All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

"... transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories..."

Transfer what powers? You're simply cutting and pasting paragraphs of material you can't interpret and don't understand.

The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.

What you want are excuses for the failures of tbe Arabs-Moslems to cobble together a functioning govdrnment and a functioning society.

Even assuming you could remove Israel and all the Jews tomorrow, you would still have the tribal warfare and competition for UN welfare fraud money that defines the competing islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.
The conflict with Israel is the division. Remove the conflict and there will be no division.

You're desperate for excuses. The conflict between Hamas and Fatah is one of ideology but also rooted in power, greed and wealth.

You ignore the ideological underpinning of the Hamas charter and the reasons for support and assistance by Fatah for acts of mass muder aimed at Israel.

While you're desperate to press your agenda of Jew-hating, Hamas and Fatah would still be at each others throats if Israel and Jews disappeared tomorrow.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

Yes, now what can we say about this.


The Resolution (A/RES/37/43) is not law. It is a shotgun blast of commentary hoping something will stick.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

In 1960, the West Bank was sovereign Jordanian Territory. In 1960, the Gaza Strip was an Egyptian Protectorate under a ilitaryM Governorship after the All Palestine Government was dissolved.

Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

This is political theater. No one knows how to "transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories", it is an undefined task.

◈ Who is the receiver of such power, if not in anarchy?
◈ Do we send it FEDEX?

It is a concept paper only (read only).

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

In 1960, the West Bank was sovereign Jordanian Territory. In 1960, the Gaza Strip was an Egyptian Protectorate under a ilitaryM Governorship after the All Palestine Government was dissolved.

Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

This is political theater. No one knows how to "transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories", it is an undefined task.

◈ Who is the receiver of such power, if not in anarchy?
◈ Do we send it FEDEX?

It is a concept paper only (read only).

Most Respectfully,
Ironic that the Arabs were on our side in WWII.
Rothschild bought and founded isreal
erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

"... transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories..."

Transfer what powers? You're simply cutting and pasting paragraphs of material you can't interpret and don't understand.

The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.

What you want are excuses for the failures of tbe Arabs-Moslems to cobble together a functioning govdrnment and a functioning society.

Even assuming you could remove Israel and all the Jews tomorrow, you would still have the tribal warfare and competition for UN welfare fraud money that defines the competing islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.
The conflict with Israel is the division. Remove the conflict and there will be no division.

You're desperate for excuses. The conflict between Hamas and Fatah is one of ideology but also rooted in power, greed and wealth.

You ignore the ideological underpinning of the Hamas charter and the reasons for support and assistance by Fatah for acts of mass muder aimed at Israel.

While you're desperate to press your agenda of Jew-hating, Hamas and Fatah would still be at each others throats if Israel and Jews disappeared tomorrow.
You're desperate for excuses. The conflict between Hamas and Fatah is one of ideology but also rooted in power, greed and wealth.
Actually it is part of Oslo.
erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,


• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

"... transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories..."

Transfer what powers? You're simply cutting and pasting paragraphs of material you can't interpret and don't understand.

The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.

What you want are excuses for the failures of tbe Arabs-Moslems to cobble together a functioning govdrnment and a functioning society.

Even assuming you could remove Israel and all the Jews tomorrow, you would still have the tribal warfare and competition for UN welfare fraud money that defines the competing islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.
The conflict with Israel is the division. Remove the conflict and there will be no division.

You're desperate for excuses. The conflict between Hamas and Fatah is one of ideology but also rooted in power, greed and wealth.

You ignore the ideological underpinning of the Hamas charter and the reasons for support and assistance by Fatah for acts of mass muder aimed at Israel.

While you're desperate to press your agenda of Jew-hating, Hamas and Fatah would still be at each others throats if Israel and Jews disappeared tomorrow.
You're desperate for excuses. The conflict between Hamas and Fatah is one of ideology but also rooted in power, greed and wealth.
Actually it is part of Oslo.

Actually, no.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

I'm not sure this is true.

Ironic that the Arabs were on our side in WWII.
Rothschild bought and founded isreal

The Haj Amin el-Husseini → Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was certainly NOT on the side of the Allied Powers. Met with Germany's Hitler, and helped to form the 13th Division of the Waffen-SS.

◈ Hasan Salama, Leader and co-founder of the Holy War Army: Served a member of a Special Commando unit of the German foreign intelligence organization Amt VI, during WWII.

◈ Fawzi al-Qawuqji, Leader of the Arab Liberation Army, was a Colonel of the Wehrmacht during WWII.

Most Respectfully,
He said, "the terms A, B and C no longer exist because Israel has violated the Interim Oslo Agreement , And we do not need permission from the occupying power to build our homes on our territory."

If Israel is the occupier, then legally the residents of the territory do indeed have to get permission to build homes from the military government. By definition, in a belligerent occupation, the military government is the government entrusted with upholding and maintaining the existing laws in the territory, although it can add additional rules for security purposes under the Geneva Conventions.

When Shtayyeh says that Palestinians have the right to build anywhere in the territories, he is saying that the land is not legally occupied - but disputed.

Which has been Israel's legal position since 1967!

UPDATE: Abbas' spokesperson says the same thing!

(full article online)

Palestinian prime minister accidentally admits territories aren't occupied (UPDATE) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He said, "the terms A, B and C no longer exist because Israel has violated the Interim Oslo Agreement , And we do not need permission from the occupying power to build our homes on our territory."

If Israel is the occupier, then legally the residents of the territory do indeed have to get permission to build homes from the military government. By definition, in a belligerent occupation, the military government is the government entrusted with upholding and maintaining the existing laws in the territory, although it can add additional rules for security purposes under the Geneva Conventions.

When Shtayyeh says that Palestinians have the right to build anywhere in the territories, he is saying that the land is not legally occupied - but disputed.

Which has been Israel's legal position since 1967!

UPDATE: Abbas' spokesperson says the same thing!

(full article online)

Palestinian prime minister accidentally admits territories aren't occupied (UPDATE) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
he is saying that the land is not legally occupied - but disputed.
Where did he say that?
They are mostly press releases from the antisemitic Muslim authorities on the Temple Mount, the Waqf.

Today's variant, as headlined in Arab48 news, was thatJewish children visited the Mount.

According to the story, an organization called Women for the Temple has now organized tours of the most sacred place in Judaism specifically for children, where they are taught about the history of the site. (Or as the hateful Arab media puts it, "they carried out provocative tours of the Haram al Sharif and received explanations about the alleged 'Temple.'")

This is perhaps more frightening to Muslims than the daily screaming headlines of Jews "breaking in" to the site. Children, after all, are the next generation, and if they consider visiting the Temple Mount to be normal, then it will be that much harder to stop them from visiting when they are adults and want to bring their own kids.

Meanwhile, the Jordanian Waqf issued a statement that "stressed that the sanctity of all parts of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, equivalent to the sanctity of the Sacred House in Mecca, and that any infringement on part of it is an attack on every Muslim on earth."

Just some more every day incitement against Jews.

(full article online)

Muslims frightened by Jewish children on the Temple Mount ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Five years ago, I was sitting in my office trying to figure out options for a desperate Palestinian woman. Her family had found her and her boyfriend together in his apartment in Queens, and they were threatening both of them with physical harm. I had been told that the young couple feared for their lives.

To help them, I reached out to an organization that was working to train the New York City police force about the difference between honor killings and murder (the former is often perpetrated by a close family member who would not be a suspect in a murder). While I was speaking to the liaison about the couple, I happened to notice an email update from a former classmate at Barnard with some news: A Columbia student organization formed to support victims of sexual assault, called “No Red Tape,” was aligning itself with Students for Justice in Palestine, a virulently anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian group.

The irony of the moment was powerful. Here I was, a Zionist Jewish woman trying to protect a Palestinian woman from violence, while a campus group that is supposed to be devoted to protecting women had attached itself to a group known for hateful tactics that target Jewish students, rhetoric that veers into anti-Semitism and a total refusal to engage with Zionist groups.

It’s not just ironic; it’s mysterious. How did social justice warriors, committed to liberal values, find themselves using hate speech, intolerant boycotts, and demonizing tactics towards a fellow minority group?

The answer they would no doubt give themselves — that it is Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians that drives their actions — can’t possibly account for things like the a-historical nature of their critiques, the tolerance and excuses for violent resistance against civilians, and the sheer vitriol unleashed on Jewish students. For this reason, the mystery of the social justice movement’s embrace of radical pro-Palestinian groups and their corresponding rejection of Israel is usually explained as nothing more complicated than anti-Semitism, albeit cloaked in the new language of anti-Zionism.

(full article online)

Opinion | The Real Reason The Left Hates Israel
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