America please stop


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.
every day you probably commit 3 felonies and you don't even know what you are doing wrong.

you want more government? well this is what it looks like and demanding more will get you more of the same
There is an easy way to avoid jail.

Don't commit crimes.

If you are an honest man the only way you end up in jail is if everyone isn't.
That´s a big problem. Young people with minor crimes get jailed and in jail they become qualified criminals. The government should take all the young people and put them in the army for two years so they can learn responsibility and team work.
America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.

My opinion, when Clinton got away with lying to the Grand Jury several hundred times the days of respect for the law took a turn to Who Cares. The drug culture of the 60's, parents being friends and not really parents, a general lack of ethics, the Me Me Me generation, lack of faith, the rise of liberalism .. eh, the list goes on and it's ponderous.
America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.
OK... you're right... we'll just start shooting them, in ditches outside of town, just like the Chinese... there... all fixed, right?
America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.

It's quite simple, there's a lot of $$$ invested in for profit prisons so they need a lot of customers or else the job creators would lose money which would be bad for the economy. And if the job creators lose money they can't make campaign donations to all those nice politicians and judges who make the laws that keep the prisons full of customers. So a large prison population is in everybody's interest (well, except all those people in prison of course but they can't vote anyway so nobody cares about them).

Apparently, a lot more people applied to Prison than applied to Schools, yes? The dollars follow the volume.


They still have the relics of conservative government is my guess.
Do you mean that same Conservative government that Americans re-empowered in the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014 and...???

I was talking about a time when California was less loony and building universities..

I wish it was, "Conservative", I'd have a lot more confidence.
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America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.

It's quite simple, there's a lot of $$$ invested in for profit prisons so they need a lot of customers or else the job creators would lose money which would be bad for the economy. And if the job creators lose money they can't make campaign donations to all those nice politicians and judges who make the laws that keep the prisons full of customers. So a large prison population is in everybody's interest (well, except all those people in prison of course but they can't vote anyway so nobody cares about them).

The truth of the matter is, that the US prison population was swelling to epic numbers, even before the trend towards the privatization of prisons had gained much traction.

And, of course, when comparing the US prison population against that of other countries, we must take into account a number of factors, and we should be dealing in percentages of total population, rather than raw numbers, in order to give the comparison more credibility.

But, there also seems to be no escaping of the premise that the US has a large prison population, with respect to both raw numbers and percentage of the total population.

In the US, we have historically (at least in the 20th) warehoused much of our minority populations within otherwise partially-abandoned Inner Cities, as the generations-spanning impact of the White Flight of the 1940s and 1950s and 1960s continue to be felt.

Generally speaking, and beyond the realm of lip-service for appearance's sake, few outside those enclaves really give a rat's ass what happens within those enclaves (ghettos).

So, when we have 3 or 4 or 5 generations of Ghetto Dwellers who lose more ground with each passing generation, well, larger and larger numbers of those Ghetto Dwellers are likely to end-up in jail.

Dog bites man.

No surprise there.


Better in jail than on the streets.
Sorry idiots......the way we handle criminal justice is going to be changed. There will be more free young black men moving forward. We tried it your way. It doesn't work.
That´s a big problem. Young people with minor crimes get jailed and in jail they become qualified criminals. The government should take all the young people and put them in the army for two years so they can learn responsibility and team work.

Right, how about you join the Army and request your whole platoon be filled with criminals, you know, they type that have a history of following the rules that you can bet your life on in a hot zone. ROFLMAO The military is not a rehab center for criminals.

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