Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop

the people know that this is a lie and a farce. Global warming is a fraud like the Obama Administration. all full of lies and Bullshit!!!

Have 5 seconds?


Global Warming Fast Facts

Nice article from the people who are liars and frauds

From the linked ariticle

Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

James Hansen of Nasa Goddard institute was busted, Hansen is a fraud, first paragraph of the linked article has already been discussed in depth in these threads, Hansen used the summer tempature data from the month of July and August in place of the real data of the months of september and november, his peers busted and exposed the data as not being for the months as Hansen stated, Hansen admitted he did this and apologized.

This entire article is a fraud.

What article?

Thanks for making the case of brain dead faithers on global warming. The article in the above post was clearly labeled. Do your own research on ocean current's effects on regional temperature changes. How lazy are you?

Thanks for making the case of brain dead faithers on global warming. The article in the above post was clearly labeled. Do your own research on ocean current's effects on regional temperature changes. How lazy are you?

Now look, I didnt insult you.

Have you read my links? Im thinking you did not. Brain dead I am not, how about you?

Thanks for making the case of brain dead faithers on global warming. The article in the above post was clearly labeled. Do your own research on ocean current's effects on regional temperature changes. How lazy are you?

Now look, I didnt insult you.

Have you read my links? Im thinking you did not. Brain dead I am not, how about you?

I find stupid highly annoying and insulting. Try to be a smaller target.

Thanks for making the case of brain dead faithers on global warming. The article in the above post was clearly labeled. Do your own research on ocean current's effects on regional temperature changes. How lazy are you?

Now look, I didnt insult you.

Have you read my links? Im thinking you did not. Brain dead I am not, how about you?

I find stupid highly annoying and insulting. Try to be a smaller target.

I also find stupid people highly annoying, not insulting because its not my problem.

You didnt read any of the links did you? That makes you ignorant.
Sea level rise will effect communities at or below sea level first, which is why Louisiana losing a football fields worth of wetland an hour is such an alarming statistic.

The ground is sinking, not a rise in sea level.

NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)

Why are alarmists so dense?

What an incredible dumb ass you are, Liberty, didn't you expect someone to look at the link?
NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)


NOAA is Helping to Measure and Monitor the Effects of Subsidence, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms
In order to assess the rate of subsidence and measure relative sea level rise in Louisiana, up-to-date geodetic and water level data are needed. Unfortunately, most of this data are more than two decades old and data relationships between tide and geodetic datums are not well known. However, in cooperation with state and local agencies, the NOAA Ocean Service is implementing a two-stage (near-term and long-term) approach to address coastal subsidence issues.
Sea level rise will effect communities at or below sea level first, which is why Louisiana losing a football fields worth of wetland an hour is such an alarming statistic.

The ground is sinking, not a rise in sea level.

NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)

Why are alarmists so dense?

What an incredible dumb ass you are, Liberty, didn't you expect someone to look at the link?
NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)


NOAA is Helping to Measure and Monitor the Effects of Subsidence, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms
In order to assess the rate of subsidence and measure relative sea level rise in Louisiana, up-to-date geodetic and water level data are needed. Unfortunately, most of this data are more than two decades old and data relationships between tide and geodetic datums are not well known. However, in cooperation with state and local agencies, the NOAA Ocean Service is implementing a two-stage (near-term and long-term) approach to address coastal subsidence issues.

Smart enough to realize the land is sinking and not being overrun by sea level rises from melting glaciers. Unlike you and the poster I originally addressed. Care to know why the land is sinking and disappearing? The US government built levies which restricted the flow of soil to the delta areas. Without the replentishing of the delta, it erodes. Of course, you still don't get the first part, so I don't expect the latter will be understood either.
Ummm, yet another example of loser partisan hack trolls making shit up. WTF did you pull that out of? talk about :cuckoo:

Where have you been? Under a rock?

Chavez says US weapon test caused Haiti earthquake :eusa_whistle:

And why should we care what Chavez says, he is as big a fruitcake as you are.:lol:

Read you idiot...and Read well. I was bolstering a statement made by Gunny to correct another member.

But you didn't bother to go back and read, did you?

YOU ARE AN IDIOT <=Present For you...A Chorus Singing for you especially
Last edited:

And why should we care what Chavez says, he is as big a fruitcake as you are.:lol:

Read you idiot...and Read well. I was bolstering a statement made by Gunny to correct another member.

But you didn't bother to go back and read, did you?

YOU ARE AN IDIOT <=Present For you...A Chorus Singing for you especially

My, my, we have our tail in a knot. :lol:
The ground is sinking, not a rise in sea level.

NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)

Why are alarmists so dense?

What an incredible dumb ass you are, Liberty, didn't you expect someone to look at the link?
NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)


NOAA is Helping to Measure and Monitor the Effects of Subsidence, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms
In order to assess the rate of subsidence and measure relative sea level rise in Louisiana, up-to-date geodetic and water level data are needed. Unfortunately, most of this data are more than two decades old and data relationships between tide and geodetic datums are not well known. However, in cooperation with state and local agencies, the NOAA Ocean Service is implementing a two-stage (near-term and long-term) approach to address coastal subsidence issues.

Smart enough to realize the land is sinking and not being overrun by sea level rises from melting glaciers. Unlike you and the poster I originally addressed. Care to know why the land is sinking and disappearing? The US government built levies which restricted the flow of soil to the delta areas. Without the replentishing of the delta, it erodes. Of course, you still don't get the first part, so I don't expect the latter will be understood either.

Now look, my pretty little idiot child. The soil is not eroding to any appreciable degree. It is compacting as more soil is added. Of course, one could look this up for oneself.

Coastal subsidence causes sea-level rise, shoreline erosion and
wetland loss, which poses a threat to coastal populations1. This
is especially evident in the Mississippi Delta in the southern
United States, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in
2005. The loss of protective wetlands is considered a critical
factor in the extensive flood damage. The causes of subsidence
in coastal Louisiana, attributed to factors as diverse as shallow
compaction and deep crustal processes, remain controversial2–11.
Current estimates of subsidence rates vary by several orders
of magnitude3,6. Here, we use a series of radiocarbon-dated
sediment cores from the Mississippi Delta to analyse late
Holocene deposits and assess compaction rates. We find that
millennial-scale compaction rates primarily associated with peat
can reach 5mm per year, values that exceed recent model
predictions5,9. Locally and on timescales of decades to centuries,
rates are likely to be 10mm or more per year. We conclude
that compaction of Holocene strata contributes significantly to
the exceptionally high rates of relative sea-level rise and coastal
wetland loss in the Mississippi Delta, and is likely to cause
subsidence in other organic-rich and often densely populated
coastal plains.

5 mm of subsidence, added to 3.4 mm of sea level rise equals a very rapid change in relative levels of sea and land. While the rate of subsidence is not likely to increase, the rate of sea level rise certainly will.
Sea levels are decreasing, you dopey liberals.


Your proof of which is?

CSCOR: Stressors : Climate Change: Current Programs : Sea Level Rise Research Program

Worldwide sea level has risen about 20 cm during the past century and will inevitably be affected by climate change in the future. The rate of sea level rise during the twentieth century has been nearly 2 mm per year, which is an order of magnitude higher than the average over the last several millennia. By 2095 the projected rise worldwide is 18 cm- 55 cm (IPCC 2007). Locally, the rate of sea level rise can differ significantly from the global mean due to vertical movements of the land, which can be of the same order (mm/yr) as sea level changes. In the U.S., the Southeast and Gulf coasts are particularly vulnerable.Sea-level rise and climate change issues in the coastal zone include:
Changes in Arctic land ice and impacts on sea level - Barry

Sea level change is driven by: the thermal expansion/contraction of sea water in response to warming/cooling of the ocean; additional runoff to the oceans from the melting of ice sheets and glaciers; and changes in ground and surface water storage associated with the building of dams, consumptive use for agriculture, industrial production and human consumption. Satellite altimetry data available since the early 1990's provides nearly global observations of sea level rising at a rate of about 3 mm per year. For the period 1993-2003, the observed sea level rise due to thermal expansion was 1.6 mm /yr and 1.2 mm/yr due to total land ice melt.


It is estimated that sea level rose by ~1.7 mm/yr during the twentieth century. Thermal expansion accounts for about half of this increase and land ice melt, mostly from mountain glaciers, about 20 to 25 percent. The contributions from changes in ice volume in Greenland and the Antarctic are uncertain, even as to sign of the change for Antarctica. (The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets hold the majority of the earth's ice: an amount equivalent to 70 m of sea level). There is also considerable uncertainty in the sign of the change attributed to terrestrial water storage in reservoirs and aquifers
NCDC: Global Climate Change Indicators

Global mean sea level has been rising at an average rate of approximately 1.7 mm/year over the past 100 years (measured from tide gauge observations), which is significantly larger than the rate averaged over the last several thousand years. Since 1993, global sea level has risen at an accelerating rate of around 3.5 mm/year. Much of the sea level rise to date is a result of increasing heat of the ocean causing it to expand. It is expected that melting land ice (e.g. from Greenland and mountain glaciers) will play a more significant role in contributing to future sea level rise.
What an incredible dumb ass you are, Liberty, didn't you expect someone to look at the link?
NOAA Magazine Online (Story 101)


NOAA is Helping to Measure and Monitor the Effects of Subsidence, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms
In order to assess the rate of subsidence and measure relative sea level rise in Louisiana, up-to-date geodetic and water level data are needed. Unfortunately, most of this data are more than two decades old and data relationships between tide and geodetic datums are not well known. However, in cooperation with state and local agencies, the NOAA Ocean Service is implementing a two-stage (near-term and long-term) approach to address coastal subsidence issues.

Smart enough to realize the land is sinking and not being overrun by sea level rises from melting glaciers. Unlike you and the poster I originally addressed. Care to know why the land is sinking and disappearing? The US government built levies which restricted the flow of soil to the delta areas. Without the replentishing of the delta, it erodes. Of course, you still don't get the first part, so I don't expect the latter will be understood either.

Now look, my pretty little idiot child. The soil is not eroding to any appreciable degree. It is compacting as more soil is added. Of course, one could look this up for oneself.

Coastal subsidence causes sea-level rise, shoreline erosion and
wetland loss, which poses a threat to coastal populations1. This
is especially evident in the Mississippi Delta in the southern
United States, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in
2005. The loss of protective wetlands is considered a critical
factor in the extensive flood damage. The causes of subsidence
in coastal Louisiana, attributed to factors as diverse as shallow
compaction and deep crustal processes, remain controversial2–11.
Current estimates of subsidence rates vary by several orders
of magnitude3,6. Here, we use a series of radiocarbon-dated
sediment cores from the Mississippi Delta to analyse late
Holocene deposits and assess compaction rates. We find that
millennial-scale compaction rates primarily associated with peat
can reach 5mm per year, values that exceed recent model
predictions5,9. Locally and on timescales of decades to centuries,
rates are likely to be 10mm or more per year. We conclude
that compaction of Holocene strata contributes significantly to
the exceptionally high rates of relative sea-level rise and coastal
wetland loss in the Mississippi Delta, and is likely to cause
subsidence in other organic-rich and often densely populated
coastal plains.

5 mm of subsidence, added to 3.4 mm of sea level rise equals a very rapid change in relative levels of sea and land. While the rate of subsidence is not likely to increase, the rate of sea level rise certainly will.

Gee, a couple of posts ago, I was all wrong about the land sinking (compacting). Now all of a sudden I'm just wrong about erosion as a factor. Oh look, there's erosion listed as a factor! Even your source listed it above.

"Between 1974 and 1990 the land loss rate in the Mississippi River Delta Basin averaged 1,072 acres per year, or 1.69 percent of existing land area (Dunbar, Britsch, and Kemp 1992). Between the mid-1950's and 1974, the estimated land loss rate for the basin was 2,890 acres per year. This loss is the result of compaction, subsidence, hurricanes, tidal erosion, sea level rise, and human activities. The loss has been aggravated by maintenance of navigation channels and construction of canals for mineral exploration."

Mississippi River Delta Basin

Also, note this:

"The entire area is the product of sediment deposition following the latest rise in sea level about 5,000 years ago. " Sounds like a cycle to me. Tell me, was that sea level rise 5,000 years ago good or bad?
Definitely discouraging news. I've actually noticed the lower amount of articles on the subject matter the last year, which is really strange considering the fact that we're not getting any better at reducing the environmental hazards we're producing.
The Conservatives have actually decided to make war on science. They seek to delegitimize it in order to avoid the truth about what is really happening in our world. Facing that truth would mean ceasing some practices which make them billions of dollars. And, even at the cost of billions of lives, they will do anything to avoid losing that money.
The Conservatives have actually decided to make war on science. They seek to delegitimize it in order to avoid the truth about what is really happening in our world. Facing that truth would mean ceasing some practices which make them billions of dollars. And, even at the cost of billions of lives, they will do anything to avoid losing that money.


Yeah, tell us again how real scientists manipulate then destroy data.

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