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Amid crisis in Ukraine, Obama will vacation in Florida

So the neo nazis are rocking in the ukraine. What do we do? We have old john McCaine again fucking up with these dudes again. Shit what the hell is up with him

Stop lying

A highly critical open letter to Vladimir Putin by leaders of Ukraine’s Jewish communities was published on the website of Ukraine’s Vaad yesterday.
The Vaad of Ukraine was established in 1991. Based in Kiev, it is an umbrella group that says it supports “265 Jewish organizations from 94 cities of Ukraine.”
The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine are not being humiliated or discriminated against, their civil rights have not been infringed upon. Meanderings about “forced Ukrainization” and “bans on the Russian language” that have been so common in Russian media are on the heads of those who invented them. Your certainty about the growth of anti-Semitism in Ukraine, which you expressed at your press-conference, also does not correspond to the actual facts. Perhaps you got Ukraine confused with Russia, where Jewish organizations have noticed growth in anti-Semitic tendencies last year.

...and concludes by telling Putin to mind his own business and leave Ukraine in peace:
Vladimir Vladimirovich, we highly value your concern about the safety and rights of Ukrainian national minorities. But we do not wish to be “defended” by sundering Ukraine and annexing its territory. We decisively call for you not to intervene in internal Ukrainian affairs, to return the Russian armed forces to their normal fixed peacetime location, and to stop encouraging pro-Russian separatism.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are quite capable of protecting our rights in a constructive dialogue and in cooperation with the government and civil society of a sovereign, democratic, and united Ukraine. We strongly urge you not to destabilize the situation in our country and to stop your attempts of delegitimizing the new Ukrainian government.
The Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula always belonged to Russia is like saying the USA still belongs to Great Britain, and Great Britain attacking us would be justified.

The attitude "it's not our fight" lets aggression spread. China is watching Russia very closely and learning. Its neighbors are very nervous.

We entered WWII in Europe, technically without a dog in that fight, because of the human rights violations. Hitler had to be stopped.

Putin's might is like a snowball rolling downhill. The longer it goes, the bigger and faster it becomes and it sweeps up everything in it's path.

While we can't police the entire world, we shouldn't let brazen aggression go unchallenged. Putin wants to reconstitute the old USSR empire, and he's off to a great start. He was a ruthless KGB officer. This is just the beginning. As soon as Putin realized he was dealing with an amateur in the White House, who doesn't realize the possible ramifications of statements he makes, he made his move. The best defense is a strong offense, and Obama's obvious weaknesses and unsophistication on the world stage has bolstered every aggressive regime to flex their muscles. Obama has made us weak and the world a much more dangerous place.
So the neo nazis are rocking in the ukraine. What do we do? We have old john McCaine again fucking up with these dudes again. Shit what the hell is up with him

Speaking of Nazis, I hear the fascist CPAC convention is over. How did it go? Was there enough red meat for the carnivorous conservative faithful?
I think all these so called left wingers supporting Lenin and Marx must be goofing on us. No one could be that dumb and be serious. Some people just like to stir up the pot. Ooh, I said their favorite word...pot.
The Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula always belonged to Russia is like saying the USA still belongs to Great Britain, and Great Britain attacking us would be justified.

The attitude "it's not our fight" lets aggression spread. China is watching Russia very closely and learning. Its neighbors are very nervous.

We entered WWII in Europe, technically without a dog in that fight, because of the human rights violations. Hitler had to be stopped.

Putin's might is like a snowball rolling downhill. The longer it goes, the bigger and faster it becomes and it sweeps up everything in it's path.

While we can't police the entire world, we shouldn't let brazen aggression go unchallenged. Putin wants to reconstitute the old USSR empire, and he's off to a great start. He was a ruthless KGB officer. This is just the beginning. As soon as Putin realized he was dealing with an amateur in the White House, who doesn't realize the possible ramifications of statements he makes, he made his move. The best defense is a strong offense, and Obama's obvious weaknesses and unsophistication on the world stage has bolstered every aggressive regime to flex their muscles. Obama has made us weak and the world a much more dangerous place.

What are you talking about. This deal goes back to Nuland.
The United States is not responsible for what is happening in Ukraine. Nice try though.

Nice try ! What the shit does that mean ? Every other month he is on a vacation and I am sure he does very little between vacations ,lay off the Koolaid fool.
Russians and their fellow goons here believe just because Russians have been able to invade and overrun Ukraine going back to the 1700s...that means Putin is justified in violating INTERNATIONAL LAW in 2014 in order to gain favor from his rich scumbag friends, riling up the drunk masses and stealing resources from another country.
Obama vacation....


Bush vacation....


This is hilarious. The fact that it's transparent makes it even more hilarious.

1. Bush has no history of which I'm aware of physical labor. Certainly, he never had to do it for money. So, I doubt he has much, if any, experience when it comes to feeling a sense of satisfaction from completing a strenuous task involving physical labor which some people come to appreciate because they HAVE to do jobs like this themselves simply because they can't afford to pay someone else. Wealthy people, on the other hand, tend to get their physical workouts from sports or going to a gymnasium much like Bush was once a runner and later enjoyed bike riding.

2. Bush's ranch was NOT a working ranch. There were no animals. So, doing work like this wasn't required.

3. The ranch was bought right before the election (so it wasn't a labor of love like Reagan's ranch was with him where I think Reagan actually installed his own fence posts), and I believe it's subseqently been sold. Or at least I heard it had been. So, I don't see where this could be considered any attempt to clear the land for some kind of future use.

4. Who's the guy with the camera. Doesn't it seem odd to you that there would be some guy there with a camera when Bush is just looking to escape the rigors of politics in general, and Washington DC in particular, and just kick back on his ranch to have a little time to be a regular guy?

Or could it be that this was little more than a photo op in order to MAKE look like a regular American doing yard work of some kind?

You see, I don't think Bush EVER does any physical work if he doesn't have to do it for a reason like polishing his image. Do you know what makes me say that? A few years ago, I saw Bush at a photo op for some rebuilding project (like Habitat for Humanity although it may have been something else). He had a hammer in his hand so the photographer could capture him pounding nails. Now, driving nails is something that you have to learn. You can't just pick up a carpenter's hammer or a framing hammer one day and drive nails like a pro. But many if not most men have done some work like that at some point in their lives, even if it was only when they were young like in HS or college. Here's the thing. Once you learn it, you don't forget because it's what's known as muscle memory. You might have to take a few swings to get the feel back, but you won't be going back to square one anymore than you would be if you got on a bicycle for the first time in 20 years. Well, Bush was holding the hammer half way up the handle and was swinging it like a girl trying to put in a nail to hang a picture. He quite obviously never spent any time in his entire life on the working end of a hammer. That tells me that Bush wouldn't EVER clear land of brush, even if it was his own land, if he could pay someone else to do it so he could spend his time on something else he would prefer to do, regardless of whether it was going to a ball game, watching a ball game on TV, or riding his bike.

In other words, Bush was clearing land for one reason. It was so that picture could be taken. And MY guess is that as soon as the picture was taken, if there was nobody else around to see, Bush was back in the ranch to change out of those clothes a couple of minutes after it was confirmed that they had the shots they needed.

Or should I believe that Bush was just out relaxing on vacation clearing his land and some guy just happened to show up with a camera?

One thing you can say at this point is at least Obama never foists phony crap like this on the American people.

Using Bush 43 as an offset is horseshit.
You libs are so desperate. And so screwed.
Yer kidding. Obama is the king of photo opps.
Obama has never served a day as president. He has been campaigning since before he elected.
You people are delusional. It's almost humurous.
You sure do like to make these threads don't you hack.
Are you jealous or something? It's not like he is going to ignore the world in Florida you dipshit.

Taking a golf vacation during a critical international crisis is inappropriate behavior for the POTUS. For ANY POTUS.

what you want him to do? be in his bunker for minute by minute updates? should he fly over and tell them to stop?

Shut up

I want him to be in the Oval Office actually doing his job for a change!

You know, the one all of our tax dollars pay him to do? I realize I am making a huge assumption that as a liberal you pay taxes, but I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt!;)
That's right all these people I see aren't starving or poor or homeless! They are all lying. That guy with his child at the intersection I just gave 50$ to wasn't poor or homeless or need help he was just begging for help because he could.Keep that attitude republicans...it lets the entire country realize where you stand and for who.

Obama went to check for poverty at the Ocean Reef Club.....:eusa_whistle:
Obama has been a failure in helping the poor. He can and should do SO much more...

That's right all these people I see aren't starving or poor or homeless! They are all lying. That guy with his child at the intersection I just gave 50$ to wasn't poor or homeless or need help he was just begging for help because he could.Keep that attitude republicans...it lets the entire country realize where you stand and for who.

Your point?
Look, you helped the guy out. What more do you want?
The only reason I had money to help him is because I got my taxes back...I shouldn't need to help him because the government should insure EVERY man,woman,child has clothes on their back,roof over their heads and food in their bellies.

Keep dreaming.

The gentleman with the child is already eligible for enough government assistance to GET UP AND GET A JOB!

You should have used that $50 for gas to drive him around to get a job. You did him an enormous disservice.

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, he will feed himself forever."

I believe in ACTUALLY helping people. Not keeping them dependent on government assistance to get them to vote democrat. The difference is, I am a Conservative.;) ;)
Yeah I got taxes back. And yes it IS the government's job to make sure all of things are taken care of. Not going to argue with you about it. That's my view and that's were FORTUNATELY we are headed.

Keep drinking your Kool Aid.

Your "president" has 8 months left with his Senate, and only 2 years in office after that.

Then your dream of the bullshit socialist society are done my friend.

But, look at the bright side, you can always go to North Korea. If you did get a tax return, I'm already helping you to pay for the ticket.:D
I want to get elected President so I can go on vacation whenever I want, wherever I want on the taxpayers dime. I doubt I could do worse than Obama, or Bush. Who's with me? First 10 people to vote for me gets to come with my on my first vacation. :D
Obama went to check for poverty at the Ocean Reef Club.....:eusa_whistle:
Obama has been a failure in helping the poor. He can and should do SO much more...

Your point?
Look, you helped the guy out. What more do you want?
The only reason I had money to help him is because I got my taxes back...I shouldn't need to help him because the government should insure EVERY man,woman,child has clothes on their back,roof over their heads and food in their bellies.

Keep dreaming.

The gentleman with the child is already eligible for enough government assistance to GET UP AND GET A JOB!

You should have used that $50 for gas to drive him around to get a job. You did him an enormous disservice.

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, he will feed himself forever."

I believe in ACTUALLY helping people. Not keeping them dependent on government assistance to get them to vote democrat. The difference is, I am a Conservative.;) ;)

Doesn't apply when you have to buy a license to fish, and can only fish at certain times of the year.
Good grief I come in here to have some fun but I think some of you are really serious with your Bush hatred and now the eeeeeeeeeevil ruskies crap. Shit I hope you're joking.

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