An astonishing rate of Corruption: Trump’s 3,000 conflicts of interest.

“Effects”....maybe....determines...definitely not.
Don’t move goalposts’ve been’s too late bud.

I never said determined. The issue is that people claim Trump is losing money being POTUS, but there is no evidence that is true

your spinning has caused you to loose focus,,,

not in the least. I am sorry you lack the basic intelligence to keep up with the discussion

maybe I could keep up if you would stop moving the goal post

I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party

It is an opportunity cost argument. Do you need me to explain it to you?
Family members Lobby and foreign aid pilfered into foreign bank accounts.
Not to mention Insider Trading which is legal for members of Congress.

Insider trading is not legal for members of Congress and recently one Republican Rep. Chris Collins recently plead guilty of it when he told his family to sell stock when he found out info due to his position in Congress.

So, shut up.
When you pass legislation you can invest; you can not reveal the legislation to a non-member of Congress.

It's illegal.
60 Minutes had a story on it about 2 years ago and Congress has yet to make it illegal.
Yeah, and they pay taxes on dividends and capital gains which is reported as income. Trump also has a business and that business allegedly pays taxes too.
Far lower tax rate than ordinary income.
It’s good to be wealthy.

Which has nothing to do with this topic.

Stop doing drugs.
It has lots to do with it; Congress will never raise the tax that they pay, but their constituents always pay the higher tax.
That is corruption.

Not even the topic of this thread. If you want to raise the taxes on capital gains then that's great. Right now we're talking about the relevance of Trump's tax returns and what it would show.

Sure it's on topic.

Thread drift and all.

Trump's tax returns are not the OP but I doubt few will tell you it's off topic.

Thread drift and all.

I'm refering to what Trump's taxes show in relation to where his income comes from. Not his tax rate on capital gains, that's another discussion.
That's a long winded way of saying, yes. It's illegal. Thank you.

It's a long-winded way of saying, "Yes, it is illegal, and both parties do it.

And you're welcome...for the history lesson as well.

Nope, I think most in Congress don't do it. There is no evidence insider trading is in Congress is common.
It used to be allowed. Nancy Pelosi made millions that way. There was even a 60 minute piece on it if you want to see the ugly details.

Oh, were trusting CBS now?

The guy who wrote the piece was a right wing hack from the Hoover Institution. In Pelosi's case she and her husband bought stock after a bill came out of committee, in other words it was public information. So, not insider trading. Sorry.

You don't trust 60 Minutes? Since when? To me they are pretty good and have been for years.

I didn't say I don't trust 60 Minutes, I looked into it and I see issues with the story and posted a link.
I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party
We have seen 4 years of failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses....

Why yes we have, from both sides.

You yourself have probably started 5000 threads in that time period based upon nothing but failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses.

amazing how alike the two sides are.
It's a long-winded way of saying, "Yes, it is illegal, and both parties do it.

And you're welcome...for the history lesson as well.

Nope, I think most in Congress don't do it. There is no evidence insider trading is in Congress is common.
It used to be allowed. Nancy Pelosi made millions that way. There was even a 60 minute piece on it if you want to see the ugly details.

Oh, were trusting CBS now?

The guy who wrote the piece was a right wing hack from the Hoover Institution. In Pelosi's case she and her husband bought stock after a bill came out of committee, in other words it was public information. So, not insider trading. Sorry.

You don't trust 60 Minutes? Since when? To me they are pretty good and have been for years.

I didn't say I don't trust 60 Minutes, I looked into it and I see issues with the story and posted a link.

So you did not write this? My bad.

Oh, were trusting CBS now?
Family members Lobby and foreign aid pilfered into foreign bank accounts.
Not to mention Insider Trading which is legal for members of Congress.

Insider trading is not legal for members of Congress and recently one Republican Rep. Chris Collins recently plead guilty of it when he told his family to sell stock when he found out info due to his position in Congress.

So, shut up.
When you pass legislation you can invest; you can not reveal the legislation to a non-member of Congress.

It's illegal.
60 Minutes had a story on it about 2 years ago and Congress has yet to make it illegal.
Yeah, and they pay taxes on dividends and capital gains which is reported as income. Trump also has a business and that business allegedly pays taxes too.
Far lower tax rate than ordinary income.
It’s good to be wealthy.

Which has nothing to do with this topic.

Stop doing drugs.
It has lots to do with it; Congress will never raise the tax that they pay, but their constituents always pay the higher tax.
That is corruption.

Not even the topic of this thread. If you want to raise the taxes on capital gains then that's great. Right now we're talking about the relevance of Trump's tax returns and what it would show.

Sure it's on topic.

Thread drift and all.

Trump's tax returns are not the OP but I doubt few will tell you it's off topic.

Thread drift and all.
How can a man connected to over 1,000 business possibly have a conflict of interest?!
I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party
We have seen 4 years of failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses....

Why yes we have, from both sides.

You yourself have probably started 5000 threads in that time period based upon nothing but failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses.

amazing how alike the two sides are.

Democrats lost all cred. with the Kavanaugh witch hunt. Surely even the "unbiased" Golfing Gator sees that.
I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party
We have seen 4 years of failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses....

Why yes we have, from both sides.

You yourself have probably started 5000 threads in that time period based upon nothing but failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses.

amazing how alike the two sides are.

Let's remember that one side was denied witnesses...well, can't even say that as there were witnesses and whistle blowers to plenty of Trump wrong doing.
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.

The OP is nothing but crying and screeching. There is nothing to address except the lack of your TDS medicine.

It's possible the organization that the OP is highlighting might do some good.

We should never be lulled into believing that the person that holds the highest office in the land is not just a man.

A cult of personality is a dangerous thing for a democracy, and our first president, George Washington, warned us against being lulled into such a false sense of security. I believe the biggest danger, is not Trump himself, but the cadre of corruption of hangers on, that believe they can enrich themselves by being associated with the office.

. . . and, in this capacity, having a partisan watchdog on the other side. . . yes, that can be useful. After all, why do you think Trump is continually firing sycophants? :dunno:

CREW is just the liberal version of Judicial Watch.

Anything they say? Doesn't matter, and you can take with a grain of salt. BUT, beware, they do battle in court, the same as Judicial Watch. And it matters, they deal with facts, the same as Judicial Watch, so we should all pay attention.

None of these politicians, no matter what side they claim to represent, is perfect. They all desire money and power more than anything else.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington - Wikipedia

Judicial Watch - Wikipedia
Nope, I think most in Congress don't do it. There is no evidence insider trading is in Congress is common.
It used to be allowed. Nancy Pelosi made millions that way. There was even a 60 minute piece on it if you want to see the ugly details.

Oh, were trusting CBS now?

The guy who wrote the piece was a right wing hack from the Hoover Institution. In Pelosi's case she and her husband bought stock after a bill came out of committee, in other words it was public information. So, not insider trading. Sorry.

You don't trust 60 Minutes? Since when? To me they are pretty good and have been for years.

I didn't say I don't trust 60 Minutes, I looked into it and I see issues with the story and posted a link.

So you did not write this? My bad.

Oh, were trusting CBS now?

I'm referring to you. There is a typo as I omitted an apostrophe though.
I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party
We have seen 4 years of failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses....

Why yes we have, from both sides.

You yourself have probably started 5000 threads in that time period based upon nothing but failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses.

amazing how alike the two sides are.

Democrats lost all cred. with the Kavanaugh witch hunt. Surely even the "unbiased" Golfing Gator sees that.

Neither side has any cred and has not for years.

one day you will figure that out
I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party
We have seen 4 years of failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses....

Why yes we have, from both sides.

You yourself have probably started 5000 threads in that time period based upon nothing but failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses.

amazing how alike the two sides are.


I have not moved a thing, my point the whole discussion is that these people that parrot the story that Trump is losing money have noting to base that on but what they are spoon fed by the party
We have seen 4 years of failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses....

Why yes we have, from both sides.

You yourself have probably started 5000 threads in that time period based upon nothing but failed accusations based on zero evidence and zero witnesses.

amazing how alike the two sides are.



come on dude, do not be are the king of the "we got them now" threads. when I get to my other computer I will be glad to offer a few examples I have saved for when I need a good laugh
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Given how corrupt Trump is, it's really not that astonishing.
Again, let the voters decide in November if Trump is as terrible and corrupt as this thread implies then the Democrats will have an easy victory in November. Problem solved.


Let's see his taxes like any other normal presidential candidate. An educated electorate is a wiser electorate.

some body should make a law,,,

NO laws will happen until Moscow Mitch McTurtle is sent to the lettuce patch. He's sitting on some 400 of them now and is interested only in confirming judges and naming post offices. If the butthole is able to hold onto power and D's take the White House, he'll hold up judicial nominees including SCOTUS for four years.

Happy news is that Marine Fighter Pilot Amy McGrath has a pretty sweet war chest and is within just a few points in the polling. Turtle Boy's approval in KY is in the mid-30's. They know he's scum.

Democrat Amy McGrath enters 2020 with $9 million war chest in Senate race against Mitch McConnell

Again, let the voters decide in November if Trump is as terrible and corrupt as this thread implies then the Democrats will have an easy victory in November. Problem solved.


Let's see his taxes like any other normal presidential candidate. An educated electorate is a wiser electorate.

some body should make a law,,,

NO laws will happen until Moscow Mitch McTurtle is sent to the lettuce patch. He's sitting on some 400 of them now and is interested only in confirming judges and naming post offices. If the butthole is able to hold onto power and D's take the White House, he'll hold up judicial nominees including SCOTUS for four years.

Happy news is that Marine Fighter Pilot Amy McGrath has a pretty sweet war chest and is within just a few points in the polling. Turtle Boy's approval in KY is in the mid-30's. They know he's scum.

Democrat Amy McGrath enters 2020 with $9 million war chest in Senate race against Mitch McConnell


"somebody should make a law" is an excuse to be lazy and not hold a politician's feet the fire. It's giving up and phoning in democracy,
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.

No one cares what a bunch of Clinton hacks think. These people support the most corrupt bitch there ever was in politics.

CREW Exposed | Who’s Who at CREW
And Johnlaw wonders why nobody here takes him seriously.
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.

No one cares what a bunch of Clinton hacks think. These people support the most corrupt bitch there ever was in politics.

CREW Exposed | Who’s Who at CREW
And Johnlaw wonders why nobody here takes him seriously.

Obviously you don't take him seriously. John is a VERY solid poster, you just don't care for what he says, so your strategery is to troll him while providing nothing substantive in the way of a response.

I don't take YOU seriously, and neither should anyone else. ;)
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.

Because the OP is fucking stupid. I see they didn't tell ya when a foreign official stays at a Trump property, the property writes a check to the treasury for any profit realized from that stay. That just proves how dishonest CREW is and they're nothing but hacks.

Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.

No one cares what a bunch of Clinton hacks think. These people support the most corrupt bitch there ever was in politics.

CREW Exposed | Who’s Who at CREW
And Johnlaw wonders why nobody here takes him seriously.

Obviously you don't take him seriously. John is a VERY solid poster, you just don't care for what he says, so your strategery is to troll him while providing nothing substantive in the way of a response.

I don't take YOU seriously, and neither should anyone else. ;)

Ditto, everything you said.

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