All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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I haven't seen anything showing that to be incorrect.
Oh, of course you have. You, like the Arab Palestinians, refuse to acknowledge the plain reality in front of your face.

Well, the Palestinians say that all of Palestine is occupied.
Yes. So we agree that discussion of "ending the occupation" or "free Palestine" is senseless. It would be impossible to accomplish without dismantling Israel.

Do you see how this creates an existential problem for Israel: a literal fight for survival. And one with no possible alternative outcome other than annihilation for one side or the other, at least according to the Arab Palestinians?
Indeed, Israel has created quite a problem for itself.

OMG. You are so bloody predictable.

Here's the problem you don't seem to want to acknowledge. The Arab Palestinians are demanding a zero sum game where either Israel is going to disappear or the hope for an eventual Palestine is going to disappear. This is an Arab construct, not a Jewish one. This is the Arab's game.

And they are going to lose. Its only a matter of when and how hard it's going to hurt.

Its just plain fact. Israel is stronger economically, politically, militarily, by every measure of education, human development, health, human rights, scientific advances, literally everything.

Worse, the Arab Palestinians aren't even TRYING to meet Israel with development. Both Gaza and "Palestine" are devolving further and further into radicalization and extremism.

The idea of a triumphant Palestine and/or Gaza dismantling Israel is ridiculous.
P F Tinmore

So you labelled my above post as “funny”. Why is that? It can’t be that you don’t think it’s correct, since you posted in another thread that Israel is literally wiping Palestine off the map.

So what’s funny?
P F Tinmore

So you labelled my above post as “funny”. Why is that? It can’t be that you don’t think it’s correct, since you posted in another thread that Israel is literally wiping Palestine off the map.

So what’s funny?

I'm afraid our friend PF Tinmore's claim that "Israel is literally wiping Palestine off the map" is another of the unsupported, flaming tirades that he launches into. The obvious counter to that claim would be Israel's demonstrated pattern of exchanging land in the hopes of peace with Arab neighbors. Israel's capture in 1967 of Sinai, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights was in response to Arab aggression. israel returned the Sinai to Egypt following formal recognition and peace treaty with that nation. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2006.

On ths other hand, I'm sure our friend PF Tinmore will retreat to one of his snappy one-liners when confronted with the Hamas charter.
In their charter, Hamas demonstrates how their right to destroy Israel is simply an obligation to Muhammud through the principle of waqf:

  • Israel will rise and will remain erect until eliminated by Islam... [Introduction]
  • Palestine is an Islamic Waqf throughout all generations and to the Day of Resurrection. [Article 11]
  • …the liberation of Palestine is an individual duty binding on all Muslims everywhere. [Article 13]
  • There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. [Article 13]
  • In order to face the theft of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. [Article 15]
  • When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all Muslims. [Article 15]
Israel's very existence is anathema to the devout ummah'ist in light of the moslem claim that the state of Israel is an Islamic waqf, an entitlement to Moslems in perpetuity.

Such matters are not open to revision or capitulation by the pious Arab-Moslem.
During the show, there were verbal altercations between the audience and members of the theater group because of what members of the audience considered "bias in favor of Israel," and echoing the Jewish narrative about the Holocaust, "while the Israelis are practicing the same methods against the Palestinians."

The show defended Jewish victims of the Holocaust and called for sympathy for them regardless of their religious affiliation. This was apparently way too much for many in the audience.

If any more proof is needed that Arab anti-Zionism is antisemitism....

Critic Omnia Talaat accused the play of "defending Zionism, and trying to sabotage the minds of young people." She added that "Sobibor falsifies history and is begging for sympathy for the Jews of the Holocaust."

Awful, right?

(full article online)

Egyptians get upset and interrupt Holocaust play for being too "Zionist" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ More from Jewish useful idiots ]

In addition to denying Democratic congresswomen who hate Israel to enter the country, the Israel Ministry of Interior should consider revoking the Israeli citizenship of the Israel haters who made the HBO TV movie series, “Our Boys,” which deliberately twists the events surrounding the 2014 kidnapping and murder of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaer, and Naftali Fraenkel, into an anti-Israel propaganda film. The 10-episode movie, skillfully crafted by a team of Jewish and Arab filmmakers, will surely aid the enemies of Israel in arousing world sympathy for the Arab struggle against the oppressive Israeli occupation of Palestine.

For over 30 years, I have served as a board member of the Almagor Victims of Terror Association, founded by Meir Indor, and taken part in many of its activities. The organization has written a letter of protest to HBO and to the director, Yosef Cedar, condemning the one-sided production. But for the purposes of this short article, I would like to focus not on the injustice committed against the victimized Jewish families, but rather on the production itself, from the point of view of an experienced screenwriter and film director.

The first thing a screenwriter and director must do is to decide where to start their story. This is a very deliberate decision which will shape the rest of the drama.

In “Our Boys,” the creative team decided not to begin the story in the natural chronological place – following the life of the Jewish families and the three innocent yeshiva boys, leading up to their kidnap and killing. Instead the filmmakers chose to begin their account after their disappearance. Following the young Jewish boys would have created sympathy for the Jews as victims of a horrible murder. Dramatizing the agonizing worry of the families during the almost three-week search for their children would have also automatically created overwhelming empathy for their plight. All of this, the very heart of the drama, is purposefully omitted.

In addition, absolutely nothing is shown about the Arab terrorists who committed the crime. They are never seen or mentioned. Furthermore, the filmmakers made the deliberate decision not to have actors play the roles of the Arab kidnappers and murderers, who would, if done fairly, certainly have come across as evil savages. Likewise, the filmmakers make the deliberate decision not to have actors play out the roles of the young Jewish victims, which would have created viewer identification with them and further sympathy for the Jews. Actors were also not used to dramatize the long ordeal of their parents.

Instead, real documentary footage of Israel TV newscasts is used to describe events in a cold, impersonal, narrative style which never allows the viewer to make an emotional connection with the murdered Jewish victims and their tormented families.

(full article online)

HBO Film: ‘Our Boys’ are the Killers – Not Their Boys
In its response to the petition, the state noted that the EU had recently dispatched a letter to the Foreign Ministry claiming that it's being added as a respondent contravenes the EU's immunity in Israel, in accordance with the agreement between a 1980 agreement between the State of Israel and the European Commission that holds that "the commission's representatives will enjoy the rights and immunities granted in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations" and that the petition, therefore, contravenes the EU's immunity from jurisdiction and as a result, cannot be invoked.

It should be noted that the EU is a witness signatory to the 1993 Oslo Accords, which explicitly state that the State of Israel has full administrative responsibility and authority over Area C. In addition, the EU's foreign policy principles dictate that its "work in the international arena will be guided by the principles that inspired its creation … democracy, the rule of law, and respect for the principles of international law."

(full article online)
In its response to the petition, the state noted that the EU had recently dispatched a letter to the Foreign Ministry claiming that it's being added as a respondent contravenes the EU's immunity in Israel, in accordance with the agreement between a 1980 agreement between the State of Israel and the European Commission that holds that "the commission's representatives will enjoy the rights and immunities granted in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations" and that the petition, therefore, contravenes the EU's immunity from jurisdiction and as a result, cannot be invoked.

It should be noted that the EU is a witness signatory to the 1993 Oslo Accords, which explicitly state that the State of Israel has full administrative responsibility and authority over Area C. In addition, the EU's foreign policy principles dictate that its "work in the international arena will be guided by the principles that inspired its creation … democracy, the rule of law, and respect for the principles of international law."

(full article online)
What is area C? Oslo expired in 1999.
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