American children will praise Allah

They should have used calligraphy that said "see Spot run". They wouldn't have a mess on their hands if they had of
What does "See spot run" have to do with Arab culture?

You rubes have been throwing a lot of hypothetical at me to test me. Let's see how you do ...

Do you have a problem with kids learning the 5 pillars of Islam in World Geography?

yes------unless they are also learning the basics of other religions------the real
basics which is not going to happen. In all cases when it comes to religion---
things are a bit slanted to the contemporaneous sweet talk . Another problem is
that the kids themselves get involved in their own (read that ---stuff they learned at
home and in their "places of worship") -----REPARTEE with their classmates. We
do not know much about the actual lesson. Just the "example of middle east
calligraphy" excuse annoys me. Arabic calligraphy ----compared to other examples of calligraphy in the middle and far east is-------not an example----
it is a pale copy. An interesting factoid of Arabic calligraphy is that it is used
as a kind of decoration in place of figurative art. ----------like-----Christians were
already doing decorative calligraphy before the rapist was born. In fact----so were
Persians and Jews. ----------I have no idea if the writers of Sanskrit texts did it-----
but I would guess they did. Chinese and Japanise artists -----so stuff too------and started LONG LONG AGO ----------Egyptians----cannot be outdone
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal
Learning the content of the Lord's Prayer in an educational context has nor been banned. Reciting it has, because that has no secular, educational purpose but is religious praying.

This was not a calligraphy lesson, it was a World Geography lesson in the Middle Eastern section. They were learning about Arab culture, which includes "gasp" Islamic calligraphy!

They should have used calligraphy that said "see Spot run". They wouldn't have a mess on their hands if they had of
What does "See spot run" have to do with Arab culture?

You rubes have been throwing a lot of hypothetical at me to test me. Let's see how you do ...

Do you have a problem with kids learning the 5 pillars of Islam in World Geography?

Yeah I'd have a problem if a teacher tried to teach the five pillars of Islam, it has zero to do with geography and everything to do with religion
There we go then. Of course it has to do with geography. Geography is about places and the people therein. It is an opportunity to learn a little about the beliefs and practices of people around the world. Why do you want kids to remain ignorant? And yet I'm sure you want "optional participation" teacher lead Christian prayers in the school, which serve no educational purpose.

I suggest you research what the five pillars of Islam is, it's religious, not geographical and our children do not need to be taught it, they are not Muslims, they are Catholics. Shall we start teaching prayers to mother of mercy? The left's heads would explode
So kids only ought to know about their own religion, aside from the propaganda their own religion teaches about other religions? Again, if you want to ban learning about religion from school, then you better ban most literature and history.
You're three days late and two dollars short.

The teachers were not trying to convert students to Islam. Do you think someone can be converted to a religion by copying a piece of calligraphy?

Next year the assignment will be changed to use a different piece of calligraphy. Probably smart, but the original was not the conspiracy you rubes believe it to be.

According to Islam yes, if you write what those children were told to write, by COPYING the TEXT, they have declared that there is no God only Allah, they are basically considered converts....and those children don't even know that they are.

This is evil, pure and simple....the teachers need to be hoisted out and tarred and feathered.
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

I happen to be an expert now on
99% sure there is no subject you could have ended that sentence with that wouldn't have been laughable. still, I'm 100% certain that you are not an expert on islam

I reluctantly admit------that, in general, Lucy, is right. Even Islamic scholars
COULD argue------but there is CASE LAW shariah style which has ruled
that if such a declaration is WITNESSED-----the declarer IS A MUSLIM----
knife at throat , not withstanding. Of course it does not work in the USA ------
however-------it used to and probably still does in some areas of shariah cesspits
They should have used calligraphy that said "see Spot run". They wouldn't have a mess on their hands if they had of
What does "See spot run" have to do with Arab culture?

You rubes have been throwing a lot of hypothetical at me to test me. Let's see how you do ...

Do you have a problem with kids learning the 5 pillars of Islam in World Geography?

Yeah I'd have a problem if a teacher tried to teach the five pillars of Islam, it has zero to do with geography and everything to do with religion
There we go then. Of course it has to do with geography. Geography is about places and the people therein. It is an opportunity to learn a little about the beliefs and practices of people around the world. Why do you want kids to remain ignorant? And yet I'm sure you want "optional participation" teacher lead Christian prayers in the school, which serve no educational purpose.

I suggest you research what the five pillars of Islam is, it's religious, not geographical and our children do not need to be taught it, they are not Muslims, they are Catholics. Shall we start teaching prayers to mother of mercy? The left's heads would explode
So kids only ought to know about their own religion, aside from the propaganda their own religion teaches about other religions? Again, if you want to ban learning about religion from school, then you better ban most literature and history.

You cannot teach a religion in a public school. You on the left wanted it, now you're fugged
And there it is ... you want hatred of Islam to be taught. Plain and simple. You don't want American youths to understand the truth about Islam, you want them to only know your "truth" which is that Islam is evil and Muslims are terrorists.
Don't try to cover your false statements by putting words in my mouth. Straw men at that.

Face it. The liberal media, the liberal professors, the liberal govt and the liberal followers are all doing this nation a disservice by pretending the conservatives alarm over Islamic terrorism and our being on guard is a more grave error or threat than Islamic terrorism itself. Wake up!
You know that wasn't a false statement. I can see the hatred dripping from your posts. One of you rubes even said all you want children to learn about Islam is that ISIS is Muslim.
What does "See spot run" have to do with Arab culture?

You rubes have been throwing a lot of hypothetical at me to test me. Let's see how you do ...

Do you have a problem with kids learning the 5 pillars of Islam in World Geography?

yes------unless they are also learning the basics of other religions------the real
basics which is not going to happen. In all cases when it comes to religion---
things are a bit slanted to the contemporaneous sweet talk . Another problem is
that the kids themselves get involved in their own (read that ---stuff they learned at
home and in their "places of worship") -----REPARTEE with their classmates. We
do not know much about the actual lesson. Just the "example of middle east
calligraphy" excuse annoys me. Arabic calligraphy ----compared to other examples of calligraphy in the middle and far east is-------not an example----
it is a pale copy. An interesting factoid of Arabic calligraphy is that it is used
as a kind of decoration in place of figurative art. ----------like-----Christians were
already doing decorative calligraphy before the rapist was born. In fact----so were
Persians and Jews. ----------I have no idea if the writers of Sanskrit texts did it-----
but I would guess they did. Chinese and Japanise artists -----so stuff too------and started LONG LONG AGO ----------Egyptians----cannot be outdone
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.
Children should not be writing out Islamic declarations of faith in geography or any other lesson. End of.
why not?
Five pillars of Islam:
plural noun. 1. the five bases of the Islamic faith: shahada (confession of faith), salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan), and hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca). Also called Pillars of the Faith.

Looks religious to me
Duh. Of course it's religious as would be learning the major Hindu gods to understand Indian Hindu culture.

Then it shouldn't be taught in public schools. You're painting yourself into a corner
You're advocating keeping kids ignorant. Not surprising for a rube. Ignorance keeps your belief system in tact.
What does "See spot run" have to do with Arab culture?

You rubes have been throwing a lot of hypothetical at me to test me. Let's see how you do ...

Do you have a problem with kids learning the 5 pillars of Islam in World Geography?

yes------unless they are also learning the basics of other religions------the real
basics which is not going to happen. In all cases when it comes to religion---
things are a bit slanted to the contemporaneous sweet talk . Another problem is
that the kids themselves get involved in their own (read that ---stuff they learned at
home and in their "places of worship") -----REPARTEE with their classmates. We
do not know much about the actual lesson. Just the "example of middle east
calligraphy" excuse annoys me. Arabic calligraphy ----compared to other examples of calligraphy in the middle and far east is-------not an example----
it is a pale copy. An interesting factoid of Arabic calligraphy is that it is used
as a kind of decoration in place of figurative art. ----------like-----Christians were
already doing decorative calligraphy before the rapist was born. In fact----so were
Persians and Jews. ----------I have no idea if the writers of Sanskrit texts did it-----
but I would guess they did. Chinese and Japanise artists -----so stuff too------and started LONG LONG AGO ----------Egyptians----cannot be outdone
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal

just the word GEOGRAPHY made me nervous as a kid-------'name the capital"-----which river is here and which is there? draw the map (eeeek!!!) but I did like the anthropology part-------who lives in igloos and eats blubber--------that da hell
CASSAVA is Margaret Meade-------There is lots to LEARN in geography
other than RECITING foreign religious beliefs
Most American children already praise Allah. They just call Allah "God"

how about you go to Saudi arabia and proclaim------MOST MUSLIM CHILDREN WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST---already------they just call the trinity "ALLAH"
Five pillars of Islam:
plural noun. 1. the five bases of the Islamic faith: shahada (confession of faith), salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan), and hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca). Also called Pillars of the Faith.

Looks religious to me
Duh. Of course it's religious as would be learning the major Hindu gods to understand Indian Hindu culture.

Then it shouldn't be taught in public schools. You're painting yourself into a corner
You're advocating keeping kids ignorant. Not surprising for a rube. Ignorance keeps your belief system in tact.

Our children are honor students, so much for being ignorant :)
What does "See spot run" have to do with Arab culture?

You rubes have been throwing a lot of hypothetical at me to test me. Let's see how you do ...

Do you have a problem with kids learning the 5 pillars of Islam in World Geography?

yes------unless they are also learning the basics of other religions------the real
basics which is not going to happen. In all cases when it comes to religion---
things are a bit slanted to the contemporaneous sweet talk . Another problem is
that the kids themselves get involved in their own (read that ---stuff they learned at
home and in their "places of worship") -----REPARTEE with their classmates. We
do not know much about the actual lesson. Just the "example of middle east
calligraphy" excuse annoys me. Arabic calligraphy ----compared to other examples of calligraphy in the middle and far east is-------not an example----
it is a pale copy. An interesting factoid of Arabic calligraphy is that it is used
as a kind of decoration in place of figurative art. ----------like-----Christians were
already doing decorative calligraphy before the rapist was born. In fact----so were
Persians and Jews. ----------I have no idea if the writers of Sanskrit texts did it-----
but I would guess they did. Chinese and Japanise artists -----so stuff too------and started LONG LONG AGO ----------Egyptians----cannot be outdone
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal
No. It's not illegal. In order to understand what x% are Muslim, x% Shia x% Sunni, the kids have to know what Islam, Sunni, and Shia mean. You want to severely limit kids' understanding of the world, and that ought to be what's illegal!
You're three days late and two dollars short.

The teachers were not trying to convert students to Islam. Do you think someone can be converted to a religion by copying a piece of calligraphy?

Next year the assignment will be changed to use a different piece of calligraphy. Probably smart, but the original was not the conspiracy you rubes believe it to be.

According to Islam yes, if you write what those children were told to write, by COPYING the TEXT, they have declared that there is no God only Allah, they are basically considered converts....and those children don't even know that they are.

This is evil, pure and simple....the teachers need to be hoisted out and tarred and feathered.

Of course I already know that you're an apologist for all things Islam.
I guess this means is now Islamic, huh?

Shahada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
yes------unless they are also learning the basics of other religions------the real
basics which is not going to happen. In all cases when it comes to religion---
things are a bit slanted to the contemporaneous sweet talk . Another problem is
that the kids themselves get involved in their own (read that ---stuff they learned at
home and in their "places of worship") -----REPARTEE with their classmates. We
do not know much about the actual lesson. Just the "example of middle east
calligraphy" excuse annoys me. Arabic calligraphy ----compared to other examples of calligraphy in the middle and far east is-------not an example----
it is a pale copy. An interesting factoid of Arabic calligraphy is that it is used
as a kind of decoration in place of figurative art. ----------like-----Christians were
already doing decorative calligraphy before the rapist was born. In fact----so were
Persians and Jews. ----------I have no idea if the writers of Sanskrit texts did it-----
but I would guess they did. Chinese and Japanise artists -----so stuff too------and started LONG LONG AGO ----------Egyptians----cannot be outdone
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal
No. It's not illegal. In order to understand what x% are Muslim, x% Shia x% Sunni, the kids have to know what Islam, Sunni, and Shia mean. You want to severely limit kids' understanding of the world, and that ought to be what's illegal!

you do not need to trace out RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS OF ISLAM in order to learn that stuff
yes------unless they are also learning the basics of other religions------the real
basics which is not going to happen. In all cases when it comes to religion---
things are a bit slanted to the contemporaneous sweet talk . Another problem is
that the kids themselves get involved in their own (read that ---stuff they learned at
home and in their "places of worship") -----REPARTEE with their classmates. We
do not know much about the actual lesson. Just the "example of middle east
calligraphy" excuse annoys me. Arabic calligraphy ----compared to other examples of calligraphy in the middle and far east is-------not an example----
it is a pale copy. An interesting factoid of Arabic calligraphy is that it is used
as a kind of decoration in place of figurative art. ----------like-----Christians were
already doing decorative calligraphy before the rapist was born. In fact----so were
Persians and Jews. ----------I have no idea if the writers of Sanskrit texts did it-----
but I would guess they did. Chinese and Japanise artists -----so stuff too------and started LONG LONG AGO ----------Egyptians----cannot be outdone
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal
No. It's not illegal. In order to understand what x% are Muslim, x% Shia x% Sunni, the kids have to know what Islam, Sunni, and Shia mean. You want to severely limit kids' understanding of the world, and that ought to be what's illegal!

Separation of church and wanted it is :)
Five pillars of Islam:
plural noun. 1. the five bases of the Islamic faith: shahada (confession of faith), salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan), and hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca). Also called Pillars of the Faith.

Looks religious to me
Duh. Of course it's religious as would be learning the major Hindu gods to understand Indian Hindu culture.

Then it shouldn't be taught in public schools. You're painting yourself into a corner
You're advocating keeping kids ignorant. Not surprising for a rube. Ignorance keeps your belief system in tact.

Our children are honor students, so much for being ignorant :)
Honor students can be ignorant, rube. If you have a talent for test taking like I did, and a knack for reading, writing, math, and note taking as well, being an honor student is as easy as 1 2 3. And I am an ignorant person.
In World Geography they should learn the basics of all major religions as part of understanding the culture and practices of people around the world.

We get that you hate Arabs and want hatred of Arabs and Islam to be taught in the schools.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal
No. It's not illegal. In order to understand what x% are Muslim, x% Shia x% Sunni, the kids have to know what Islam, Sunni, and Shia mean. You want to severely limit kids' understanding of the world, and that ought to be what's illegal!

you do not need to trace out RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS OF ISLAM in order to learn that stuff
Yes, you do.

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