All Top 10 Best States are Blue. A Worst States are Red

Good grief...what a crap thread.

Who wants to live in an over taxed state with a bunch of soy boys with man buns and women who could pass for soy boys with man buns

You forgot....

needles littering the streets,
homeless camps outside your business
human feces all over the sidewalks
violent crime spiking
busineses leaving the state for red states
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

At least we don't crap on our sidewalks or throw our used needles on the ground. Our parents gave us a proper potty training and we prefer to use the sharps drop boxes in the restrooms.

We also don't like MSN clickbait websites that get a penny for every link you click.

Republican cities don’t have sidewalks

Keeps you progtards from shitting on them

Conservatives wouldn’t invest in sewer systems if liberals didn’t force them
Wastewater treatment is Socialism. Cesspools are Conservative.
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

The reason is the black race is in the red states

Blue states have more whites
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

At least we don't crap on our sidewalks or throw our used needles on the ground. Our parents gave us a proper potty training and we prefer to use the sharps drop boxes in the restrooms.

We also don't like MSN clickbait websites that get a penny for every link you click.

Republican cities don’t have sidewalks

Keeps you progtards from shitting on them

Conservatives wouldn’t invest in sewer systems if liberals didn’t force them
Wastewater treatment is Socialism. Cesspools are Conservative.

San Francisco isn't conservative

Oh snap
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

If you don't like the "red" states don't live there. Problem solved.

I don't live in one.

Since this board is filled with threads bashing blue states and any place that isn't conservative, especially California, I thought I would bring some balance with some truth.

All of the studies I've seen for many years are pretty much like this one. Although I would say that Utah usually ends up in the top ten.

As far back as the 70s my state and my hometown have always been rated in the top ten places to live. My hometown has been in the number one spot many times for the best city to live in.

What's the problem with trying to bring some balance, truth and other opinions to this board? Does it have to be all the far right conservative opinion?
Nope...but if you lower yourself to posting slanted BS..than you validate their posting of the same.

I try to be balanced and fair. I don't always succeed...being human and all. But I know that site is BS....and I know that bashing the rural ..some-what poor states....plays right into the hands of the people you claim to despise. FYI..I live in a somewhat poor..very red state myself...and my neighbors and friends are great, caring people...many who have to be restrained from helping too much!

They're also Trump voters down to the last one of them. We have spirited discussion...but nothing like what you see here. This place is a hotbox for opinion--most wouldn't dream of speaking public or to their friends and coworkers. Some might...LOL! But idiots are eternal..of either side of the aisle.

There is truth to the thought...that a lot of reasons people turn against the that the left communicates an amiable rural citizens. That causes a lot of anger--I, for one, get somewhat annoyed when I'm condescended to..don't you?

I despise Trump..and his more toxic ilk...but I totally understand why he won..and it wasn't the really wasn't even Clinton--it was anger--at people who act as though they always know better..and think that rural folks..are ignorant hicks--there are still a few of those around....but the wired world means that all of us swim in the same ocean now...we will either learn to get along...a new modus oprendi..or we will not last...
YOU try to be fair????!!! hahahahhahahahaha
Welll...not to you. Sometimes you just have to recognize that civility just ain't gunna cut it..with some folks.....

But even with you..I strive for factual correctness...even as I'm bashing your racist, historically ignorant, self...LOL!
how mature and civil of you----hahahhahahaha are the one bashed because you never provide evidence--you just babble like an idiot
Yet so many people from these great blue states move to red states intertesting.

I've moved from one state to another several times. Out of all the factors I considered NOT ONCE, literally not once, did I ever stop to think, "wait, is that a 'blue' state or a 'red' state'?" Because that's just fuckin' STOOPID.
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

Click bait.
Good grief...what a crap thread.

Who wants to live in an over taxed state with a bunch of soy boys with man buns and women who could pass for soy boys with man buns

I live in California and our highways are crap. For a state that has relatively mild weather, the potholes and disrepair are inexcusable. The roads are much better in Texas, Nevada and Arizona from what I have seen.
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

If you don't like the "red" states don't live there. Problem solved.
But tut hey ALWAYS move there after they destroyed their own. Colorado comes to mind.
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

California is still living off its great past and the people who built it. It was built by heavy Industry and farming years ago, using heavy vehicles that ran on diesel and gas, if they had to face policies at the time of someone like Warren, the infrastructure we have today to operate in would not exist.
It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

At least we don't crap on our sidewalks or throw our used needles on the ground. Our parents gave us a proper potty training and we prefer to use the sharps drop boxes in the restrooms.

We also don't like MSN clickbait websites that get a penny for every link you click.

Republican cities don’t have sidewalks

True; civilised cities have footpaths.

It's interesting how study after study, blue states are the best states to live in. My blue state is in the top 10.

While conservatives scream how horrible California is it's number 14. Which shows those conservatives are liars and probably have never been to the state.

Meanwhile all but one of the bad states to live in are red.


The best and worst states to live in

California, where shitting and shooting up
in the Bart Station is tolerated
and eating a breakfast sandwich in the Bart Station
gets you handcuffed, detained and a citation

California man detained, given citation for eating sandwich on BART train platform
That’s funny. I just watched a video on YouTube that was completely opposite.

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I had to hold my puke back when reading that garbage.. Left wing thinks poverty ridden, crime infested, tent cities, covered in feces and needles are great places to raise kids.... WTF?

They don’t care about anyone but themselves. All the Democratic cities are shit hole slums.

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