"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

No one has a'splained how a Mexican baby citizen bankrupts our economy while a white baby citizen doesn't.
If you can't figure out the strain it puts on our social system and the money that entails you don't belong in this conversation.

Sounds like a good argument in support of a path to citizenship.


If the problem with immigration is the strain it puts on our social system then maybe we ought to think about finding a legal status that allows people to do for themselves without fear. It's pretty easy.
Changing your legal status will make them magically wealthy so the monetary strain disappears?
The term "Anchor Baby" is not offensive. What is offensive, is the way illegal aliens are using their babies to take advantage of a loophole in American law to stay in the US and collect government benefits.
The 14th Amendment is a loophole?

Trump was right, the 14th Amendment isn't a loophole that allows foreigners to drop their crotchfruit all over the country. Article 1 section 8 of the U.S Constitution says that only Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, not the president.

What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".

born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.

You sound like a Trump supporter.
The term "Anchor Baby" is not offensive. What is offensive, is the way illegal aliens are using their babies to take advantage of a loophole in American law to stay in the US and collect government benefits.
The 14th Amendment is a loophole?

Trump was right, the 14th Amendment isn't a loophole that allows foreigners to drop their crotchfruit all over the country. Article 1 section 8 of the U.S Constitution says that only Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, not the president.

What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".

born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.

You sound like a Trump supporter.

If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal
The 14th Amendment is a loophole?

Trump was right, the 14th Amendment isn't a loophole that allows foreigners to drop their crotchfruit all over the country. Article 1 section 8 of the U.S Constitution says that only Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, not the president.

What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".

born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.

You sound like a Trump supporter.

If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal

No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.
Trump was right, the 14th Amendment isn't a loophole that allows foreigners to drop their crotchfruit all over the country. Article 1 section 8 of the U.S Constitution says that only Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, not the president.

What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".

born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.

You sound like a Trump supporter.

If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal

No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.

really leftard? then why are the racists and bigots on your side of the political aisle?

1. obama's Pastor of 20 years calls Italians "garlic noses" and says he cant talk to obama any longer because there are "too many Jews around him"
2. former Dem Presidential candidate calls New York City "HYMIETOWN" because of all the Jews there
Trump was right, the 14th Amendment isn't a loophole that allows foreigners to drop their crotchfruit all over the country. Article 1 section 8 of the U.S Constitution says that only Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, not the president.

What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".

born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.

You sound like a Trump supporter.

If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal

No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.

So a desire to protect the integrity of the country is being a bigot?
Im betting I can show less bigotry toward LEGAL hispanics than you can.
Unless you are a legal Hispanic, then you would most likely win that one, however most legal hispanics I know are also against the flood of illegals.
Here is the problem, take Maryland for instance, with the number of hispanics that are illegally in the country residing in the state, they are greater in number than the legal Hispanic citizens. The problem it that if you see a Hispanic in public, your best chance at a correct guess is to guess illegal. This hurts the legal Hispanic communtiy and they know it.
What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".
born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.
You sound like a Trump supporter.
If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal
No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.

really leftard? then why are the racists and bigots on your side of the political aisle?

1. obama's Pastor of 20 years calls Italians "garlic noses" and says he cant talk to obama any longer because there are "too many Jews around him"
2. former Dem Presidential candidate calls New York City "HYMIETOWN" because of all the Jews there
Racist can be fount everywhere, sometimes where you may least expect. Finding arbitrary examples of racism does not make an entire group, party or movement racist. The Republican party is not racist, but it has allowed a large faction of these undesirables into their ranks. Trump is attracting them. He has not chosen to reject them and alienate himself from them. In fact, many are interpreting his own statements as being racist. You read the post I was responding to and explain to me why calling an illegal immigrant a "whore" and her child and "evil spawn" and explain why that isn't racist.
born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.
You sound like a Trump supporter.
If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal
No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.

really leftard? then why are the racists and bigots on your side of the political aisle?

1. obama's Pastor of 20 years calls Italians "garlic noses" and says he cant talk to obama any longer because there are "too many Jews around him"
2. former Dem Presidential candidate calls New York City "HYMIETOWN" because of all the Jews there
Racist can be fount everywhere, sometimes where you may least expect. Finding arbitrary examples of racism does not make an entire group, party or movement racist. The Republican party is not racist, but it has allowed a large faction of these undesirables into their ranks. Trump is attracting them. He has not chosen to reject them and alienate himself from them. In fact, many are interpreting his own statements as being racist. You read the post I was responding to and explain to me why calling an illegal immigrant a "whore" and her child and "evil spawn" and explain why that isn't racist.


the Democrat Party is not racist, but they have allowed a huge faction of racists into their ranks
Democrats refuded to prosecute or condemn Black racists who stood outside of voting boots with batons and hurled racist language
...No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.
When one is advocating the expulsion of 12,000,000 invaders, charges of racism and bigotry are bound to surface; primarily voiced by Pro-Illegals advocates and stakeholders.

The trick is to summon-up and sustain the courage to absorb such volatile accusations without allowing them to either inflame or distract the targets of those accusations.

The stakes are far too high, for the Republic and its People, to allow such disingenuous, self-serving, emotional hyperbole to dominate the National Conversation on this issue.

Your (Pro-Illegals) greatest enemies in this newly-resurrected struggle are (1) courage, (2) firm resolve, (3) level-headed opposition, and (4) cold-as-ice effectiveness.

The way things are beginning to shape-up, you're now in for a rough ride, so...sit back... and enjoy.
...No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.
When one is advocating the expulsion of 12,000,000 invaders, charges of racism and bigotry are bound to surface; primarily voiced by Pro-Illegals advocates and stakeholders.

The trick is to summon-up and sustain the courage to absorb such volatile accusations without allowing them to either inflame or distract the targets of those accusations.

The stakes are far too high, for the Republic and its People, to allow such disingenuous, self-serving, emotional hyperbole to dominate the National Conversation on this issue.
Invaders is the right choice of words.
Look at this like their trojan horse, we already know that they want to take the U.S for their own, and by slipping 12+ million throughuot the country, they are building an army that we will not be able to defeat. We will be attacked on the border and from within at the same time. The scary part is that those helping them are liberal elected "leaders" and they are trying to use our own constitution against us.
I think it best to start deportation and defunding of the illegals now and push for that war before they are ready instead of waiting till they come to us.
They are already testing our borders with acts of war, when will the idiots on the left wake up
Democrats refuded to prosecute or condemn Black racists who stood outside of voting boots with batons and hurled racist language
Where did that happen? Do you have a link for that?

Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people ...
www.politico.com › Josh Gerstein
Mar 1, 2011 - Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the ... of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American. ... Any one, black or white, who refuses to prosecute this type of blatant voter
the left/Democrats are so EMPTY of anything to run on. and with their SUCKIE candidates. YOU CAN SEE WHY

so first they latch on about a flag and now it's a freaking WORD.

it's become damn sad is what it is and so are they. You see old Debbie the lapdog out claiming how "anchor baby" is Vulgar . I mean Seriously

just WOW
the left/Democrats are so EMPTY of anything to run on. and with their SUCKIE candidates. YOU CAN SEE WHY

so first they latch on about a flag and now it's a freaking WORD.

it's become damn sad is what it is and so are they. You see old Debbie the lapdog out claiming how "anchor baby" is Vulgar . I mean Seriously

just WOW
they do it every time. nothing new.
dont want to pay for abortions from tax dollar? war on women
dont want socialist health care? wants the poor to die in the streets
voter id? wants to keep blacks from voting
...Invaders is the right choice of words. Look at this like their trojan horse, we already know that they want to take the U.S for their own, and by slipping 12+ million throughuot the country, they are building an army that we will not be able to defeat. We will be attacked on the border and from within at the same time. The scary part is that those helping them are liberal elected "leaders" and they are trying to use our own constitution against us. I think it best to start deportation and defunding of the illegals now and push for that war before they are ready instead of waiting till they come to us. They are already testing our borders with acts of war, when will the idiots on the left wake up
Agree and disagree.

Invasion is certainly the right word.

But, generally speaking, I, for one, do not use it in a truly military sense.

There is no doubt that a fair number of Mexican folk have Reconquista on the brain; mostly subliminal, and some of it half-joking, but present, nonetheless.

But they know and we know that that is an impracticality.

Instead, personally speaking, I perceive Mexico to be using us as a Pressure Safety-Release Valve - venting much of their excess and poor population our way.

I seriously doubt that there is much in the way of actual and formal Mexican Government policy driving this - I don't see a conspiracy, myself.

But I DO see a DE FACTO policy - or would it be merely a PRACTICE? - which allows that dumping of their Unwashed Masses across our national border.

We have stupidly allowed ourselves to become a Dumping Ground for their excess population - allowing them to cull their herd a bit without cost to themselves.

A great many folks who take-up Pro-Illegals Advocacy mean well - they do so with the best of intentions - and do not believe that they, in turn, are doing the Nation harm.

They have also dominated the National Conversation on the subject in recent decades.

The worst and most disingenuous amongst them resort to charges of Racism and Bigotry and Hatred, whenever they meet stiff, effective, sustained resistance.

That is because they know they are defending the indefensible, and have no other strong card(s) to play in this game.

The trick here is (1) not to feed their charges of racism and bigotry and xenophobia by our own actions, (2) keep the faith, and (3) work hard to overturn them.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
the left/Democrats are so EMPTY of anything to run on. and with their SUCKIE candidates. YOU CAN SEE WHY

so first they latch on about a flag and now it's a freaking WORD.

it's become damn sad is what it is and so are they. You see old Debbie the lapdog out claiming how "anchor baby" is Vulgar . I mean Seriously

just WOW

The common theme for the left seems to be income equality...which will never happen.
the left/Democrats are so EMPTY of anything to run on. and with their SUCKIE candidates. YOU CAN SEE WHY

so first they latch on about a flag and now it's a freaking WORD.

it's become damn sad is what it is and so are they. You see old Debbie the lapdog out claiming how "anchor baby" is Vulgar . I mean Seriously

just WOW

The common theme for the left seems to be income equality...which will never happen.
I agree, it will never happen.
I work at a government agency (until Friday YES!!!!!!!!!) and all they have hired for the last 6 years are females and minorities, you never see a white male come in for an interview, I find it hard to believe that no white guys ever apply for these higher paying jobs. Any more, if you are a white male and you work here, you have been here for years, and this might be why you make a bit more than the person coming in and taking the same position for the first time.
the left/Democrats are so EMPTY of anything to run on. and with their SUCKIE candidates. YOU CAN SEE WHY

so first they latch on about a flag and now it's a freaking WORD.

it's become damn sad is what it is and so are they. You see old Debbie the lapdog out claiming how "anchor baby" is Vulgar . I mean Seriously

just WOW

The common theme for the left seems to be income equality...which will never happen.
I agree, it will never happen.
I work at a government agency (until Friday YES!!!!!!!!!) and all they have hired for the last 6 years are females and minorities, you never see a white male come in for an interview, I find it hard to believe that no white guys ever apply for these higher paying jobs. Any more, if you are a white male and you work here, you have been here for years, and this might be why you make a bit more than the person coming in and taking the same position for the first time.

Yup, anytime you go to a government building all you will see are woman and minorities. I've commented on that when I am with people when we go

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