All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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After American largess and Israeli know-how, the Jordanians have been offering safe haven to a cold-blooded murderer of American citizens who has made a career out of her crime.

(full article online)

A very bitter Jerusalem bombing anniversary
How many in her family have been killed by Israel?

How many?
I haven't been keeping score like Israel does. But I believe that it has been a half dozen in the last ten years.

Nice way to dance around what you're clueless about,
People getting killed every week. I don't keep a database.

Your usual backtracking over unsupported claims.
It’s been an article of faith for most recent U.S. Presidents, Western European nations and many American politicians today that peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only be achieved through the so-called “two-state solution”—two states for two peoples living in peace and security.

Certainly, sympathy for the Palestinian people’s national aspirations is understandable, as is heartfelt sadness that they’re forced to live under the oppression of their leadership. Unfortunately, sympathy and pity alone can’t solve the intractable problems inherent in the two-state solution—and most adherents to the position seem to ignore these formidable obstacles and jump instead to a fantasy ending

So, if you support the two-state solution—or know people who do—here’s a list of seven questions those advocates need to answer honestly and convincingly. Without answers—resolution of the huge problems absolutely preventing two states—the two-state solution is no solution at all.

(full article online)

Despite vicious attacks on Israel by the media, the U.N. and Islamists, we continue to win!
The notion that Israeli settlers “generally drive in the area without major restriction” is belied by the fact that West Bank roads are heavily restricted to Israeli drivers. In fact, Israeli drivers are prohibited from entering at all in Area A of the West Bank, which constitutes more than 10 percent of the territory. In other words, Israeli drivers are kept off entire roads in the areas under full Palestinian control.

As a result, Israeli drivers must take a much more circuitous, time-consuming routes to avoid forbidden Palestinian locales. So while there are surely bypass roads, their existence is not tantamount to driving “without major restriction.” Bypass roads exist precisely because of the major restrictions.

Palestinian drivers are restricted from limited stretches of specific roads in the West Bank totaling 40.22 kilometers, according to B’Tselem. They too have bypass roads as alternatives to the stretches of roads where they are not permitted to travel.

(full article online)

The West Bank's Unreported Forbidden Roads
(This is the second in a series of posts by CAMERA Arabic showing how Arabic language news networks, including those affiliated with Western media outlets, frame the topic of Jews who originate from or live in the Middle East and North Africa, by distinguishing between ‘loyal’ Jews and ‘treacherous’ Zionists. All translations, emphasis and in-bracket remarks are by CAMERA Arabic unless otherwise specified.)

(full article online)

Western Arabic news outlets distinguish between ‘good Jews’ and ‘bad Zionists’
It’s been an article of faith for most recent U.S. Presidents, Western European nations and many American politicians today that peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only be achieved through the so-called “two-state solution”—two states for two peoples living in peace and security.

Certainly, sympathy for the Palestinian people’s national aspirations is understandable, as is heartfelt sadness that they’re forced to live under the oppression of their leadership. Unfortunately, sympathy and pity alone can’t solve the intractable problems inherent in the two-state solution—and most adherents to the position seem to ignore these formidable obstacles and jump instead to a fantasy ending

So, if you support the two-state solution—or know people who do—here’s a list of seven questions those advocates need to answer honestly and convincingly. Without answers—resolution of the huge problems absolutely preventing two states—the two-state solution is no solution at all.

(full article online)

Despite vicious attacks on Israel by the media, the U.N. and Islamists, we continue to win!
:laugh::laugh::laugh: :lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.
It’s been an article of faith for most recent U.S. Presidents, Western European nations and many American politicians today that peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only be achieved through the so-called “two-state solution”—two states for two peoples living in peace and security.

Certainly, sympathy for the Palestinian people’s national aspirations is understandable, as is heartfelt sadness that they’re forced to live under the oppression of their leadership. Unfortunately, sympathy and pity alone can’t solve the intractable problems inherent in the two-state solution—and most adherents to the position seem to ignore these formidable obstacles and jump instead to a fantasy ending

So, if you support the two-state solution—or know people who do—here’s a list of seven questions those advocates need to answer honestly and convincingly. Without answers—resolution of the huge problems absolutely preventing two states—the two-state solution is no solution at all.

(full article online)

Despite vicious attacks on Israel by the media, the U.N. and Islamists, we continue to win!

I certainly think one can support a multi-state solution and still believe that one is not possible. I count myself as one of those. At this point, the only reasonable way through this mess is a four state solution. (Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Gaza). But I can't see any way that this is going to happen. In large part because of these 7 very valid points, and a few more.

1. Lack of recognition of Israel as a State for the Jewish people.
2. Lack of reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.
3. Demand for dismantling of Israel.
4. Functional dictatorships in both Palestine and Gaza.
5. Lack of investment in infrastructure and economy in Palestine and Gaza.
6. The rise of more extremist elements in Palestine.
7. Lack of political freedoms and rule of law in Palestine and Gaza.

and a few more:

8. The fundamental disconnect between "we have a right to kill Jews" and "we want to live without security measures".
9. The refusal to permit Jews to exist in Arab/Palestinian/Muslim spaces.
10.The demand

These are real issues. And these are issues which Israel CAN NOT FIX. Only Arab Palestinians can address them.

Now, you may be able to come up with your own list of fundamental problems which can only be fixed by Israel. If so, please feel free to post.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
That isn't the point.If something happens once, Israel broad brushes all Palestinians and bangs on about it for years.
I don't know if any of you follow Fred Maroun. He's an Arab Canadian of Lebanese descent who posts regularly on the conflict. He was formerly a very outspoken advocate for Israel, but in the past year or so has posted some comments which many of us find well... difficult.

Yesterday, or the day before (?) he posted (partial quote):

Each time that an Israeli is murdered by Palestinians in the West Bank, a large part of the responsibility obviously goes to the killers, but another part of responsibility also goes to those who allow and promote Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

Aside from the obvious victim-blaming and placing the responsibility on targets of violence to prevent violence committed against them, mostly by giving in to terrorist demands, I have an issue with the entire premise that the presence of Jews is, in itself, an aggression.

If the PURPOSE of a peace agreement is to allow for Jews and Arabs to live side-by-side in peace, then the presence of Jews and Arabs living together side-by-side is -- in all ways -- the POINT not the obstacle. If the premise of your argument is that Arabs and Jews can not possibly live together, then by all means lets get on with the population exchange.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.


These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
That isn't the point.If something happens once, Israel broad brushes all Palestinians and bangs on about it for years.

Ah. I see your point. were the one who jumped on that, rather than discussing the point made in the paragraph in the article which was the on-going lack of reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.

Did you want to tackle that as it pertains to an obstacle in the on-going conflict?
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
That isn't the point.If something happens once, Israel broad brushes all Palestinians and bangs on about it for years.

Ah. I see your point. were the one who jumped on that, rather than discussing the point made in the paragraph in the article which was the on-going lack of reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.

Did you want to tackle that as it pertains to an obstacle in the on-going conflict?
Sure, but if you cannot answer the question, you would not understand my answer.

This clown said so many stupid things like:

Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,

Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.

I can't help it. This guy is off the rails.

These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Tinmore shuffle.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From time to time, you will find an onclase of social misfits that stick to an unshakable belief in something untrue, especially in connection with the Israeli - Palestinian Conflice.


These intellectually drawled representatives hold irrational beliefs that defy normal reasoning. They remain firm even when the overwhelming proof is presented to dispute them on the reality of the day; always pointing back to a past period of time when decisions were made by the powers that they disagree with today.

The Arab Palestinians stand fast with a firm grip in an altered reality connected to delusions that are often accompanied by hallucinations and/or feelings of paranoia.

These connections strengthen confidence in the delusion; yet weaken the delusions that put a sequence of event in motion that turn the decisions of 50 to 100 years ago questionable - one from culturally or religiously based beliefs that may be seen as untrue as they are ridiculous.

Most Respectfully,
This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
That isn't the point.If something happens once, Israel broad brushes all Palestinians and bangs on about it for years.

This clown said so many stupid things like:
Ever since Hamas, the totalitarian Islamist group, won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then violently seized Gaza,​
Why would the elected government in office "violently seize Gaza?"

So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
That isn't the point.If something happens once, Israel broad brushes all Palestinians and bangs on about it for years.

How many years ago did somebody throw somebody off a roof?

I rest my case.
So what exactly would you call throwing political rivals off of roofs?
Israeli talking point.

Are you saying that it never happened?
That isn't the point.If something happens once, Israel broad brushes all Palestinians and bangs on about it for years.

How many years ago did somebody throw somebody off a roof?

I rest my case.

Some people did something™️

What’s the timeframe for when somebody throwing someone from a roof is just, you know, boys will be boys?

Please, give your case a rest.
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