An Autopsy for the Keyenesians

If you're getting "paid off" then you are acting selfishly. What is this "balance" you mention between?

I don't rationalize. People who claim they are acting altruistically are the ones doing the rationalizing.

I care about the people I care about. However, I don't give a fuck about a lot of people like you whom I consider to be harmful to my welfare.
You don't care about anything or anyone who you don't think can do you any good. You think like an infant. That's common here.

hmmm, no, that's how a mature adult thinks. Why should I care about people who are totally irrelevant to my life?
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.

I think you mean philosophers, and no they didn't. They sure tried hard, because the ruling class wants to feel justified in expropriating your income and property, but they failed utterly. See, if acting on your own self interest is perfectly moral and respectable, then how does a king justify taking your stuff so he can live in oriental luxury and fund armies to expand his empire?
hmmm, no, that's how a mature adult thinks. Why should I care about people who are totally irrelevant to my life?
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.

What's immoral about it?
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.

What's immoral about it?
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.
You don't care about anything or anyone who you don't think can do you any good. You think like an infant. That's common here.

hmmm, no, that's how a mature adult thinks. Why should I care about people who are totally irrelevant to my life?
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.

I think you mean philosophers, and no they didn't. They sure tried hard, because the ruling class wants to feel justified in expropriating your income and property, but they failed utterly. See, if acting on your own self interest is perfectly moral and respectable, then how does a king justify taking your stuff so he can live in oriental luxury and fund armies to expand his empire?
I mean what I said, and where do you get this nonsense from?
BTW, who are those on the streets, Pan handlers? If that is your reference, you do them no good subsidizing their needs, that is a pure misconception. Are you of the belief that there do not have to be poor people? If you do, ask those from the slovakian nations how all that worked out. Regulation is nothing but a way to force balance, and forcing balance is a form of socialism. It is not capitalizm IMO
The poor will always be with us, capitalism guarantees that, and handing a buck to a guy on the street who needs a drink very worthy. He needs it more than you do.
but it's for your gratification, not his/ her.
No, it's for his beer but I get a karma point out of it. When I really need a change in karma, I had him a fiver and make his day.
No you do it to brag you do it, just like here today!!! You are the one, the man. Has nothing to do with the other person at all.
I don't brag, you asked so I told you. And you have also taken the "payoff" rationalization too far, far too far.

Here, I'll help. When I jerk off, that's for me. When the wife and I get off, that's for both of us. When I help her get off, and I'm bored, that's for her. In the end it's a feedback loop so it pays off for me to be generous but that doesn't mean I'm not being generous at the time even though that's what keeps the game going. Just because you get your genes forward doesn't mean you aren't doing exactly what you'd rather not be doing by staying up all night with a sick child. It's an act of love and it's not selfish even if that child is the light of your life. At that time a selfish person would say clean up your own vomit and no decent parent ever does. That's because they have morals, they aren't just out for number one like dumbass.

You just proved, not only that self interest is moral, but that you engage in it continually. If your child is the light of your life, then you're going to be feeling quite unhappy when your child dies or goes to the hospital for a lengthy stay because you ignored his complaints.

Taking care of your child is purely selfish. Making your wife happy is also selfish. You've heard the saying: "happy wife. Happy life."
You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.

What's immoral about it?
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.

Name one thing.
hmmm, no, that's how a mature adult thinks. Why should I care about people who are totally irrelevant to my life?
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.

I think you mean philosophers, and no they didn't. They sure tried hard, because the ruling class wants to feel justified in expropriating your income and property, but they failed utterly. See, if acting on your own self interest is perfectly moral and respectable, then how does a king justify taking your stuff so he can live in oriental luxury and fund armies to expand his empire?
I mean what I said, and where do you get this nonsense from?

I get it from reading a lot of books about philosophy. Do you know the name of the school of philosophy that says self interest is good?
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.

What's immoral about it?
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.

Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.

I think you mean philosophers, and no they didn't. They sure tried hard, because the ruling class wants to feel justified in expropriating your income and property, but they failed utterly. See, if acting on your own self interest is perfectly moral and respectable, then how does a king justify taking your stuff so he can live in oriental luxury and fund armies to expand his empire?
I mean what I said, and where do you get this nonsense from?

I get it from reading a lot of books about philosophy. Do you know the name of the school of philosophy that says self interest is good?
Egoism, or in your case infantilism.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.

What's immoral about it?
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.

Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.

I think you mean philosophers, and no they didn't. They sure tried hard, because the ruling class wants to feel justified in expropriating your income and property, but they failed utterly. See, if acting on your own self interest is perfectly moral and respectable, then how does a king justify taking your stuff so he can live in oriental luxury and fund armies to expand his empire?
I mean what I said, and where do you get this nonsense from?

I get it from reading a lot of books about philosophy. Do you know the name of the school of philosophy that says self interest is good?
Egoism, or in your case infantilism.

No, Egoism was Ayn Rand's take on it, but it is nothing new. It's called Epicureanism. It was first enunciated in 300 BC.
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.

What's immoral about it?
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.

Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.
What's immoral about it?
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.

Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.

You only provided some pejorative terms for perfectly moral mature behavior. It couldn't be obvious that you can't explain why being selfish is bad.
Pretty much everything. But as I said, you'd have to be moral to understand, so you never will.

Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.

You only provided some pejorative terms for perfectly moral mature behavior. It couldn't be obvious that you can't explain why being selfish is bad.
You don't base a society on being out for number one but then again, you don't believe in society or anything else that matters. What you believe in is you, and that's all. The same as any infant.
hmmm, no, that's how a mature adult thinks. Why should I care about people who are totally irrelevant to my life?
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.
how is selfishness immoral? Explain.
Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.

You only provided some pejorative terms for perfectly moral mature behavior. It couldn't be obvious that you can't explain why being selfish is bad.
You don't base a society on being out for number one but then again, you don't believe in society or anything else that matters. What you believe in is you, and that's all. The same as any infant.
so, when someone receiving freebies from the government won't get off their butts to find a job, isn't that selfish? Again, there isn't one human being that isn't selfish. All of your posts on this thread are based off of selfishness. And if selfish is not moral, then how do we have a moral society? Why don't you just cut to the chase and simply state you hate bipar? Not that we all haven't figured that out with all of your selfish posts.
Case in point, the thinking of an infant. Nothing matters beyond what does you some good, nothing at all.

You have failed to explain your theory that being selfish is immature.
Moralists did that a few thousand years ago, you simply aren't moral so you reject their teachings.
you can't have a society without morality. there have to be laws, and there have to be leaders. there doesn't need to be government.

There are CEOs but they are in control by the authority of the stockholders to a company as a leader is to the flock
You are playing semantics and dumbass has no clue what that even is. Being selfish is human, but it ain't moral.
how is selfishness immoral? Explain.
It's been done time and again. Look it up, the education will do you good.

But you can see the problem in a simple question: A toddler, right next to you, and unrelated to you by blood, runs into the road and is about to be hit by a car. What is the moral thing to do, pull them back and swat their bottom or stand there and see what happens?
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.

You only provided some pejorative terms for perfectly moral mature behavior. It couldn't be obvious that you can't explain why being selfish is bad.
You don't base a society on being out for number one but then again, you don't believe in society or anything else that matters. What you believe in is you, and that's all. The same as any infant.
so, when someone receiving freebies from the government won't get off their butts to find a job, isn't that selfish? Again, there isn't one human being that isn't selfish. All of your posts on this thread are based off of selfishness. And if selfish is not moral, then how do we have a moral society? Why don't you just cut to the chase and simply state you hate bipar? Not that we all haven't figured that out with all of your selfish posts.
I hate humans and human stupidity. They don't get much dumber than he is. He is an infant and you aren't far behind.
Name one thing.
Greed, lust, and gluttony, for starters.

Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.

You only provided some pejorative terms for perfectly moral mature behavior. It couldn't be obvious that you can't explain why being selfish is bad.
You don't base a society on being out for number one but then again, you don't believe in society or anything else that matters. What you believe in is you, and that's all. The same as any infant.
then how did Obama become President if he wasn't out for #1?
Gluttony is self destructive, so it's obviously not acting selfishly. "Greed" and "lust" are just pejorative terms for "success" and "love." When we disapprove of someone's success we call it "greed."

So far you have failed to provide an example of how self-interest is immoral.
Dumbass, I already did provide them. As usual, you rationalize them away. It's what you're good at. Greed is not success, and lust is not love.

You only provided some pejorative terms for perfectly moral mature behavior. It couldn't be obvious that you can't explain why being selfish is bad.
You don't base a society on being out for number one but then again, you don't believe in society or anything else that matters. What you believe in is you, and that's all. The same as any infant.
so, when someone receiving freebies from the government won't get off their butts to find a job, isn't that selfish? Again, there isn't one human being that isn't selfish. All of your posts on this thread are based off of selfishness. And if selfish is not moral, then how do we have a moral society? Why don't you just cut to the chase and simply state you hate bipar? Not that we all haven't figured that out with all of your selfish posts.
I hate humans and human stupidity. They don't get much dumber than he is. He is an infant and you aren't far behind.
That's was predictable, it more demonstrates your selfishness than anything. You have proclaimed yourself as something you are not! But hey, it's just a message board, and you seem to take things personally on here.

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