All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Palā€™istans beautiful nature.



A pool of wastewater seen east of Wadi Gaza in the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Mandy Lara Sirdah)

Gee whiz. Islamic terrorists have their welfare money to spend on weapons for the gee-had, but basic sanitation, well, not so much.
I think the timesofisrael article has several incorrect assertions.

Firstly, my opinion is that the recent, failed gee-had attempt was hardly a ā€œlone wolfā€ attack. Four wannabes with RPGā€™s and other explosives suggest armaments being supplied from Iran. RPGā€™s arenā€™t the kind of weapons that appeared in the Hamas arsenal. Secondly, my opinion is that Iran has no intention of seeking permission from Hamas to initiate attacks aimed at Israel. Hamas is going to receive a scolding from the mullahs to keep quiet and do what theyā€™re told to do. The Iranian welfare money comes with conditions.

Letā€™s remember that Iran has every reason to foment a war where their most hated enemies are the combatants. Letā€™s remember that the Sunni Islamist world views the Shia as heretics. The two tribes are still fighting a religious war that has its roots in a blood feud that dates back to the death of the inventor of Islam.

Response to foiled attack shows Hamas supports escalation, but from a distance

Terror group is either allowing ā€˜lone wolvesā€™ to target Israelis from coastal enclave or unable to rein them in, both possibilities spell trouble for Jewish state
Jerusalem District Police Commander Doron Yedid addressed Sunday afternoon the ongoing riots on the Temple Mount as well as the decision to allow Jews to ascend to the holy site.

Yedid made it clear that the decision to allow Jews to ascend the Temple Mount despite the Muslim sacrifice of Eid al-Adha does not violate the status quo.

"I don't recognize the concept of s 'status quo,'" Yedid said. "From the day I first came to know this place, the [Muslim] holiday morning prayer begins at 6:30 AM. Miraculously they changed the prayer to 7:30 in the morning. Isn't that a change in the status quo?"

"When we realized that everything was heading to the prevention of Jewish ascension by a handful of people, we used force, dispersed them and allowed the Jews to ascend."

Yedid said that at around 1:30 pm, the police would probably allow more Jews to enter the Temple Mount compound.

(full article online)

Police commander: Muslims changed the status quo, not the Jews
Based on its tweets, TripAdvisor is one of the worst human rights abusers in the world - more worthy of attention than China (which mentioned Uyghur Muslims 3 times), more that Syria, more than Russia.

Human rights groups are not transparent as to how they allocate their resources. They accuse nations of acting with "impunity" but they are just as guilty of that charge given that there is no oversight on how they raise and spend their money. Their politics trumps actual human rights. There is no other way to explain why Amnesty acts like TripAdvisor listings are considered worse human rights abuses than the entire countries of China or Syria, and places with terrible human rights records like Turkey are practically ignored. These aren't "human rights" organizations, they are political organizations using "human rights" selectively to promote their agendas.

Human rights groups demand accountability from their targets. The world must demand no less from human rights groups themselves.

(full article online)

.@Amnesty International tweets more about @TripAdvisor than about China, Syria or Russia ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Longest-Lasting Conspiracy Theory
by Denis MacEoin

The Longest-Lasting Conspiracy Theory

"To try to defeat an irrational supposition ā€“ especially when it is firmly held by its proponents ā€“ with a rational explanation is virtually impossible. Any information that does not correspond with the conspiracy theorists' preferred social, political, or ethnic narrative is ipso facto false. Social scientists have described such theories as having a "self-sealing quality" that makes them "particularly immune to challenge." ā€” Deborah Lipstadt, Antisemitism Here and Now, 2019

  • The lies about the State of Israel are amplified in the West through the "mainstream media", such as: The New York Times, The New Yorker, the BBC, The Guardian, MSNBC, and CNN. Churches join in, and of course the United Nations, as well as so-called human rights organizations where pretty well anything goes: The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch.

  • This bias is well monitored by a number of websites that work to identify their inaccuracies and deliberate distortions about Israel, the IDF, or Palestinian terrorism. CAMERA, Honest Reporting, UK Media Watch, and BBC Watch all dissect bad reportage, and contact editors to request corrections.
To create a de facto Palestinian state without further negotiation or even diplomatic consultation with the Israelis, European countriesā€”individually and through the European Unionā€”have pumped hundreds of millions of euros annually into scores of illegal building.

(full article online)

Whoā€™s funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? Nearly 10,000 cases
At the end of July 2019, when the Israeli cabinet voted to authorize an extra 715 permits, the Palestinian response was immediate. Shtayyeh declared: ā€œWe donā€™t need permission from the occupying power to build our homes on our lands,ā€ adding that the Oslo classification of land into A, B and C ā€œno longer exists.ā€​

To create a de facto Palestinian state without further negotiation or even diplomatic consultation with the Israelis, European countriesā€”individually and through the European Unionā€”have pumped hundreds of millions of euros annually into scores of illegal building.

(full article online)

Whoā€™s funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? Nearly 10,000 cases
At the end of July 2019, when the Israeli cabinet voted to authorize an extra 715 permits, the Palestinian response was immediate. Shtayyeh declared: ā€œWe donā€™t need permission from the occupying power to build our homes on our lands,ā€ adding that the Oslo classification of land into A, B and C ā€œno longer exists.ā€​

Since the Oslo Accords, to the PA, no longer exists, then the PA should make that in writing and be dismantled, and formally give up any territorial rights to those areas, since they continue to play their Hudna hit songs, waiting and waiting for eventually defeating the Jews as Mohammad did in Arabia.

DO IT, PA. Have the guts to go to the UN and any other organization and finally putting the final nail to that coffin.

What!!! It is more fun to just have Europe and every other fool help you destroy the Jews because of Christian and Islamic learned hatred and superiority over the Jews?

Well. There are consequences . And it should happen sooner than later where the PA will finally dissolve, as it keeps threatening to, if not for all the money they manage to steal from all the fools who will give it to them.
To create a de facto Palestinian state without further negotiation or even diplomatic consultation with the Israelis, European countriesā€”individually and through the European Unionā€”have pumped hundreds of millions of euros annually into scores of illegal building.

(full article online)

Whoā€™s funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? Nearly 10,000 cases
At the end of July 2019, when the Israeli cabinet voted to authorize an extra 715 permits, the Palestinian response was immediate. Shtayyeh declared: ā€œWe donā€™t need permission from the occupying power to build our homes on our lands,ā€ adding that the Oslo classification of land into A, B and C ā€œno longer exists.ā€​

Since the Oslo Accords, to the PA, no longer exists, then the PA should make that in writing and be dismantled, and formally give up any territorial rights to those areas, since they continue to play their Hudna hit songs, waiting and waiting for eventually defeating the Jews as Mohammad did in Arabia.

DO IT, PA. Have the guts to go to the UN and any other organization and finally putting the final nail to that coffin.

What!!! It is more fun to just have Europe and every other fool help you destroy the Jews because of Christian and Islamic learned hatred and superiority over the Jews?

Well. There are consequences . And it should happen sooner than later where the PA will finally dissolve, as it keeps threatening to, if not for all the money they manage to steal from all the fools who will give it to them.
Since the Oslo Accords, to the PA, no longer exists, then the PA should make that in writing and be dismantled,
The Palestinians established a new government with their constitution in 2003.
To create a de facto Palestinian state without further negotiation or even diplomatic consultation with the Israelis, European countriesā€”individually and through the European Unionā€”have pumped hundreds of millions of euros annually into scores of illegal building.

(full article online)

Whoā€™s funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? Nearly 10,000 cases
At the end of July 2019, when the Israeli cabinet voted to authorize an extra 715 permits, the Palestinian response was immediate. Shtayyeh declared: ā€œWe donā€™t need permission from the occupying power to build our homes on our lands,ā€ adding that the Oslo classification of land into A, B and C ā€œno longer exists.ā€​

Since the Oslo Accords, to the PA, no longer exists, then the PA should make that in writing and be dismantled, and formally give up any territorial rights to those areas, since they continue to play their Hudna hit songs, waiting and waiting for eventually defeating the Jews as Mohammad did in Arabia.

DO IT, PA. Have the guts to go to the UN and any other organization and finally putting the final nail to that coffin.

What!!! It is more fun to just have Europe and every other fool help you destroy the Jews because of Christian and Islamic learned hatred and superiority over the Jews?

Well. There are consequences . And it should happen sooner than later where the PA will finally dissolve, as it keeps threatening to, if not for all the money they manage to steal from all the fools who will give it to them.
Since the Oslo Accords, to the PA, no longer exists, then the PA should make that in writing and be dismantled,
The Palestinians established a new government with their constitution in 2003.
Nothing more than just another phony mailing address for receiving UNRWA welfare checks.
To create a de facto Palestinian state without further negotiation or even diplomatic consultation with the Israelis, European countriesā€”individually and through the European Unionā€”have pumped hundreds of millions of euros annually into scores of illegal building.

(full article online)

Whoā€™s funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? Nearly 10,000 cases

Time for Israel to annex what she wants and apply sovereignty. Yeah, yeah, everyone is going to whine and complain for a bit. But if Israel is reasonable and strategic, taking only what she needs, it will die down soon enough.
Muslim Arabs attempted Thursday to kidnap an IDF soldier traveling home on leave, sources told Arutz Sheva.

The soldier, who is serving in the IDF's Givati Brigade, said the kidnapping attempt occurred at Har Keren Junction in southern Israel. A vehicle with dark windows stopped beside the soldier and its passengers offered him a ride.

When the soldier ignored their offers, they exited the vehicle and tried to force him into it. In response, the soldier cocked his weapon and another citizen arrived to try to block their vehicle.

The suspects then escaped the scene.

(full article online)

Arabs attempt to kidnap IDF soldier
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