ALMIGHTY GOD is outside time.GOD was, is and is to come.

LOL!!! LIKE A LITTLE ANT IN A boy's ant farm, what does the ant understand about the boy????

One can ascertain Yahweh in detail from reading the narratives. One can even figure out from where the assorted authors plagiarized and assembled the Yahweh mythology. To use your analogy, honestly studying the bible for the ridiculous mythology it really is kind of like those ants in an ant farm eating their captor in the jungle where the ants are no longer caged in superstition and fear.

READ AGAIN!!!===WHY BE A FOOL??? In a sense, the marking of time is irrelevant to God because He transcends it. Peter, in 2 Peter 3:8, cautioned his readers not to let this one critical fact escape their notice—that God’s perspective on time is far different from mankind’s (Psalm 102:12, 24-27). The Lord does not count time as we do. He is above and outside of the sphere of time. God sees all of eternity’s past and eternity’s future. The time that passes on earth is of no consequence from God’s timeless perspective. A second is no different from an eon; a billion years pass like seconds to the eternal God.

Though we cannot possibly comprehend this idea of eternity or the timelessness of God, we in our finite minds try to confine an infinite God to our time schedule. Those who foolishly demand that God operate according to their time frame ignore the fact that He is the “High and Lofty One . . . who lives forever” (Isaiah 57:15). This description of God is far removed from man’s condition: “The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).

Again, because of our finite minds, we can only grasp the concept of God’s timeless existence in part. And in so doing, we describe Him as a God without a beginning or end, eternal, infinite, everlasting, etc. Psalm 90:2 declares, “From everlasting to everlasting You are God” (see also Psalm 93:2). He always was and always will be.

the Christian dutifully replies: "God does not require a creator. He is the uncaused cause. He is eternal. He exists outside of time and space."

To an atheist, this is the equivalent of sticking an index finger in each of your ears and yelling, "LA LA LA LA LA…" That is because this answer is absolutely meaningless.

Granted, it sounds interesting… poetic even. But it doesn't mean anything. Let's explore why this is the case.

We humans are mortal creatures that are constrained to both time and space. Everything we know, and everything we do is bound by the laws of time and space.

One cannot say something like "God exists outside of time and space" and have it carry any real meaning, because there is simply no frame of reference for that in our universe!

We might try to imagine what it would be like, but at that point it lies strictly in the realm of the imagination.

LOL!!! LIKE A LITTLE ANT IN A boy's ant farm, what does the ant understand about the boy????

He can at least see the boy. And you are actually making my points for me.

1. If there is a god, it'd be like a whale in the ocean caring about a mosquito in Detroit.

2. What do you know about the boy you've never even seen? Your parents and church tell you the boy exists but they never saw him either. They are repeating a story that was invented 2000 years ago and passed on.

And you keep ignoring the facts that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst. The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

And this is your proof of a god? :cuckoo: or stupid.
LOL!!! LIKE A LITTLE ANT IN A boy's ant farm, what does the ant understand about the boy????

One can ascertain Yahweh in detail from reading the narratives. One can even figure out from where the assorted authors plagiarized and assembled the Yahweh mythology. To use your analogy, honestly studying the bible for the ridiculous mythology it really is kind of like those ants in an ant farm eating their captor in the jungle where the ants are no longer caged in superstition and fear.


But he's right! authors plagiarized and assembled the Yahweh mythology.
One can ascertain Yahweh in detail from reading the narratives. One can even figure out from where the assorted authors plagiarized and assembled the Yahweh mythology. To use your analogy, honestly studying the bible for the ridiculous mythology it really is kind of like those ants in an ant farm eating their captor in the jungle where the ants are no longer caged in superstition and fear.


But he's right! authors plagiarized and assembled the Yahweh mythology.

YES!!! YOU WILL BELIEVE GOD'S WORD or satan's lies!! and you??
1 Peter 1:19&20 “but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 20He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you”

Revelation 13:8 “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
ALMIGHTY GOD is outside of time. GOD was, is and is to come.==Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.” Revelation 4:8==Jesus says== "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:13 == Today God sees the beginning of time(this age) to the end of time (this age) God has seen your birth and your death before you were born.===AWESOME!!!! ==The signs of the times are clear: planet earth is winding down, while fulfillment of prophetic events are escalating profoundly. In the twenty-first century our hope is in the Person of Jesus Christ the Son of God, the anointed Messiah, and His promised appearance to catch away those who have placed their faith in Him and in His resurrection power. This generation is blessed beyond any that has lived on planet earth since the beginning of creation, because there will be the glorious appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ. According to (1Thess. 4:15-17), and (1Cor. 15:51, 52) Jesus’ return to this dead and dying world will be “imminent” and unless you are saved you will be caught by surprise left behind to endure the Tribulation period, the earthly hell.
Bible prophecy is great proof of the truth of God's Word.Not one prophecy recorded in the Bible has ever failed! When Bible critics believed that Israel could never become a nation again and when the critics thought for sure the Bible was wrong concerning Israel, in one divine act of God in 1948 God did what man labeled impossible: He began gathering the Jewish people back to that tiny strip of real estate in the Middle East, restoring their nation. It was from that moment in 1948 that prophetic events began to accelerate towards complete fulfillment concerning Israel. But until Jesus the Messiah returns to rule the earth in His righteous kingdom, there will be no lasting peace for planet earth. The nations will learn the hard way=""DON'T MESS WITH TINY ISRAEL" God fights for and protects tiny Israel. ==God has allotted a specific time for prophetic end-time events, and they must transpire in His timing to fulfill all prophetic Scriptures concerning this age. Their fulfillment will close out the Church Age With the Rapture of the Church.
From the beginning, God has revealed the events of the end-time. This has been done in two ways: through His prophetic Word, and by past events recorded in the Scriptures that reveal the future in a very unique way. Anyone who truly seeks God and wants to know the truth will find it. This TRUTH is fact. Seek the truth and you will find God.
often hear people say there's no evidence for Christianity. "You just have to accept it on faith" is something I've heard a lot over the years. You've probably heard similar statements. But is this really true? Is the Bible a work you need to either accept or reject without any evidence of its supernatural origins?

I don't think so. And I believe that anyone who actually studies the Bible with an open mind will agree. How can I be so sure?

Fulfilled bible prophecy. That's right. The Bible is unique among all the other texts in the world. And one of the reasons why is fulfilled prophecy. The Bible contains numerous detailed prophecies written hundreds and sometimes thousands of years in advance. In fact, by some estimates, 25% of the Bible was prophecy when written. In my mind, the existence of these prophecies verifies the claim that the Bible is the Word of God. Because no other book in the history of the world comes anywhere close to matching the Bible's track record of fulfilled prophecy.
The Bible is the one book which contains verifiable evidence of divine authorship. That's right. Evidence. The Bible doesn't require blind acceptance or intellectual capitulation in order to believe in its divine origins. It offers concrete evidence. No other book in the world can do this. Only the Bible - of all the books in the history of the world - has credibly predicted the future with 100% accuracy.

So if you haven't already, take the time to examine the Bible's prophecies for yourself. I firmly believe that if you objectively investigate them, you'll draw the same conclusion I have: The Bible is the Word of God. And Jesus is the Messiah.
God has allotted a specific time for prophetic end-time events, and they must transpire in His timing to fulfill all prophetic Scriptures concerning this age. Their fulfillment will close out the Church Age With the Rapture of the Church.
From the beginning, God has revealed the events of the end-time. This has been done in two ways: through His prophetic Word, and by past events recorded in the Scriptures that reveal the future in a very unique way. Anyone who truly seeks God and wants to know the truth will find it. This TRUTH is fact. Seek the truth and you will find God.
Believe the Bible! it contains all the truth you will ever need for any life situation that can occur. God has spoken to us through His Word that we might know the truth. Therefore, take the Word of God at face value, in its natural, normal sense. Look first for the clear teaching of Scripture, not some hidden meaning. Pray for wisdom and understanding and in faith believe.
  • I have heard from God and he's asked me to give you a message. Sad but true he's sent a crazy like me to save the good ones of you. I sent it but nobody wants to hear it. We are all scared. Scares me too. But, I must do what he told me to do. Try to enlighten all of you.
    The Ain't I Christ?
    So what if you too came with “your version” of his word?
    From your God or soul you claim to have heard.
    And of your own doubts that you can live it,
    Are you worthy enough that you should try to give it?
    To another who might make of it more then you?
    Who may actually be able to keep it true?
    Who may receive it with total grace?
    To make this world a more heavenly place.
    Would they not see it through all your flaws?
    Of how you’re not able to live perfectly by his laws?
    Your constant battle with demons that you do fight.
    Should you feel the wrath of all their or just his might?
    Even though you mean no one harm,
    Does his word lose its charm?
    Would they see through all your weakness?
    And if so, would you lose all your meekness?
    If you screamed from the top of your voice,
    That we all must soon make a choice.
    To either admit defeat and die in vain,
    Or make our souls journey to another plain.
    And if one such as you and I stood,
    Would it do us any good?
    For those in power don’t believe it so
    That it’s the only way we must go.
    To keep our species always advancing,
    Is any willing to keep on chancing?
    That those which we’ve mistakenly put up too high,
    Won’t make it all our reason to die.
    For when we take our and his power from them,
    Would we wake these thieves from their dens?
    Would they put us all through hell?
    Because we believe in the one that fell,
    Under their judgment and how they did “kill” him.
    So that they might have their every whim.
    But what they might all fail to admit,
    Is that they are all just captains of their sinking ships.
    For he has shown them the only way to navigate,
    The only way through heaven’s strait.
    For his beacon will forever be lit,
    So any good captain’s boat might fit.
    Through the danger we all must see,
    That it’s time for a mutiny?
    I see it’s time to pick up our crosses,
    It's the only way to minimize our losses.
    And if this sinners words could make your world fall,
    Is your world worthy to stand at all?
what more evidance do you need that we are going the wrong way following histories path of destruction and repeat? do you know where you are going to? do like the things that life is showing you? do you know? lol. love the bat shit
God has allotted a specific time for prophetic end-time events, and they must transpire in His timing to fulfill all prophetic Scriptures concerning this age. Their fulfillment will close out the Church Age With the Rapture of the Church.
From the beginning, God has revealed the events of the end-time. This has been done in two ways: through His prophetic Word, and by past events recorded in the Scriptures that reveal the future in a very unique way. Anyone who truly seeks God and wants to know the truth will find it. This TRUTH is fact. Seek the truth and you will find God.
Believe the Bible! it contains all the truth you will ever need for any life situation that can occur. God has spoken to us through His Word that we might know the truth. Therefore, take the Word of God at face value, in its natural, normal sense. Look first for the clear teaching of Scripture, not some hidden meaning. Pray for wisdom and understanding and in faith believe.
Bible prophecy is great proof of the truth of God's Word.Not one prophecy recorded in the Bible has ever failed! When Bible critics believed that Israel could never become a nation again and when the critics thought for sure the Bible was wrong concerning Israel, in one divine act of God in 1948 God did what man labeled impossible: He began gathering the Jewish people back to that tiny strip of real estate in the Middle East, restoring their nation. It was from that moment in 1948 that prophetic events began to accelerate towards complete fulfillment concerning Israel. But until Jesus the Messiah returns to rule the earth in His righteous kingdom, there will be no lasting peace for planet earth. The nations will learn the hard way=""DON'T MESS WITH TINY ISRAEL" God fights for and protects tiny Israel. ==God has allotted a specific time for prophetic end-time events, and they must transpire in His timing to fulfill all prophetic Scriptures concerning this age. Their fulfillment will close out the Church Age With the Rapture of the Church.
From the beginning, God has revealed the events of the end-time. This has been done in two ways: through His prophetic Word, and by past events recorded in the Scriptures that reveal the future in a very unique way. Anyone who truly seeks God and wants to know the truth will find it. This TRUTH is fact. Seek the truth and you will find God.
often hear people say there's no evidence for Christianity. "You just have to accept it on faith" is something I've heard a lot over the years. You've probably heard similar statements. But is this really true? Is the Bible a work you need to either accept or reject without any evidence of its supernatural origins?

I don't think so. And I believe that anyone who actually studies the Bible with an open mind will agree. How can I be so sure?

Fulfilled bible prophecy. That's right. The Bible is unique among all the other texts in the world. And one of the reasons why is fulfilled prophecy. The Bible contains numerous detailed prophecies written hundreds and sometimes thousands of years in advance. In fact, by some estimates, 25% of the Bible was prophecy when written. In my mind, the existence of these prophecies verifies the claim that the Bible is the Word of God. Because no other book in the history of the world comes anywhere close to matching the Bible's track record of fulfilled prophecy.
what about that notradumass guy? seems he wasn't such a dumass either.
God has allotted a specific time for prophetic end-time events, and they must transpire in His timing to fulfill all prophetic Scriptures concerning this age. Their fulfillment will close out the Church Age With the Rapture of the Church.
From the beginning, God has revealed the events of the end-time. This has been done in two ways: through His prophetic Word, and by past events recorded in the Scriptures that reveal the future in a very unique way. Anyone who truly seeks God and wants to know the truth will find it. This TRUTH is fact. Seek the truth and you will find God.
Believe the Bible! it contains all the truth you will ever need for any life situation that can occur. God has spoken to us through His Word that we might know the truth. Therefore, take the Word of God at face value, in its natural, normal sense. Look first for the clear teaching of Scripture, not some hidden meaning. Pray for wisdom and understanding and in faith believe.
Bible prophecy is great proof of the truth of God's Word.Not one prophecy recorded in the Bible has ever failed! When Bible critics believed that Israel could never become a nation again and when the critics thought for sure the Bible was wrong concerning Israel, in one divine act of God in 1948 God did what man labeled impossible: He began gathering the Jewish people back to that tiny strip of real estate in the Middle East, restoring their nation. It was from that moment in 1948 that prophetic events began to accelerate towards complete fulfillment concerning Israel. But until Jesus the Messiah returns to rule the earth in His righteous kingdom, there will be no lasting peace for planet earth. The nations will learn the hard way=""DON'T MESS WITH TINY ISRAEL" God fights for and protects tiny Israel. ==God has allotted a specific time for prophetic end-time events, and they must transpire in His timing to fulfill all prophetic Scriptures concerning this age. Their fulfillment will close out the Church Age With the Rapture of the Church.
From the beginning, God has revealed the events of the end-time. This has been done in two ways: through His prophetic Word, and by past events recorded in the Scriptures that reveal the future in a very unique way. Anyone who truly seeks God and wants to know the truth will find it. This TRUTH is fact. Seek the truth and you will find God.
often hear people say there's no evidence for Christianity. "You just have to accept it on faith" is something I've heard a lot over the years. You've probably heard similar statements. But is this really true? Is the Bible a work you need to either accept or reject without any evidence of its supernatural origins?

I don't think so. And I believe that anyone who actually studies the Bible with an open mind will agree. How can I be so sure?

Fulfilled bible prophecy. That's right. The Bible is unique among all the other texts in the world. And one of the reasons why is fulfilled prophecy. The Bible contains numerous detailed prophecies written hundreds and sometimes thousands of years in advance. In fact, by some estimates, 25% of the Bible was prophecy when written. In my mind, the existence of these prophecies verifies the claim that the Bible is the Word of God. Because no other book in the history of the world comes anywhere close to matching the Bible's track record of fulfilled prophecy.
what about that notradumass guy? seems he wasn't such a dumass either.
ROFLMAO!!! notradumass????=demon inspired FOOL!!!WISE UP!!
why would you say this? cause those in power of this evil world wouldn't let him in your God's book? that's pretty roflmao too. wise up. if god's word isn't emblazed and burned into your own soul you won't and could never find it in a book. for you were made in his image and therefore his word, from the beggining and from your beginning was with in you from the start. it was good till you let this world corrupt it. wise up. burn your books and start anew. for where has reading it gotten us? to the end again or the begining again? ying and yang sounds familiar
who's a little man? job? moses? adulterous murdering david? you've made the mistake of believing what you read by those that didn't follow any of the book either. stop you mindless following and follow the truth within you. if it be evil, then you get what you give.
Apparently, you haven't heard about the grace of our Father. Grace is not getting what you deserve.......
As for the Book:
2 Tim. 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

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