Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.

That's right. He suggested that it might be time for assassination solutions. I remember that.

I did. You can even bring the quote up for the proper context.

But too many of you approve off the corruption making the idea something to discuss.
There should be zero discussion. Last time I checked Congresscritters as well as Presidents were citizens and still have to abide by law they fabricate for the rest of us.

Unless of course they are in charge, or since the other party has taken similar actions we wont put up a fuss.

An incident that stands out for me, was Democrats caught red handed in quid pro quo on judicial nominations. But because an aide looked over a shoulder for the dem password. We will just let that bit of bribery slide.

A politician shouldnt fear for making hard decisions but he should fear our wrath for taking away freedoms.

If the topic is to strong for you dont speak of it.
What the fuck are you talking about? What "crimes" did Exxon commit?

You're kidding right?

Exxon Valdez ring a bell?

That wasn't a crime. It was an accident. Furthermore, Maxine waters didn't threaten to nationalize Exxon because of that incident. She did it during the kangaroo hearings Democrats held with regard to oil industry profits when the price of gas was North of $4.00/gal

So. If it was an accident, no one was charged. Right? Right?
That wasn't a crime. It was an accident. Furthermore, Maxine waters didn't threaten to nationalize Exxon because of that incident. She did it during the kangaroo hearings Democrats held with regard to oil industry profits when the price of gas was North of $4.00/gal

So. If it was an accident, no one was charged. Right? Right?

How many accidents do you know of where no one received a ticket?
I did. You can even bring the quote up for the proper context.

But too many of you approve off the corruption making the idea something to discuss.
There should be zero discussion. Last time I checked Congresscritters as well as Presidents were citizens and still have to abide by law they fabricate for the rest of us.

Unless of course they are in charge, or since the other party has taken similar actions we wont put up a fuss.

An incident that stands out for me, was Democrats caught red handed in quid pro quo on judicial nominations. But because an aide looked over a shoulder for the dem password. We will just let that bit of bribery slide.

A politician shouldnt fear for making hard decisions but he should fear our wrath for taking away freedoms.

If the topic is to strong for you dont speak of it.
Parties are a good part of the problem that too many politicians put over country...that is the first hurdle.
There should be zero discussion. Last time I checked Congresscritters as well as Presidents were citizens and still have to abide by law they fabricate for the rest of us.

Unless of course they are in charge, or since the other party has taken similar actions we wont put up a fuss.

An incident that stands out for me, was Democrats caught red handed in quid pro quo on judicial nominations. But because an aide looked over a shoulder for the dem password. We will just let that bit of bribery slide.

A politician shouldnt fear for making hard decisions but he should fear our wrath for taking away freedoms.

If the topic is to strong for you dont speak of it.
Parties are a good part of the problem that too many politicians put over country...that is the first hurdle.

Its not like I want it to become the norm or even have it occur. But we just had our congress and executive take away constitutional rights. There are hundreds of other encroachments. Somehow adding the word please just doesnt get it done.
If you wankers like Euroweenie socialism so much, get the hell over there.

Put your money and actions where your big mouths are.

First of all, nobody on the left is advocating for "European socialism" in the US. Second, last time I checked, this is still a free country. We sure as hell don't need a US congressman, elected by the American people, telling fellow Americans to get the hell out, just because some of them may see things differently than he does.

But if you love dictatorships so much, move to North Korea. What are you waiting for, asshole?
What the fuck are you talking about? What "crimes" did Exxon commit?

You're kidding right?

Exxon Valdez ring a bell?

That wasn't a crime. It was an accident. Furthermore, Maxine waters didn't threaten to nationalize Exxon because of that incident. She did it during the kangaroo hearings Democrats held with regard to oil industry profits when the price of gas was North of $4.00/gal wasn't a crime now?

Having an incompetent drunk captaining a ship filled with poisonous liquids through an environmentally sensitive area..was a-okay?

That wasn't a crime. It was an accident. Furthermore, Maxine waters didn't threaten to nationalize Exxon because of that incident. She did it during the kangaroo hearings Democrats held with regard to oil industry profits when the price of gas was North of $4.00/gal

So. If it was an accident, no one was charged. Right? Right?

How many accidents do you know of where no one received a ticket?

Lots and lots. In fact every accident I've ever been in, no ticket was ever issued.

But besides that. Are you saying exxon just got a "ticket"?
If you wankers like Euroweenie socialism so much, get the hell over there.

Put your money and actions where your big mouths are.

First of all, nobody on the left is advocating for "European socialism" in the US. Second, last time I checked, this is still a free country. We sure as hell don't need a US congressman, elected by the American people, telling fellow Americans to get the hell out, just because some of them may see things differently than he does.

But if you love dictatorships so much, move to North Korea. What are you waiting for, asshole?

No worries....Im sure that 70 billion a year you guys want from the rich will shore up that 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.

Oh and a hat tip to obama finding 300k a year to cut, that must of had him up for weeks searching for anything to cut.
If you wankers like Euroweenie socialism so much, get the hell over there.

Put your money and actions where your big mouths are.

First of all, nobody on the left is advocating for "European socialism" in the US. Second, last time I checked, this is still a free country. We sure as hell don't need a US congressman, elected by the American people, telling fellow Americans to get the hell out, just because some of them may see things differently than he does.

But if you love dictatorships so much, move to North Korea. What are you waiting for, asshole?

No worries....Im sure that 70 billion a year you guys want from the rich will shore up that 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.

Oh and a hat tip to obama finding 300k a year to cut, that must of had him up for weeks searching for anything to cut.
The O has to be pissed it kept him off the course and a good game of golf...
If you wankers like Euroweenie socialism so much, get the hell over there.

Put your money and actions where your big mouths are.

First of all, nobody on the left is advocating for "European socialism" in the US. Second, last time I checked, this is still a free country. We sure as hell don't need a US congressman, elected by the American people, telling fellow Americans to get the hell out, just because some of them may see things differently than he does.

But if you love dictatorships so much, move to North Korea. What are you waiting for, asshole?

No worries....Im sure that 70 billion a year you guys want from the rich will shore up that 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.

Oh and a hat tip to obama finding 300k a year to cut, that must of had him up for weeks searching for anything to cut.

Deflect much? :lol:
First of all, nobody on the left is advocating for "European socialism" in the US. Second, last time I checked, this is still a free country. We sure as hell don't need a US congressman, elected by the American people, telling fellow Americans to get the hell out, just because some of them may see things differently than he does.

But if you love dictatorships so much, move to North Korea. What are you waiting for, asshole?

No worries....Im sure that 70 billion a year you guys want from the rich will shore up that 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.

Oh and a hat tip to obama finding 300k a year to cut, that must of had him up for weeks searching for anything to cut.
The O has to be pissed it kept him off the course and a good game of golf...

I think we can officially call that the first proposed cut from democrats that didnt include taking heat away from the poor.

Yes yes a hat tip!!
No worries....Im sure that 70 billion a year you guys want from the rich will shore up that 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.

Oh and a hat tip to obama finding 300k a year to cut, that must of had him up for weeks searching for anything to cut.
The O has to be pissed it kept him off the course and a good game of golf...

I think we can officially call that the first proposed cut from democrats that didnt include taking heat away from the poor.

Yes yes a hat tip!!
Just isn't enough by a long shot as he is asking for the debt ceiling to be raised over another trillion as if it was Monopoly money...(But as fast as the FED is printing it...I might not be far off the mark) :eusa_shhh:
Conservatives shouldn't leave the country. They can stop supporting a United States that is becoming more liberal. If you don't like gays serving openly in the military, don't join the military. Encourage your chidren, your relatives and friends to reject the military. No one HAS to play that game. How many conservatives will it take to opt out before it causes a pinch? If you don't like your taxes go to supporting a gay friendly military, vote for candidates that promise to strip military funding. Admittedly, democrats support gays AND depriving the military of funding which only indicates extreme foolishness. It is time to exploit and take advantage of that foolishness.

If you really want to take that route, you'll be alienating a section of the government which votes most consistently Republican. IOW, cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Got a feeling, though, that it wouldn't work anyway, because even among younger self-identified conservatives fag-bashing is going out of fashion.


That's because schools are engaging in social engineering and indoctrination that has to be countered. They should be countered in the home, church or organizations. In any event, opposing liberal policies don't have to be a great majority, just enough to hurt. Not just in the military but on any level and in any area that you can.

Or maybe people are just seeing that these social attitudes are outdated and deserve to go the way of the dodo bird. Anyway, knock yourself out if you wanna alienate more of the populace than you already have.
The O has to be pissed it kept him off the course and a good game of golf...

I think we can officially call that the first proposed cut from democrats that didnt include taking heat away from the poor.

Yes yes a hat tip!!
Just isn't enough by a long shot as he is asking for the debt ceiling to be raised over another trillion as if it was Monopoly money...(But as fast as the FED is printing it...I might not be far off the mark) :eusa_shhh:

I just dont know if I could sleep, knowing a poor government official had to fly coach. :eusa_whistle:
I think we can officially call that the first proposed cut from democrats that didnt include taking heat away from the poor.

Yes yes a hat tip!!
Just isn't enough by a long shot as he is asking for the debt ceiling to be raised over another trillion as if it was Monopoly money...(But as fast as the FED is printing it...I might not be far off the mark) :eusa_shhh:

I just dont know if I could sleep, knowing a poor government official had to fly coach. :eusa_whistle:
Dman it to Hell...perish the thought they have to mingle with the peasants that elected them...:lol:
Geezus Christ......after reading all this wonder this Countries in the shape its in......and so many of you people are NOT Far Left or Right.....but look at the shit your saying to each other......hey WE ARE ALL matter what has happened in the past the people of this Country have come together to beat it...what the hell are you people doing?.....dam im going to go find a Dean thread.....even he sounds reasonable compared to whats happening here.....
Geezus Christ......after reading all this wonder this Countries in the shape its in......and so many of you people are NOT Far Left or Right.....but look at the shit your saying to each other......hey WE ARE ALL matter what has happened in the past the people of this Country have come together to beat it...what the hell are you people doing?.....dam im going to go find a Dean thread.....even he sounds reasonable compared to whats happening here.....

Things are different now.

We have a President that hates this country, Congress that's getting rich passing laws and insider-trading, and a media that's willing to back them up 100%.

It's not like the old days where we could reconcile and learn to get along.

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