All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It’s been a busy week for Rashida Tlaib with her failed propaganda stunt - exploiting her family relations - as a means to “half squad” Israel.

She now has declared a gee-had directed at Bill Maher.

Because Congress seems to be little more than a distraction to her day job of antagonism and managing her boycotts, I’m thinking she should resign from congress and let someone else actually do the job she doesn’t have the time and skills for.

Tlaib hits back at Bill Maher for comments on BDS, compares Israel to apartheid South Africa

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., suggested Saturday that viewers boycott comedian Bill Maher’s HBO talk show after he devoted a segment of Friday's program to bashing the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, calling it a “bulls--- purity test.”
[ There is a Peace Treaty with Jordan? ]

He is saying that it is an Islamic obligation to kill all Israeli Jews as symbolized by the Hajj ceremony to stone the devil.

As usual, there is no negative reaction in Arab media on blatant antisemitism and calls to ethnically cleanse Jews from the Middle East.This is the sort of Jew-hatred that Arabs are taught from childhood

(full article online)

Jordanian article compares Jews to the devil, says Hajj ritual means Jews must be wiped out from Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinians have had 25 years since Oslo to teach their children peace, but they have done the exact opposite. Violence has been reduced not for any moral reason but because terror is seen as counterproductive at this time. Palestinians still teach their people that violence is a legitimate, moral option, and that terrorists are heroes.

People who ignore these facts are not interested in peace. People who say that Israel must make all the concessions are not serious about peace.

People who ascribe the lack of peace to a lack of will on the part of Israelis for peace are pretty much accusing Jews of being evil. Calling Israelis "Nazis," calling Zionism "racism" or accusing Israel of "apartheid" are not serious arguments, and people who insist on those designations are only interested in demonizing the Jewish state. They are either antisemites or hopelessly deluded.

But if the West would report on these basic facts, then the number of people who are susceptible to the antisemitic arguments would fall dramatically.

Everything I am writing here is obvious to all Israelis, Zionists and to anyone who has spent any time in or seriously researching Israel. But practically everything I'm writing here is generally not mentioned in Western media reports on Israel or in textbooks.

That gap between the truth and what is being reported is a major impediment to peace.

The real story is not hard to uncover. But the fact that it is so hard for an average Westerner to understand these seven points based only on the materials easily available is a scandal.

(full article online)

Six facts about Israelis, and one about Palestinians, that the media almost always ignores ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinians demanded a Jew free Gaza. And here is the thankyou to Israel. Hey I have an idea Israel. Give the Palestinians a right of return, all of Jerusalem, an airport, self determination & equal status to Israelis. And then just imagine the lasting peace & how the grateful peace loving Palis would bless & pray for the well being of their neighbor Israelis.

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel in 2019 - Wikipedia

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

While there is a huge black market in human organ, this singling out of Israel is just another demonization trick used by the opponents to the Jewish National Home.

BY Kevin Martin PUBLISHED Jan 17 2019 said:
Cut and Run: The Black Market in Organ Trafficking
Of all these, perhaps the most alarming is the illicit trade in human organs. Sophisticated black markets exist across the world – particularly in developing nations – to extract organs, for example kidneys, parts of the liver, and even corneas, from living people, many of whom have been transported for the operation, some against their will.

These harvested organs will be transplanted into individuals who have the desire and ability to pay, through institutions and surgeons willing to perform – and profit from – these sub-rosa, often risky operations.


In every piece of successful propaganda, there is a bit of truth. There are about a dozen Blackmarket Organ Trafficking Rings in the world. None of these rings are actually run by Israelis. But like many affluent nations, there are buyers for transplant organs - and Israel, along with with the US, Canada, the rich from several European Nations have many buyers.

Again, singling out Israel in this fashion, as organ donor thieves → is merely smearing the character without understanding the market forces. And by far, the Blackmarket of human organs is simply not as big in Israel as it is in the other G-8 nations.

Why India Remains An Easy Market For Illegal Organ Trade ...December 2016 | Youth Ki Awaazorgan-tradeDespite Efforts, India Remains An Easy Market For Illegal Organ Trade. Despite the country’s best efforts to destroy the black market for illegal organ trade, India retains its reputation as an easy place to buy organs such as kidneys and livers. Earlier this year, I saw a Bollywood flick titled “ Rocky Handsome ” starring the burly John Abraham.

Most Respectfully,
Ending the occupation

By focusing only on “ending the occupation,” without examining the reasons for Israel’s refusal to accept an Arab Palestinian state and the probable consequences of giving in to these demands, anti-Israel activists have diverted attention from the real problems: the threat to Israel and the danger of a failed state.

THERE IS no coherent attempt, however, to define what “occupied” means and how its removal will be implemented. For example, to what does “occupied” refer?

The most effective response to someone who demands to “end the occupation” is to ask, simply: “Where? How? What will happen afterward?”

As a mantra, therefore, “end the occupation” is meaningless nonsense. ... As most Arabs and Muslims see it, however, “ending the occupation” does not mean ending the conflict; it means moving to the next level of confrontation – and that will be far more deadly than what now exists.
3 hrs ·
She stands up and asks a question of Denis Prager does this Oxford student, with condescending anger in her voice, as to why he only picks on Arabs and Muslims in this Oxford Union debate that begs the question whether Israel or Hamas is a greater threat to peace. She elicits great applause from her fellow students and you suddenly realise the extent of the ignorant Jew hate emanating from this illustrious house of education. What a scam is Oxford if that’s the kind of question asked by its students who clearly came to this debate stuffed with propaganda one would expect of the PSC foot soldiers at an anti Israel demonstration.

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Dennis Prager - Hamas is a Greater Obstacle to Peace Than Israel
Ending the occupation

By focusing only on “ending the occupation,” without examining the reasons for Israel’s refusal to accept an Arab Palestinian state and the probable consequences of giving in to these demands, anti-Israel activists have diverted attention from the real problems: the threat to Israel and the danger of a failed state.

THERE IS no coherent attempt, however, to define what “occupied” means and how its removal will be implemented. For example, to what does “occupied” refer?

The most effective response to someone who demands to “end the occupation” is to ask, simply: “Where? How? What will happen afterward?”

As a mantra, therefore, “end the occupation” is meaningless nonsense. ... As most Arabs and Muslims see it, however, “ending the occupation” does not mean ending the conflict; it means moving to the next level of confrontation – and that will be far more deadly than what now exists.
THERE IS no coherent attempt, however, to define what “occupied” means

There are different views on that but it is a discussion that cannot be had.
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