All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This is where Tinmore disappears from the conversation. He has no where to go and he knows it. Because the absence of sovereignty in a territory is legally problematic, for him, he has to invent a false Palestinian sovereignty with no government, no actual control of a defined territory, no population and no capacity to treat with other states.
The 1949 Armistice Lines which were established and understood to be temporary, somehow morphed into the minds of many as the 1967 “borders,” implying a new sense of permanence, even though the war did the exact opposite – it reestablished Israeli control of the entire Palestine Mandate and reclaimed its boundaries of May 1948.

Israel did itself no favors. Rather than clearly state that its borders had been reestablished, it “annexed” the eastern portion of Jerusalem which had been under Jordanian control and only established military rule over the West Bank. It did this – much like it handed control of the Jewish Temple Mount to the Jordanian Waqf – in the hopes of winning over global support for peace. So much for that theory.

No Palestinian Land / No “Occupation”

As the history above details, the Palestinians quest for self-rule has been aspirational. The global community has attempted to create a new sovereign Arab Palestinian country, or to somehow give the Arabs who reside in Gaza and the West Bank self-determination. The Arabs in Gaza got self-determination in 2005 when the Israeli troops left the area, and the majority of Arabs in the West Bank also have some self-determination in “Area A” and to a lesser extent in “Area B” when Israel handed control of select lands to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of the Oslo II Accords of 1995.

But there is no “Palestinian Land” beyond these lands which the PA controls. [See Featured Image] The balance is Israeli territory as it was from the time Israel declared its independence. The 1967 War did not begin “occupation” of “Palestinian Land”; it brought Israeli territory back under Israeli control from the Egyptians and Jordanians who invaded Israel back in 1948.

As the only “Palestinian Land” that exists today are those which Israel handed to the Palestinian Authority, it is impossible for there to be any “occupation.”

(full article online)

When You Understand Israel’s May 1948 Borders, You Understand There is No “Occupation”
The 1949 Armistice Lines which were established and understood to be temporary, somehow morphed into the minds of many as the 1967 “borders,” implying a new sense of permanence, even though the war did the exact opposite – it reestablished Israeli control of the entire Palestine Mandate and reclaimed its boundaries of May 1948.

Israel did itself no favors. Rather than clearly state that its borders had been reestablished, it “annexed” the eastern portion of Jerusalem which had been under Jordanian control and only established military rule over the West Bank. It did this – much like it handed control of the Jewish Temple Mount to the Jordanian Waqf – in the hopes of winning over global support for peace. So much for that theory.

No Palestinian Land / No “Occupation”

As the history above details, the Palestinians quest for self-rule has been aspirational. The global community has attempted to create a new sovereign Arab Palestinian country, or to somehow give the Arabs who reside in Gaza and the West Bank self-determination. The Arabs in Gaza got self-determination in 2005 when the Israeli troops left the area, and the majority of Arabs in the West Bank also have some self-determination in “Area A” and to a lesser extent in “Area B” when Israel handed control of select lands to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of the Oslo II Accords of 1995.

But there is no “Palestinian Land” beyond these lands which the PA controls. [See Featured Image] The balance is Israeli territory as it was from the time Israel declared its independence. The 1967 War did not begin “occupation” of “Palestinian Land”; it brought Israeli territory back under Israeli control from the Egyptians and Jordanians who invaded Israel back in 1948.

As the only “Palestinian Land” that exists today are those which Israel handed to the Palestinian Authority, it is impossible for there to be any “occupation.”

(full article online)

When You Understand Israel’s May 1948 Borders, You Understand There is No “Occupation”
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking points.
The 1949 Armistice Lines which were established and understood to be temporary, somehow morphed into the minds of many as the 1967 “borders,” implying a new sense of permanence, even though the war did the exact opposite – it reestablished Israeli control of the entire Palestine Mandate and reclaimed its boundaries of May 1948.

Israel did itself no favors. Rather than clearly state that its borders had been reestablished, it “annexed” the eastern portion of Jerusalem which had been under Jordanian control and only established military rule over the West Bank. It did this – much like it handed control of the Jewish Temple Mount to the Jordanian Waqf – in the hopes of winning over global support for peace. So much for that theory.

No Palestinian Land / No “Occupation”

As the history above details, the Palestinians quest for self-rule has been aspirational. The global community has attempted to create a new sovereign Arab Palestinian country, or to somehow give the Arabs who reside in Gaza and the West Bank self-determination. The Arabs in Gaza got self-determination in 2005 when the Israeli troops left the area, and the majority of Arabs in the West Bank also have some self-determination in “Area A” and to a lesser extent in “Area B” when Israel handed control of select lands to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of the Oslo II Accords of 1995.

But there is no “Palestinian Land” beyond these lands which the PA controls. [See Featured Image] The balance is Israeli territory as it was from the time Israel declared its independence. The 1967 War did not begin “occupation” of “Palestinian Land”; it brought Israeli territory back under Israeli control from the Egyptians and Jordanians who invaded Israel back in 1948.

As the only “Palestinian Land” that exists today are those which Israel handed to the Palestinian Authority, it is impossible for there to be any “occupation.”

(full article online)

When You Understand Israel’s May 1948 Borders, You Understand There is No “Occupation”
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking points.
Unsubstantiated response to the article :)
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
Your invented / re-written version of history is a hoot.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

A link to what never occurred?

You so funny.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.
You have English Comprehension issues. No link would ever help you understand history and what actually happened between the defeated and the victorious.

Stop wasting our time and take some comprehension lessons.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?
Thank you for, again, letting us know that you know nothing about what you are alleging as history and actual treaties, what happened after WWI and the division of what had been the Ottoman Empire. Quack!!!!
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?
Thank you for, again, letting us know that you know nothing about what you are alleging as history and actual treaties, what happened after WWI and the division of what had been the Ottoman Empire. Quack!!!!

Yep. This is where Tinmore retreats into his ridiculously nonsensical replies. Because he knows there was no Palestinian state after 1924 (Until Israel in 1948 and Palestine in 1988). And yet he keeps insisting that there was. Even though there is not one lick of evidence to show its existence.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

A link to what never occurred?

You so funny.
How do you know? It may have happened and nobody told you..
P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

A link to what never occurred?

You so funny.
How do you know? It may have happened and nobody told you..
If it did happened, it would be in the history books. Especially Arab history books of that time.

Find us one.
P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

A link to what never occurred?

You so funny.
How do you know? It may have happened and nobody told you..

Your conspiracy theories are a hoot.


Did you fall down and bump your head again?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

A link to what never occurred?

You so funny.
How do you know? It may have happened and nobody told you..
If it did happened, it would be in the history books. Especially Arab history books of that time.

Find us one.
OK, show me some history and not that Israeli bullshit stuff.
NOOOOOOOO, A million times No.

The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

It was transferred to the British and the French who divided it into FOUR Mandates.

The Mandate for Palestine (name chosen by the British), was to be returned for the recreation of the Jewish State.

Due to Muslim hatred of Jews, the Muslims were against it and attacked the Jews and the British. They got their wish where 78% of that Mandate was given to Arab Muslims knowns as the Hashemites who had JUST arrived to the land, being kicked out of Arabia.

The rest of the land the British and the Arabs wanted for themselves, both being invaders and conquerors of it at different times in history. But it was always Jewish Land, Jewish Territory.

The Muslims said no to an Arab State next to a Jewish one and refused the idea in 1937 and in 1947. Because they are Muslims who hate Jews and cannot live "under" Jewish governance.

There are three kinds of interference for the Jewish right to re create their Nation.

1) Internal = the Muslim Arabs who lived there, and those who immigrated into the territory.

2) External = the British, who wanted the rest of the Mandate for themselves

3) External = all the Arab/Muslim countries, and many Christian ones, who could not accept that Jews would become self sufficient and self governing.

"Palestine" has plenty of governmental institutions, parliaments, etc.

"Palestine" is synonym to "We MUST destroy the jewish ability to self govern and bring them back to the dhimmi state they lived under Christianity and Islam.


The People of Israel live. (No matter how many lies Christians and Muslims are capable of telling on a daily basis)
The Ottoman conquered territory was NOT transferred to the new state called Palestine.

A link to what never occurred?

You so funny.
How do you know? It may have happened and nobody told you..
If it did happened, it would be in the history books. Especially Arab history books of that time.

Find us one.
OK, show me some history and not that Israeli bullshit stuff.

Show you what didn't happen?

It's the latter then. You fell down and bumped your head.
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