"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

Democrats refuded to prosecute or condemn Black racists who stood outside of voting boots with batons and hurled racist language
Where did that happen? Do you have a link for that?
Let me google that for you
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

Last edited:
the left/Democrats are so EMPTY of anything to run on. and with their SUCKIE candidates. YOU CAN SEE WHY

so first they latch on about a flag and now it's a freaking WORD.

it's become damn sad is what it is and so are they. You see old Debbie the lapdog out claiming how "anchor baby" is Vulgar . I mean Seriously

just WOW

The common theme for the left seems to be income equality...which will never happen.
I agree, it will never happen.
I work at a government agency (until Friday YES!!!!!!!!!) and all they have hired for the last 6 years are females and minorities, you never see a white male come in for an interview, I find it hard to believe that no white guys ever apply for these higher paying jobs. Any more, if you are a white male and you work here, you have been here for years, and this might be why you make a bit more than the person coming in and taking the same position for the first time.

Yup, anytime you go to a government building all you will see are woman and minorities. I've commented on that when I am with people when we go
you should try the Department of Motor Vehicles in Maryland, go ahead, just try to find someone that speaks clear English. The state hires illegals before citizens in this area. We should be like Canada, no foriegner can take a job in Canada unless there are NO Canadian citizens to take that job. Canada puts their citizens first.
Of course if the U.S came out with that policy, the liberals would be screaming about racists and bigots.
Democrats refuded to prosecute or condemn Black racists who stood outside of voting boots with batons and hurled racist language
Where did that happen? Do you have a link for that?
Let me google that for you
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
Democrats refuded to prosecute or condemn Black racists who stood outside of voting boots with batons and hurled racist language
Where did that happen? Do you have a link for that?
Let me google that for you
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
Democrats refuded to prosecute or condemn Black racists who stood outside of voting boots with batons and hurled racist language
Where did that happen? Do you have a link for that?
Let me google that for you
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
Where did that happen? Do you have a link for that?
Let me google that for you
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.
The term "Anchor Baby" is not offensive. What is offensive, is the way illegal aliens are using their babies to take advantage of a loophole in American law to stay in the US and collect government benefits.
The 14th Amendment is a loophole?

Trump was right, the 14th Amendment isn't a loophole that allows foreigners to drop their crotchfruit all over the country. Article 1 section 8 of the U.S Constitution says that only Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, not the president.

What does naturalization have to do with nullifying the "BORN" designation of the 14th Amendment. Are you people that easy to fool? The amendment says "born or naturalized".

born or naturalized. Not, came over illegally and plopped a baby.
the baby factory that plopped the baby was not born here or naturalized prior to the plopping, therefore it is acceptable to send that whore back to the country she came from.
as far as breaking up families? thats her decision to leave or take the vile spawn she produced, she is the one that chooses to break up her family.
Until they can speak English they are only a lump of parasitic cells, its ok to abort.

That is not a nice thing to say about so many republican candidate's mothers.
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.

Do you have a single voter saying they were intimidated by the scary black men?
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.
actually I gave a google page full of links, you choose to pick only the FOX news link and try to make it appear as though thats all I gave you.
typical left wing socialist racist reply.
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.

Do you have a single voter saying they were intimidated by the scary black men?

WHAT IF they are/were too afraid to say they were scared idiot?
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.

Do you have a single voter saying they were intimidated by the scary black men?

the same Black dudes can be found on YouTube vidoes calling for the outright murder of "crackers", including their "cracker babies".

the more you left-wing losers post the clearer it becomes you are the worlds biggest douchebag hypocrites
No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.

Do you have a single voter saying they were intimidated by the scary black men?

the same Black dudes can be found on YouTube vidoes calling for the outright murder of "crackers", including their "cracker babies".

the more you left-wing losers post the clearer it becomes you are the worlds biggest douchebag hypocrites
murdering cracker babies is ok.
saying anchor baby is racist.
Hope that helps to clear it up for you.
Of course one can be selective about sources. This one is from FOX at the site during the incident and includes an interview with a white Republican official about the incident. According to him the police were called, came right away and hauled the guy with the night stick away. The second guy was allowed to stay because he was an official poll watcher that actually lived in the building were the voting was taking place. Looks to me like once the word of this hit the rw news media they made a mountain over a moll hill. There was one other incident of a guy with a night stick. Not sure if he got arrested too or not.

No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.
actually I gave a google page full of links, you choose to pick only the FOX news link and try to make it appear as though thats all I gave you.
typical left wing socialist racist reply.
You have some imagination. I selected a link from the local FOX network that gave an "as it is happening" objective report with a Republican interviewed to make the story clear. You are complaining about a link from FOX given by a Republican. Something is wrong with you. You need professional help.
No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.
actually I gave a google page full of links, you choose to pick only the FOX news link and try to make it appear as though thats all I gave you.
typical left wing socialist racist reply.
You have some imagination. I selected a link from the local FOX network that gave an "as it is happening" objective report with a Republican interviewed to make the story clear. You are complaining about a link from FOX given by a Republican. Something is wrong with you. You need professional help.
Whats wrong with me is that Im not a racist and you are.
I guess it bothers you when the truth comes out.
You sound like a Trump supporter.
If by Trump supporter you mean a non treasonous non terrorist non country hating American, yes.
you sound like an illegal
No, I meant you sound like a Trump supporter. Many of them are hard core bigots and racist. He and his rhetoric attracts people like that.

really leftard? then why are the racists and bigots on your side of the political aisle?

1. obama's Pastor of 20 years calls Italians "garlic noses" and says he cant talk to obama any longer because there are "too many Jews around him"
2. former Dem Presidential candidate calls New York City "HYMIETOWN" because of all the Jews there
Racist can be fount everywhere, sometimes where you may least expect. Finding arbitrary examples of racism does not make an entire group, party or movement racist. The Republican party is not racist, but it has allowed a large faction of these undesirables into their ranks. Trump is attracting them. He has not chosen to reject them and alienate himself from them. In fact, many are interpreting his own statements as being racist. You read the post I was responding to and explain to me why calling an illegal immigrant a "whore" and her child and "evil spawn" and explain why that isn't racist.


the Democrat Party is not racist...

Yes it is, always has been.
No need to supply links to you, if they dont fit your racist view, they are evidently not worthy or reliable.
I guess the only way to deal with this is for the white people to bring sticks, bats and guns with them to vote.
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.

Do you have a single voter saying they were intimidated by the scary black men?

WHAT IF they are/were too afraid to say they were scared idiot?

Ah, the "what if" game. I love to play "what if". What if aliens landed...:rolleyes:
There was not intimidation of white voters. The white Republican official interviewed at the scene said he was concerned about even old ladies or anyone being intimidated by a man holding a night stick. That is why the police hauled the guy away. White people were not being targeted. The election place was in a building full of black residents in a mostly black neighborhood.
The link I posted was from FOX News. It was made before all the editing and agenda's were added. Straight out objective reporting by a local FOX affiliate and local reporter.
So its ok if a black intimidates blacks, but racist if a white does it?
Got it.
It is not appropriate for anyone to be intimidating anyone at a polling place. Doesn't matter if it is cops sitting in front of a polling place where mostly blacks vote or are KKK or Black Panthers. It is wrong and should not be tolerated. From the FOX news video clip I posted it looked and sounded like the issue was resolved quickly by police. The person doing the intimidating was hauled away by the police.
It appears you are just stuck on sticking to the hype and rhetoric that followed. No one can change your stubbornness to stay in the delusional world of news propaganda and hype. You have been shown a video from FOX News of a local reporter interviewing a Republican official who says he came to the scene specifically to check out the situation. He comments that the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction. Not good enough for you.

Do you have a single voter saying they were intimidated by the scary black men?

WHAT IF they are/were too afraid to say they were scared idiot?

Ah, the "what if" game. I love to play "what if". What if aliens landed...:rolleyes:

that's great leftard!!

just remember what you're saying RIGHT HERE AND NOW the next time you engage in the very same kind of thing ok dummy?

next time you say how unsafe a college campus is; make sure something happened before you go posting articles making disparaging remarks

the next time an idiot community organizer says the economy was heading into a depression with no evidence of that

the next time you're arguing for global alarmism based on nothing; dont say "what if" we dont do anything
next time you say illegals or some other victimdu jour are making claims of this or that; dont say what if they are afraid to come forward ok?
Just more divisiveness. The kids are American no matter how much the right tries to demonize Them.

No they aren't... the law specially states that they are not.
No it doesn't.

It does you moron...

"This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers."
The children of illegal immigrants do not belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.

No, but they do belong to people here illegally.... and hence are not citizens. That's bullshit... it needs to be stopped.
Just more divisiveness. The kids are American no matter how much the right tries to demonize Them.

No they aren't... the law specially states that they are not.
No it doesn't.

It does you moron...

"This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers."
The children of illegal immigrants do not belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.

No, but they do belong to people here illegally.... and hence are not citizens.
There is absolutely nothing to support the claim that children born here to illegal immigrants are not US citizens.

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