America you royally fucked up

Build up our military. Lower taxes. Stop paying for illegals.
Your "options" are.....

Man up and deal with the loss
See, had Trump lost, you and the rest of the degenerates on here would be complaining about how the election is rigged. Obviously you wouldn't feel that way now. You people have the maturity of 10 year olds. I on the other hand accept the results as legitimate.
I would have done nothing of the sort. Anyone that knows me, be them left or right, knows this.....

So what's you're excuse? Retardation? Impotism? Faggotism? Or just a dumb fucking liberal?
Granny, go easy on him. He's gotta go buy a new suit today because if he's gonna be impotent, he gotta look impotent!


look like a granny to you?
Typo! Typo!
No typo
My grandkids picked my name. On "consoles" I'm only allowed 15 spaces so the name got butchered. But have no fear, I am now H8LAGGERS
See, had Trump lost, you and the rest of the degenerates on here would be complaining about how the election is rigged. Obviously you wouldn't feel that way now. You people have the maturity of 10 year olds. I on the other hand accept the results as legitimate.
I would have done nothing of the sort. Anyone that knows me, be them left or right, knows this.....

So what's you're excuse? Retardation? Impotism? Faggotism? Or just a dumb fucking liberal?
Granny, go easy on him. He's gotta go buy a new suit today because if he's gonna be impotent, he gotta look impotent!


look like a granny to you?
Typo! Typo!
No typo
My grandkids picked my name. On "consoles" I'm only allowed 15 spaces so the name got butchered. But have no fear, I am now H8LAGGERS
No, I meant I typo'ed. Sometimes I typo the stupidest crap.And then there's the "helpful" spell checker.
Military plenty big. More than snuff enlistees. We've had three graduating seniors in the past 3 years enlist which is a huge increase from the previous years. Take care of the vets I say. Put the screws to big corporate loopholes that create zero jobs. Increase wages big time.
Military plenty big. More than snuff enlistees. We've had three graduating seniors in the past 3 years enlist which is a huge increase from the previous years. Take care of the vets I say. Put the screws to big corporate loopholes that create zero jobs. Increase wages big time.
According to government sources, the navy is smaller than before WW2, and Marines are having to rob parts off junked planes to keep flying. Obastard has removed top military leaders and replaced them with liberal bed wetters. All that needs to go! Just to name a few.
Military plenty big. More than snuff enlistees. We've had three graduating seniors in the past 3 years enlist which is a huge increase from the previous years. Take care of the vets I say. Put the screws to big corporate loopholes that create zero jobs. Increase wages big time.
We got it now.....thanks.....
Trump has enough brains to know we only use our military in last resort measures. He had guts snuff to admit Iraq was a mistake on our part. Spot on.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

You fucked up when you picked a corrupt, arrogant criminal to oppose him
I fucking didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for Bernie. Either way, I would still take Hillary over that orange dumpster anyday of the week.
No, you didn't vote for Bernie. Bernie wasn't running. You voted for Trump. Do you realize now what a fucking idiot you are?
Heh, if you guys think Trump voters were angry before, just wait until the orange cheeto fails to deliver on his impossible promises.
Putting a stop to the destruction of America by sealing the borders and stopping the Muslim surge into America isn't difficult. Just enforce the fucking laws on the books.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

You fucked up when you picked a corrupt, arrogant criminal to oppose him
I fucking didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for Bernie. Either way, I would still take Hillary over that orange dumpster anyday of the week.
No, you didn't vote for Bernie. Bernie wasn't running. You voted for Trump. Do you realize now what a fucking idiot you are?
LOL! You got egg or "something" all over your face.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

You fucked up when you picked a corrupt, arrogant criminal to oppose him
I fucking didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for Bernie. Either way, I would still take Hillary over that orange dumpster anyday of the week.
No, you didn't vote for Bernie. Bernie wasn't running. You voted for Trump. Do you realize now what a fucking idiot you are?

Here ya go s0n...........


Hey did anybody else check out the vid of people leaving the Javitz Center in NYC last night? Now how sweet was that? Im still laughing..........miserable and hideous human beings all having been slammed by the knobby.......:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
America voted against Washington Establishment. Further, I said this 8 years ago. The American Electorate does not let the pendulum stay in one place very long. It wanted change. Again, America wants change. In 2008, the American People spoke for change. It's happened in 2016 and will happen again. Always Listen to the People.
The immaturity, name calling, racism, and homophobia coming out of this thread is disgusting. But why should I be surprised, as we saw tonight the scum has risen to the top. The worst of the worst of our society. How over half of a nation of supposedly intelligent people can vote for a racist, tax cheating, homophobic, misogynistic, fat shaming, hate spewing billionaire is beyond me. And how the hell can you bleeping morons think he represents the common man when he's a billionaire who was born into a life of privilege. Do you really think he's going to run America any better than all the companies he's run into bankruptcy. Trump U, Trump Steaks, his timeshare scam, the Trump casinos, etc etc.

And keep posting your stupid f*cking memes. That makes all of you look really intelligent.

The U.S. has become a joke in the eyes of the rest of the world.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
Maybe you ought to shut the fuck up with your predictions asshole. So far you're batting fucking zero!
Heh, if you guys think Trump voters were angry before, just wait until the orange cheeto fails to deliver on his impossible promises.
Another one of your "educated" predictions.
You're a fucking life long loser!
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

16 years ago the US elected Bush. "Ah, what could go wrong, so what if he's an idiot"

16 years later and with ISIS running around blowing people up, the economy went to hell and back, yeah, what could go wrong.....?

How is Bush responsible for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's foreign policy?
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

And this display of attitude and disdain is exactly why Trump has the most Electoral Votes.

You idiots are your own worst enemies.
Wow....Hitlery Clinton doesn't even have the class and dignity to show up this evening and give a concession speech.

Why should she? Several states are too close to count, and it's looking like the democrats are going to win the national popular vote.
I'm betting that's not the first time someone has called you that.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

Go smoke another fattie, Billy...Hillary Clinton's slime campaign didn't work. Americans were smart enough to see through the bullshit and reject her once again.

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