All You Americans are Fired

A lot of Americans don't care about Americans.
You can say that again, but in this Republic where we elect our most important officers, why are We the People re-electing these filthy bastards?

Why is Paul Ryan still the Speaker of the House?
people are stupid and insane.
People let themselves get played all the time.

Suppose we have Candidate Mr A who is a corporate shill and licks any corporate CEO boots that he can to get donations. The corporations love their little puppet.

Then we have candidate Mr B who stands for the people and will do everything in his power to protect his constituents. The corporations will be quietly gunning for him, and they play dirty. They will use their money and influence to frame the guy on silly sexual solicitation charges at an airport lets say, or that he is having an affair with a woman he is not married to. This hits the press and the corporate tools like MR A pile on the guy, saying that MR B is a hypocrit and a criminal. And there are lots of Mr A's doing this while all the Mr B's ignore the problem and probably feel like the current Mr B whose dick is in the wringer deserves what he got, BECAUSE THEY DONT UNDERSTAND THE DUDE WAS SET UP.

So corporations network all the Mr A's while all the Mr B's hardly give a thought to supporting each other at all and generally rely on the Congressional leadership of their party to make sure things are done right, not realizing that the people running the parties, BOTH parties, are all Mr A types and would fuck Mr B over in a heart beat.

And the public gets a chance to voice their outrage at the entrapped politician who has been fighting on their behalf, but they dont realize that. They just see one more dirty politician getting whats coming to him.

And the corporate officers laugh their asses off.
That this is done in plain violation of the law and NO ONE TRIES TO STOP IT, is one huge reason that so many Americans are sick to death of the current Political Class and how it is running this country into the ground.

"All You Americans Are Fired"

Yet a BuzzFeed News investigation, based on Labor Department records, court filings, more than 100 interviews, inspector general reports, and analyses of state and federal data, has found that many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to skirt the law, deliberately denying jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.

A previous BuzzFeed News report found that many of those foreign workers suffer a nightmare of abuse, deprived of their fair pay, imprisoned, starved, beaten, sexually assaulted, or threatened with deportation if they dare complain.

At the same time, companies across the country in a variety of industries have made it all but impossible for U.S. workers to learn about job openings that they are supposed to be given first crack at. When workers do find out, they are discouraged from applying. And if, against all odds, Americans actually get hired, they often are treated worse and paid less than foreign workers doing the same job, in order to drive the Americans to quit. Sometimes, as the government alleged happened at Hamilton Growers, employers comply with regulations by hiring Americans only to fire them en masse and hand over the work to foreign workers with H-2 visas....

What’s more, companies often do this with the complicity of government officials, records show. State and federal authorities have allowed companies to violate the spirit — and often the letter — of the law with bogus recruitment efforts that are clearly designed to keep Americans off the payroll. And when regulators are alerted to potential problems, the response is often ineffectual.

Officials at the U.S. Department of Labor, which is charged with protecting workers and vetting employers seeking visas, said in a statement: “We acknowledge that the laws that authorize these programs are inadequate.” But the department also said that despite limited resources, it “actively pursues measures to strengthen protections for foreign and U.S. workers.”

The H-2 visa was created to address shortages in the American workforce. Although labor is indeed tight in some areas — such as North Dakota, where an oil boom has driven unemployment below 3%there is little evidence of labor shortages in many industries that use the visas. In some cases, there is even a glut of available workers.

Landscaping companies, for example, were approved for more than 30,000 H-2 visas in the 2014 fiscal year. Yet Daniel Costa, a researcher at the Economic Policy Institute, which receives some funding from unions, found that over the same period, unemployment in landscaping was more than twice as high as the national average.

“The problem with the system is that the H-2 workers who are coming in are not tied to actual, demonstrated labor shortages,” Costa said.
The biggest beauty of this is these foreigners are not bound by US labor laws.
Not according to Chuck Grassley-
The H-1B program has been criticized on many grounds. It was the subject of a hearing, "Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers," by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 17, 2015.[51][52] According to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the committee:

“The program was intended to serve employers who could not find the skilled workers they needed in the United States. Most people believe that employers are supposed to recruit Americans before they petition for an H-1B worker. Yet, under the law, most employers are not required to prove to the Department of Labor that they tried to find an American to fill the job first. And, if there is an equally or even better qualified U.S. worker available, the company does not have to offer him or her the job. Over the years the program has become a government-assisted way for employers to bring in cheaper foreign labor, and now it appears these foreign workers take over – rather than complement – the U.S. workforce.[53]”

Is there a law Americans get first crack at a job?
When it involves H1-B and H2 work visas, yes, Americans are supposed to be hired instead of these foreign immigrants.
Not according to Chuck Grassley-
The H-1B program has been criticized on many grounds. It was the subject of a hearing, "Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers," by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 17, 2015.[51][52] According to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the committee:

“The program was intended to serve employers who could not find the skilled workers they needed in the United States. Most people believe that employers are supposed to recruit Americans before they petition for an H-1B worker. Yet, under the law, most employers are not required to prove to the Department of Labor that they tried to find an American to fill the job first. And, if there is an equally or even better qualified U.S. worker available, the company does not have to offer him or her the job. Over the years the program has become a government-assisted way for employers to bring in cheaper foreign labor, and now it appears these foreign workers take over – rather than complement – the U.S. workforce.[53]”

Is there a law Americans get first crack at a job?
When it involves H1-B and H2 work visas, yes, Americans are supposed to be hired instead of these foreign immigrants.
Known fact SoCal Edison power company fired several hundred American employees and replaced them with immigrants.
Not according to Chuck Grassley-
The H-1B program has been criticized on many grounds. It was the subject of a hearing, "Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers," by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 17, 2015.[51][52] According to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the committee:

“The program was intended to serve employers who could not find the skilled workers they needed in the United States. Most people believe that employers are supposed to recruit Americans before they petition for an H-1B worker. Yet, under the law, most employers are not required to prove to the Department of Labor that they tried to find an American to fill the job first. And, if there is an equally or even better qualified U.S. worker available, the company does not have to offer him or her the job. Over the years the program has become a government-assisted way for employers to bring in cheaper foreign labor, and now it appears these foreign workers take over – rather than complement – the U.S. workforce.[53]”

Yes, lawyers advice their clients on how to evade the restrictions of these laws so they can dump Americans and hire cheap foreign serfs.

This does not change the nature of the law or the intent of these programs to hire only those foreign workers who can do jobs that few Americans can do.

But if you want to fight to protect the reputations of scum-bags who fire Americans and then replace them with foreigners, be my guest.

Just dont hide behind the fig leaf of legalism.
Hey, I believe that US workers should get first go but I also believe unions have forced some of this behavior., by their artificial wage levels, as well as unsustainable benefits.
Not according to Chuck Grassley-
The H-1B program has been criticized on many grounds. It was the subject of a hearing, "Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers," by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 17, 2015.[51][52] According to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the committee:

“The program was intended to serve employers who could not find the skilled workers they needed in the United States. Most people believe that employers are supposed to recruit Americans before they petition for an H-1B worker. Yet, under the law, most employers are not required to prove to the Department of Labor that they tried to find an American to fill the job first. And, if there is an equally or even better qualified U.S. worker available, the company does not have to offer him or her the job. Over the years the program has become a government-assisted way for employers to bring in cheaper foreign labor, and now it appears these foreign workers take over – rather than complement – the U.S. workforce.[53]”

Yes, lawyers advice their clients on how to evade the restrictions of these laws so they can dump Americans and hire cheap foreign serfs.

This does not change the nature of the law or the intent of these programs to hire only those foreign workers who can do jobs that few Americans can do.

But if you want to fight to protect the reputations of scum-bags who fire Americans and then replace them with foreigners, be my guest.

Just dont hide behind the fig leaf of legalism.
Hey, I believe that US workers should get first go but I also believe unions have forced some of this behavior., by their artificial wage levels, as well as unsustainable benefits.

There is some of that too, but most of these people getting replaced are not unionized. Very little of the STEM professions are unionized and that is the principle target of the H1-B visa replacements.
Hey, I believe that US workers should get first go but I also believe unions have forced some of this behavior., by their artificial wage levels, as well as unsustainable benefits.
Not according to Chuck Grassley-
The H-1B program has been criticized on many grounds. It was the subject of a hearing, "Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers," by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 17, 2015.[51][52] According to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the committee:

“The program was intended to serve employers who could not find the skilled workers they needed in the United States. Most people believe that employers are supposed to recruit Americans before they petition for an H-1B worker. Yet, under the law, most employers are not required to prove to the Department of Labor that they tried to find an American to fill the job first. And, if there is an equally or even better qualified U.S. worker available, the company does not have to offer him or her the job. Over the years the program has become a government-assisted way for employers to bring in cheaper foreign labor, and now it appears these foreign workers take over – rather than complement – the U.S. workforce.[53]”

Yes, lawyers advice their clients on how to evade the restrictions of these laws so they can dump Americans and hire cheap foreign serfs.

This does not change the nature of the law or the intent of these programs to hire only those foreign workers who can do jobs that few Americans can do.

But if you want to fight to protect the reputations of scum-bags who fire Americans and then replace them with foreigners, be my guest.

Just dont hide behind the fig leaf of legalism.
The unions are screwing over Americans because Americans have largely rejected involuntary union membership, so they need new victims.

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