Americans from where do your favourite immigrants come from?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Also state what type of american you are (white american, black american, hispanic american, asian american, native american etc. because that probably makes a difference )
I like Americans from America.

If you need to hyphenate, you've likely not joined the club.

I would just say Im american, because I would hide that Im gypsy because of shame and fear of being discriminated and shame of lack of any positive cultural achievement of that ethnic group. But Im sure that most americans are aware of their ancestries before they became americans and they do probably ask you.
I've disliked the Germans ever since they bombed Pearl Harbor.
I have no ties with my genetic heritage other than drinking a bit more on St. Patrick's Day.

Yes and I like what you say "we are all just americans" but not sure whether that is realistic can someone just say he is american maybe if he is very white and such but if you look a bit different people will ask.
I have no ties with my genetic heritage other than drinking a bit more on St. Patrick's Day.

Yes and I like what you say "we are all just americans" but not sure whether that is realistic can someone just say he is american maybe if he is very white and such but if you look a bit different people will ask.

I don't care what people look like.
Also state what type of american you are (white american, black american, hispanic american, asian american, native american etc. because that probably makes a difference )
I am White, Jewish, Male and 100% American!

I don't care the country, all I care about is they come here to work hard, possess a skill or job we need (doesn't have to be white collar, could be agriculture or construction), do not commit crimes (violent or white collar), don't be a burden on society (no welfare), cherish freedom, capitalism and free markets, love this country as it is and do not want to change it, be more conservative leaning, be pro-Israel and do be a damn racist, antichristian or antisemite. Be all those things and I don't care what country you come from. Hell you can come from Mars for all I care!
It's not where they are from, but what is in their head that counts.

If they have something to offer and embrace being an America, I say welcome aboard! If they are a piece of refuse like Rashida T'laib or Ilhan Omar, I say stay the fuck away from this country.
My favorite immigrant is from northwest Ukraine ... I'm the kind of American from northwest Ukraine ... what the hell kind of question is this? ...

I know I know I know ... as a former landlord, I'll go with Mexicans ... boy, talk about folk who know how to pay rent on time ... I eat nothing but Mexican food ... siesta is a God given right ... family values ... the music ...

... the women ...

The more the better I say ...
Also state what type of american you are (white american, black american, hispanic american, asian american, native american etc. because that probably makes a difference )
My ancestors were Polish, but we have been Americans for several generations. No hyphen required. I know nothing of Poland or its customs, and the food? Meh.
Americans that came from Mexico make my favorite foods, as with those Americans with Italian ancestry.

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