An Insult to the Audience

Hey, maybe Trump acted like an eight year old on crack because Biden had a thing in his ear!
Hey, maybe Trump acted like an eight year old on crack because Biden had a thing in his ear!

Earwig or no earwig, Biden still did not conduct himself any better.
Like you said in another thread yesterday, we are in a decline. So don't all of a sudden start blaming Trump for last night's debacle.
It took 3!
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Yet here you are stating that you'll still vote for Trump. So the debate performance didn't affect your decision. It was already made.
That's the case with most voters. Unfortunately, for Trump, given his narrow victory in 2016 and his current standing in the polls, he needed
to come off as at least a little Presidential to sway maybe some independents who are still on the fence in battleground states.
He failed miserably.
Please post that you believe Trump will lose even one Red State.
Yea, it was a shit show. But what about the ratings?

It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

On the contrary....

I see a great many on twitter that are saying something like, "Before, I was just voting against Trump. Now I'm voting for Biden."
It is the quadrennial time again where "we" ask ourselves: "Is this the best we can get?" Good Lord.

To be kind, I compare what I saw last night to an analogous situation in life. Imagine a college upper classman who is told about a Final Test a month or so off. There are certain to be two or three very troublesome questions on the test, and AS A MINIMUM, s/he will prepare excellent answers for those questions. S/he may be surprised by other questions, or maybe not provide the best answers on them, but as for the known troublesome questions, a satisfactory - if not exemplary - answer will be prepared in advance.

That is the LEAST one would expect from a college upperclassman.

So now we have the first (and possibly only) Presidential "debate."

Donald Trump KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Where [the fuck] is your healthcare plan to replace Obamacare - that you have been promising for almost four years?
  • Can you defend your early handling of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • How do you justify predicting a quick vaccine when CDC officials publicly state otherwise?
  • Provide your reaction to the NYT story on your taxes, OTHER THAN saying that it is "fake news."
Joe Biden KNOWS that he will be asked,
  • Explain the exorbitant amounts of money that your son was paid for (a) little work, and (b) no relevant expertise,
  • Give details on why you keep claiming that YOU would have handled the Pandemic better than President Trump,
  • What, exactly, will you do to fulfill your promise of "allowing the kids to go back to school safely"? And "wear masks and use PPE" will not cut it.
  • Please justify your claims of grandiose prosperity if you are elected? Where will the money come from for the millions of new jobs?
NEITHER CANDIDATE provided even grade school-level responses to these questions, despite many hours of preparation. It was as though they were blindsided with questions that they could not have reasonably expected.

The "debate" was a fiasco for many other reasons, and the only good thing that came out of it was that most viewers surely changed the channel after watching a few minutes of it, figuring they could just read the summaries and commentaries in the paper today.

Methinks that the supporters of both candidates are less energized today than they were yesterday.

Nevertheless, as it was last time, I will still vote - early and often - for President Trump. The alternative is simply too awful to contemplate.

Donald Trump was asked to denounce white supremacists last night. Instead he embraced them.

And you believe the alternative is worse? Wow. How small you've become....or remained.
In 2016, out of all the primary candidates, conservatives picked the guy who was talking about his dick size in a nationally televised debate.

NOW you have a problem with how he conducts himself in a debate.


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