Americans call into C-SPAN to disagree with funding Ukraine


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
That second caller was making a very interesting point. Talking about how Russia helped to save the civilized world in Syria ….when they defended the Syrian government against ISIL fanatics attempting to take over the country.

Its caller after caller, from different backgrounds who are against funding Ukraine.

For the president of Ukraine to attempt to insult a Christian country like Russia is astonishing. He doesn’t have to engage in hyperbola and propaganda. He could defend his country while engaging and common sense tactics when it comes to the national stage. But he engages in constant hyperbole.

The cspan program aligns with the American people who the majority of us disagree with funding Ukraine.

As Gleen Greenwald points out It is the far left wing fanatics, who are the ones who are the most Ardent supporters of Ukraine. The same anti-Americans that support BLM, the same anti-Americans that support the radical LGBT agenda. It’s ironic because these left-wing Americans are racist, there extreme anti-Russian racism shows almost every day. They have a lack of information. They are basically like brain dead zombies. They will do whatever the far left politicians tell them to do.

This war in Ukraine is not about good guys versus bad guys. It was never about morality. It was never about helping out the good guys in Ukraine. The United States has an opportunity to help out children in Africa, who are slaves working for major corporations mining for diamonds. Why aren’t we giving billions of dollars to pursuits like that?

The support of Ukraine is a clear example of American politicians going against the will of the American people. And we are at least starting to see a turnaround there more American politicians saying enough is enough learning from their mistakes and saying we’re no longer going to support Ukraine.
Several years ago, the US wanted Ukraine to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. But Ukraine was worried about being attacked by Russia. But they agreed to get rid of the nukes if we promised to defend them (or help defend them) if Russia attacked them. We made that promise.

Now when it is time to make good on the promise? Oh it costs too much.

I look forward to a time when my country keeps its promises, to other nations, to veterans, and to our people.
That second caller was making a very interesting point. Talking about how Russia helped to save the civilized world in Syria ….when they defended the Syrian government against ISIL fanatics attempting to take over the country.

Its caller after caller, from different backgrounds who are against funding Ukraine.

For the president of Ukraine to attempt to insult a Christian country like Russia is astonishing. He doesn’t have to engage in hyperbola and propaganda. He could defend his country while engaging and common sense tactics when it comes to the national stage. But he engages in constant hyperbole.

The cspan program aligns with the American people who the majority of us disagree with funding Ukraine.

As Gleen Greenwald points out It is the far left wing fanatics, who are the ones who are the most Ardent supporters of Ukraine. The same anti-Americans that support BLM, the same anti-Americans that support the radical LGBT agenda. It’s ironic because these left-wing Americans are racist, there extreme anti-Russian racism shows almost every day. They have a lack of information. They are basically like brain dead zombies. They will do whatever the far left politicians tell them to do.

This war in Ukraine is not about good guys versus bad guys. It was never about morality. It was never about helping out the good guys in Ukraine. The United States has an opportunity to help out children in Africa, who are slaves working for major corporations mining for diamonds. Why aren’t we giving billions of dollars to pursuits like that?

The support of Ukraine is a clear example of American politicians going against the will of the American people. And we are at least starting to see a turnaround there more American politicians saying enough is enough learning from their mistakes and saying we’re no longer going to support Ukraine.
Do you call CSPAN and wait on hold for hours?
Several years ago, the US wanted Ukraine to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. But Ukraine was worried about being attacked by Russia. But they agreed to get rid of the nukes if we promised to defend them (or help defend them) if Russia attacked them. We made that promise.

Now when it is time to make good on the promise? Oh it costs too much.

I look forward to a time when my country keeps its promises, to other nations, to veterans, and to our people.
'Several years ago' doesn't cut it. This is a nine-year war. Bidenochio's handlers dance him onto stage to panhandle once again. This gesture wreaks of handler disinterest with their marionette, and seems a deliberate move to influence the collective Unconscious of 2024 voters.
'Several years ago' doesn't cut it. This is a nine-year war. Bidenochio's handlers dance him onto stage to panhandle once again. This gesture wreaks of handler disinterest with their marionette, and seems a deliberate move to influence the collective Unconscious of 2024 voters.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. 9 years? Must be the new math.

But please tell me, what exactly is the expiration date on a promise from the US? 3 years? 5 years? At what point do we say "Oh, that was too long ago"?
Several years ago, the US wanted Ukraine to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. But Ukraine was worried about being attacked by Russia. But they agreed to get rid of the nukes if we promised to defend them (or help defend them) if Russia attacked them. We made that promise.

Now when it is time to make good on the promise? Oh it costs too much.

I look forward to a time when my country keeps its promises, to other nations, to veterans, and to our people.
We have made good on our promise. At some point enough is enough and we’ve reached that point. Nothing is stopping you from doing more if you wish
Several years ago, the US wanted Ukraine to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. But Ukraine was worried about being attacked by Russia. But they agreed to get rid of the nukes if we promised to defend them (or help defend them) if Russia attacked them. We made that promise.

Now when it is time to make good on the promise? Oh it costs too much.

I look forward to a time when my country keeps its promises, to other nations, to veterans, and to our people.
Several years ago. Russia was told by US leaders that NATO would not encroach 1 inch forward. Since then nato has moved about 1000 miles closer to Russia.

This is the world of realpolitik.

But the bigger point is the United States has invaded other countries. So when Russia invades a country It’s not time to get traumatic, get emotional it is time to think seriously about the options on the table. And assisting Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers is not acceptable. Does not make logical sense.

Russia is not evil. And I think it is astonishing that a small portion of left-wing fanatics continue to support Ukraine. They go against everything that traditional democrats believe in. Todays Biden supporters are for American exceptionalism.
Zelenskyy is always demanding more $billions$.
We have already spent more on Ukraine than we did on Afghanistan.
Zelenskyy will not allow us to see where the money is going.
No More Money.

Several years ago. Russia was told by US leaders that NATO would not encroach 1 inch forward. Since then nato has moved about 1000 miles closer to Russia.

This is the world of realpolitik.

But the bigger point is the United States has invaded other countries. So when Russia invades a country It’s not time to get traumatic, get emotional it is time to think seriously about the options on the table. And assisting Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers is not acceptable. Does not make logical sense.

Russia is not evil. And I think it is astonishing that a small portion of left-wing fanatics continue to support Ukraine. They go against everything that traditional democrats believe in. Todays Biden supporters are for American exceptionalism.
I highlighted your lies for you. Please address them.
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Do you call CSPAN and wait on hold for hours?

I doubt it.

But even if he did, that would be time far better spent than producing the excremental content you expose us all to on a daily basis on this here website.
We have made good on our promise. At some point enough is enough and we’ve reached that point. Nothing is stopping you from doing more if you wish

There is also the pesky little fact that the CIA staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and helped take over the government with a western controlled puppet.

But for some reason our MSM seems reluctant to inform folks of this tiny detail.
Lefty authoritarian tool gets triggered.

Lefty authoritarian tool immediately issues demands and hoops that must be jumped through!

It's all for the sake of rooting out cancerous "DISINFORMATION".

They're the unquestionable good guys.

And don't you forget it, deplorable scum.
Why did you quote my post if you are going to agree? Just say so!
Several years ago, the US wanted Ukraine to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. But Ukraine was worried about being attacked by Russia. But they agreed to get rid of the nukes if we promised to defend them (or help defend them) if Russia attacked them. We made that promise.

Now when it is time to make good on the promise? Oh it costs too much.

I look forward to a time when my country keeps its promises, to other nations, to veterans, and to our people.

That is not at all what happened.
The Ukraine never had any nuclear weapons of its own.
Those were all Russian nukes that were built, owned, and operated only by Russia.
The Ukraine was not hesitating over getting rid of them, because having Russian nukes in the Ukraine, made the Ukraine a US target.
So getting rid of them made the Ukraine safer, but Russia less safe, since they lost territory to launch from.
So the Ukraine benefited from their removal, and was given the promises in return that the Ukraine would NEVER join any alliance hostile to Russia.
The US also promised no eastern advancement of NATO.
Both the US and the Ukraine lied.
I highlighted your lies for you. Please address them.

{...Since then nato has moved about 1000 miles closer to Russia... }

Not sure about the actual area, but NATO added 14 counties that used to be Warsaw Pact countries that we promised to never allow into NATO.

{...But the bigger point is the United States has invaded other countries....}

The US clearly is a colonial imperialist, invading dozens of countries ever since the illegal Spanish American war. All Russia is doing is defending its borders from NATO nukes being illegally installed in the Ukraine.

{.... And assisting Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers is not acceptable ...}

The Ukraine is historically, traditionally, and culturally the heart of Russia. Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia. The traitors in control of Kyiv now are the descendants of defeated Polish invaders, who are incredibly racist and fascist, and took US bribes. There have been no free or legal elections since the 2010 elected government was massacred by the military coup in 2014. All the ethnic Russian candidates were murdered or exiled.

{... Russia is not evil. ...}

If Russia was an evil colonial imperialist, then instead of defending China, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Syria, etc., they would have tried to take over and steal their wealth like we do.

{...Todays Biden supporters are for American exceptionalism. ...}

Biden clearly is part of the group trying to turn the Ukraine into a US colony.
They bribed the military into a coup in 2014, and now they want to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, for a first strike capability. Which can never be allowed.
There is also the pesky little fact that the CIA staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and helped take over the government with a western controlled puppet.

But for some reason our MSM seems reluctant to inform folks of this tiny detail.
Some Americans are led to believe by our media, that Russia invaded Ukraine out of nowhere for the hell of it. They’re not aware of the fact that you provide above.

It’s people like Glenn Greenwald and Russell Brand, that are bringing more and more Americans those facts.
{...Since then nato has moved about 1000 miles closer to Russia... }

Not sure about the actual area, but NATO added 14 counties that used to be Warsaw Pact countries that we promised to never allow into NATO.

{...But the bigger point is the United States has invaded other countries....}

The US clearly is a colonial imperialist, invading dozens of countries ever since the illegal Spanish American war. All Russia is doing is defending its borders from NATO nukes being illegally installed in the Ukraine.

{.... And assisting Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers is not acceptable ...}

The Ukraine is historically, traditionally, and culturally the heart of Russia. Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia. The traitors in control of Kyiv now are the descendants of defeated Polish invaders, who are incredibly racist and fascist, and took US bribes. There have been no free or legal elections since the 2010 elected government was massacred by the military coup in 2014. All the ethnic Russian candidates were murdered or exiled.

{... Russia is not evil. ...}

If Russia was an evil colonial imperialist, then instead of defending China, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Syria, etc., they would have tried to take over and steal their wealth like we do.

{...Todays Biden supporters are for American exceptionalism. ...}

Biden clearly is part of the group trying to turn the Ukraine into a US colony.
They bribed the military into a coup in 2014, and now they want to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, for a first strike capability. Which can never be allowed.

From the liberal LA Times, an article from 2016

“In early February 1990, U.S. leaders made the Soviets an offer. According to transcripts of meetings in Moscow on Feb. 9, then-Secretary of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation on Germany, U.S. could make “iron-clad guarantees” that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.” Less than a week later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to begin reunification talks. No formal deal was struck, but from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion.”

Colonel Douglas McGregor, and Glenn Greenwald have brought up this very point…

Russia did not attack America in February 2022, they attacked Ukraine.

the many points that us and Rhody brought up, are not known to a good portion of Ukraine supporters in the United States, including perhaps on the US message board. But informed Americans know about it.

It is my position that the United States should attempt to negotiate a cease-fire for the Russia Ukraine war. We should’ve never supported Ukraine in the first place. We should’ve handled things differently back in 2014 as well.

The United States as you know, has invaded many countries, as well as orchestrating coups in many other countries throughout our history ie Iran under Mossadegh. Russia also does not have a perfect history, nor does America. We should learn from our mistakes of the past.

The current status quo in Ukraine is unimaginable. the United States by far and wide funding Ukraine more than any other country in the world. We are funding the massive bulk of money and weapons to Ukraine compared to other countries. That war has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians. Millions of people fleeing Ukraine. Therefore, again it is my position the United States should actually be using its power to try and figure out someway to bring Russia and Ukraine to the table for a cease-fire…. Rather than continuing to bleed the US economy and the bloodshed in Ukraine.

There was also a General from India, suggesting that reports of 30% of Ukraine is actually pro-Russian. This isn’t like other wars of history in someway it’s sort of a Civil War between Russia and Ukraine

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