upon themselves, in attempting to suppress Jewish self-determination.

Most Respectfully,
Israel was not the "successor state" in the sense of that meaning. Israel was a "new state" established by self-determination.
So? All the Palestinian citizens who lived in the territory that became Israel are to be Israeli citizens.

Look it up.

"So? All the Palestinian citizens who lived in the territory that became Israel are to be Israeli citizens."

aren't you tired..........over, and over, and over.

you know what the real problem is, the ROOT of it:




...and this SYMBOLISTIC lifestyle and their stupid friends..............

And some still question why there is no peace between Israel & the Palestinians.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, MJB12741, member, et al,

Under the current set of conditions, I believe that our friend "MJB12741" is correct. The likely of peace as a possible outcome is an unreasonable possibility.

And some still question why there is no peace between Israel & the Palestinians.

Oddly enough (although he probably doesn't realize it) our friend "P F TINMORE" essentially believes this same proposition: The "current conditions" must be reset. He believes that the entirety of the former territory subject to the Mandate, West of the Jordan River → to the Mediterranean Sea → should be the a WWI Successor State (ie Article 22 - Proto-State of Palestine → under the "tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility." THAT would be one solution to "rest of the conditions" towards the stabilization for peace. Basically, a total "do over."

◈ What would need to be redone is for the UN Security Council to withdraw its recommendation and deny Statehood under the authority of Article 77a of the UN Charter (The trusteeship system shall apply to such territories in the following categories as may be placed there under by means of trusteeship agreements: territories now held under mandate). A reset to the conditions after the withdrawal of the UK Administration, but prior to a Declarations of Independence by the Provisional Government 14 May 1948.

◈ The entire State of Israel and the territories under dispute would immediately be placed in receivership. The limbo territories would be an insolvent goveernment whose treasury and property being put under the care of a UN as the receiver for management, preservation, and distribution at the end of a joint judgment by the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice; the equitable settlement.​

Now, does anyone really think that the citizenry of the State of Israel, and the citizenry of the Disputed Territories are going to allow that? (RHETORICAL) I think that would lead to an open Civil War the likes of which has not been seen since the Battles of Kursk and Stalingrad. (Ceterum censeo Palestine esse delendam)

It cannot be done. Israel can (if they want to) → turn the disputed territories into a centerpiece showcase of the Middle East. And they could start tomorrow except for missing the right kind of incentive and endorsement from the International Community and the cooperation of the Arab Palestinians. But let's be reasonable. Neither is likely to happen. The only effort International Community is likely to do is use their finger to press a voting button, and all the will to is engaged in armed struggle.

Just my thought...

Most Respectfully,
When it comes to identifying a corrupt and mismanaged agency that exists as a welfare entitlement to Islamic terrorist franchises, UNRWA is as bad as it gets.

Hamas sleeper cell and Islamic Jihad discovered working together inside UNRWA

“The head of UNRWA’s employees’ union in the Gaza Strip is a fairly anonymous Hamas official who has been placed by the terror organization inside the agency as a “sleeper” who can use the organization’s resources for Hamas’ purposes.” Alarming news considering the enormous global funding going into UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees]; and in fact into other jihad terror groups who manipulate ‘charities’ who claim to aid the ever expanding Palestinian refugee “crisis”
When Niklasson says that the EU understands “the financial crisis that the Palestinians are experiencing” Niklasson, in the name of the EU, is ignoring the fact that the PA “financial crisis” is actually self-imposed, because the PA is refusing to accept nearly 165 million Euros a month that Israel has been transferring to the PA. This refusal is a direct result of the PA decision to prioritise paying salaries to terrorists at the expense of its law-abiding employees and the health of the Palestinians, including a 7 year-old undergoing cancer treatment in Israel.

(full article online)

OPINION: The EU bias against Israel that feeds the PA’s ‘Pay for Slay’ policy
When Niklasson says that the EU understands “the financial crisis that the Palestinians are experiencing” Niklasson, in the name of the EU, is ignoring the fact that the PA “financial crisis” is actually self-imposed, because the PA is refusing to accept nearly 165 million Euros a month that Israel has been transferring to the PA. This refusal is a direct result of the PA decision to prioritise paying salaries to terrorists at the expense of its law-abiding employees and the health of the Palestinians, including a 7 year-old undergoing cancer treatment in Israel.

(full article online)

OPINION: The EU bias against Israel that feeds the PA’s ‘Pay for Slay’ policy

So instead of paying gov't employees, the PA is paying the families of murderers. (The same PA, incidentally, that Tinmore says is just a tool of the Israelis.) Wonderful priorities they have there!
Ramlah is in Israel, and Palestinians never talk about how historically important it is for them. Wikipedia in Arabic doesn't even mention that Ramlah was ever a capital city, although this book mentions it repeatedly from multiple sources.

And just in case you aren't clear, it is stated flatly that while Jerusalem had importance for Muslims (and there was an attempt once to redirect Muslim pilgrims from Mecca and Medina to go to Jerusalem instead,) Jerusalem was never the political capital of any Muslim entity.

(full article online)

The Muslim capitals of Palestine never included Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Earlier this month, he again went to Twitter to say, “It is normal to defend the Lebanese labour force against any other foreign labour, whether it be Syrian, Palestinian, French, Saudi, Iranian or American, the Lebanese come first!”

The Syrians and Arabs of Palestinian descent who are in Lebanon generally have nowhere else to go, so of course they need jobs. Yet he lumps them in with other foreign workers, who are also an important part of the workforce as they are throughout the Middle East.

Again, there was some regional controversy over his comments, and the rest of the world yawned. I didn't see any "pro-Palestinian" groups issue statements of condemnation.

(full article online)

Lebanese foreign minister tweets against Palestinians, but no one seems to care much ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Earlier this month, he again went to Twitter to say, “It is normal to defend the Lebanese labour force against any other foreign labour, whether it be Syrian, Palestinian, French, Saudi, Iranian or American, the Lebanese come first!”

The Syrians and Arabs of Palestinian descent who are in Lebanon generally have nowhere else to go, so of course they need jobs. Yet he lumps them in with other foreign workers, who are also an important part of the workforce as they are throughout the Middle East.

Again, there was some regional controversy over his comments, and the rest of the world yawned. I didn't see any "pro-Palestinian" groups issue statements of condemnation.

(full article online)

Lebanese foreign minister tweets against Palestinians, but no one seems to care much ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yet he lumps them in with other foreign workers,
Of course, they are foreign nationals.

The Kotel (Western Wall) - erased.
The Temple Mount is replaced with "Haram Esh Sharif" even though Christian tourists would be interested in the Mount.
The Jewish Quarter - erased. Along with its street names.

We have a track record of how Arabs act when they control Jerusalem and other ancient Jewish towns. And they are guilty of everything they falsely accuse Israel of doing.

Every single time.

(full article online)

Who wants to erase history? 1960 Jordanian tourist map of Jerusalem erases all Jewish sites ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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