American children will praise Allah

Most American children already praise Allah. They just call Allah "God"

how about you go to Saudi arabia and proclaim------MOST MUSLIM CHILDREN WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST---already------they just call the trinity "ALLAH"

I am not talking about Jesus, or some holy trinity, I'm talking about God. YHWH.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship this being with slightly different perspectives. Muslims call this being "Allah", but neither them nor the majority of Jews worship Jesus or perceive God as a trinity. So no, it would not be accurate to go out to Saudi Arabia and proclaim that most Muslim children worship the Christian trinity, because they do not. It would be accurate, however, to say that every Muslim worships God/ YHWH

"American children will praise Allah"

American conservatives will continue to lie, this thread premise one of many examples.
Conservative christians are crapping their pants and angry as hell as now that all religions are being accepted as equal

by whom are all religions accepted as equal. I was taught by an IMAM ---said to be a GENIUS of Islamic theology that "CHRISTIANITY IS A PERVERSE LIE----INVENTED BY THE ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
sure you were.

Yes----it is an interesting anecdote. I was young and -----politely interested
in all sorts of stuff. A SHIIITE muslim from India------was so impressed with
what he thought was my "INTEREST" in islam that he invited me to a mosque----
which happened to be in Manhattan, NY. It was not a separate standing building--it was part of another "high rise" building. The group was all excited 'with their VISITING GENIUS'-------an Imam who SPOKE IN ENGLISH----probably
because most of the people there did not speak Arabic. I never met a muslim from either south east asia or Iran who spoke Arabic. The IMAM did have an "arab accent" but his English was excellent. The day was GOOD FRIDAY----
the IMAM spoke in honor of GOOD FRIDAY explaining that the holiday is based on a 'LIE ------invented by the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ---etc etc. I was horrified. The 'audience' consisted of lots of boys and their fathers (good Friday is a school holiday in New York City) the fathers NODDED in agreement---the little boys listened as if "god" was speaking and I took deep breaths to avoid vomiting. It was more than 40 years ago. --------I looked at those kids and thought----SOME OF THEM ARE GOING TO GROW UP TO BE MURDERERs----
it was located in a place walking distance from the site where the WORLD TRADE
CENTER would later be built.
Geography isn't what it used to be, literally.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal

just the word GEOGRAPHY made me nervous as a kid-------'name the capital"-----which river is here and which is there? draw the map (eeeek!!!) but I did like the anthropology part-------who lives in igloos and eats blubber--------that da hell
CASSAVA is Margaret Meade-------There is lots to LEARN in geography
other than RECITING foreign religious beliefs
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
"American children will praise Allah"

American conservatives will continue to lie, this thread premise one of many examples.
Conservative christians are crapping their pants and angry as hell as now that all religions are being accepted as equal

by whom are all religions accepted as equal. I was taught by an IMAM ---said to be a GENIUS of Islamic theology that "CHRISTIANITY IS A PERVERSE LIE----INVENTED BY THE ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
sure you were.

Yes----it is an interesting anecdote. I was young and -----politely interested
in all sorts of stuff. A SHIIITE muslim from India------was so impressed with
what he thought was my "INTEREST" in islam that he invited me to a mosque----
which happened to be in Manhattan, NY. It was not a separate standing building--it was part of another "high rise" building. The group was all excited 'with their VISITING GENIUS'-------an Imam who SPOKE IN ENGLISH----probably
because most of the people there did not speak Arabic. I never met a muslim from either south east asia or Iran who spoke Arabic. The IMAM did have an "arab accent" but his English was excellent. The day was GOOD FRIDAY----
the IMAM spoke in honor of GOOD FRIDAY explaining that the holiday is based on a 'LIE ------invented by the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ---etc etc. I was horrified. The 'audience' consisted of lots of boys and their fathers (good Friday is a school holiday in New York City) the fathers NODDED in agreement---the little boys listened as if "god" was speaking and I took deep breaths to avoid vomiting. It was more than 40 years ago. --------I looked at those kids and thought----SOME OF THEM ARE GOING TO GROW UP TO BE MURDERERs----
it was located in a place walking distance from the site where the WORLD TRADE
CENTER would later be built.

Yeah and then these fruit loops wonder why parents don't want it around their children
"American children will praise Allah"

American conservatives will continue to lie, this thread premise one of many examples.
Conservative christians are crapping their pants and angry as hell as now that all religions are being accepted as equal

by whom are all religions accepted as equal. I was taught by an IMAM ---said to be a GENIUS of Islamic theology that "CHRISTIANITY IS A PERVERSE LIE----INVENTED BY THE ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
sure you were.

Yes----it is an interesting anecdote. I was young and -----politely interested
in all sorts of stuff. A SHIIITE muslim from India------was so impressed with
what he thought was my "INTEREST" in islam that he invited me to a mosque----
which happened to be in Manhattan, NY. It was not a separate standing building--it was part of another "high rise" building. The group was all excited 'with their VISITING GENIUS'-------an Imam who SPOKE IN ENGLISH----probably
because most of the people there did not speak Arabic. I never met a muslim from either south east asia or Iran who spoke Arabic. The IMAM did have an "arab accent" but his English was excellent. The day was GOOD FRIDAY----
the IMAM spoke in honor of GOOD FRIDAY explaining that the holiday is based on a 'LIE ------invented by the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ---etc etc. I was horrified. The 'audience' consisted of lots of boys and their fathers (good Friday is a school holiday in New York City) the fathers NODDED in agreement---the little boys listened as if "god" was speaking and I took deep breaths to avoid vomiting. It was more than 40 years ago. --------I looked at those kids and thought----SOME OF THEM ARE GOING TO GROW UP TO BE MURDERERs----
it was located in a place walking distance from the site where the WORLD TRADE
CENTER would later be built.
So what? There are plenty of Christian pastors today who speak with the booming voice of God that Islam was invented by Satan. Fundy Christians hate all other religiins.
What should geography be limited to? What should students' minds be limited to? Geography is part of Social Studies. It is far more than maps, and it always has been.

Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal

just the word GEOGRAPHY made me nervous as a kid-------'name the capital"-----which river is here and which is there? draw the map (eeeek!!!) but I did like the anthropology part-------who lives in igloos and eats blubber--------that da hell
CASSAVA is Margaret Meade-------There is lots to LEARN in geography
other than RECITING foreign religious beliefs
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
Geography and religion are two different animals. The first time any geography teacher tried to teach my children the five pillars of faith they will rue the moment they decided on that assignment. If a teacher wants to say a percentage of the population in an area practice Islam that is fine but don't even go down the road of teaching it to the children. It's illegal

just the word GEOGRAPHY made me nervous as a kid-------'name the capital"-----which river is here and which is there? draw the map (eeeek!!!) but I did like the anthropology part-------who lives in igloos and eats blubber--------that da hell
CASSAVA is Margaret Meade-------There is lots to LEARN in geography
other than RECITING foreign religious beliefs
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
just the word GEOGRAPHY made me nervous as a kid-------'name the capital"-----which river is here and which is there? draw the map (eeeek!!!) but I did like the anthropology part-------who lives in igloos and eats blubber--------that da hell
CASSAVA is Margaret Meade-------There is lots to LEARN in geography
other than RECITING foreign religious beliefs
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
Truth hurts, eh?
Most American children already praise Allah. They just call Allah "God"

how about you go to Saudi arabia and proclaim------MOST MUSLIM CHILDREN WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST---already------they just call the trinity "ALLAH"

I am not talking about Jesus, or some holy trinity, I'm talking about God. YHWH.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship this being with slightly different perspectives. Muslims call this being "Allah", but neither them nor the majority of Jews worship Jesus or perceive God as a trinity. So no, it would not be accurate to go out to Saudi Arabia and proclaim that most Muslim children worship the Christian trinity, because they do not. It would be accurate, however, to say that every Muslim worships God/ YHWH


fine -----make up some big posters with the above written upon them >>>
and take a trip to Saudi arabia and HAND THEM OUT TO CHILDREN telling
them------this the real name of ALLAH
Most American children already praise Allah. They just call Allah "God"

how about you go to Saudi arabia and proclaim------MOST MUSLIM CHILDREN WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST---already------they just call the trinity "ALLAH"

I am not talking about Jesus, or some holy trinity, I'm talking about God. YHWH.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship this being with slightly different perspectives. Muslims call this being "Allah", but neither them nor the majority of Jews worship Jesus or perceive God as a trinity. So no, it would not be accurate to go out to Saudi Arabia and proclaim that most Muslim children worship the Christian trinity, because they do not. It would be accurate, however, to say that every Muslim worships God/ YHWH

View attachment 57540
fine -----make up some big posters with the above written upon them >>>
and take a trip to Saudi arabia and HAND THEM OUT TO CHILDREN telling
them------this the real name of ALLAH
That's beautiful, Irosie.
just the word GEOGRAPHY made me nervous as a kid-------'name the capital"-----which river is here and which is there? draw the map (eeeek!!!) but I did like the anthropology part-------who lives in igloos and eats blubber--------that da hell
CASSAVA is Margaret Meade-------There is lots to LEARN in geography
other than RECITING foreign religious beliefs
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?

where did anyone suggest that just because muhummad was a murderer, thief and rapist -----that fact makes "ALL MUSLIMS" murderers thieves, and rapists?
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
Truth hurts, eh?
You feel free to teach your fundy children exactly that about Islam. I would leave out no facts. Yes, he killed, yes he had multiple wives. Having multiple young wives was part of the culture back then.

When teaching about the Middle East I would have no qualms in teaching the children the way the culture there does not treat women as equals, and that women's rights are lacking in many of the religious countries. How else can you explain that women there cover themselves head to toe. It's part of learning about that culture to learn things we find distasteful.

But I'm not about simply hashing Islam with simple propaganda statements like what you fundies want "Mohammed was a child molester and murderer ".
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?

where did anyone suggest that just because muhummad was a murderer, thief and rapist -----that fact makes "ALL MUSLIMS" murderers thieves, and rapists?
I know, right? It's hopeless trying to debate with these islamophiles :)
Religion drives much of that anthropology part in much of the world. You cannot truly learn the cultural part of geography without learning something of religion. If geography is limited to quickly forgotten information such as names of rivers and capitals, it is a waste of time.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?

where did anyone suggest that just because muhummad was a murderer, thief and rapist -----that fact makes "ALL MUSLIMS" murderers thieves, and rapists?
If they worship a man who is legitimately defined by those terms, are they not evil regardless of whether they themselves do those things?

In teaching about Christianity and Judaism, would you emphasize that God ordered the massacre of non-believing cultures? Of course you wouldn't, fundy.

To Muslims, Mohammed is not defined as a rapist and murderer, so that is not what you would emphasize about Mohammed when you are teaching about Islamic culture.

In history, it is appropriate to go into more detail about what exactly early Muslims did.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
Truth hurts, eh?
You feel free to teach your fundy children exactly that about Islam. I would leave out no facts. Yes, he killed, yes he had multiple wives. Having multiple young wives was part of the culture back then.

When teaching about the Middle East I would have no qualms in teaching the children the way the culture there does not treat women as equals, and that women's rights are lacking in many of the religious countries. How else can you explain that women there cover themselves head to toe. It's part of learning about that culture to learn things we find distasteful.

But I'm not about simply hashing Islam with simple propaganda statements like what you fundies want "Mohammed was a child molester and murderer ".

have you encountered anyone who has INSISTED that USA school curriculum include a teaching 'MUHUMMAD WAS A CHILD MOLESTER AND MURDERER"???? I have not. I can discuss the school curriculum of some
muslim states-----regarding Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism
Most American children already praise Allah. They just call Allah "God"

how about you go to Saudi arabia and proclaim------MOST MUSLIM CHILDREN WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST---already------they just call the trinity "ALLAH"

I am not talking about Jesus, or some holy trinity, I'm talking about God. YHWH.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship this being with slightly different perspectives. Muslims call this being "Allah", but neither them nor the majority of Jews worship Jesus or perceive God as a trinity. So no, it would not be accurate to go out to Saudi Arabia and proclaim that most Muslim children worship the Christian trinity, because they do not. It would be accurate, however, to say that every Muslim worships God/ YHWH

View attachment 57540
fine -----make up some big posters with the above written upon them >>>
and take a trip to Saudi arabia and HAND THEM OUT TO CHILDREN telling
them------this the real name of ALLAH
Is America the same as Saudi Arabia?
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
Truth hurts, eh?
You feel free to teach your fundy children exactly that about Islam. I would leave out no facts. Yes, he killed, yes he had multiple wives. Having multiple young wives was part of the culture back then.

When teaching about the Middle East I would have no qualms in teaching the children the way the culture there does not treat women as equals, and that women's rights are lacking in many of the religious countries. How else can you explain that women there cover themselves head to toe. It's part of learning about that culture to learn things we find distasteful.

But I'm not about simply hashing Islam with simple propaganda statements like what you fundies want "Mohammed was a child molester and murderer ".
It's not my fault mo married a 6 yr old, had sex with her when she was 9, nor that he was a murderous warmonger, thief, rapist and slaver. I happen to believe truth is important, and the truth about Islam is so ugly I wouldn't be teaching young children about it, neither should schools be.
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
Truth hurts, eh?
You feel free to teach your fundy children exactly that about Islam. I would leave out no facts. Yes, he killed, yes he had multiple wives. Having multiple young wives was part of the culture back then.

When teaching about the Middle East I would have no qualms in teaching the children the way the culture there does not treat women as equals, and that women's rights are lacking in many of the religious countries. How else can you explain that women there cover themselves head to toe. It's part of learning about that culture to learn things we find distasteful.

But I'm not about simply hashing Islam with simple propaganda statements like what you fundies want "Mohammed was a child molester and murderer ".

have you encountered anyone who has INSISTED that USA school curriculum include a teaching 'MUHUMMAD WAS A CHILD MOLESTER AND MURDERER"???? I have not. I can discuss the school curriculum of some
muslim states-----regarding Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism
Yes, Tilly in this thread advocated that. I don't know why you'd suggest whether or not American education should resemble the education system of "Muslim states". That seems kind of a non-issue.
What would you teach them about mohammud?
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?

where did anyone suggest that just because muhummad was a murderer, thief and rapist -----that fact makes "ALL MUSLIMS" murderers thieves, and rapists?
If they worship a man who is legitimately defined by those terms, are they not evil regardless of whether they themselves do those things?

In teaching about Christianity and Judaism, would you emphasize that God ordered the massacre of non-believing cultures? Of course you wouldn't, fundy.

To Muslims, Mohammed is not defined as a rapist and murderer, so that is not what you would emphasize about Mohammed when you are teaching about Islamic culture.

In history, it is appropriate to go into more detail about what exactly early Muslims did.

your post makes little sense. Hindus worship a "god" "KRISHNAH" who---as the story goes-------like to steal butter from his mother. That is the story------I see no reason to MOCK HINDUS for that story or any reason to mock muslims in school for the fact that muhummad was a prolific murderer and rapist. BTW---neither Christians nor Jews were ordered to destroy pagan cultures according to
the writings of the bibles. I see no reason to TEACH BASIC ISLAMIC BELIEFS
in school other than to note------"this is a basic Islamic belief" without doing
the ELABORATE CALLIGRAPHY or repeating its prayers
Well, see I myself am ignorant, so I don't know. Just that he was the founder of the religion, that he claimed to be a prophet, that he is considered to have performed miracles, that he is considered the Great Prophet and that he conquered some land and there is controversy about who his successor is as the leader of Islam which caused the Sunni Shia split.
Ah, so a whitewash, in other words - you'd propagandise for Islam.
Nah, can't trust teachers to teach the truth about Islam. Keep it out of schools.
What's the "truth"? That he's a murderer and child molester and so all Muslims are evil? Is that the propaganda you want taught? Fundy?
Truth hurts, eh?
You feel free to teach your fundy children exactly that about Islam. I would leave out no facts. Yes, he killed, yes he had multiple wives. Having multiple young wives was part of the culture back then.

When teaching about the Middle East I would have no qualms in teaching the children the way the culture there does not treat women as equals, and that women's rights are lacking in many of the religious countries. How else can you explain that women there cover themselves head to toe. It's part of learning about that culture to learn things we find distasteful.

But I'm not about simply hashing Islam with simple propaganda statements like what you fundies want "Mohammed was a child molester and murderer ".
It's not my fault mo married a 6 yr old, had sex with her when she was 9, nor that he was a murderous warmonger, thief, rapist and slaver. I happen to believe truth is important, and the truth about Islam is so ugly I wouldn't be teaching young children about it, neither should schools be.
In geography, the emphasis is on the practice of Muslims today, in which you would reach what they believe about Mohammed. The gory details of history are more appropriate for a history course.

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