All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

You still missed it.

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state.

No, not so. Article 16 Transferedthe territory to the Allied Powers. There was no "New State of Palestine."

There was a Government of Palestine under the UK. The Arabs rejected participation.

It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
You "rights" DO NOT establish an obligation for any other country or people.

The people do not hold anything. Nor were they promised anything. You keep waiving this universal, inalienable rights, mantra-like a flag. It is an illusion until it happens - until the Palestinians make something of themselves. As long as they represent a hostile threat, the longer containment will be needed.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remains so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

No, the Middle East is a victim, and the Arab Palestinians are the assailant; hold peace hostage.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

You still missed it.

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state.

No, not so. Article 16 Transferedthe territory to the Allied Powers. There was no "New State of Palestine."

There was a Government of Palestine under the UK. The Arabs rejected participation.

It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
You "rights" DO NOT establish an obligation for any other country or people.

The people do not hold anything. Nor were they promised anything. You keep waiving this universal, inalienable rights, mantra-like a flag. It is an illusion until it happens - until the Palestinians make something of themselves. As long as they represent a hostile threat, the longer containment will be needed.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remains so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

No, the Middle East is a victim, and the Arab Palestinians are the assailant; hold peace hostage.

Most Respectfully,
You "rights" DO NOT establish an obligation for any other country or people.
That is true. There is no obligation requested.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

You still missed it.

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state.

No, not so. Article 16 Transferedthe territory to the Allied Powers. There was no "New State of Palestine."

There was a Government of Palestine under the UK. The Arabs rejected participation.

It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
You "rights" DO NOT establish an obligation for any other country or people.

The people do not hold anything. Nor were they promised anything. You keep waiving this universal, inalienable rights, mantra-like a flag. It is an illusion until it happens - until the Palestinians make something of themselves. As long as they represent a hostile threat, the longer containment will be needed.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remains so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

No, the Middle East is a victim, and the Arab Palestinians are the assailant; hold peace hostage.

Most Respectfully,
You "rights" DO NOT establish an obligation for any other country or people.
That is true. There is no obligation requested.
Just an entitlement expected.
Dr. Rosena Allin-Khan is a Labour MP for Tooting and a physician.

She recently traveled to Gaza and reported back on the issues she saw with Israel's permit system for patients to leave Gaza. She is obviously not a Zionist and some of the resulting articles have been called out for inaccuracies. Nevertheless, she is someone who cares deeply about the people of Gaza.

What happened to her when she tried to help the children of Gaza shows that the purported "pro-Palestinian" crowd really don't give a shit about Palestinians.

(full article online)

The difference between honest critics of Israel and the antisemitic BDSers who really don't care about Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The time has come for the donor nations of the world to defuse the toxic UNRWA powder keg: This can and should be accomplished in six steps.

1. Cancel the new UNRWA curriculum which incorporates principles of Jihad, martyrdom and an “right of return” by force of arms, in UN schools which are supposed to promote the UNRWA slogan of “Peace Starts Here.”

2. Cease paramilitary training in all UNRWA schools. UNRWA should demonstrate commitment to UN principles for “peace education”.

3. Insist that UNRWA dismiss employees who are affiliated with Hamas in accordance with laws on the books in Western nations, which forbid aid to any agency that employs members of a terrorist organization.

4. Insist that UNRWA cancel its contract with “youth ambassador” Mohammad Assaf to travel the world encouraging anti Israeli violence.

5. Insist on an independent audit of donor funds that flow to UNRWA This would address widespread documented reports of wasted resources, duplicity of services and the undesired flow of cash to Gaza-based terror groups, which gained control over UNRWA operations in Gaza during the past 18 years.

6. Introduce UNHCR standards to UNRWA to advance the resettlement of Arab "refugees." - the millions of descendants of the original "refugees", (today about 20,000 ) many of whom left due to promises made by Arab countries in 1948 that they would wipe out the Jews, whose homes could be taken over shortly.

(full article online)

Coming soon: An opportunity for UNRWA policy change
Dr. Rosena Allin-Khan is a Labour MP for Tooting and a physician.

She recently traveled to Gaza and reported back on the issues she saw with Israel's permit system for patients to leave Gaza. She is obviously not a Zionist and some of the resulting articles have been called out for inaccuracies. Nevertheless, she is someone who cares deeply about the people of Gaza.

What happened to her when she tried to help the children of Gaza shows that the purported "pro-Palestinian" crowd really don't give a shit about Palestinians.

(full article online)

The difference between honest critics of Israel and the antisemitic BDSers who really don't care about Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The reason she is working with the Israeli government is because neither the government of Gaza nor the government of the West Bank have any interest in helping Arab Palestinian or Gazan people. The whole thing is a charade. They choose no normalization with Jews instead of caring for their people. Exactly why they are not yet ready to have a state (or two).

The true irony is that it was the PA which denied the mother's permit to return to her daughter, not Israel. And also it is a lie that the mother was sent back to Gaza after the birth of the children and not permitted to stay with them. She was with the children when the two boys died. She returned to Gaza to bury them. And it was the PA who refused her return to Israel for her daughter.
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?

Stop whacking yourself in the head and answer my questions. If there was truly a state created, there should be some EVIDENCE of it, shouldn't there?

Of course, there is no evidence of a state of Palestine between 1924 and 1948 or 1988, because there wasn't one. It was not an issue under the Mandate, because the nationals of Palestine were governed by the British. But what happens to a nationality when it is no longer governed by a Mandate but has not yet developed a state?

What is the legal status of that territory and those nationals?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is more interesting.

What is the legal status of that territory and those nationals?

One interpretation:

Special Timeline 1988.png

There are a couple ways of looking at it; this is one. It shows that in 1988, Israel took possession of the territory by default.

Another way is to consider that the Oslo accords set the conditions for territorial control.

Most Respectfully,
Before there can be such a thing as external interference, you have to determine "who" is being interfered with?

Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territories ...

P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?

Stop whacking yourself in the head and answer my questions. If there was truly a state created, there should be some EVIDENCE of it, shouldn't there?

Of course, there is no evidence of a state of Palestine between 1924 and 1948 or 1988, because there wasn't one. It was not an issue under the Mandate, because the nationals of Palestine were governed by the British. But what happens to a nationality when it is no longer governed by a Mandate but has not yet developed a state?

What is the legal status of that territory and those nationals?
The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take the sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
P F Tinmore

No one is arguing that Britain had sovereignty.

But the question which needs to be asked and answered is: What happened when the sovereignty of Turkey was terminated in that territory? Who had sovereignty over that territory? Who held the legal relationship with the nationals of the territory? When and how was that sovereignty obtained?
I have been trying to make sense of your posts. I have already posted the quotes and links.

All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So I cannot understand why you are still confused. The territory was transferred to the new state of Palestine. The Palestinians became citizens of the new state. It is the people who hold the sovereignty. It is the people who inherit the universal, inalienable rights.
  • The right to self determination without external interference.
  • The right to independence and sovereignty.
  • The right to territorial integrity.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference. Palestine was born under military occupation and it remain so today. This has prevented them from developing their own governmental institutions.

Oh I’m not the one who is confused.

Tell me about this sovereign state then. When did it come in to being? What was it’s government? What were some of it’s laws? Where was the seat of government or parliament? Name some examples of interactions with other states. Did this state apply for UN membership? When? How did nationals of this state prove or document their nationality? Who issued these documents? Where were law courts located?

Stop whacking yourself in the head and answer my questions. If there was truly a state created, there should be some EVIDENCE of it, shouldn't there?

Of course, there is no evidence of a state of Palestine between 1924 and 1948 or 1988, because there wasn't one. It was not an issue under the Mandate, because the nationals of Palestine were governed by the British. But what happens to a nationality when it is no longer governed by a Mandate but has not yet developed a state?

What is the legal status of that territory and those nationals?
The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take the sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

You have a need to invent “we” as an excuse which prevents the Arabs-Moslems from developing a functioning society and civil government. I’m afraid the Pals’ share the same socio-religious hinderances that are shared by so much of the Islamist Middle East.

I’m afraid you want excuses for the tribal rivalries and religious imperatives that caused the Arabs-Moslems to fail at building a workable society when Israel unilaterally left Gaza. The Arabs-Moslems were more interested in attacking Israel and fighting a civil war with the tribe in the West Bank than they were with building a government.

You’re now reduced to begging the Shia Mullahs for crumbs.
The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take the sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

There is a difference between holding some sort of right to sovereignty and having actual sovereignty. The accepted method and measure of sovereignty is a state. That is standard and normal everywhere in the world. That is the legal precedent.

So your argument is NOT that the Arab Palestinians have a state. You agree that Palestine is not a state. Your argument is that Palestine is a non-self-governing territory.

1924 - 1948: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by the British
1948 - 1967: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel & Jordan
1967 - 1988: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel
1988 - 2019: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel because she hasn't reached full statehood

Further, you argue that Israel is not a domestic government, but a foreign government.

Do I understand you correctly?

(Note: Palestine is not actually listed, nor has ever been listed, as a Non-Self-Governing Territory by the UN).
erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take the sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

There is a difference between holding some sort of right to sovereignty and having actual sovereignty. The accepted method and measure of sovereignty is a state. That is standard and normal everywhere in the world. That is the legal precedent.

So your argument is NOT that the Arab Palestinians have a state. You agree that Palestine is not a state. Your argument is that Palestine is a non-self-governing territory.

1924 - 1948: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by the British
1948 - 1967: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel & Jordan
1967 - 1988: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel
1988 - 2019: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel because she hasn't reached full statehood

Further, you argue that Israel is not a domestic government, but a foreign government.

Do I understand you correctly?

(Note: Palestine is not actually listed, nor has ever been listed, as a Non-Self-Governing Territory by the UN).
There is a difference between holding some sort of right to sovereignty and having actual sovereignty.
Indeed, it is called illegal external interference.
(Note: Palestine is not actually listed, nor has ever been listed, as a Non-Self-Governing Territory by the UN).
It has.

Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the
Palestinian people
and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, national unity and sovereignty without outside interference;

18. Strongly condemns those Governments that do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

Notice that they always say Palestinian people. There is no mention of any government or state.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.
The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take the sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

There is a difference between holding some sort of right to sovereignty and having actual sovereignty. The accepted method and measure of sovereignty is a state. That is standard and normal everywhere in the world. That is the legal precedent.

So your argument is NOT that the Arab Palestinians have a state. You agree that Palestine is not a state. Your argument is that Palestine is a non-self-governing territory.

1924 - 1948: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by the British
1948 - 1967: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel & Jordan
1967 - 1988: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel
1988 - 2019: Palestine is a non-self-governing territory governed by Israel because she hasn't reached full statehood

Further, you argue that Israel is not a domestic government, but a foreign government.

Do I understand you correctly?

(Note: Palestine is not actually listed, nor has ever been listed, as a Non-Self-Governing Territory by the UN).
There is a difference between holding some sort of right to sovereignty and having actual sovereignty.
Indeed, it is called illegal external interference.
(Note: Palestine is not actually listed, nor has ever been listed, as a Non-Self-Governing Territory by the UN).
It has.

Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the
Palestinian people
and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, national unity and sovereignty without outside interference;

18. Strongly condemns those Governments that do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

Notice that they always say Palestinian people. There is no mention of any government or state.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

Yes, yes. Another opinion piece issued by the organization that has fallen down and can't get up.

Top 10 Most Insane U.N. Anti-Israel Actions of 2017 - UN Watch
erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

"... transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories..."

Transfer what powers? You're simply cutting and pasting paragraphs of material you can't interpret and don't understand.

The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.

What you want are excuses for the failures of tbe Arabs-Moslems to cobble together a functioning govdrnment and a functioning society.

Even assuming you could remove Israel and all the Jews tomorrow, you would still have the tribal warfare and competition for UN welfare fraud money that defines the competing islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.
Last edited:
erritorial sRE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

The people are the sovereigns of their territory. Mandates do not acquire sovereignty. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Neither can take sovereignty away from the people. Now illegal external interference can prevent the people from exercising their sovereignty. Palestine still exists and Palestinian citizens still have sovereignty. We just need to end the occupation and allow the Palestinians the right to their sovereignty.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

• A/RES/15/1514 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples does not say: "The people are the sovereigns of their territory."

A vast majority of the nations of the world hold national sovereignty. "Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the functions of a State." (See generally Brownlie, chapter 14; Shaw, chapter 12; Malanczuk, chapter 7. [2] Bledsoe and Boczek, pp. 102-3.)

Most Respectfully,
Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.​

Notice that they said peoples of those territories, not governments or states.

"... transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories..."

Transfer what powers? You're simply cutting and pasting paragraphs of material you can't interpret and don't understand.

The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.

What you want are excuses for the failures of tbe Arabs-Moslems to cobble together a functioning govdrnment and a functioning society.

Even assuming you could remove Israel and all the Jews tomorrow, you would still have the tribal warfare and competition for UN welfare fraud money that defines the competing islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Arabs-Moslems have the power of government(s). Those governments being antagonistic and hostile to one-another is an internal matter.
The conflict with Israel is the division. Remove the conflict and there will be no division.
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