America Founded as a Christian Nation

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Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more.

Let me repeat it twice...


Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more
Porter, all I'm asking is where did any New Testament writer ever encourage Christians to set up "Christian Nations"? You do know the purpose of any government, Christian or non Christian? It's to raise a club over someone head to a) take something from them that they don't want to give you; b) make them do something they don't want to do; c) stop them from doing something that isn't hurting anyone else.
#1063 reply to #1056

“When Porter is talking about founding s Christian nation, I expected he would be wanting to discuss founding of an actual nation which took place at the end of the 18th century.” NotfooledbyW Post #432

But we keep getting this complaint:

In the very first post of this thread, I left a link that nobody clicked on. Regardless of which side of the aisle they stood on, nobody read it. The critics saw the title and jumped on the thread, posting profanities and political propaganda so that the real topic would be obscured and ignored by the intended audience.


The above is from Porter Rockwell. It is from the original post.

When Porter is talking about founding s Christian nation, I expected he would be wanting to discuss founding of an actual nation which took place at the end of the 18th century.

I’ve gone back and checked. Mr Rockwell has misstated his thread .

He should have said North Massachusetts was founded as a Christian colony.

I have no objection to that.

It has little to do with founding the United States of America.

Bottom Line, I read the gist of the Winthrop Thesis and see little on how it applies to founding a Christian Nation in the New World.

My original suggestion was good;

Porter Rockwell should revise the title of the thread to “North Massachusetts was founded as a Christian colony“ A virtual City upon a Hill,
Weird that if America is such a Christian country they put all that stuff in the constitution about separation of church and state.

but we know what Donald Trump thinks of religion. He went to the prayer breakfast that was supposed to be about commitment to God and bringing people together.
And then he defiled the meeting. Spending most of the time talking about his self and waving around a newspaper headline.
#1037. It must be that America was not founded as a Christian Nation if “Christian” is nothing but a general term that does not identify who the Christians were and what their religious belief had to do with the founding of the United States of America and writing of the Constitution.

Christian is a general term.

Correll did not answer the key part of the question. I asked about two of the most prominent founders. Thomas Jefferson and Roger Sherman. One was a devout Protestant Christian in the Tradition of French theologian John Calvin. The other respected Jesus of a Nazareth as a great moral teacher with no hocus pocus of the Bible, Who considered...

I did address the key portion of your question. You are pretending to not understand the idea of "generalization".

"Christian" is a general term. That you have found two Christian Founders, with individual distinctions between them, does not mean they do not both fall under the general term Christian.

As you well know. Learning Generalization is something that small toddlers learn. That way they don't have to be burned by each individual fire, to learn that all fire is hot.

YOur pretense that you have less sense than a two year old, is not credible.

You are dishonestly trying to hide the fact that you have lost the debate.
#1040 reply to #1038.
Christian as a general term.

I agree. My point was that being so, makes the case that America was not founded as a Christian Nation. You are Unable to define what Christians contributed specifically and directly to the founding.

That is hilarious. It is a great example of the way liberals, more and more, have been structuring sentences as though the later words in the sentence, support the claim that they make in the beginning of the sentence, but they don't.

You have lost. With every post now, all you are doing is verifying that even the most sincere liberals, cannot admit anything.

The Enlightenment Era principles of the FOunders, is an outgrowth of Christian thought. The idea of equality of man, comes from the idea that God, the CHRISTIAN God, created all of us, equally.

They state that clearly in the Declaration.

Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more.

Let me repeat it twice...


Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more
What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand?

America Founded as a Christian Nation

who's the real troll in this thread - from the very beginning.

*(hint) - a repeating, obsessive - lunatic ...

In an age not long past, when the Puritan founders were still respected by the educational establishment,this was required reading in many courses of American history and literature.

The biblical quotations are as Winthrop wrote them, and remain sometimes at slight variance from the King James version.

truth be told the true migration from europe at that time was a flight from oppressive christian theocracy or so monarchical tyranny including the same, it is indeed mainly for those reasons the early christians failed in an endeavor to make the new nation the same as the continent they had just fled.

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Porter, all I'm asking is where did any New Testament writer ever encourage Christians to set up "Christian Nations"? You do know the purpose of any government, Christian or non Christian? It's to raise a club over someone head to a) take something from them that they don't want to give you; b) make them do something they don't want to do; c) stop them from doing something that isn't hurting anyone else.


Had you read the FIRST POST and had you accessed the links and if you had then followed the thread, by post # 68, your answers were there. You were following the thread. What happened?

Penelope, without reading the first post, made 10 posts objecting to my thread in ONE HOUR! Correll replied to most of her B.S. You posted. If all those irrelevant posts were not in front of you, you had your answer along with the evidence within the first ... maybe 20 posts.

Being unable to give the answer due to the dedication of the board troll, I can only do what I can do. Between posts # 1 and 68, I don't have that many posts, but you have to read the posts AND ACCESS THE FREAKING LINKS ALREADY. Read it. Then decide how you want to frame a logical post that has squat to do with what I said.
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Weird that if America is such a Christian country they put all that stuff in the constitution about separation of church and state.

but we know what Donald Trump thinks of religion. He went to the prayer breakfast that was supposed to be about commitment to God and bringing people together.
And then he defiled the meeting. Spending most of the time talking about his self and waving around a newspaper headline.

Damnable idiocy. We have now addressed this in over 25 posts.

The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation or the Constitution of the United States. It's origination is in a private letter written to the Danbury Baptists when they were the entity that held the civic responsibility of educating children.

The wall of separation was Jefferson's view that the government should not involve itself with the civic duty of educating the children - which was being done via books like the New England Primer - a very pro-Christian textbook. That book was being used before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and was used for over a decade after Jefferson died. And they had prayer in school every day back then!!!

Donald Trump is an idiot among masses of misguided sheeple. What's your excuse?

Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more.

Let me repeat it twice...


Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more
What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand?

America Founded as a Christian Nation

who's the real troll in this thread - from the very beginning.

*(hint) - a repeating, obsessive - lunatic ...

In an age not long past, when the Puritan founders were still respected by the educational establishment,this was required reading in many courses of American history and literature.

The biblical quotations are as Winthrop wrote them, and remain sometimes at slight variance from the King James version.

truth be told the true migration from europe at that time was a flight from oppressive christian theocracy or so monarchical tyranny including the same, it is indeed mainly for those reasons the early christians failed in an endeavor to make the new nation the same as the continent they had just fled.


You just gave yourself away there "Breezewood." You came here with long sentences, improper punctuation and now you sound like ... NOTFOOLEDBYW. OMG. Now your posts and multi quotes are exactly like his.

You've been here since 2011 and have made more posts on this than any other thread. You did 8000 posts in 9 years and all of a sudden, you're immersed in an argument with me and worried because I'm having to be be repetitive??? Who did you think you were fooling?

I'm not fooled by NOTFOOLEDBYW. ANOTHER SOCKPUPPET ACCOUNT EXPOSED. Dude, you're a desperate crackpot.

    I made no such claims. NONE OF NOTFOOLEDBYW'S CRITICISMS REFLECT MY VIEWS; NOTHING HE SAYS IS TRUE This list of NOTFOOLEDBYW updated today and an addendum follows in the next post...



    This thread is now
    1025 posts long as I begin this response. Of those, NOTFOOLEDBYW has made a total of 187 posts. They are posts # 78, 80, 111, 113, 118, 126, 140, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162, 172, 174, 179, 189, 192, 195, 196, 197, 203, 204, 205, 212, 220, 224, 225, 232, 233, 234, 235, 240, 240, 241, 242, 243, 246, 247, 254, 255, 256, 267, 279, 280, 285, 290, 296, 297, 302, 307, 309, 318, 321, 328, 330, 335, 339, 340, 341, 345, 347, 350, 350, 351, 352, 367, 370, 373, 381, 393, 394, 399, 401, 404, 411, 412, 413, 420, 421, 425, 426, 429, 430, 431, 432, 468, 485, 500, 504, 508, 512, 516, 519, 525, 527, 537, 539, 541, 546, 549, 551, 554, 557, 559, 561, 563, 565, 566, 569, 570, 574, 577, 581, 582, 587, 589, 606, 607, 610, 626, 630, 636, 642, 644, 646, 684, 688, 699, 700, 703, 704, 707, 708, 709, 715, 716, 718, 724, 725, 730, 740, 744, 746, 747, 750, 753, 754, 755, 761, 762, 769, 774, 782, 7998, 800, ... that is 155 posts out of 805, 807, 812, 824, 827, 830, 831, 832, 844, 847, 860, 872, 899, 904,913, 929, 936, 943, 946, 951, 965, 973, 986, 999, 1011, 1018

    In virtually every post NOTFOOLEDBYW has insulted posters, called them liars, misrepresented people, and NOBODY has defended his positions.

    By contrast, NOTFOOLEDBYW has been challenged by numerous posters to whom NOTFOOLEDBYW has called liars, fools, morons, and accused them of all manner of wrongdoing. Those posters responded a total of 137 times in posts: #120, 130, 134, 167, 169,174, 176, 175, 176, 180, 185, 206, 207, 250, 282, 299, 346, 346, 354, 396, 397, 403, 405, 406, 407, 414, 415, 416, 424, 427, 428, 433, 434, 438, 439, 440, 445, 446, 447, 448, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 464, 465, 466, 467, 469, 470, 472, 474, 476, 483, 484, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 496, 497, 498, 499, 501, 502, 517, 518, 521, 526, 528, 531, 558, 562, 564, 567, 568, 571, 573, 576, 578, 579, 588, 591, 593, 594, 595, 596, 598, 599, 600, 603, 608, 612, 613, 615, 618, 627, 628, 629, 633, 645, 648, 653, 658, 665, 668, 698, 701, 705, 706, 711, 722, 723, 726, 751, 764, 765, 779, 834, 837, 839, 954, 971, 974, 976, 1002, 1016, 1019

    I have been obliged to respond to NOTFOOLEDBYW a total of 90 times personally. That is a total of 414 posts that have revolved around this one poster.

    One poster or another has successfully defeated each and every argument he brings to the table. He is now remaining, claiming I lied about Thomas Jefferson - as if that would change the balance of this discussion. Here is my position:

    1) When other posters began discussing this as a conversation rather than a point by point, let's prove everything, I got conversational. I quoted Thomas Jefferson from an unnamed source in an online general conversation.

    I really do not want to restart any conversations with THIS idiot about Thomas Jefferson and my quote. But, I cut and pasted the quote as I found it on the Internet:

    If you look a few quotes down, you can see where I got it from. When that troll made a big deal out of my inadvertent faux pas of leaving out the link, I looked up the book from where the quote was obtained and put it in post #552. I DIDN'T LIE AND NOTFOOLEDBYW IS A ROTTEN, FILTHY, STINKING, LIAR. ALL of his posts were responded to honestly and openly. Check his posts... he's quoting me and it's there.

    2) NOTFOOLEDBYW seized upon that accusing me of posting a lie; even claiming that I edited my source. I did not. I did, however, look at where my source got their material and I quoted where it could be found. I did not lie

    3) Regardless of how that material reads, the bottom line is Thomas Jefferson said he was a Christian and I took him at his word as his early life indicates such. Jefferson states, and it was quoted on this thread, that his life experiences changed his outlook. Nothing has changed what Jefferson said at that point in his life

    4) Regardless of how many times founders did or said one thing or another, I look at the bottom line and if over half the posts here are either one man arguing against those points compared to the scores of posts disagreeing with him, there is no point to prove. If this matters to you and you want to wade through who said what, you have each post - minus my own (which is unnecessary since all those people who agreed with me either quoted the relevant parts and / or the post itself. My point here is I did not lie and every time that troll posts, I will simply cut and paste this response (that took some hours to research just for him.)

    If he still wants to call me a liar, he can do it to my face. Otherwise, he has been successfully defeated by other posters to the point that nothing I have to say would be relevant anyway. IF there are any other points to be addressed, I will be happy to entertain them, just not by the resident troll. The dumb ass needs to read. This post refutes his account of what happened.. I know because I'm the one who did it. I copied and pasted the fucking quote as it appeared and no amount of political jockeying will change that. It's over dumbass
AN ADDENDUM TO NOTFOOLEDBYW AKA "BREEZEWOOD" if you are following that whizzing contest

Just in case anyone has followed the saga of the poster known as NOTFOOLEDBYW, I want to take a moment to acknowledge his vicious attacks on me that, as I type those were 187 out of the 1025 posts. He received 137 negative responses for his attacks and a single hit and run poster (which is against the rules) took a swipe at me (and that violated the rules in this zone.)

NOTFOOLEDBYW's very first post (#78) was to take a swipe at Christianity with a claim that it was bullshit (sic.) The post did not address the OP; it was just an off topic insult. If his post was not relative to the OP (it was not) then he deliberately, knowingly and purposely insulted me.

NOTFOOLEDBYW has made it his mission to claim I insulted him first. My position is that his post did not address the OP, it started the thread on a downward spiral. So, when I said "ignorance is bliss," he comes unglued for 187 posts so far. His entire argument rests on an accusation regarding what "I" said. I left a quote from a source. The quote is italicized and in quotation marks AND the title and page of a book, but no link. It should be apparent to any idiot that those were not my words.

NOTFOOLEDBYW made a big deal about it, so I researched the book and posted the title and everything needed to locate it on the page my link said it was on. Then NOTFOOLEDBYW issued a challenge in post # 831. He says:

"Can anyone find a direct quote by Thomas Jefferson that reads this way in these exact words. If you do I will no longer post to this thread.

"I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ."

In post # 838 I accepted his challenge and repeated the quote I had from the Internet:

NOTFOOLEDBYW's argument is that I lied. Pardon my language, but you have to be one dumb fuck not to understand that a quote in quotation marks AND in italics are not my words, but a quote. Consequently, it is dishonest to say I lied. I provided the source and there is no requirement in NOTFOOLEDBYW'S challenge that says the quote must be accurate or fit some standard. NOTFOOLEDBYW is a dishonorable liar that did not keep his word.

And so this saga has caused NOTFOOLEDBYW to misrepresent my positions, lie, complain, and attempt to derail this thread to the point that correll wants to lock the thread. I simply don't want to give one troll that kind of power over me. NOTFOOLEDBYW has gotten 137 negative responses and he has called posters here morons, liars, fools, LUNATICS, etc. He wanted to be the poster boy for the secularists or maybe humanists. The best he could do is waste a tremendous amount of bandwidth over one word. Ironically, with or without that word, it does not change the facts that were brought to the table AND WHOLLY IRRELEVANT TO THE OP.

FWIW: I do not respond to multi-quotes. I do not respond to the board troll nor his sockpuppet; therefore, I'm not reading their posts. Unless and until the board troll ceases and desists with the daily multi quotes, I will burying his lies with and accounting of the truth.

Even those of you disagreeing with me - and to those following what I'm saying, Thank you and God bless for having the courage not to let one petty tyrant derail the thread. I will not respond to his manure, so he's wasting time. I'll just keep a running account since he only got one drive by post in support of his B.S. which made this thread swell to 1073 posts thus far.
#1074 When will Correll answer some questions?

In his post #1065 reply to #1037 the questions are dodged
"Christian" is a general term. That you have found two Christian Founders, with individual distinctions between them, does not mean they do not both fall under the general term Christian.
#1074 Of course it means Jefferson and Sherman both fall under the general term Christian. Of course they do and that is really the point that you continue to avoid, You have not responded to my #1040 reply to #1038
You are Unable to define what Christians contributed specifically and directly to the founding.
#1074 So you chose the “toddler” insult instead of providing a substantive reply to your statement also in Post #1019
Christian is a general term.
#1074. I have repeatedly shown that I understand what ‘general term’ means and agreed that it applies to Jefferson and Sherman equally. It’s clear that I understand the phrase in post #1040.
. I agree. My point was that being so, makes the case that America was not founded as a Christian Nation.
#1074 So I’ll repeat the questions’ from Post
#1037 reply to #1019;

It must be that America was not founded as a Christian Nation if “Christian” is nothing but a general term that does not identify who the Christians were and what their religious belief had to do with the founding of the United States of America and writing of the Constitution.

I have been asking for the Christian distinction about two of the most prominent founders. Thomas Jefferson and Roger Sherman. One was a devout Protestant Christian in the tradition of French theologian John Calvin. The other personally respected Jesus of Nazareth as a great moral teacher but with none of the hocus pocus of the Bible. Jefferson considered Calvinism to be “daemonism” ...writing..... If ever a man worshipped a false God ... John Calvin did.

Since both men in Porter Rockwell’s Christian Nationalism slogan are Christians in Porter Rockwell’s view, and hold equal status in their beliefs as Christians, we need clarification from Porter Rockwell whether he means the ‘“daemonism” In the Calvinist Pro-Church Camp or the humanist Christian moral philosophy in the anti-church, anti-Theologian Jefferson Camp.

This was my question posed in Post #1018
Is it Jefferson’s anti-Church, anti-Calvinism Christian-ness, or the Calvinism it Roger Sherman the Constitutional Calvinist.
#1074 Maybe you don’t understand the question. If so, you can always ask for clarification.

So if we are to accept Porter Rockwell’s request to define America as a Christian Nation, is It based upon two very much involved founders; was it a John Calvin reform Christian or was it a Jesus the human moral teacher Christian.
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Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more.

Let me repeat it twice...


Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more
What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand?

America Founded as a Christian Nation

who's the real troll in this thread - from the very beginning.

*(hint) - a repeating, obsessive - lunatic ...

In an age not long past, when the Puritan founders were still respected by the educational establishment,this was required reading in many courses of American history and literature.

The biblical quotations are as Winthrop wrote them, and remain sometimes at slight variance from the King James version.

truth be told the true migration from europe at that time was a flight from oppressive christian theocracy or so monarchical tyranny including the same, it is indeed mainly for those reasons the early christians failed in an endeavor to make the new nation the same as the continent they had just fled.


You just gave yourself away there "Breezewood." You came here with long sentences, improper punctuation and now you sound like ... NOTFOOLEDBYW. OMG. Now your posts and multi quotes are exactly like his.

You've been here since 2011 and have made more posts on this than any other thread. You did 8000 posts in 9 years and all of a sudden, you're immersed in an argument with me and worried because I'm having to be be repetitive??? Who did you think you were fooling?

I'm not fooled by NOTFOOLEDBYW. ANOTHER SOCKPUPPET ACCOUNT EXPOSED. Dude, you're a desperate crackpot.
You've been here since 2011 and have made more posts on this than any other thread. You did 8000 posts in 9 years and all of a sudden, you're immersed in an argument with me and worried because I'm having to be be repetitive??? Who did you think you were fooling?

that's maybe 1.5 posts in your thread a day, think not for your own notoriety, christian - compared to your 15 to 20 or more ... and everyone recognizes if not a troll title one deliberately written to draw attention, it's you who basks in your own mine field.

and again you avoid answering to the content of a post rather than enslaving yourself to the barbs you have yourself set out to receive.

no this country despite the christians is not founded as a christian nation.
#1066 reply to #1040
The idea of equality of man, comes from the idea that God, the CHRISTIAN God, created all of us, equally.

They state that clearly in the Declaration.

Where in the Declaration of Independence is the CHRISTIAN God referenced?

The Declaration of Independence is a rebellion document to secure God Given rights.
After those GOD GIVEN RIGHTS were secure a Constitution was written specifically neutral on the Type of God from whence those rights came.

You are quite bold, to put in writing at this point, “the CHRISTIAN God, created all of us, equally” and that the founders “..., state that clearly in the Declaration.”


Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more.

Let me repeat it twice...


Repeatedly this thread has been bombarded by left wing trolls that see the thread topic and then begin straw man arguments without even reading the first post and then make up stuff for me to argue against.

Are they out of their minds? What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand? Their reading skills and computer acumen has not led them to read the first post and they made it impossible for me to conduct this thread and discuss the OP.

They act like they own this damn board and it was just a few weeks ago that a couple of posters in a thread and a moderator (in a PM) said I should start this thread. But, the left wing cowards jumped on this like flies on a fresh turd, never reading the first post and not allowing me to go the direction I was going in. They are cowards and this post shows what would happen if the theists, deists, secularists, and atheists ran this country.... censorship on a world wide scale. Everything they've accused me of they would do themselves and more
What part of America was not founded as a theocracy do they not understand?

America Founded as a Christian Nation

who's the real troll in this thread - from the very beginning.

*(hint) - a repeating, obsessive - lunatic ...

In an age not long past, when the Puritan founders were still respected by the educational establishment,this was required reading in many courses of American history and literature.

The biblical quotations are as Winthrop wrote them, and remain sometimes at slight variance from the King James version.

truth be told the true migration from europe at that time was a flight from oppressive christian theocracy or so monarchical tyranny including the same, it is indeed mainly for those reasons the early christians failed in an endeavor to make the new nation the same as the continent they had just fled.


You just gave yourself away there "Breezewood." You came here with long sentences, improper punctuation and now you sound like ... NOTFOOLEDBYW. OMG. Now your posts and multi quotes are exactly like his.

You've been here since 2011 and have made more posts on this than any other thread. You did 8000 posts in 9 years and all of a sudden, you're immersed in an argument with me and worried because I'm having to be be repetitive??? Who did you think you were fooling?

I'm not fooled by NOTFOOLEDBYW. ANOTHER SOCKPUPPET ACCOUNT EXPOSED. Dude, you're a desperate crackpot.
You've been here since 2011 and have made more posts on this than any other thread. You did 8000 posts in 9 years and all of a sudden, you're immersed in an argument with me and worried because I'm having to be be repetitive??? Who did you think you were fooling?

that's maybe 1.5 posts in your thread a day, think not for your own notoriety, christian - compared to your 15 to 20 or more ... and everyone recognizes if not a troll title one deliberately written to draw attention, it's you who basks in your own mine field.

and again you avoid answering to the content of a post rather than enslaving yourself to the barbs you have yourself set out to receive.

no this country despite the christians is not founded as a christian nation.

You have been proven wrong so many times, troll, that it is a waste of time to give you any reply at all.

"If we pass beyond these matters to a view of American life, as expressed by its laws, its business, its customs, and its society, we find every where a clear recognition of the same truth. Among other matters note the following: The form of oath universally prevailing, concluding with an appeal to the Almighty; the custom of opening sessions of all deliberative bodies and most conventions with prayer; the prefatory words of all wills, 'In the name of God, amen;' the laws respecting the observance of the Sabbath, with the general cessation of all secular business, and the closing of courts, legislatures, and other similar public assemblies on that day; the churches and church organizations which abound in every city, town, and hamlet; the multitude of charitable organizations existing every where under Christian auspices; the gigantic missionary associations, with general support, and aiming to establish Christian missions in every quarter of the globe. These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation."

RECTOR, ETC., OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH v. UNITED STATES. | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S.457 (1892)

I'll take the ruling by the United States Supreme Court over your trolling any day.
#1079 reply to #1078 Faith of Our Founders
Constitution Series 1787-1987: The Constitution's framers resisted attempts to define America as a Christian nation. The battle goes on.


A little back ground in the failed attempts by Christians to get the a Constitution written so that "a Turk, a Jew, a Roman Catholic, and what is worse than all, a Universalist," Could not be President.
  • And a speaker at the New Hampshire ratifying convention suggested that at least the president ought to be compelled to take a proper religious oath. Otherwise, "a Turk, a Jew, a Roman Catholic, and what is worse than all, a Universalist, may be President of the United States." With the election of such deists as Jefferson and Madison, his worst fears were borne out.

  • For their part, American Jews—barred from office in most states—immediately recognized and rejoiced in the Constitution as a liberating document.
  • Faith of Our Founders
#1080 reply to #229
When this country made it a requirement to be a Christian in order to hold elective office;

Except if you mean the United States of America it never made it a requirement because "Constitution regards the conscience of the Jew as sacred as that of the Christian." And “all legislative interference in matters of religion is contrary to the genius of Christianity; and that there are no doctrines or observances inculcated by the Christian religion which require the arm of civil power either to enforce or sustain them; that we consider every connection between church and state at all times dangerous to civil and religious liberty."

  • Senator Richard M. Johnson of Kentucky reminded Congress that the "Constitution regards the conscience of the Jew as sacred as that of the Christian." A resolution by the legislature of Indiana stated "in that all legislative interference in matters of religion is contrary to the genius of Christianity; and that there are no doctrines or observances inculcated by the Christian religion which require the arm of civil power either to enforce or sustain them; that we consider every connection between church and state at all times dangerous to civil and religious liberty."
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