Almost 172k children were murdered so far this year. And not one of them by the NRA.

2018 Abortion Death Toll Statistics for USA

If you support Planned Parenthood you have no right to complain about the NRA
Fine. Then you can’t complain about PP.
I never have until this narrative of the NRA is killing our kids bullshit started.
I am pro life but you don't see me shoving that in everyone's face.
The disconnect needed to blame the NRA but excuse PP boggles my mind.
One could argue that the NRA actually saves children via their gun safety program. I fail to see the connection on the flip side of that coin.
States blocking PP access are seeing their maternal death rates and infant mortality rise.
2018 Abortion Death Toll Statistics for USA

If you support Planned Parenthood you have no right to complain about the NRA
Fine. Then you can’t complain about PP.

Big difference. PP actual DOES kill! 36,649,884 abortions since 1980! Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia
NRA does not fire one shot!
PP doesn’t perform abortions. People perform abortions.
You are right! Nor does NRA kill people.
But the argument pales when compared to how many abortions have occurred vs gun deaths.
Appreciate the reminder - time for my quarterly donation to Planned Parenthood.

They do more good for the citizens of this country each year than the NRA has since their founding in 1871.
2018 Abortion Death Toll Statistics for USA

If you support Planned Parenthood you have no right to complain about the NRA

How is support for these two organizations mutually exclusive?o_O
If I have to explain the thread to you, you haven't been paying attention.

Does that mean you have no idea why they're mutually exclusive?
That means like i told Old-school, I'm not interested in hunting in the weeds. Go play your game with someone who's interested
LOL, so you don't understand your own premise well enough to explain it?

What was your point with this thread? to convince yourself that something you don't understand is correct?:disbelief:
2018 Abortion Death Toll Statistics for USA

If you support Planned Parenthood you have no right to complain about the NRA
Fine. Then you can’t complain about PP.

Big difference. PP actual DOES kill! 36,649,884 abortions since 1980! Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia
NRA does not fire one shot!
PP doesn’t perform abortions. People perform abortions.
You are right! Nor does NRA kill people.
But the argument pales when compared to how many abortions have occurred vs gun deaths.

Abortion crimes pales in comparison to the vastly larger number of gun crimes.

The NRA didn't kill people. Neither did PP. Individuals make decisions and carry out those decisions.

One can support PP and complain about the NRA, but that complaint should not be that one organization is responsible for deaths and the other is not.
Abortion crimes pales in comparison to the vastly larger number of gun crimes.

Exactly....which is why I fully support giving guns to fetuses, that way they can defend themselves from abortion and leave the rest of us to deal with more pressing matters.
PP doesn’t perform abortions. People perform abortions.
Ouch. That's a sound restatement of the opponent's logic used against him. 10 point awarded to you.
If he actually applied that logic consistently, he would get 20 points :/
It’s terrible logic. If I was pro-life and you said that shit to me I’d laugh in your face. Same as when it’s used for guns.
IKR? Because inanimate objects work on their own.
I wish i could get my hammer to do that! :rolleyes:
PP doesn’t perform abortions. People perform abortions.
Ouch. That's a sound restatement of the opponent's logic used against him. 10 point awarded to you.
If he actually applied that logic consistently, he would get 20 points :/
It’s terrible logic. If I was pro-life and you said that shit to me I’d laugh in your face. Same as when it’s used for guns.
IKR? Because inanimate objects work on their own.
I wish i could get my hammer to do that! :rolleyes:

Welcome to the 21st Century Buckwheat....
PP doesn’t perform abortions. People perform abortions.
Ouch. That's a sound restatement of the opponent's logic used against him. 10 point awarded to you.
If he actually applied that logic consistently, he would get 20 points :/
It’s terrible logic. If I was pro-life and you said that shit to me I’d laugh in your face. Same as when it’s used for guns.
IKR? Because inanimate objects work on their own.
I wish i could get my hammer to do that! :rolleyes:
You have some kind of self defense hammer whose only possible use is to maim or kill?

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