"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

Wrong - The topic is Anchor Babies - you are the only one bringing Homosexuality into the conversation - .

Oh really? This is YOUR post I responded to:

"Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Framing is a psychological theory which suggests that people will have a different reaction to an idea when it is given a positive spin than they would if it was given a negative spin.

Advertising professionals, public relations people and propagandists must possess a clear and concise knowledge and understanding of this concept to successfully spin their spiel. The implications of framing is that our decisions and opinions are based more on our predetermined attitudes rather than factual evidence. In communication, and advertising and propaganda campaigns framing defines how the media will shape mass opinion.

Gay Brainwashing Techniques"

I enlarged the last line to help you out. Fuckwit.
Carbineer - I am not against gays at all. I think you are fine.

Only a bigot thinks they can insult me with something like that.
That wasn't meant to be an insult! And I know gays that are just plain delightful. You just seem invested in that topic. And that is fine. I'm more invested in Hillary.

You need to learn to read, for example, read the HUGE type in the post I responded to.

Try staying in context - the subject matter replied to was not relevant to Gays at all - it was related to left wings tactics of mental manipulation - in particular JAMMING and FRAMING.

You in your warped little mind - knowing full well that you'd been bested, made a lame attempt of seizing upon the Gay aspect of the article in question - irrelevant and totally out of context - you proved my point in your meager and transparent attempt at Jamming.

I reiterate - Do you have latent Homosexual tendencies ?
Oh really? This is YOUR post I responded to:

"Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Framing is a psychological theory which suggests that people will have a different reaction to an idea when it is given a positive spin than they would if it was given a negative spin.

Advertising professionals, public relations people and propagandists must possess a clear and concise knowledge and understanding of this concept to successfully spin their spiel. The implications of framing is that our decisions and opinions are based more on our predetermined attitudes rather than factual evidence. In communication, and advertising and propaganda campaigns framing defines how the media will shape mass opinion.

Gay Brainwashing Techniques"

I enlarged the last line to help you out. Fuckwit.
Carbineer - I am not against gays at all. I think you are fine.

Only a bigot thinks they can insult me with something like that.
That wasn't meant to be an insult! And I know gays that are just plain delightful. You just seem invested in that topic. And that is fine. I'm more invested in Hillary.

You need to learn to read, for example, read the HUGE type in the post I responded to.

Try staying in context - the subject matter replied to was not relevant to Gays at all - it was related to left wings tactics of mental manipulation - in particular JAMMING and FRAMING.

You in your warped little mind - knowing full well that you'd been bested, made a lame attempt of seizing upon the Gay aspect of the article in question - irrelevant and totally out of context - you proved my point in your meager and transparent attempt at Jamming.

I reiterate - Do you have latent Homosexual tendencies ?
But it's alright. Gays are good people.
Based on that comment, I don't believe you are a teacher.
Based on your comment, I don't believe you are a teacher, either.

Give up the charade. No teacher of any experience seriously proposes: "Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language."

You overplayed your 'character.'
Most teachers 99% would feel the same way. think it through.
No they don't.

Students who speak 145 languages pose diverse challenge for Palm

That's awesome. That's the kind of thing that made America great and continues to do so.

We have immigrants......who are reproducing at higher rates than the rest of the population.....to THANK for ensuring that this country will maintain a healthy supply of young adults to move into the workforce as us baby boomers retire. Due to this factor, we will have an advantage over some of our worldwide competition.

The immigration "crisis" is no crisis at all.

Yes, of course not :cuckoo:

Based on that comment, I don't believe you are a teacher.
Based on your comment, I don't believe you are a teacher, either.

Give up the charade. No teacher of any experience seriously proposes: "Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language."

You overplayed your 'character.'
Most teachers 99% would feel the same way. think it through.
No they don't.

Students who speak 145 languages pose diverse challenge for Palm

That's awesome. That's the kind of thing that made America great and continues to do so.

We have immigrants......who are reproducing at higher rates than the rest of the population.....to THANK for ensuring that this country will maintain a healthy supply of young adults to move into the workforce as us baby boomers retire. Due to this factor, we will have an advantage over some of our worldwide competition.

The immigration "crisis" is no crisis at all.
Right? We should be paying people to birth Americans.
Based on that comment, I don't believe you are a teacher.
Based on your comment, I don't believe you are a teacher, either.

Give up the charade. No teacher of any experience seriously proposes: "Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language."

You overplayed your 'character.'
Most teachers 99% would feel the same way. think it through.
No they don't.

Students who speak 145 languages pose diverse challenge for Palm
I'm talking early elementary. Inner City. I've only had about a dozen 1st graders that could speak 145 languages. LOL!
Methinks you are full of shit. But keep pretending teachers don't want to teach.
Oh really? This is YOUR post I responded to:

"Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Framing is a psychological theory which suggests that people will have a different reaction to an idea when it is given a positive spin than they would if it was given a negative spin.

Advertising professionals, public relations people and propagandists must possess a clear and concise knowledge and understanding of this concept to successfully spin their spiel. The implications of framing is that our decisions and opinions are based more on our predetermined attitudes rather than factual evidence. In communication, and advertising and propaganda campaigns framing defines how the media will shape mass opinion.

Gay Brainwashing Techniques"

I enlarged the last line to help you out. Fuckwit.
Carbineer - I am not against gays at all. I think you are fine.

Only a bigot thinks they can insult me with something like that.
That wasn't meant to be an insult! And I know gays that are just plain delightful. You just seem invested in that topic. And that is fine. I'm more invested in Hillary.

You need to learn to read, for example, read the HUGE type in the post I responded to.

Try staying in context - the subject matter replied to was not relevant to Gays at all - it was related to left wings tactics of mental manipulation - in particular JAMMING and FRAMING.

You in your warped little mind - knowing full well that you'd been bested, made a lame attempt of seizing upon the Gay aspect of the article in question - irrelevant and totally out of context - you proved my point in your meager and transparent attempt at Jamming.

I reiterate - Do you have latent Homosexual tendencies ?

1. Stop hitting on me

2. You brought up gays quit pretending you didn't

3. Accusing someone of being a bigot is perfectly acceptable. If you get accused of being a bigot, prove the accuser wrong,

instead of crying about it.
Notice how they the left turns the topic off from one "victim" to another? now they are onto how those poor Homosexuals can't possible handle any kind of criticism just like how people now can't handle being referred to as an Anchor baby.

my gawd, we have WAY more problems in this country than worrying over this STUPID SHIT
Just more divisiveness. The kids are American no matter how much the right tries to demonize Them.

No they aren't... the law specially states that they are not.

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
But we all know the intent to the law was for lawful citizens... not those who feel they're special so therefore thumb their noses at our immigration process. Again, that's because they have been made to feel special.

Above the law


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